org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.createByPattern.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
import com.intellij.psi.SmartPointerManager
import com.intellij.psi.SmartPsiElementPointer
import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleManager
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.codeStyle.CodeEditUtil
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls
import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.PsiChildRange
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.endOffset
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.parentsWithSelf
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.startOffset
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.renderer.render
import java.util.*
fun KtPsiFactory.createExpressionByPattern(@NonNls pattern: String, @NonNls vararg args: Any, reformat: Boolean = true): KtExpression =
createByPattern(pattern, *args, reformat = reformat) { createExpression(it) }
fun KtPsiFactory.createValueArgumentListByPattern(
@NonNls pattern: String,
@NonNls vararg args: Any,
reformat: Boolean = true
): KtValueArgumentList = createByPattern(pattern, *args, reformat = reformat) { createCallArguments(it) }
fun KtPsiFactory.createDeclarationByPattern(
@NonNls pattern: String,
@NonNls vararg args: Any,
reformat: Boolean = true
): TDeclaration = createByPattern(pattern, *args, reformat = reformat) { createDeclaration(it) }
fun KtPsiFactory.createDestructuringDeclarationByPattern(
@NonNls pattern: String,
@NonNls vararg args: Any,
reformat: Boolean = true
): KtDestructuringDeclaration = createByPattern(pattern, *args, reformat = reformat) { createDestructuringDeclaration(it) }
private abstract class ArgumentType(val klass: Class)
private class PlainTextArgumentType(klass: Class, val toPlainText: (T) -> String) : ArgumentType(klass)
private abstract class PsiElementPlaceholderArgumentType(
klass: Class,
val placeholderClass: Class
) : ArgumentType(klass) {
abstract fun replacePlaceholderElement(placeholder: TPlaceholder, argument: T, reformat: Boolean): PsiChildRange
private class PsiElementArgumentType(klass: Class) : PsiElementPlaceholderArgumentType(klass, klass) {
override fun replacePlaceholderElement(placeholder: T, argument: T, reformat: Boolean): PsiChildRange {
var result = if (placeholder is KtExpressionImplStub<*>) {
KtExpressionImpl.replaceExpression(placeholder, argument, reformat, placeholder::rawReplace)
} else {
// if argument element has generated flag then it has not been formatted yet and we should do this manually
// (because we cleared this flag for the whole tree above and PostprocessReformattingAspect won't format anything)
if (CodeEditUtil.isNodeGenerated(argument.node)) {
result = CodeStyleManager.getInstance(result.project).reformat(result, true)
return PsiChildRange.singleElement(result)
private object PsiChildRangeArgumentType :
PsiElementPlaceholderArgumentType(, {
override fun replacePlaceholderElement(placeholder: KtElement, argument: PsiChildRange, reformat: Boolean): PsiChildRange {
val project = placeholder.project
return if (!argument.isEmpty) {
val first = placeholder.parent.addRangeBefore(argument.first!!, argument.last!!, placeholder)
val last = placeholder.prevSibling
if (reformat) {
val codeStyleManager = CodeStyleManager.getInstance(project)
codeStyleManager.reformatNewlyAddedElement(first.node.treeParent, first.node)
if (last != first) {
codeStyleManager.reformatNewlyAddedElement(last.node.treeParent, last.node)
PsiChildRange(first, last)
} else {
private val SUPPORTED_ARGUMENT_TYPES = listOf(
PlainTextArgumentType(, toPlainText = { it }),
PlainTextArgumentType(, toPlainText = Name::render),
fun createByPattern(
pattern: String,
vararg args: Any,
reformat: Boolean = true,
factory: (String) -> TElement
): TElement {
val argumentTypes = { arg ->
SUPPORTED_ARGUMENT_TYPES.firstOrNull { it.klass.isInstance(arg) }
?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Unsupported argument type: ${}, should be one of: " +
SUPPORTED_ARGUMENT_TYPES.joinToString { it.klass.simpleName }
// convert arguments that can be converted into plain text
val args = {
val (arg, type) = it
if (type is PlainTextArgumentType)
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") // Suppress compiler checks as types checks were done in runtime
(type.toPlainText as Function1).invoke(arg)
val (processedText, allPlaceholders) = processPattern(pattern, args)
var resultElement: KtElement = factory(processedText.trim())
val project = resultElement.project
val start = resultElement.startOffset
val pointerManager = SmartPointerManager.getInstance(project)
val pointers = HashMap, Int>()
for ((n, placeholders) in allPlaceholders) {
val arg = args[n]
if (arg is String) continue // already in the text
val expectedElementType = (argumentTypes[n] as PsiElementPlaceholderArgumentType<*, *>).placeholderClass
for ((range, _) in placeholders) {
val token = resultElement.findElementAt(range.startOffset)!!
for (element in token.parentsWithSelf) {
val elementRange = element.textRange.shiftRight(-start)
if (elementRange == range && expectedElementType.isInstance(element)) {
val pointer = pointerManager.createSmartPsiElementPointer(element)
pointers[pointer] = n
if (!range.contains(elementRange)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid pattern '$pattern' - no ${expectedElementType.simpleName} found for $$n, text = '$processedText'")
val codeStyleManager = CodeStyleManager.getInstance(project)
if (reformat) {
throw java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Reformatting is not allowed in the current context; please change the invocation to use reformat=false")
val stringPlaceholderRanges = allPlaceholders
.filter { args[it.key] is String }
.flatMap { it.value }
.map { it.range }
.filterNot { it.isEmpty }
.sortedByDescending { it.startOffset }
// reformat whole text except for String arguments (as they can contain user's formatting to be preserved)
resultElement = if (stringPlaceholderRanges.none()) {
codeStyleManager.reformat(resultElement, true) as KtElement
} else {
var bound = resultElement.endOffset - 1
for (range in stringPlaceholderRanges) {
// we extend reformatting range by 1 to the right because otherwise some of spaces are not reformatted
resultElement = codeStyleManager.reformatRange(resultElement, range.endOffset + start, bound + 1, true) as KtElement
bound = range.startOffset + start
codeStyleManager.reformatRange(resultElement, start, bound + 1, true) as KtElement
// do not reformat the whole expression in PostprocessReformattingAspect
CodeEditUtil.setNodeGeneratedRecursively(resultElement.node, false)
for ((pointer, n) in pointers) {
var element = pointer.element!!
if (element is KtFunctionLiteral) {
element = element.parent as KtLambdaExpression
val argumentType = argumentTypes[n] as PsiElementPlaceholderArgumentType
val range = argumentType.replacePlaceholderElement(element, args[n], reformat)
if (element == resultElement) {
assert(range.first == range.last)
resultElement = range.first as KtElement
if (reformat)
codeStyleManager.adjustLineIndent(resultElement.containingFile, resultElement.textRange)
return resultElement as TElement
private data class Placeholder(val range: TextRange, val text: String)
private data class PatternData(val processedText: String, val placeholders: Map>)
private fun processPattern(pattern: String, args: List): PatternData {
val ranges = LinkedHashMap>()
fun charOrNull(i: Int) = if (0 <= i && i < pattern.length) pattern[i] else null
fun check(condition: Boolean, message: String) {
if (!condition) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid pattern '$pattern' - $message")
val text = buildString {
var i = 0
while (i < pattern.length) {
val c = pattern[i]
if (c == '$') {
val nextChar = charOrNull(++i)
if (nextChar == '$') {
} else {
check(nextChar?.isDigit() ?: false, "unclosed '$'")
val lastIndex = (i until pattern.length).firstOrNull { !pattern[it].isDigit() } ?: pattern.length
val n = pattern.substring(i, lastIndex).toInt()
check(n >= 0, "invalid placeholder number: $n")
i = lastIndex
val arg: Any? = if (n < args.size) args[n] else null /* report wrong number of arguments later */
val placeholderText = if (charOrNull(i) != ':' || charOrNull(i + 1) != '\'') {
arg as? String ?: "xyz"
} else {
check(arg !is String, "do not specify placeholder text for $$n - plain text argument passed")
i += 2 // skip ':' and '\''
val endIndex = pattern.indexOf('\'', i)
check(endIndex >= 0, "unclosed placeholder text")
check(endIndex > i, "empty placeholder text")
val text = pattern.substring(i, endIndex)
i = endIndex + 1
val range = TextRange(length - placeholderText.length, length)
ranges.getOrPut(n) { ArrayList() }.add(Placeholder(range, placeholderText))
} else {
if (!ranges.isEmpty()) {
val max = ranges.keys.maxOrNull()!!
for (i in 0..max) {
check(ranges.contains(i), "no '$$i' placeholder")
if (args.size != ranges.size) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of arguments, expected: ${ranges.size}, passed: ${args.size}")
return PatternData(text, ranges)
class BuilderByPattern {
private val patternBuilder = StringBuilder()
private val arguments = ArrayList()
fun appendFixedText(text: String): BuilderByPattern {
return this
fun appendNonFormattedText(text: String): BuilderByPattern {
patternBuilder.append("$" + arguments.size)
return this
fun appendExpression(expression: KtExpression?): BuilderByPattern {
if (expression != null) {
patternBuilder.append("$" + arguments.size)
return this
fun appendExpressions(expressions: Iterable, separator: String = ","): BuilderByPattern {
for ((index, expression) in expressions.withIndex()) {
if (index > 0) {
return this
fun appendTypeReference(typeRef: KtTypeReference?): BuilderByPattern {
if (typeRef != null) {
patternBuilder.append("$" + arguments.size)
return this
fun appendName(name: Name): BuilderByPattern {
patternBuilder.append("$" + arguments.size)
return this
fun appendChildRange(range: PsiChildRange): BuilderByPattern {
patternBuilder.append("$" + arguments.size)
return this
fun create(factory: (String, Array) -> TElement): TElement {
return factory(patternBuilder.toString(), arguments.toArray())
fun KtPsiFactory.buildExpression(reformat: Boolean = true, build: BuilderByPattern.() -> Unit): KtExpression {
return buildByPattern({ pattern, args -> this.createExpressionByPattern(pattern, *args, reformat = reformat) }, build)
fun KtPsiFactory.buildValueArgumentList(build: BuilderByPattern.() -> Unit): KtValueArgumentList {
return buildByPattern({ pattern, args -> this.createValueArgumentListByPattern(pattern, *args) }, build)
fun KtPsiFactory.buildDeclaration(build: BuilderByPattern.() -> Unit): KtDeclaration {
return buildByPattern({ pattern, args -> this.createDeclarationByPattern(pattern, *args) }, build)
fun KtPsiFactory.buildDestructuringDeclaration(build: BuilderByPattern.() -> Unit): KtDestructuringDeclaration {
return buildByPattern({ pattern, args -> this.createDestructuringDeclarationByPattern(pattern, *args) }, build)
fun buildByPattern(factory: (String, Array) -> TElement, build: BuilderByPattern.() -> Unit): TElement {
val builder = BuilderByPattern()
return builder.create(factory)
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