org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.compiler.ClasspathRootsResolver.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2017 JetBrains s.r.o.
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.compiler
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.StandardFileSystems
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtilCore
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile
import com.intellij.psi.PsiJavaModule
import com.intellij.psi.PsiManager
import com.intellij.psi.impl.light.LightJavaModule
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.config.ContentRoot
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.CompilerMessageLocation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.CompilerMessageSeverity
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.CompilerMessageSeverity.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.MessageCollector
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.MessageUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.config.JavaSourceRoot
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.config.JvmClasspathRootBase
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.config.JvmContentRootBase
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.config.JvmModulePathRoot
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.index.JavaRoot
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.modules.CliJavaModuleFinder
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.modules.JavaModuleGraph
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.KotlinCliJavaFileManager
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.modules.JavaModule
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.modules.JavaModuleInfo
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.modules.KOTLIN_STDLIB_MODULE_NAME
import java.util.jar.Attributes
import java.util.jar.Manifest
import kotlin.LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE
class ClasspathRootsResolver(
private val psiManager: PsiManager,
private val messageCollector: MessageCollector?,
private val additionalModules: List,
private val contentRootToVirtualFile: (JvmContentRootBase) -> VirtualFile?,
private val javaModuleFinder: CliJavaModuleFinder,
private val requireStdlibModule: Boolean,
private val outputDirectory: VirtualFile?,
private val javaFileManager: KotlinCliJavaFileManager,
private val jdkRelease: Int?
) {
val javaModuleGraph = JavaModuleGraph(javaModuleFinder)
private val searchScope = GlobalSearchScope.allScope(psiManager.project)
data class RootsAndModules(val roots: List, val modules: List)
private data class RootWithPrefix(val root: VirtualFile, val packagePrefix: String?)
fun convertClasspathRoots(contentRoots: List): RootsAndModules {
val javaSourceRoots = mutableListOf()
val jvmClasspathRoots = mutableListOf()
val jvmModulePathRoots = mutableListOf()
for (contentRoot in contentRoots) {
if (contentRoot !is JvmContentRootBase) continue
val root = contentRootToVirtualFile(contentRoot) ?: continue
when (contentRoot) {
is JavaSourceRoot -> javaSourceRoots += RootWithPrefix(root, contentRoot.packagePrefix)
is JvmClasspathRootBase -> jvmClasspathRoots += root
is JvmModulePathRoot -> jvmModulePathRoots += root
else -> error("Unknown root type: $contentRoot")
return computeRoots(javaSourceRoots, jvmClasspathRoots, jvmModulePathRoots)
private fun computeRoots(
javaSourceRoots: List,
jvmClasspathRoots: List,
jvmModulePathRoots: List
): RootsAndModules {
val result = mutableListOf()
val modules = mutableListOf()
val hasOutputDirectoryInClasspath = outputDirectory in jvmClasspathRoots || outputDirectory in jvmModulePathRoots
for ((root, packagePrefix) in javaSourceRoots) {
val modularRoot = modularSourceRoot(root, hasOutputDirectoryInClasspath)
if (modularRoot != null) {
modules += modularRoot
} else {
result += JavaRoot(root, JavaRoot.RootType.SOURCE, packagePrefix?.let { prefix ->
if (isValidJavaFqName(prefix)) FqName(prefix)
else null.also {
report(STRONG_WARNING, "Invalid package prefix name is ignored: $prefix")
for (root in jvmClasspathRoots) {
result += JavaRoot(root, JavaRoot.RootType.BINARY)
val outputDirectoryAddedAsPartOfModule = modules.any { module -> module.moduleRoots.any { it.file == outputDirectory } }
for (root in jvmModulePathRoots) {
// Do not add output directory as a separate module if we're compiling an explicit named module.
// It's going to be included as a root of our module in modularSourceRoot.
if (outputDirectoryAddedAsPartOfModule && root == outputDirectory) continue
val module = modularBinaryRoot(root)
if (module != null) {
modules += module
if (jdkRelease == null || jdkRelease >= 9) {
addModularRoots(modules, result)
} else {
//TODO: see also `addJvmSdkRoots` usages, some refactoring is required with moving such logic into one place
result += JavaRoot(javaModuleFinder.nonModuleRoot.file, JavaRoot.RootType.BINARY_SIG)
return RootsAndModules(result, modules)
private fun findSourceModuleInfo(root: VirtualFile): Pair? {
val moduleInfoFile =
when {
root.isDirectory -> root.findChild(PsiJavaModule.MODULE_INFO_FILE) == PsiJavaModule.MODULE_INFO_FILE -> root
else -> null
} ?: return null
val psiFile = psiManager.findFile(moduleInfoFile) ?: return null
val psiJavaModule = psiFile.children.singleOrNull { it is PsiJavaModule } as? PsiJavaModule ?: return null
return moduleInfoFile to psiJavaModule
private fun modularSourceRoot(root: VirtualFile, hasOutputDirectoryInClasspath: Boolean): JavaModule.Explicit? {
val (moduleInfoFile, psiJavaModule) = findSourceModuleInfo(root) ?: return null
val sourceRoot = JavaModule.Root(root, isBinary = false)
val roots =
if (hasOutputDirectoryInClasspath)
listOf(sourceRoot, JavaModule.Root(outputDirectory!!, isBinary = true))
else listOf(sourceRoot)
return JavaModule.Explicit(JavaModuleInfo.create(psiJavaModule), roots, moduleInfoFile)
private fun modularBinaryRoot(root: VirtualFile): JavaModule? {
val isJar = root.fileSystem.protocol == StandardFileSystems.JAR_PROTOCOL
val manifest = lazy(NONE) { readManifestAttributes(root) }
val moduleInfoFile =
?: if (isJar) tryLoadVersionSpecificModuleInfo(root, manifest) else null
if (moduleInfoFile != null) {
val moduleInfo =, javaFileManager, searchScope) ?: return null
return JavaModule.Explicit(moduleInfo, listOf(JavaModule.Root(root, isBinary = true)), moduleInfoFile)
// Only .jar files can be automatic modules
if (isJar) {
val moduleRoot = listOf(JavaModule.Root(root, isBinary = true))
val automaticModuleName = manifest.value?.getValue(AUTOMATIC_MODULE_NAME)
if (automaticModuleName != null) {
return JavaModule.Automatic(automaticModuleName, moduleRoot)
val originalFile = VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile(root)
val moduleName = LightJavaModule.moduleName(originalFile.nameWithoutExtension)
if (moduleName.isEmpty()) {
report(ERROR, "Cannot infer automatic module name for the file", VfsUtilCore.getVirtualFileForJar(root) ?: root)
return null
return JavaModule.Automatic(moduleName, moduleRoot)
return null
private fun tryLoadVersionSpecificModuleInfo(root: VirtualFile, manifest: Lazy): VirtualFile? {
val versionsDir = root.findChild("META-INF")?.findChild("versions") ?: return null
val isMultiReleaseJar = manifest.value?.getValue(IS_MULTI_RELEASE)?.equals("true", ignoreCase = true)
if (isMultiReleaseJar != true) return null
val versions = versionsDir.children.filter {
val version =
version != null && version >= 9
}.sortedBy { }
for (version in versions) {
val file = version.findChild(PsiJavaModule.MODULE_INFO_CLS_FILE)
if (file != null) return file
return null
private fun readManifestAttributes(jarRoot: VirtualFile): Attributes? {
val manifestFile = jarRoot.findChild("META-INF")?.findChild("MANIFEST.MF")
return try {
} catch (e: IOException) {
private fun addModularRoots(modules: List, result: MutableList) {
// In current implementation, at most one source module is supported. This can be relaxed in the future if we support another
// compilation mode, similar to java's --module-source-path
val sourceModules = modules.filterIsInstance().filter(JavaModule::isSourceModule)
if (sourceModules.size > 1) {
for (module in sourceModules) {
report(ERROR, "Too many source module declarations found", module.moduleInfoFile)
for (module in modules) {
val existing = javaModuleFinder.findModule(
if (existing == null) {
} else if (module.moduleRoots != existing.moduleRoots) {
fun JavaModule.getRootFile() =
moduleRoots.firstOrNull()?.file?.let { VfsUtilCore.getVirtualFileForJar(it) ?: it }
val thisFile = module.getRootFile()
val existingFile = existing.getRootFile()
val atExistingPath = if (existingFile == null) "" else " at: ${existingFile.path}"
STRONG_WARNING, "The root is ignored because a module with the same name '${}' " +
"has been found earlier on the module path$atExistingPath", thisFile
if (javaModuleFinder.allObservableModules.none()) return
val sourceModule = sourceModules.singleOrNull()
val addAllModulePathToRoots = "ALL-MODULE-PATH" in additionalModules
if (addAllModulePathToRoots && sourceModule != null) {
report(ERROR, "-Xadd-modules=ALL-MODULE-PATH can only be used when compiling the unnamed module")
val rootModules = when {
sourceModule != null -> listOf( + additionalModules
addAllModulePathToRoots ->
else -> javaModuleFinder.computeDefaultRootModules() + additionalModules
val allDependencies = javaModuleGraph.getAllDependencies(rootModules)
if (allDependencies.any { moduleName -> javaModuleFinder.findModule(moduleName) is JavaModule.Automatic }) {
// According to java.lang.module javadoc, if at least one automatic module is added to the module graph,
// all observable automatic modules should be added.
// There are no automatic modules in the JDK, so we select all automatic modules out of user modules
for (module in modules) {
if (module is JavaModule.Automatic) {
allDependencies +=
report(LOGGING, "Loading modules: $allDependencies")
for (moduleName in allDependencies) {
val module = javaModuleFinder.findModule(moduleName)
if (module == null) {
report(ERROR, "Module $moduleName cannot be found in the module graph")
} else {
if (requireStdlibModule && sourceModule != null && !javaModuleGraph.reads(, KOTLIN_STDLIB_MODULE_NAME)) {
"The Kotlin standard library is not found in the module graph. " +
"Please ensure you have the 'requires $KOTLIN_STDLIB_MODULE_NAME' clause in your module definition",
private fun report(severity: CompilerMessageSeverity, message: String, file: VirtualFile? = null) {
if (messageCollector == null) {
throw IllegalStateException("${if (file != null) file.path + ":" else ""}$severity: $message (no MessageCollector configured)")
severity, message,
if (file == null) null else CompilerMessageLocation.create(MessageUtil.virtualFileToPath(file))
private companion object {
const val AUTOMATIC_MODULE_NAME = "Automatic-Module-Name"
const val IS_MULTI_RELEASE = "Multi-Release"
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