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 * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.


import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtFakeSourceElementKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.StandardNames
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Visibilities
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fakeElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.analysis.checkers.isVisibleInClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.builder.buildSimpleFunctionCopy
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirDeclarationStatusImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirDefaultPropertyGetter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.impl.FirDefaultPropertySetter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.synthetic.FirSyntheticProperty
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.synthetic.buildSyntheticProperty
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.utils.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.defaultType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.toSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.impl.AbstractFirUseSiteMemberScope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.impl.FirTypeIntersectionScopeContext.ResultOfIntersection
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.impl.MembersByScope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.impl.isIntersectionOverride
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.impl.similarFunctionsOrBothProperties
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.jvm.computeJvmDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.scopes.jvm.computeJvmDescriptorRepresentation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.builder.buildResolvedTypeRef
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.AbstractTypeChecker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.ifNotEmpty
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.runIf

 * It's a kind of use-site scope specialized for a Java owner class. Provides access to symbols by names, both for
 * declared inside Java-class and inherited from its base classes (as usual for use-site scopes).
 * * all functions that are explicitly declared in a Java class, are visible by default.
 * Exceptions: functions that have corresponding properties; functions that override renamed builtins (e.g. charAt);
 * functions that are overrides with erased type parameters (e.g. contains(Object)).
 * See [isVisibleInCurrentClass]. E.g. contains(String) or get(int) are visible as explicitly declared functions.
 * * also, this scope as a use-site member scope shows us some functions from supertypes. Here we have two choices (see [collectFunctions]):
 *     * in the fast path, which is used when supertypes do not include any suspend functions AND the name is "standard"
 *     (we don't suspect possible builtin renaming or type parameter erasing), we use a standard procedure:
 *     class sees all supertype functions except those overridden by explicitly declared functions in the class
 *     * otherwise, [processSpecialFunctions] comes into play.
 *     It attempts to find a specific override for this "erased type parameter" and "renamed built-in" case.
 *     In case of success, it always creates a synthetic function and shows it as a scope part:
 *         * in case we have an "accidental normal override", like contains(String) or get(int),
 *         its "hidden" version is created as the synthetic function
 *         * in case we don't have it, we create an implicit function with such a signature (contains(String), get(int)) as the synthetic function
class JavaClassUseSiteMemberScope(
    private val klass: FirJavaClass,
    session: FirSession,
    superTypeScopes: List,
    declaredMemberScope: FirContainingNamesAwareScope
) : AbstractFirUseSiteMemberScope(
    JavaOverrideChecker(session, klass.javaTypeParameterStack, superTypeScopes, considerReturnTypeKinds = true),
    overrideCheckerForIntersection = null,
) {
    private val typeParameterStack = klass.javaTypeParameterStack

    private val canUseSpecialGetters: Boolean by lazy { !klass.hasKotlinSuper(session) }

    private val javaOverrideChecker: JavaOverrideChecker get() = overrideChecker as JavaOverrideChecker

    private val syntheticPropertyCache = session.syntheticPropertiesStorage.cacheByOwner.getValue(klass, null)

    private fun generateSyntheticPropertySymbol(
        getterSymbol: FirNamedFunctionSymbol,
        setterSymbol: FirNamedFunctionSymbol?,
        property: FirProperty,
        takeModalityFromGetter: Boolean,
    ): FirSyntheticPropertySymbol {
        val callableId = getterSymbol.callableId.withClassId(klass.classId)
        return buildSyntheticProperty {
            moduleData = session.moduleData
            name =
            symbol = FirJavaOverriddenSyntheticPropertySymbol(
                getterId = callableId,
                propertyId = CallableId(klass.classId,
            delegateGetter = getterSymbol.fir
            delegateSetter = setterSymbol?.fir
            status = getterSymbol.fir.status.copy(
                modality = if (takeModalityFromGetter) {
                    delegateGetter.modality ?: property.modality
                } else {
                    chooseModalityForAccessor(property, delegateGetter)
            deprecationsProvider = getDeprecationsProviderFromAccessors(session, delegateGetter, delegateSetter)
            dispatchReceiverType = klass.defaultType()

    private fun chooseModalityForAccessor(property: FirProperty, getter: FirSimpleFunction): Modality? {
        val a = property.modality
        val b = getter.modality

        if (a == null) return b
        if (b == null) return a

        return minOf(a, b)

    override fun collectProperties(name: Name): Collection> {
        val fields = mutableSetOf>()
        val fieldNames = mutableSetOf()
        val result = mutableSetOf>()

        // fields
        declaredMemberScope.processPropertiesByName(name) processor@{ variableSymbol ->
            if (variableSymbol.isStatic) return@processor
            fields += variableSymbol
            fieldNames +=
            result += variableSymbol

         * From supertype we can get:
         * 1. Set of properties with same name (including regular and extension properties)
         * 2. Field from some java superclass (only one, if class have more than one superclass then we can choose
         *   just one field because this is incorrect code anyway)
        val fromSupertypes = supertypeScopeContext.collectIntersectionResultsForCallables(name, FirScope::processPropertiesByName)

        val (fieldsFromSupertype, propertiesFromSupertypes) = fromSupertypes.partition {
            it is ResultOfIntersection.SingleMember && it.chosenSymbol is FirFieldSymbol

        assert(fieldsFromSupertype.size in 0..1)

        fieldsFromSupertype.firstOrNull()?.chosenSymbol?.let { fieldSymbol ->
            require(fieldSymbol is FirFieldSymbol)
            if ( !in fieldNames) {

        for (overriddenProperty in propertiesFromSupertypes as List>) {
            val key = SyntheticPropertiesCacheKey(
                overriddenProperty.chosenSymbol.resolvedContextReceivers.ifNotEmpty { map { it.typeRef.coneType } } ?: emptyList()
            val overrideInClass = syntheticPropertyCache.getValue(key, this to overriddenProperty)

            val chosenSymbol = overrideInClass ?: overriddenProperty.chosenSymbol
            directOverriddenProperties[chosenSymbol] = listOf(overriddenProperty)
            overriddenProperty.overriddenMembers.forEach { overrideByBase[it.member] = overrideInClass }
            result += chosenSymbol

        return result

    internal fun syntheticPropertyFromOverride(overriddenProperty: ResultOfIntersection): FirSyntheticPropertySymbol? {
        val overrideInClass = overriddenProperty.overriddenMembers.firstNotNullOfOrNull superMember@{ (symbol, baseScope) ->
            // We may call this function at the STATUS phase, which means that using resolved status may lead to cycle
            // So we need to use raw status here
            if (!symbol.isVisibleInClass(klass.symbol, symbol.rawStatus)) return@superMember null
            symbol.createOverridePropertyIfExists(declaredMemberScope, takeModalityFromGetter = true)
                ?: superTypeScopes.firstNotNullOfOrNull superScope@{ scope ->
                    if (scope == baseScope) return@superScope null
                    symbol.createOverridePropertyIfExists(scope, takeModalityFromGetter = false)
        return overrideInClass

    private fun FirPropertySymbol.createOverridePropertyIfExists(
        scope: FirScope,
        takeModalityFromGetter: Boolean
    ): FirSyntheticPropertySymbol? {
        val getterSymbol = this.findGetterOverride(scope) ?: return null
        val setterSymbol =
            if (this.fir.isVar)
                this.findSetterOverride(scope) ?: return null
        if (setterSymbol != null && setterSymbol.fir.modality != getterSymbol.fir.modality) return null

        return generateSyntheticPropertySymbol(getterSymbol, setterSymbol, fir, takeModalityFromGetter)

    private fun FirPropertySymbol.findGetterOverride(
        scope: FirScope,
    ): FirNamedFunctionSymbol? {
        val specialGetterName = if (canUseSpecialGetters) getBuiltinSpecialPropertyGetterName() else null
        val name = specialGetterName?.asString() ?: JvmAbi.getterName(
        return findGetterOverride(name, scope)

    private fun FirPropertySymbol.findGetterOverride(
        getterName: String,
        scope: FirScope,
    ): FirNamedFunctionSymbol? {
        val propertyFromSupertype = fir
        val expectedReturnType = propertyFromSupertype.returnTypeRef.coneTypeSafe()
        val receiverCount = (if (receiverParameter != null) 1 else 0) + resolvedContextReceivers.size
        return scope.getFunctions(Name.identifier(getterName)).firstNotNullOfOrNull factory@{ candidateSymbol ->
            val candidate = candidateSymbol.fir
            if (candidate.valueParameters.size != receiverCount) return@factory null
            if (!checkValueParameters(candidate)) return@factory null

            val candidateReturnType = candidate.returnTypeRef.toConeKotlinTypeProbablyFlexible(
                session, typeParameterStack, source?.fakeElement(KtFakeSourceElementKind.Enhancement)

            candidateSymbol.takeIf {
                when {
                    candidate.isAcceptableAsAccessorOverride() ->
                        // TODO: Decide something for the case when property type is not computed yet
                        expectedReturnType == null ||
                                AbstractTypeChecker.isSubtypeOf(session.typeContext, candidateReturnType, expectedReturnType)
                    else -> false

    private fun FirPropertySymbol.findSetterOverride(
        scope: FirScope,
    ): FirNamedFunctionSymbol? {
        val propertyType = fir.returnTypeRef.coneTypeSafe() ?: return null
        val receiverCount = (if (receiverParameter != null) 1 else 0) + resolvedContextReceivers.size

        return scope.getFunctions(Name.identifier(JvmAbi.setterName( factory@{ candidateSymbol ->
            val candidate = candidateSymbol.fir

            if (candidate.valueParameters.size != receiverCount + 1) return@factory null
            if (!checkValueParameters(candidate)) return@factory null

            val fakeSource = source?.fakeElement(KtFakeSourceElementKind.Enhancement)
            if (!candidate.returnTypeRef.toConeKotlinTypeProbablyFlexible(session, typeParameterStack, fakeSource).isUnit) {
                return@factory null

            val parameterType =
                candidate.valueParameters.last().returnTypeRef.toConeKotlinTypeProbablyFlexible(session, typeParameterStack, fakeSource)

            candidateSymbol.takeIf {
                candidate.isAcceptableAsAccessorOverride() && AbstractTypeChecker.equalTypes(
                    session.typeContext, parameterType, propertyType

    private fun FirPropertySymbol.checkValueParameters(candidate: FirSimpleFunction): Boolean {
        var parameterIndex = 0
        val fakeSource = source?.fakeElement(KtFakeSourceElementKind.Enhancement)

        for (contextReceiver in this.resolvedContextReceivers) {
            if (contextReceiver.typeRef.coneType.computeJvmDescriptorRepresentation() !=
                    .toConeKotlinTypeProbablyFlexible(session, typeParameterStack, fakeSource)
            ) {
                return false

        return receiverParameter == null ||
                receiverParameter!!.typeRef.coneType.computeJvmDescriptorRepresentation() ==
                    .toConeKotlinTypeProbablyFlexible(session, typeParameterStack, fakeSource)

    private fun FirSimpleFunction.isAcceptableAsAccessorOverride(): Boolean {
        // We don't accept here accessors with type parameters from Kotlin to avoid strange cases like KT-59038
        // However, we (temporarily, see below) accept accessors from Kotlin in general to keep K1 compatibility in cases like KT-59550
        // KT-59601: we are going to forbid accessors from Kotlin in general after some investigation and/or deprecation period
        return isJavaOrEnhancement || typeParameters.isEmpty()

    private fun FirPropertySymbol.getBuiltinSpecialPropertyGetterName(): Name? {
        var result: Name? = null
        superTypeScopes.processOverriddenPropertiesAndSelf(this) { overridden ->
            val fqName = overridden.fir.containingClassLookupTag()?.classId?.asSingleFqName()?.child(

            BuiltinSpecialProperties.PROPERTY_FQ_NAME_TO_JVM_GETTER_NAME_MAP[fqName]?.let { name ->
                result = name
                return@processOverriddenPropertiesAndSelf ProcessorAction.STOP


        return result

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    override fun FirNamedFunctionSymbol.isVisibleInCurrentClass(): Boolean {
        val potentialPropertyNames = getPropertyNamesCandidatesByAccessorName(name)
        val hasCorrespondingProperty = potentialPropertyNames.any { propertyName ->
            getProperties(propertyName).any l@{ propertySymbol ->
                // TODO: add magic overrides from LazyJavaClassMemberScope.isVisibleAsFunctionInCurrentClass
                if (propertySymbol !is FirPropertySymbol) return@l false
                // We may call this function at the STATUS phase, which means that using resolved status may lead to cycle
                //   so we need to use raw status here
                propertySymbol.isVisibleInClass([email protected], propertySymbol.rawStatus) &&
        if (hasCorrespondingProperty) return false

        return !doesOverrideRenamedBuiltins() &&

    private fun FirNamedFunctionSymbol.doesOverrideRenamedBuiltins(): Boolean {
        // e.g. 'removeAt' or 'toInt'
        val builtinName = SpecialGenericSignatures.getBuiltinFunctionNamesByJvmName(name) ?: return false
        val builtinSpecialFromSuperTypes = supertypeScopeContext.collectMembersGroupedByScope(builtinName, FirScope::processFunctionsByName)
            .flatMap { (scope, symbols) ->
                symbols.filter { it.doesOverrideBuiltinWithDifferentJvmName(scope, session) }
        if (builtinSpecialFromSuperTypes.isEmpty()) return false

        return builtinSpecialFromSuperTypes.any {
            // Here `this` and `it` have different names but it's ok because override checker does not consider
            //   names of declarations at all
            overrideChecker.isOverriddenFunction(this.fir, it.fir)

     * Checks if function is a valid override of JDK analogue of built-in method with erased value parameters (e.g. Map.containsKey(k: K))
     * Examples:
     * - boolean containsKey(Object key) -> true
     * - boolean containsKey(K key) -> false // Wrong JDK method override, while it's a valid Kotlin built-in override
     * There is a case when we shouldn't hide a function even if it overrides builtin member with value parameter erasure:
     *   if substituted kotlin overridden has the same parameters as current java override. Such situation may happen only in
     *   case when `Any`/`Object` is used as parameterization of supertype:
     * // java
     * class MySuperMap extends java.util.Map {
     *     @Override
     *     public boolean containsKey(Object key) {...}
     *     @Override
     *     public boolean containsValue(Object key) {...}
     * }
     * In this case, the signature of override, made based on the correct kotlin signature, will be the same (because of { K -> Any, V -> Any }
     *   substitution for both functions).
     * And since the list of all such functions is well-known, the only case when this may happen is when value parameter types of kotlin
     *   overridden are `Any`
    private fun FirNamedFunctionSymbol.shouldBeVisibleAsOverrideOfBuiltInWithErasedValueParameters(): Boolean {
        if (!name.sameAsBuiltinMethodWithErasedValueParameters) return false
        val candidatesToOverride = supertypeScopeContext.collectIntersectionResultsForCallables(name, FirScope::processFunctionsByName)
            .flatMap { it.overriddenMembers }
            .filterNot { (member, _) ->
                member.valueParameterSymbols.all { it.resolvedReturnType.lowerBoundIfFlexible().isAny }
            }.mapNotNull { (member, scope) ->
                BuiltinMethodsWithSpecialGenericSignature.getOverriddenBuiltinFunctionWithErasedValueParametersInJava(member, scope)

        val jvmDescriptor = fir.computeJvmDescriptor()
        return candidatesToOverride.any { candidate ->
            candidate.fir.computeJvmDescriptor() == jvmDescriptor && this.hasErasedParameters()

    override fun FirNamedFunctionSymbol.replaceWithWrapperSymbolIfNeeded(): FirNamedFunctionSymbol {
        if (!isJavaOrEnhancement) return this
        val continuationParameter = fir.valueParameters.lastOrNull() ?: return this
        val owner = ownerClassLookupTag.toSymbol(session)?.fir as? FirJavaClass ?: return this
        val continuationParameterType = continuationParameter
            .resolveIfJavaType(session, owner.javaTypeParameterStack, source?.fakeElement(KtFakeSourceElementKind.Enhancement))
            ?.lowerBoundIfFlexible() as? ConeClassLikeType
            ?: return this
        if (continuationParameterType.lookupTag.classId.asSingleFqName() != StandardNames.CONTINUATION_INTERFACE_FQ_NAME) return this

        return buildSimpleFunctionCopy(fir) {
            returnTypeRef = buildResolvedTypeRef {
                type = continuationParameterType.typeArguments[0].type ?: return this@replaceWithWrapperSymbolIfNeeded
            (status as FirDeclarationStatusImpl).isSuspend = true
            symbol = FirNamedFunctionSymbol(callableId)

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    override fun collectFunctions(name: Name): Collection {
        val result = mutableListOf()
        collectDeclaredFunctions(name, result)
        val explicitlyDeclaredFunctions = result.toSet()

        val functionsWithScopeFromSupertypes = supertypeScopeContext.collectMembersGroupedByScope(name, FirScope::processFunctionsByName)

        if (
            !name.sameAsRenamedInJvmBuiltin &&
            !name.sameAsBuiltinMethodWithErasedValueParameters &&
            functionsWithScopeFromSupertypes.all { it.second.none { functionSymbol -> functionSymbol.isSuspend } }
        ) {
            // Simple fast path in case of name is not suspicious (i.e. name is not one of builtins that have different signature in Java)
            super.collectFunctionsFromSupertypes(name, result, explicitlyDeclaredFunctions)
            return result

        processSpecialFunctions(name, functionsWithScopeFromSupertypes, result)
        return result.toSet()

    private fun > ResultOfIntersection.extractSomeSymbolFromSuperType(): D {
        return if (this.isIntersectionOverride()) {
             * we don't want to create intersection override if some declared function actually overrides some functions
             *   from supertypes, so instead of intersection override symbol we check actual symbol from supertype
             * TODO(KT-65925): is it enough to check only one function?
        } else {

    private fun processSpecialFunctions(
        name: Name,
        functionsFromSupertypes: MembersByScope, // candidates for override
        destination: MutableCollection
    ) {
        val functionsFromSupertypesToSaveInCache = mutableListOf>()
        // The special override checker is needed for the case when we're trying to consider e.g. explicitly defined `Long toLong()`
        // as an override of `long toLong()` which is an enhanced version of `long longValue()`. K1 in such cases used
        // LazyJavaClassMemberScope.doesOverride, that ignores the return type, so we reproduce the behavior here.
        // See the test testData/diagnostics/tests/j+k/kt62197.kt and the issue KT-62197 for more details.
        // TODO: consider some more transparent approach
        val overrideCheckerForSpecialFunctions = JavaOverrideChecker(
            considerReturnTypeKinds = false

        val regularlyDeclaredFunctions = destination.toList()
        val intersectionResults = supertypeScopeContext.convertGroupedCallablesToIntersectionResults(functionsFromSupertypes)
        for (resultOfIntersection in intersectionResults) {
            val someSymbolFromSuperType = resultOfIntersection.extractSomeSymbolFromSuperType()
            val explicitlyDeclaredFunction = regularlyDeclaredFunctions.firstOrNull {
                overrideCheckerForSpecialFunctions.isOverriddenFunction(it, someSymbolFromSuperType)

            if (processOverridesForFunctionsWithDifferentJvmName(
            ) {

            if (processOverridesForFunctionsWithErasedValueParameter(
            ) continue

            // regular rules
            when (explicitlyDeclaredFunction) {
                null -> {
                    val chosenSymbol = resultOfIntersection.chosenSymbol
                    if (!chosenSymbol.isVisibleInCurrentClass()) continue
                    destination += chosenSymbol
                    functionsFromSupertypesToSaveInCache += resultOfIntersection
                else -> {
                    destination += explicitlyDeclaredFunction
                    directOverriddenFunctions[explicitlyDeclaredFunction] = listOf(resultOfIntersection)
                    for (overriddenMember in resultOfIntersection.overriddenMembers) {
                        overrideByBase[overriddenMember.member] = explicitlyDeclaredFunction
        this.functionsFromSupertypes[name] = functionsFromSupertypesToSaveInCache

     * This function collects in [destination] an overriding method for base method group [resultOfIntersection],
     * in case base methods should have their value parameters erased in Java,
     * e.g. Collection.contains(T) in Kotlin is paired with Collection.contains(Object) in Java.
     * Given we have a Java class [klass] and some its method(s) name [name]
     * with base method group [resultOfIntersection] and (maybe)
     * explicitly declared [explicitlyDeclaredFunction],
     * this function builds a synthetic override for [resultOfIntersection] in the Java class,
     * binds it with this intersection result using the override relation,
     * and collects it as a matching method with this name.
     * Important: all explicitly declared functions are already collected at this point, there is no reason to collect them once more!
     * @param name a given method name
     * @param destination used to collect base functions for [explicitlyDeclaredFunction] with erased value parameters in Java
     * @param resultOfIntersection one group of intersected base methods, each "overridden member" inside is a pair of (base method, its scope)
     * @param explicitlyDeclaredFunction the function in the Java class [klass] with the name [name], which overrides [resultOfIntersection] (if any)
     * @return true if we collected something, false otherwise
     * @see [SpecialGenericSignatures.GENERIC_PARAMETERS_METHODS_TO_DEFAULT_VALUES_MAP] and
    private fun processOverridesForFunctionsWithErasedValueParameter(
        name: Name,
        destination: MutableCollection,
        resultOfIntersection: ResultOfIntersection,
        explicitlyDeclaredFunction: FirNamedFunctionSymbol?
    ): Boolean {
        // E.g. contains(String) or contains(T)
        val relevantFunctionFromSupertypes = resultOfIntersection.overriddenMembers.firstOrNull { (member, scope) ->
            BuiltinMethodsWithSpecialGenericSignature.getOverriddenBuiltinFunctionWithErasedValueParametersInJava(member, scope) != null
        }?.member ?: return false

        val relevantFunctionFromSupertypesUnwrapped =
            relevantFunctionFromSupertypes.unwrapFakeOverrides().let {
                it.fir.initialSignatureAttr ?: it

        // E.g. contains(Object) from Java
        val explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithErasedValueParameters =
            declaredMemberScope.getFunctions(name).firstOrNull { declaredFunction ->
                declaredFunction.hasSameJvmDescriptor(relevantFunctionFromSupertypesUnwrapped) &&
                        declaredFunction.hasErasedParameters() &&
            } ?: return false // No declared functions with erased parameters => no additional processing needed

         * See the comment to [shouldBeVisibleAsOverrideOfBuiltInWithErasedValueParameters] function
         * It explains why we should check value parameters for `Any` type
        var allParametersAreAny = true
        // It's a copy like contains(T) or contains(String) in Java, we perform "unerasing" here
        val declaredFunctionCopyWithParameterTypesFromSupertype = buildJavaMethodCopy(
            explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithErasedValueParameters.fir as FirJavaMethod
        ) {
   = name
            symbol = FirNamedFunctionSymbol(explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithErasedValueParameters.callableId)
            ).mapTo(this.valueParameters) { (overrideParameter, parameterFromSupertype) ->
                if (!parameterFromSupertype.returnTypeRef.coneType.lowerBoundIfFlexible().isAny) {
                    allParametersAreAny = false
                buildJavaValueParameterCopy(overrideParameter) {
                    [email protected] = parameterFromSupertype.returnTypeRef
        }.apply {
            initialSignatureAttr = explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithErasedValueParameters

        if (allParametersAreAny) {
            return false

        // E.g. contains(String) from Java, if any
        val accidentalOverrideWithDeclaredFunction = explicitlyDeclaredFunction?.takeIf {
        val symbolToBeCollected = if (accidentalOverrideWithDeclaredFunction == null) {
            // Collect synthetic function which is an "unerased" copy of declared one with erased parameters
        } else {
            val newSymbol = FirNamedFunctionSymbol(accidentalOverrideWithDeclaredFunction.callableId)
            val original = accidentalOverrideWithDeclaredFunction.fir
            val accidentalOverrideWithDeclaredFunctionHiddenCopy = buildSimpleFunctionCopy(original) {
       = name
                symbol = newSymbol
                dispatchReceiverType = klass.defaultType()
            }.apply {
                initialSignatureAttr = explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithErasedValueParameters
                isHiddenToOvercomeSignatureClash = true
            // Collect synthetic function which is a hidden copy of declared one with unerased parameters
        destination += symbolToBeCollected
        directOverriddenFunctions[symbolToBeCollected] = listOf(resultOfIntersection)
        for ((member, _) in resultOfIntersection.overriddenMembers) {
            overrideByBase[member] = symbolToBeCollected
        return true

    private fun FirNamedFunctionSymbol.hasSameJvmDescriptor(
        builtinWithErasedParameters: FirNamedFunctionSymbol
    ): Boolean {
        val ownDescriptor = fir.computeJvmDescriptor(includeReturnType = false)
        val otherDescriptor = builtinWithErasedParameters.fir.computeJvmDescriptor(includeReturnType = false)
        return ownDescriptor == otherDescriptor

     * This function collects in [destination] an overriding method for base method group [resultOfIntersectionWithNaturalName],
     * in case base methods should have its name changed in Java,
     * e.g. MutableList.removeAt(Int) in Kotlin is paired with List.remove(int) in Java.
     * Given we have a Java class [klass] and some its method(s) name mapped to [naturalName] in Kotlin
     * with base method group [resultOfIntersectionWithNaturalName] and (maybe)
     * explicitly declared [explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithNaturalName],
     * this function builds a synthetic override for [resultOfIntersectionWithNaturalName] in the Java class,
     * binds it with this intersection result using the override relation,
     * and collects it as a matching method with this [naturalName].
     * Important: all explicitly declared functions are already collected at this point, there is no reason to collect them once more!
     * @param naturalName the Kotlin name of the function, e.g., toByte, get, removeAt
     * @param destination used to collect base functions for [explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithNaturalName] with erased value parameters in Java
     * @param resultOfIntersectionWithNaturalName one group of intersected base methods, each "overridden member" inside is a pair of (base method, its scope)
     * @param someSymbolWithNaturalNameFromSuperType unwrapped symbol taken from [resultOfIntersectionWithNaturalName]
     * @param explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithNaturalName the function in the Java class [klass] with the name [naturalName], which overrides [resultOfIntersectionWithNaturalName] (if any)
     * @return true if we collected something, false otherwise
     * @see [SpecialGenericSignatures.NAME_AND_SIGNATURE_TO_JVM_REPRESENTATION_NAME_MAP] and
     * [SpecialGenericSignatures.JVM_SIGNATURES_FOR_RENAMED_BUILT_INS]
    private fun processOverridesForFunctionsWithDifferentJvmName(
        someSymbolWithNaturalNameFromSuperType: FirNamedFunctionSymbol,
        explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithNaturalName: FirNamedFunctionSymbol?,
        naturalName: Name,
        resultOfIntersectionWithNaturalName: ResultOfIntersection,
        destination: MutableCollection,
        functionsFromSupertypesToSaveInCache: MutableList>
    ): Boolean {
        // The JVM name of the function, e.g., byteValue or charAt
        val jvmName = resultOfIntersectionWithNaturalName.overriddenMembers.firstNotNullOfOrNull {
            it.member.getJvmMethodNameIfSpecial(it.baseScope, session)
        } ?: return false

         * naturalName: `toByte` (or: `CharSequence.get`, or: `MutableList.removeAt`)
         * jvmName: `byteValue` (or: `CharSequence.charAt`, or: `MutableList.remove`)
         * 1. find declared byteValue (a)
         * 2. find toByte in supertypes (b)
         * 3. find byteValue in supertypes (c)
         * 4. create triples of (a), (b), (c) which are same overrides
         * 5. for each triple:
         * 6.   if (a) is empty:
         * 6.1. create renamed copies of (c): (c')
         * 6.2. create result of intersection for (b) and (c'), save direct overrides
         * 7.  if (a) is not empty:
         * 7.1 create renamed copies of (c): (c')
         * 7.2 save direct overrides

        // Among the overridden members, some can be regular members and some can be renamed from jvmName to naturalName.
        // If we have the CharBuffer situation, the visible member will override the regular ones and the hidden member will
        // override the renamed ones (if they exist).
        // The second part could be empty, but the first one cannot! See jvmName calculation above
        // Both parts must have name of naturalName
        // Example when both exist: testWeirdCharBuffers, class CharBufferXAllInherited : CharSequence, X
        // interface X in this example contains get(Int): Char
        val (intersectedOverridingRenamedBuiltin, intersectedOverridingNonBuiltin) =
            resultOfIntersectionWithNaturalName.overriddenMembers.partition {
                it.member.getJvmMethodNameIfSpecial(it.baseScope, session) == jvmName

        val explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithBuiltinJvmName = declaredMemberScope.getFunctions(jvmName).firstOrNull {
            overrideChecker.isOverriddenFunction(it, someSymbolWithNaturalNameFromSuperType)
        val functionsFromSupertypesWithBuiltinJvmName = supertypeScopeContext.collectFunctions(jvmName).firstOrNull {

        fun createCopyWithNaturalName(
            originalSymbol: FirNamedFunctionSymbol,
            isHidden: Boolean = false,
            origin: FirDeclarationOrigin? = null,
        ): FirNamedFunctionSymbol {
            val original = originalSymbol.fir
            val newSymbol = FirNamedFunctionSymbol(originalSymbol.callableId.copy(callableName = naturalName))

            // If original is declared, it's a FirJavaMethod.
            // If it's inherited, it's a (possibly enhanced) FirSimpleMethod.
            return if (original is FirJavaMethod) {
                buildJavaMethodCopy(original) {
                    name = naturalName
                    symbol = newSymbol
                    dispatchReceiverType = klass.defaultType()

                    // Technically, it should only be an operator if it matches an operator naming convention,
                    // but always setting it doesn't seem to hurt.
                    status = original.status.copy(isOperator = true)
            } else {
                buildSimpleFunctionCopy(original) {
                    name = naturalName
                    symbol = newSymbol
                    dispatchReceiverType = klass.defaultType()
                    origin?.let { this.origin = it }
            }.apply {
                initialSignatureAttr = original.symbol
                if (isHidden) {
                    isHiddenToOvercomeSignatureClash = true

        // Non-builtins with natural name are never here!
        val resultsOfIntersectionWithNaturalNameOrRenamed = when {
            // Something with jvmNames in supertypes: intersect them and renamed builtins, excluding non-builtins with natural name
            functionsFromSupertypesWithBuiltinJvmName != null -> {
                val membersByScope = buildList {
                    intersectedOverridingRenamedBuiltin.mapTo(this) { it.baseScope to listOf(it.member) }
                            val renamedFunction = createCopyWithNaturalName(it.member, origin = FirDeclarationOrigin.RenamedForOverride)
                            it.baseScope to listOf(renamedFunction)
            // Nothing with jvmNames in supertype
            // Intersect only renamed builtins, excluding non-builtins with natural name, if any
            else -> {
                // We could leave only else branch here, if branch is just an optimization
                if (intersectedOverridingNonBuiltin.isEmpty()) listOf(resultOfIntersectionWithNaturalName)
                else supertypeScopeContext.convertGroupedCallablesToIntersectionResults(
           { it.baseScope to listOf(it.member) }

        val functionWithNaturalNameExists = explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithNaturalName != null ||
        if (explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithBuiltinJvmName != null) {
            // If `charAt(Int): Char` is declared, we create its copy as `get(Int): Char`.
            // It should be hidden in case we already have another `get(Int): Char`
            val renamedFunction = createCopyWithNaturalName(
                explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithBuiltinJvmName, isHidden = functionWithNaturalNameExists
            destination += renamedFunction
            setOverrides(renamedFunction, resultsOfIntersectionWithNaturalNameOrRenamed)
        if (functionWithNaturalNameExists) {
            // The CharBuffer situation as example: both `get(Int):Char` and `charAt(Int):Char` are declared or inherited.

            val resultOfIntersectionOfOverridingNonBuiltin = supertypeScopeContext.convertGroupedCallablesToIntersectionResults(
       { it.baseScope to listOf(it.member) }

            if (explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithNaturalName != null) {
                // We have declared `get(Int): Char` => we need to update its overridden declarations.
                    when {
                        // We have only explicit `get(Int): Char` but no explicit `charAt(Int): Char`
                        // Build overrides by including renamed functionsFromSupertypesWithBuiltinJvmName and renamed built-ins,
                        // but excluding non-builtins with natural name
                        explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithBuiltinJvmName == null -> resultsOfIntersectionWithNaturalNameOrRenamed
                        // There is also an explicit `charAt(Int): Char`
                        // Then explicit `get(Int): Char` mustn't override `kotlin.CharSequence.get`,
                        // but it can override non-builtin declarations with natural name.
                        // See compiler/testData/diagnostics/tests/j+k/collectionOverrides/charBuffer.kt
                        else -> resultOfIntersectionOfOverridingNonBuiltin
            } else {
                // `get(Int): Char` is inherited (possibly a real intersection).
                // Add it to destination and set overridden declarations.
                val intersectionOfNaturalName = resultOfIntersectionOfOverridingNonBuiltin.single()
                destination += intersectionOfNaturalName.chosenSymbol
                if (intersectionOfNaturalName is ResultOfIntersection.NonTrivial) {
                    setOverrides(intersectionOfNaturalName.chosenSymbol, resultOfIntersectionOfOverridingNonBuiltin)
        } else if (explicitlyDeclaredFunctionWithBuiltinJvmName == null) {
            // No functions with naturalName, like `get(Int): Char`, are in scope
            // Functions with jvmMame, like `charAt(Int): Char`, come from supertypes only
            for (resultOfIntersection in resultsOfIntersectionWithNaturalNameOrRenamed) {
                destination += resultOfIntersection.chosenSymbol
            functionsFromSupertypesToSaveInCache += resultsOfIntersectionWithNaturalNameOrRenamed

        return true

    private fun setOverrides(override: FirNamedFunctionSymbol, overridden: List>) {
        directOverriddenFunctions[override] = overridden
        for (resultOfIntersection in overridden) {
            for (overriddenMember in resultOfIntersection.overriddenMembers) {
                overrideByBase[overriddenMember.member] = override

    private fun FirPropertySymbol.isOverriddenInClassBy(functionSymbol: FirNamedFunctionSymbol): Boolean {
        if (rawStatus.visibility == Visibilities.Private) return false

        val accessorDescriptors = when (val fir = fir) {
            is FirSyntheticProperty -> {
                if (fir.getter.delegate.symbol == functionSymbol || fir.setter?.delegate?.symbol == functionSymbol) return true
                val getterDescriptor = fir.getter.delegate.computeJvmDescriptor(includeReturnType = false)
                val setterDescriptor = fir.setter?.delegate?.computeJvmDescriptor(includeReturnType = false)
                listOf(getterDescriptor to setterDescriptor)
            else -> {
                val getterNames =
                    listOfNotNull(getJvmMethodNameIfSpecial(this@JavaClassUseSiteMemberScope, session))
                        .takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
                        ?: possibleGetMethodNames(
       { getterName ->
                    val getterDescriptor = fir.computeJvmDescriptorForGetter(
                        customName = getterName.identifier,
                        includeReturnType = false
                    val setterDescriptor = runIf(isVar) {
                            customName = setMethodName(getterName).identifier,
                            includeReturnType = false
                    getterDescriptor to setterDescriptor

        val currentJvmDescriptor = functionSymbol.fir.computeJvmDescriptor(includeReturnType = false)

        val getterDescriptorMatches = accessorDescriptors.any { (getterJvmDescriptor, _) ->
            val gettersAreSame = currentJvmDescriptor == getterJvmDescriptor && run {
                val propertyType = this.fir.returnTypeRef.probablyJavaTypeRefToConeType()
                val functionType = functionSymbol.fir.returnTypeRef.probablyJavaTypeRefToConeType()
                functionType.isSubtypeOf(propertyType, session)

        if (getterDescriptorMatches && this.isVal) return true

        val setterDescriptorMatches = accessorDescriptors.any { (_, setterJvmDescriptor) ->
            currentJvmDescriptor == setterJvmDescriptor

        if (!setterDescriptorMatches) return false

        val (getterOverride, setterOverride) = when (getterDescriptorMatches) {
            true -> functionSymbol to findSetterOverride(this@JavaClassUseSiteMemberScope)
            false -> findGetterOverride(this@JavaClassUseSiteMemberScope) to functionSymbol
        return getterOverride?.modality == setterOverride?.modality

    private fun FirTypeRef.probablyJavaTypeRefToConeType(): ConeKotlinType {
        return toConeKotlinTypeProbablyFlexible(
            session, typeParameterStack, source?.fakeElement(KtFakeSourceElementKind.Enhancement)

    // It's either overrides Collection.contains(Object) or Collection.containsAll(Collection) or similar methods
    private fun FirNamedFunctionSymbol.hasErasedParameters(): Boolean {
        // We're only interested in Java declarations with erased parameters.
        // Removing this check would also return true for substitution overrides for raw types,
        // which leads to false positives like NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE.
        // See compiler/testData/diagnostics/tests/rawTypes/rawTypeOverrides.kt.
        if (!this.isJavaOrEnhancement) return false

        val valueParameter = fir.valueParameters.first()
        val parameterType = valueParameter.returnTypeRef.toConeKotlinTypeProbablyFlexible(
            session, typeParameterStack, valueParameter.source?.fakeElement(KtFakeSourceElementKind.Enhancement)
        val upperBound = parameterType.upperBoundIfFlexible()
        if (upperBound !is ConeClassLikeType) return false

            require(upperBound.lookupTag.classId == StandardClassIds.Collection) {
                "Unexpected type: ${upperBound.lookupTag.classId}"

            return upperBound.typeArguments.singleOrNull() is ConeStarProjection

        return upperBound.classId == StandardClassIds.Any

    private fun FirProperty.computeJvmDescriptorForGetter(customName: String? = null, includeReturnType: Boolean = false): String {
        getter?.computeJvmDescriptor(customName, includeReturnType)?.let { return it }
        val syntheticGetter = FirDefaultPropertyGetter(
            source = null,
            moduleData = moduleData,
            origin = origin,
            propertyTypeRef = returnTypeRef,
            visibility = status.visibility,
            propertySymbol = symbol,
            modality = status.modality ?: Modality.FINAL
        return syntheticGetter.computeJvmDescriptor(customName, includeReturnType)

    private fun FirProperty.computeJvmDescriptorForSetter(customName: String? = null, includeReturnType: Boolean = false): String {
        setter?.computeJvmDescriptor(customName, includeReturnType)?.let { return it }
        val syntheticSetter = FirDefaultPropertySetter(
            source = null,
            moduleData = moduleData,
            origin = origin,
            propertyTypeRef = returnTypeRef,
            visibility = status.visibility,
            propertySymbol = symbol,
            modality = status.modality ?: Modality.FINAL
        return syntheticSetter.computeJvmDescriptor(customName, includeReturnType)

    private fun FirFunction.computeJvmDescriptor(customName: String? = null, includeReturnType: Boolean = false): String {
        return computeJvmDescriptor(customName, includeReturnType) {

     * Checks if class has any kotlin super-types apart from builtins and interfaces
    private fun FirRegularClass.hasKotlinSuper(session: FirSession, visited: MutableSet = mutableSetOf()): Boolean =
        when {
            !visited.add(this) -> false
            this is FirJavaClass -> superConeTypes.any { type ->
                type.toFir(session)?.hasKotlinSuper(session, visited) == true
            isInterface || origin == FirDeclarationOrigin.BuiltIns -> false
            else -> true

    private fun ConeClassLikeType.toFir(session: FirSession): FirRegularClass? {
        val symbol = this.toSymbol(session)
        return if (symbol is FirRegularClassSymbol) {
        } else {

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Java use site scope of ${ownerClassLookupTag.classId}"

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