org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.ResolvedDependencies.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils
* ID of [ResolvedDependency].
class ResolvedDependencyId private constructor(val uniqueNames: Set) {
constructor(vararg uniqueNames: String) : this(uniqueNames.toSortedSet())
constructor(uniqueNames: Iterable) : this(uniqueNames.toSortedSet())
init {
override fun toString() = buildString {
uniqueNames.forEachIndexed { index, uniqueName ->
when (index) {
0 -> append(uniqueName)
else -> {
when (index) {
1 -> append(" (")
/* 2+ */ else -> append(", ")
if (index == uniqueNames.size - 1) append(")")
override fun equals(other: Any?) = (other as? ResolvedDependencyId)?.uniqueNames == uniqueNames
override fun hashCode() = uniqueNames.hashCode()
operator fun contains(other: ResolvedDependencyId): Boolean {
return uniqueNames.containsAll(other.uniqueNames)
fun withVersion(version: ResolvedDependencyVersion): String = buildString {
append([email protected]())
if (!version.isEmpty()) append(": ").append(version)
companion object {
val DEFAULT_SOURCE_CODE_MODULE_ID = ResolvedDependencyId("/")
* A representation of a particular module (component, dependency) in the project. Keeps the information about the module version and
* the place of the module in the project dependencies hierarchy.
* - [id] identifier of the module
* - [selectedVersion] actual version of the module that is used in the project
* - [requestedVersionsByIncomingDependencies] the mapping between ID of the dependee module (i.e. the module that depends on this module)
* and the version (requested version) that the dependee module requires from this module. The requested version can be different
* for different dependee modules, which is absolutely legal. The [selectedVersion] is always equal to one of the requested versions
* (the one that wins among others, which is typically handled inside the build system). If the module is the top-level module,
* then it has [ResolvedDependencies.sourceCodeModuleId] in the mapping.
* - [artifactPaths] absolute paths to every artifact represented by this module
class ResolvedDependency(
val id: ResolvedDependencyId,
var visibleAsFirstLevelDependency: Boolean = true,
var selectedVersion: ResolvedDependencyVersion,
val requestedVersionsByIncomingDependencies: MutableMap,
val artifactPaths: MutableSet
) {
val moduleIdWithVersion: String
get() = id.withVersion(selectedVersion)
override fun toString() = moduleIdWithVersion
data class ResolvedDependencies(
val modules: Collection,
val sourceCodeModuleId: ResolvedDependencyId
) {
companion object {
val EMPTY = ResolvedDependencies(emptyList(), ResolvedDependencyId.DEFAULT_SOURCE_CODE_MODULE_ID)
object ResolvedDependenciesSupport {
fun serialize(dependencies: ResolvedDependencies): String {
val moduleIdToIndex = mutableMapOf(dependencies.sourceCodeModuleId to 0).apply {
dependencies.modules.forEachIndexed { index, module -> this[] = index + 1 }
return buildString {
append("0 ")
dependencies.sourceCodeModuleId.uniqueNames.joinTo(this, separator = ",")
dependencies.modules.forEach { module ->
val moduleIndex = moduleIdToIndex.getValue(
append(moduleIndex.toString()).append(' '), separator = ",")
separator = ""
) { (incomingDependencyId, requestedVersion) ->
val incomingDependencyIndex = moduleIdToIndex.getValue(incomingDependencyId)
" #$incomingDependencyIndex[$requestedVersion]"
module.artifactPaths.joinTo(this, separator = "") { artifactPath -> "\t$artifactPath\n" }
fun deserialize(source: String, onMalformedLine: (lineNo: Int, line: String) -> Unit): ResolvedDependencies {
val moduleIndexToId: MutableMap = mutableMapOf()
val requestedVersionsByIncomingDependenciesIndices: MutableMap> =
var sourceCodeModuleId: ResolvedDependencyId? = null
val modules = mutableListOf()
source.lines().forEachIndexed { lineNo, line ->
fun malformedLine(): ResolvedDependencies {
onMalformedLine(lineNo, line)
return ResolvedDependencies.EMPTY
when {
line.isBlank() -> return@forEachIndexed
line[0].isWhitespace() -> {
val currentModule = modules.lastOrNull()
val artifactPath = line.trimStart { it.isWhitespace() }
if (currentModule != null && artifactPath.isNotBlank())
currentModule.artifactPaths += ResolvedDependencyArtifactPath(artifactPath)
return malformedLine()
line[0] == '0' -> {
val result = SOURCE_CODE_MODULE_REGEX.matchEntire(line) ?: return malformedLine()
sourceCodeModuleId = ResolvedDependencyId(result.groupValues[1].split(','))
else -> {
if (sourceCodeModuleId == null) return malformedLine()
val result = DEPENDENCY_MODULE_REGEX.matchEntire(line) ?: return malformedLine()
val moduleIndex = result.groupValues[1].toInt()
val moduleId = ResolvedDependencyId(result.groupValues[2].split(','))
val selectedVersion = ResolvedDependencyVersion(result.groupValues[3])
if (result.groupValues.size > 4) {
val requestedVersions: Map = result.groupValues[4].trimStart()
.split(' ')
.associate { token ->
?: return malformedLine()
val incomingDependencyIndex = tokenResult.groupValues[1].toInt()
val requestedVersion = ResolvedDependencyVersion(tokenResult.groupValues[2])
incomingDependencyIndex to requestedVersion
requestedVersionsByIncomingDependenciesIndices[moduleId] = requestedVersions
moduleIndexToId[moduleIndex] = moduleId
modules += ResolvedDependency(
id = moduleId,
selectedVersion = selectedVersion,
requestedVersionsByIncomingDependencies = mutableMapOf(), // To be filled later.
artifactPaths = mutableSetOf() // To be filled on the next iterations.
// Stamp incoming dependencies & requested versions.
modules.forEach { module ->
requestedVersionsByIncomingDependenciesIndices[]?.forEach { (incomingDependencyIndex, requestedVersion) ->
val incomingDependencyId = if (incomingDependencyIndex == 0)
module.requestedVersionsByIncomingDependencies[incomingDependencyId] = requestedVersion
return ResolvedDependencies(modules, sourceCodeModuleId!!)
private val SOURCE_CODE_MODULE_REGEX = Regex("^0 ([^\\[]+)$")
private val DEPENDENCY_MODULE_REGEX = Regex("^(\\d+) ([^\\[]+)\\[([^]]+)](.*)?$")
private val REQUESTED_VERSION_BY_INCOMING_DEPENDENCY_REGEX = Regex("^#(\\d+)\\[(.*)]$")
data class ResolvedDependencyVersion(val version: String) {
fun isEmpty() = version.isEmpty()
override fun toString() = version
companion object {
val EMPTY = ResolvedDependencyVersion("")
data class ResolvedDependencyArtifactPath(val path: String) {
override fun toString() = path
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