org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.parametersMap.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils
import kotlin.reflect.*
import kotlin.reflect.full.isSubclassOf
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.jvmErasure
fun tryConstructClassFromStringArgs(clazz: Class<*>, args: List): Any? {
return try {
} catch (e: NoSuchMethodException) {
for (ctor in clazz.kotlin.constructors) {
val mapping = tryCreateCallableMappingFromStringArgs(ctor, args)
if (mapping != null) {
try {
return ctor.callBy(mapping)
} catch (e: Exception) { // TODO: find the exact exception type thrown then callBy fails
fun tryCreateCallableMapping(callable: KCallable<*>, args: List): Map? =
callable, { NamedArgument(null, it) }.iterator(),
fun tryCreateCallableMappingFromStringArgs(callable: KCallable<*>, args: List): Map? =
callable, { NamedArgument(null, it) }.iterator(),
fun tryCreateCallableMappingFromNamedArgs(callable: KCallable<*>, args: List>): Map? =
callable, {
// ------------------------------------------------
private data class NamedArgument(val name: String?, val value: T?)
private interface ArgsConverter {
sealed class Result {
object Failure : Result()
class Success(val v: Any?) : Result()
fun tryConvertSingle(parameter: KParameter, arg: NamedArgument): Result
fun tryConvertVararg(parameter: KParameter, firstArg: NamedArgument, restArgs: Sequence>): Result
fun tryConvertTail(parameter: KParameter, firstArg: NamedArgument, restArgs: Sequence>): Result
private enum class ArgsTraversalState { UNNAMED, NAMED, TAIL }
private fun tryCreateCallableMapping(
callable: KCallable<*>,
args: Iterator>,
converter: ArgsConverter
): Map? {
val res = mutableMapOf()
var state = ArgsTraversalState.UNNAMED
val unboundParams = callable.parameters.toMutableList()
val argIt = LookAheadIterator(args.iterator())
while (argIt.hasNext()) {
if (unboundParams.isEmpty()) return null // failed to match: no param left for the arg
val arg =
when (state) {
ArgsTraversalState.UNNAMED -> if ( != null) state =
ArgsTraversalState.NAMED -> if ( == null) state =
ArgsTraversalState.TAIL -> if ( != null) throw IllegalArgumentException("Illegal mix of named and unnamed arguments")
// TODO: check the logic of named/unnamed/tail(vararg or lambda) arguments matching
when (state) {
ArgsTraversalState.UNNAMED -> {
val par = unboundParams.removeAt(0)
// try single argument first
val cvtRes = converter.tryConvertSingle(par, arg)
if (cvtRes is ArgsConverter.Result.Success) {
if (cvtRes.v == null && !par.type.allowsNulls()) {
// if we do not allow to overload on nullability, drop this check
return null // failed to match: null for a non-nullable value
res[par] = cvtRes.v
} else if ( {
// try vararg
// Collect all the arguments that do not have a name
val unnamed = argIt.sequenceUntil { != null }
val cvtVRes = converter.tryConvertVararg(par, arg, unnamed)
if (cvtVRes is ArgsConverter.Result.Success) {
res[par] = cvtVRes.v
} else return null // failed to match: no suitable param for unnamed arg
} else return null // failed to match: no suitable param for unnamed arg
ArgsTraversalState.NAMED -> {
assert( != null)
val parIdx = unboundParams.indexOfFirst { == }.takeIf { it >= 0 }
?: return null // failed to match: no matching named parameter found
val par = unboundParams.removeAt(parIdx)
val cvtRes = converter.tryConvertSingle(par, arg)
if (cvtRes is ArgsConverter.Result.Success) {
res[par] = cvtRes.v
} else return null // failed to match: cannot convert arg to param's type
ArgsTraversalState.TAIL -> {
assert( == null)
val par = unboundParams.removeAt(unboundParams.lastIndex)
val cvtVRes = converter.tryConvertTail(par, arg, argIt.asSequence())
if (cvtVRes is ArgsConverter.Result.Success) {
if (argIt.hasNext()) return null // failed to match: not all tail args are consumed
res[par] = cvtVRes.v
} else return null // failed to match: no suitable param for tail arg(s)
return when {
unboundParams.any { !it.isOptional && !it.isVararg } -> null // fail to match: non-optional params remained
else -> res
private fun KType.allowsNulls(): Boolean =
isMarkedNullable || classifier.let { it is KTypeParameter && it.upperBounds.any(KType::allowsNulls) }
private class StringArgsConverter : ArgsConverter {
override fun tryConvertSingle(parameter: KParameter, arg: NamedArgument): ArgsConverter.Result {
val value = arg.value ?: return ArgsConverter.Result.Success(null)
val primitive: Any? = when (parameter.type.classifier) {
String::class -> value
Int::class -> value.toIntOrNull()
Long::class -> value.toLongOrNull()
Short::class -> value.toShortOrNull()
Byte::class -> value.toByteOrNull()
Char::class -> value.singleOrNull()
Float::class -> value.toFloatOrNull()
Double::class -> value.toDoubleOrNull()
Boolean::class -> value.toBoolean()
else -> null
return if (primitive != null) ArgsConverter.Result.Success(primitive) else ArgsConverter.Result.Failure
override fun tryConvertVararg(
parameter: KParameter,
firstArg: NamedArgument,
restArgs: Sequence>
): ArgsConverter.Result {
fun convertPrimitivesArray(type: KType, args: Sequence): Any? =
when (type.classifier) {
IntArray::class -> { it?.toIntOrNull() }
LongArray::class -> { it?.toLongOrNull() }
ShortArray::class -> { it?.toShortOrNull() }
ByteArray::class -> { it?.toByteOrNull() }
CharArray::class -> { it?.singleOrNull() }
FloatArray::class -> { it?.toFloatOrNull() }
DoubleArray::class -> { it?.toDoubleOrNull() }
BooleanArray::class -> { it?.toBoolean() }
else -> null
}?.toList()?.takeUnless { null in it }?.toTypedArray()
val parameterType = parameter.type
if ( {
val argsSequence = sequenceOf(firstArg.value) + { it.value }
val primArrayArgCandidate = convertPrimitivesArray(parameterType, argsSequence)
if (primArrayArgCandidate != null)
return ArgsConverter.Result.Success(primArrayArgCandidate)
val arrayElementType = parameterType.arguments.firstOrNull()?.type
val arrayArgCandidate = convertAnyArray(arrayElementType?.classifier, argsSequence)
if (arrayArgCandidate != null)
return ArgsConverter.Result.Success(arrayArgCandidate)
return ArgsConverter.Result.Failure
override fun tryConvertTail(
parameter: KParameter,
firstArg: NamedArgument,
restArgs: Sequence>
): ArgsConverter.Result =
tryConvertVararg(parameter, firstArg, restArgs)
private class AnyArgsConverter : ArgsConverter {
override fun tryConvertSingle(parameter: KParameter, arg: NamedArgument): ArgsConverter.Result {
val value = arg.value ?: return ArgsConverter.Result.Success(null)
fun convertPrimitivesArray(type: KType?, arg: Any?): Any? =
when (type?.classifier) {
IntArray::class -> (arg as? Array)?.toIntArray()
LongArray::class -> (arg as? Array)?.toLongArray()
ShortArray::class -> (arg as? Array)?.toShortArray()
ByteArray::class -> (arg as? Array)?.toByteArray()
CharArray::class -> (arg as? Array)?.toCharArray()
FloatArray::class -> (arg as? Array)?.toFloatArray()
DoubleArray::class -> (arg as? Array)?.toDoubleArray()
BooleanArray::class -> (arg as? Array)?.toBooleanArray()
else -> null
fun evaluateValue(arg: Any): Any? {
if (arg::class.isSubclassOf(parameter.type.jvmErasure)) return arg
return convertPrimitivesArray(parameter.type, arg)
evaluateValue(value)?.let { return ArgsConverter.Result.Success(it) }
// Handle the scenario where [arg::class] is an Array
// but it's values could all still be valid
val parameterKClass = parameter.type.classifier as? KClass<*>
val arrayComponentType = parameterKClass?.java?.takeIf { it.isArray}?.componentType?.kotlin
if (value is Array<*> && arrayComponentType != null) {
// TODO: Idea! Maybe we should check if the values in the array are compatible with [arrayComponentType]
// if they aren't perhaps we should fail silently
convertAnyArray(arrayComponentType, value.asSequence())?.let(::evaluateValue)?.let { return ArgsConverter.Result.Success(it) }
return ArgsConverter.Result.Failure
override fun tryConvertVararg(
parameter: KParameter, firstArg: NamedArgument, restArgs: Sequence>
): ArgsConverter.Result {
val parameterType = parameter.type
if ( {
val argsSequence = sequenceOf(firstArg.value) + { it.value }
val arrayElementType = parameterType.arguments.firstOrNull()?.type
val arrayArgCandidate = convertAnyArray(arrayElementType?.classifier, argsSequence)
if (arrayArgCandidate != null)
return ArgsConverter.Result.Success(arrayArgCandidate)
return ArgsConverter.Result.Failure
override fun tryConvertTail(
parameter: KParameter,
firstArg: NamedArgument,
restArgs: Sequence>
): ArgsConverter.Result =
tryConvertSingle(parameter, firstArg)
private inline fun convertAnyArray(classifier: KClassifier?, args: Sequence): Any? =
if (classifier == T::class) args.toList().toTypedArray() // simple case
else convertAnyArrayImpl(classifier, args)
private fun convertAnyArrayImpl(classifier: KClassifier?, args: Sequence): Any? {
val elementClass = (classifier as? KClass<*>) ?: return null
val argsList = args.toList()
val result = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(, argsList.size)
argsList.forEachIndexed { idx, arg ->
try {
java.lang.reflect.Array.set(result, idx, arg)
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
return@convertAnyArrayImpl null
return result
An iterator that allows us to read the next value without consuming it.
private class LookAheadIterator(private val iterator: Iterator) : Iterator {
private var currentLookAhead: T? = null
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
return currentLookAhead != null || iterator.hasNext()
override fun next(): T {
currentLookAhead?.let { value ->
currentLookAhead = null
return value
fun nextWithoutConsuming(): T {
return currentLookAhead ?: { currentLookAhead = it }
Will return a sequence with the values of the iterator until the predicate evaluates to true.
private fun LookAheadIterator.sequenceUntil(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Sequence = sequence {
while (hasNext()) {
if (predicate(nextWithoutConsuming()))
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