org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.classpathDiff.ClasspathChangesComputer.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.classpathDiff
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.classpathDiff.BreadthFirstSearch.findReachableNodes
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.classpathDiff.ClasspathSnapshotShrinker.shrinkClasspath
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.classpathDiff.ImpactedSymbolsComputer.computeImpactedSymbols
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.sam.SAM_LOOKUP_NAME
import java.util.*
/** Computes changes between two [ClasspathSnapshot]s .*/
object ClasspathChangesComputer {
* Computes changes between the current and previous classpath, plus unchanged elements that are impacted by the changes.
* NOTE: We shrink the classpath first before comparing them. The original classpath may contain duplicate classes, but the shrunk
* classpath must not contain duplicate classes.
fun computeClasspathChanges(
classpathSnapshotFiles: ClasspathSnapshotFiles,
lookupStorage: LookupStorage,
storeCurrentClasspathSnapshotForReuse: (currentClasspathSnapshot: List, shrunkCurrentClasspathAgainstPreviousLookups: List) -> Unit,
reporter: ClasspathSnapshotBuildReporter
): ProgramSymbolSet {
val currentClasspathSnapshot = reporter.measure(GradleBuildTime.LOAD_CURRENT_CLASSPATH_SNAPSHOT) {
val classpathSnapshot =
CachedClasspathSnapshotSerializer.load(classpathSnapshotFiles.currentClasspathEntrySnapshotFiles, reporter)
reporter.measure(GradleBuildTime.REMOVE_DUPLICATE_CLASSES) {
val shrunkCurrentClasspathAgainstPreviousLookups = reporter.measure(GradleBuildTime.SHRINK_CURRENT_CLASSPATH_SNAPSHOT) {
currentClasspathSnapshot, lookupStorage,
reporter.debug {
"Shrunk current classpath snapshot for diffing," +
" retained ${shrunkCurrentClasspathAgainstPreviousLookups.size} / ${currentClasspathSnapshot.size} classes"
storeCurrentClasspathSnapshotForReuse(currentClasspathSnapshot, shrunkCurrentClasspathAgainstPreviousLookups)
val shrunkPreviousClasspathSnapshot = reporter.measure(GradleBuildTime.LOAD_SHRUNK_PREVIOUS_CLASSPATH_SNAPSHOT) {
reporter.debug {
"Loaded shrunk previous classpath snapshot for diffing, found ${shrunkPreviousClasspathSnapshot.size} classes"
return reporter.measure(GradleBuildTime.COMPUTE_CHANGED_AND_IMPACTED_SET) {
computeChangedAndImpactedSet(shrunkCurrentClasspathAgainstPreviousLookups, shrunkPreviousClasspathSnapshot, reporter)
* Computes changes between the current and previous lists of classes, plus unchanged elements that are impacted by the changes.
* NOTE: Each list of classes must not contain duplicates.
fun computeChangedAndImpactedSet(
currentClassSnapshots: List,
previousClassSnapshots: List,
reporter: ClasspathSnapshotBuildReporter
): ProgramSymbolSet {
val currentClasses: Map = currentClassSnapshots.associateBy { it.classId }
val previousClasses: Map = previousClassSnapshots.associateBy { it.classId }
val changedCurrentClasses: List = currentClasses.mapNotNull { (classId, currentClass) ->
val previousClass = previousClasses[classId]
if (previousClass == null || currentClass.classAbiHash != previousClass.classAbiHash) {
} else null
val changedPreviousClasses: List = previousClasses.mapNotNull { (classId, previousClass) ->
val currentClass = currentClasses[classId]
if (currentClass == null || currentClass.classAbiHash != previousClass.classAbiHash) {
} else null
val changedSet = reporter.measure(GradleBuildTime.COMPUTE_CLASS_CHANGES) {
computeClassChanges(changedCurrentClasses, changedPreviousClasses, reporter)
reporter.reportVerboseWithLimit { "Changed set = ${changedSet.toDebugString()}" }
if (changedSet.isEmpty()) {
return changedSet
val changedAndImpactedSet = reporter.measure(GradleBuildTime.COMPUTE_IMPACTED_SET) {
// Note that changes may contain added symbols (they can also impact recompilation -- see examples in JavaClassChangesComputer).
// So ideally, the result should be:
// computeImpactedSymbols(changes = changesOnPreviousClasspath, allClasses = classesOnPreviousClasspath) +
// computeImpactedSymbols(changes = changesOnCurrentClasspath, allClasses = classesOnCurrentClasspath)
// However, here we only have the combined changes on both the previous and current classpath, and because it's okay to
// over-approximate the result, we will modify the above computation into:
// computeImpactedSet(
// changes = changesOnPreviousAndCurrentClasspath,
// allClasses = classesOnPreviousClasspath + classesOnCurrentClasspath)
// Note: We will replace `classesOnCurrentClasspath` with `changedClassesOnCurrentClasspath` to avoid listing unchanged classes
// twice. `allClasses` may still contain duplicate ClassIds (because it contains the previous and current version of each
// modified class), but this is not an issue.
changes = changedSet,
allClasses = (previousClassSnapshots.asSequence() + changedCurrentClasses.asSequence()).asIterable()
reporter.reportVerboseWithLimit {
"Impacted classes = " +
( { classes + classMembers.keys } - { classes + classMembers.keys })
return changedAndImpactedSet
* Computes changes between the current and previous lists of classes. The returned result does not need to include elements that are
* impacted by the changes.
* NOTE: Each list of classes must not contain duplicates.
private fun computeClassChanges(
currentClassSnapshots: List,
previousClassSnapshots: List,
metrics: BuildMetricsReporter
): ProgramSymbolSet {
val (currentKotlinClassSnapshots, currentJavaClassSnapshots) = currentClassSnapshots.partition { it is KotlinClassSnapshot }
val (previousKotlinClassSnapshots, previousJavaClassSnapshots) = previousClassSnapshots.partition { it is KotlinClassSnapshot }
val kotlinClassChanges = metrics.measure(GradleBuildTime.COMPUTE_KOTLIN_CLASS_CHANGES) {
currentKotlinClassSnapshots as List,
previousKotlinClassSnapshots as List
val javaClassChanges = metrics.measure(GradleBuildTime.COMPUTE_JAVA_CLASS_CHANGES) {
currentJavaClassSnapshots as List,
previousJavaClassSnapshots as List
return kotlinClassChanges + javaClassChanges
private fun computeKotlinClassChanges(
currentClassSnapshots: List,
previousClassSnapshots: List
): ProgramSymbolSet {
val (coarseGrainedCurrentClassSnapshots, fineGrainedCurrentClassSnapshots) =
currentClassSnapshots.partition { it.classMemberLevelSnapshot == null }
val (coarseGrainedPreviousClassSnapshots, fineGrainedPreviousClassSnapshots) =
previousClassSnapshots.partition { it.classMemberLevelSnapshot == null }
return computeCoarseGrainedKotlinClassChanges(coarseGrainedCurrentClassSnapshots, coarseGrainedPreviousClassSnapshots) +
computeFineGrainedKotlinClassChanges(fineGrainedCurrentClassSnapshots, fineGrainedPreviousClassSnapshots)
private fun computeCoarseGrainedKotlinClassChanges(
currentClassSnapshots: List,
previousClassSnapshots: List
): ProgramSymbolSet {
// Note: We have removed unchanged classes earlier in computeChangedAndImpactedSet method, so here we only have changed classes.
return ProgramSymbolSet.Collector().run {
(currentClassSnapshots + previousClassSnapshots).forEach {
when (it) {
is RegularKotlinClassSnapshot -> addClass(it.classId)
is PackageFacadeKotlinClassSnapshot -> addPackageMembers(it.classId.packageFqName, it.packageMemberNames)
is MultifileClassKotlinClassSnapshot -> addPackageMembers(it.classId.packageFqName, it.constantNames)
private fun computeFineGrainedKotlinClassChanges(
currentClassSnapshots: List,
previousClassSnapshots: List
): ProgramSymbolSet {
val workingDir =
FileUtil.createTempDirectory(, "_WorkingDir_${UUID.randomUUID()}", /* deleteOnExit */ true)
val icContext = IncrementalCompilationContext()
val incrementalJvmCache = IncrementalJvmCache(workingDir, icContext, null)
// Step 1:
// - Add previous class snapshots to incrementalJvmCache.
// - Internally, incrementalJvmCache maintains a set of dirty classes to detect removed classes. Add previous classes to this set
// to detect removed classes later (see step 2).
// - The ChangesCollector result will contain symbols in the previous classes (we actually don't need them, but it's part of the
// API's effects).
val unusedChangesCollector = ChangesCollector()
previousClassSnapshots.forEach {
kotlinClassInfo = it.classMemberLevelSnapshot!!,
sourceFiles = null,
changesCollector = unusedChangesCollector
// Step 2:
// - Add current class snapshots to incrementalJvmCache. This will overwrite any previous class snapshots that have the same
// `JvmClassName`. The remaining previous class snapshots will be removed in step 3.
// - Internally, incrementalJvmCache will remove current classes from the set of dirty classes. After this, the remaining dirty
// classes will be classes that are present on the previous classpath but not on the current classpath (i.e., removed classes).
// - The intermediate ChangesCollector result will contain symbols in added classes and changed (added/modified/removed) symbols
// in modified classes. We will collect symbols in removed classes in step 3.
val changesCollector = ChangesCollector()
currentClassSnapshots.forEach {
kotlinClassInfo = it.classMemberLevelSnapshot!!,
sourceFiles = null,
changesCollector = changesCollector
// Step 3:
// - Detect removed classes: They are the remaining dirty classes.
// - Remove class snapshots of removed classes from incrementalJvmCache.
// - The final ChangesCollector result will contain symbols in added classes, changed (added/modified/removed) symbols in modified
// classes, and symbols in removed classes.
// IncrementalJvmCache currently doesn't use the `KotlinClassInfo.extraInfo.classSnapshotExcludingMembers` info when comparing
// classes, so we need to do it here.
// TODO(KT-59292): Ensure IncrementalJvmCache uses that info when comparing classes, so we can remove this code.
val currentClassSnapshotsExcludingMembers = currentClassSnapshots
.associate { it.classId to it.classMemberLevelSnapshot!!.extraInfo.classSnapshotExcludingMembers }
.filter { it.value != null }
previousClassSnapshots.forEach { previousClassSnapshot ->
val classId = previousClassSnapshot.classId
val currentClassSnapshotExcludingMember = currentClassSnapshotsExcludingMembers[classId]
val previousClassSnapshotExcludingMembers =
if (currentClassSnapshotExcludingMember != null && previousClassSnapshotExcludingMembers != null
&& currentClassSnapshotExcludingMember != previousClassSnapshotExcludingMembers
) {
// `areSubclassesAffected = false` as we don't need to compute impacted symbols at this step
changesCollector.collectSignature(fqName = classId.asSingleFqName(), areSubclassesAffected = false)
// Get the changes and clean up
val dirtyData = changesCollector.getChangedSymbols(DoNothingICReporter)
// Normalize the changes (convert DirtyData to `ProgramSymbol`s)
// Note:
// - DirtyData may contain added symbols (they can also impact recompilation -- see examples in JavaClassChangesComputer).
// Therefore, we need to consider classes on both the previous and current classpath (`allClasses`) when converting DirtyData.
// - `allClasses` actually contains only deleted/modified/added classes as we have removed unchanged classes earlier in the
// computeChangedAndImpactedSet method. This doesn't affect correctness as here we don't care about unchanged classes.
// - `allClasses` may contain duplicate ClassIds (because it contains the previous and current version of each modified class),
// but this is not an issue.
val allClasses = (previousClassSnapshots.asSequence() + currentClassSnapshots.asSequence()).asIterable()
return dirtyData.toProgramSymbols(allClasses)
* Converts this [DirtyData] to [ProgramSymbol]s.
* Specifically, [DirtyData] consists of:
* - dirtyLookupSymbols (Collection)
* - dirtyClassesFqNamesForceRecompile (Collection)
* First, we will convert `dirtyLookupSymbols` to [ProgramSymbol]s as `dirtyLookupSymbols` should contain all the changes.
* Then, we will check that:
* 1. There are no items in `dirtyLookupSymbols` that have not yet been converted to [ProgramSymbol]s.
* 2. `dirtyClassesFqNames` and `dirtyClassesFqNamesForceRecompile` must not contain new information that can't be derived from
* `dirtyLookupSymbols`.
private fun DirtyData.toProgramSymbols(allClasses: Iterable): ProgramSymbolSet {
val changedProgramSymbols = dirtyLookupSymbols.toProgramSymbolSet(allClasses)
// Check whether there is any info in this DirtyData that has not yet been converted to `changedProgramSymbols`
val (changedLookupSymbols, changedFqNames) = changedProgramSymbols.toChangesEither().let {
it.lookupSymbols.toSet() to it.fqNames.toSet()
val unmatchedLookupSymbols = this.dirtyLookupSymbols.toMutableSet().also {
val unmatchedFqNames = this.dirtyClassesFqNames.toMutableSet().also {
if (unmatchedLookupSymbols.isEmpty() && unmatchedFqNames.isEmpty()) {
return changedProgramSymbols
/* When `unmatchedLookupSymbols` or `unmatchedFqNames` is not empty, there are two cases:
* 1. The unmatched LookupSymbols/FqNames are redundant. This is not ideal but because it does not cause incremental compilation
* to be incorrect, we can fix these issues later if they are not easy to fix immediately.
* 2. The unmatched LookupSymbols/FqNames are valid changes. Since they are required for incremental compilation to be correct, we
* must fix these issues immediately.
* In the following, we'll list the known issues for case 1 (and it must be case 1 only).
* TODO: We'll fix these issues later.
// Known issue 1: DirtyData reported by IncrementalJvmCache may include both a class and class member (e.g.,
// LookupSymbol("com.example", "A") and LookupSymbol("com.example.A", "someProperty")). When the class LookupSymbol is present, the
// class member LookupSymbol is redundant. When converting DirtyData to ProgramSymbols, we remove redundant class member
// `ProgramSymbol`s, so here we will find that LookupSymbol("com.example.A", "someProperty") is not yet matched. Ignore these
// `LookupSymbol`s for now.
val changedClassesFqNames = changedProgramSymbols.classes.mapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.asSingleFqName() }
unmatchedLookupSymbols.removeAll { FqName(it.scope) in changedClassesFqNames }
// Known issue 2: If class A has a companion object containing a constant `CONSTANT`, and if the value of `CONSTANT` has changed,
// then only `A.class` will change, not `A.Companion.class` (see `ConstantsInCompanionObjectImpact`). Since we distinguish between
// changed symbols and impacted symbols, we should detect that:
// - A.CONSTANT has changed
// - A.Companion.CONSTANT is unchanged but impacted (this detection happens after the step here)
// However, currently IncrementalJvmCache will report that both `A.CONSTANT` and `A.Companion.CONSTANT` have changed (see
// `IncrementalJvmCache.ConstantsMap.process`) as it needs to work with both the old IC and the new IC (in the old IC, changed
// symbols and impacted symbols are not clearly separated).
// With the new IC, when converting DirtyData to ProgramSymbols (this method), because we consider only changed classes and
// `A.Companion.class` is unchanged, we will not convert `A.Companion.CONSTANT`. Therefore, `A.Companion.CONSTANT` is unmatched,
// and we'll need to ignore it here.
// Note: Once we are able to remove this workaround, we can remove RegularKotlinClassSnapshot.companionObjectName as this is the only
// usage of that property.
val companionObjectFqNames = allClasses.mapNotNullTo(mutableSetOf()) { clazz ->
(clazz as? RegularKotlinClassSnapshot)?.companionObjectName?.let { it ->
unmatchedLookupSymbols.removeAll { FqName(it.scope) in companionObjectFqNames }
// Known issue 3: LookupSymbol(name=, scope=com.example) reported by IncrementalJvmCache is invalid:
// SAM-CONSTRUCTOR should have a class scope, not a package scope.
// This issue was detected by KotlinOnlyClasspathChangesComputerTest.testTopLevelMembers.
val classesFqNames = allClasses.filter { it is RegularKotlinClassSnapshot || it is JavaClassSnapshot }
.mapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.classId.asSingleFqName() }
unmatchedLookupSymbols.removeAll { == SAM_LOOKUP_NAME.asString() && FqName(it.scope) !in classesFqNames }
// Known issue 4: LookupSymbol(name=FooKt, scope=com.example) reported by IncrementalJvmCache is invalid: LookupSymbol should not
// refer to a package facade; it should only refer to either a class, a class member, or a package member (see KT-55021).
// This issue was detected by KotlinOnlyClasspathChangesComputerTest.testRenameFileFacade and
// IncrementalCompilationClasspathSnapshotJvmMultiProjectIT.testMoveFunctionFromLibToApp.
val packageFacadeFqNames = allClasses.filter { it is KotlinClassSnapshot && it !is RegularKotlinClassSnapshot }
.mapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it.classId.asSingleFqName() }
unmatchedLookupSymbols.removeAll { FqName(it.scope).child(Name.identifier( in packageFacadeFqNames }
* End of known issues, throw an Exception.
check(unmatchedLookupSymbols.isEmpty()) {
"The following LookupSymbols are not yet converted to ProgramSymbols: ${unmatchedLookupSymbols.joinToString(", ")}"
check(unmatchedFqNames.isEmpty()) {
"The following FqNames can't be derived from DirtyData.dirtyLookupSymbols: ${unmatchedFqNames.joinToString(", ")}.\n" +
"DirtyData = $this"
return changedProgramSymbols
private object ImpactedSymbolsComputer {
* Computes the set of [ProgramSymbol]s that are *transitively* impacted by the given set of [ProgramSymbol]s. For example, if a
* superclass has changed/been impacted, its subclasses will be impacted.
* The returned set is *inclusive* (it contains the given set + the directly/transitively impacted ones).
fun computeImpactedSymbols(changes: ProgramSymbolSet, allClasses: Iterable): ProgramSymbolSet {
val impactedSymbolsResolver = AllImpacts.getResolver(allClasses)
return ProgramSymbolSet.Collector().apply {
// Add impacted classes
val impactedClasses = findReachableNodes(changes.classes, impactedSymbolsResolver::getImpactedClasses)
// Add impacted class members
val classMembers = { ClassMembers(it.key, it.value) }
val impactedClassMembers = findReachableNodes(classMembers, impactedSymbolsResolver::getImpactedClassMembers)
impactedClassMembers.forEach {
addClassMembers(it.classId, it.memberNames)
// Package members are currently not impacted, so we just copy the original set over
changes.packageMembers.forEach { (packageFqName, memberNames) ->
addPackageMembers(packageFqName, memberNames)
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