org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.extensions.predicate.AbstractPredicate.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.extensions.predicate
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.extensions.AnnotationFqn
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.extensions.FirPredicateBasedProvider
* Predicates are the mechanism for compiler plugins which allows to search for annotated declarations
* or check if some declaration matches some predicate or not.
* There are two different kinds of predicates: [LookupPredicate] and [DeclarationPredicate]
* [LookupPredicate] allows user to get all declarations in current module, which matches this predicate
* Both [LookupPredicate] and [DeclarationPredicate] allow user to check if some declaration matches the predicate
* The main component which can be used with predicate is [FirPredicateBasedProvider]
* The main difference between [LookupPredicate] and [DeclarationPredicate] is that [DeclarationPredicate] allows
* to create predicate with meta annotations, and [LookupPredicate] allows to use only annotations with predefined
* qualified names
* Note that predicates can not be used for matching or looking up local declarations (local functions, local classes, anonymous objects
* and their members). The only exception is matching local classes/anonymous objects with [AbstractPredicate.AnnotatedWith] and
* [AbstractPredicate.MetaAnnotatedWith] by [FirPredicateBasedProvider.matches]
sealed interface AbstractPredicate> {
val annotations: Set
val metaAnnotations: Set
fun accept(visitor: PredicateVisitor, data: D): R
* Boolean combinator OR for two predicates, matches declaration if
* [a] matches declaration or [b] matches declaration
sealed interface Or
> : AbstractPredicate
val a: P
val b: P
override fun accept(visitor: PredicateVisitor, data: D): R {
return visitor.visitOr(this, data)
* Boolean combinator AND for two predicates, matches declaration if
* [a] matches declaration and [b] matches declaration
sealed interface And
> : AbstractPredicate
val a: P
val b: P
override fun accept(visitor: PredicateVisitor, data: D): R {
return visitor.visitAnd(this, data)
// ------------------------------------ Annotated ------------------------------------
* Base class for all predicates with specific annotations
* Declaration will be matched if at least one of [annotations] is found
sealed interface Annotated
> : AbstractPredicate
override fun accept(visitor: PredicateVisitor, data: D): R {
return visitor.visitAnnotated(this, data)
* Matches declarations, which are annotated with [annotations]
* @Ann
* fun foo() {}
* fun bar(@Ann param: Int) {}
* @Ann
* class A {
* fun baz() {}
* class Nested {
* fun foobar() {}
* }
* }
* Matched symbols: [fun foo, parameter `param` from fun bar, class A]
sealed interface AnnotatedWith
> : Annotated
override fun accept(visitor: PredicateVisitor, data: D): R {
return visitor.visitAnnotatedWith(this, data)
* Matches declaration, if one of its containers annotated with [annotations]
* @Ann
* fun foo() {}
* fun bar(@Ann param: Int) {}
* @Ann
* class A {
* fun baz() {}
* class Nested {
* fun foobar() {}
* }
* }
* Matched symbols: [fun A.baz, class Nested, fun Nested.foobar]
sealed interface AncestorAnnotatedWith
> : Annotated
override fun accept(visitor: PredicateVisitor, data: D): R {
return visitor.visitAncestorAnnotatedWith(this, data)
* Matches declaration, if its direct container annotated with [annotations]
* @Ann
* fun foo() {}
* fun bar(@Ann param: Int) {}
* @Ann
* class A {
* fun baz() {}
* class Nested {
* fun foobar() {}
* }
* }
* Matched symbols: [fun A.baz, class Nested]
sealed interface ParentAnnotatedWith
> : Annotated
override fun accept(visitor: PredicateVisitor, data: D): R {
return visitor.visitParentAnnotatedWith(this, data)
* Matches declaration, if one of its direct child declarations annotated with [annotations]
* @Ann
* fun foo() {}
* fun bar(@Ann param: Int) {}
* class A {
* @Ann
* fun baz() {}
* class Nested {
* fun foobar() {}
* }
* }
* Matched symbols: [fun bar, class A]
sealed interface HasAnnotatedWith
> : Annotated
override fun accept(visitor: PredicateVisitor, data: D): R {
return visitor.visitHasAnnotatedWith(this, data)
// ------------------------------------ MetaAnnotated ------------------------------------
* Matches declarations, which are annotated with annotations which are annotated with [metaAnnotations]
* [includeItself] flag determines if declaration, annotated with meta-annotation itself will
* be considered as matching to predicate
* Relation "annotation with meta annotation" is transitive. E.g. in snippet below some declaration will
* be matched with predicate MetaAnnotatedWith("Ann") if it is annotated with `@Ann` (if [includeItself] set to true),
* `@Some` or `@Other`
* @Ann
* annotation class Some
* @Some
* annotation class Other
* @Some
* fun foo() {}
* fun bar(@Ann param: Int) {}
* @Some
* class A {
* fun baz() {}
* class Nested {
* @Other
* fun foobar() {}
* }
* }
* Matched symbols: [fun foo, class A, fun A.Nested.foobar]
* Note that [MetaAnnotatedWith] predicate has no implementation in [LookupPredicate] hierarchy
* and can not be used for global lookup
sealed interface MetaAnnotatedWith
> : AbstractPredicate
val includeItself: Boolean
override fun accept(visitor: PredicateVisitor, data: D): R {
return visitor.visitMetaAnnotatedWith(this, data)
// -------------------------------------------- DSL --------------------------------------------
abstract class BuilderContext
> {
abstract infix fun P.or(other: P): P
abstract infix fun P.and(other: P): P
// ------------------- varargs -------------------
abstract fun annotated(vararg annotations: AnnotationFqn): P
abstract fun ancestorAnnotated(vararg annotations: AnnotationFqn): P
abstract fun parentAnnotated(vararg annotations: AnnotationFqn): P
abstract fun hasAnnotated(vararg annotations: AnnotationFqn): P
abstract fun annotatedOrUnder(vararg annotations: AnnotationFqn): P
// ------------------- collections -------------------
abstract fun annotated(annotations: Collection): P
abstract fun ancestorAnnotated(annotations: Collection): P
abstract fun parentAnnotated(annotations: Collection): P
abstract fun hasAnnotated(annotations: Collection): P
abstract fun annotatedOrUnder(annotations: Collection): P