org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.diagnostics.ConeDiagnostics.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.diagnostics
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.ImmutableList
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtSourceElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.contracts.description.ConeContractDescriptionElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirDeprecationInfo
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.declarations.FirVariable
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.diagnostics.ConeDiagnostic
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.diagnostics.ConeDiagnosticWithNullability
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.diagnostics.ConeDiagnosticWithSource
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirLiteralExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirOperation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.FirThisReceiverExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.render
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.calls.AbstractCandidate
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.calls.ResolutionDiagnostic
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.FirBasedSymbol
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.ConeKotlinType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.FirQualifierPart
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.FirTypeRef
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.tower.CandidateApplicability
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.deprecation.DeprecationInfo
sealed interface ConeUnresolvedError : ConeDiagnostic {
val qualifier: String
interface ConeDiagnosticWithSymbol> : ConeDiagnostic {
val symbol: S
interface ConeDiagnosticWithCandidates : ConeDiagnostic {
val candidates: Collection
val candidateSymbols: Collection> get() = { it.symbol }
interface ConeDiagnosticWithSingleCandidate : ConeDiagnosticWithCandidates {
val candidate: AbstractCandidate
val candidateSymbol: FirBasedSymbol<*> get() = candidate.symbol
override val candidates: Collection get() = listOf(candidate)
override val candidateSymbols: Collection> get() = listOf(candidateSymbol)
class ConeUnresolvedReferenceError(val name: Name) : ConeUnresolvedError {
override val qualifier: String get() = if (!name.isSpecial) name.asString() else "NO_NAME"
override val reason: String get() = "Unresolved reference: ${name.asString()}"
class ConeUnresolvedSymbolError(val classId: ClassId) : ConeUnresolvedError {
override val qualifier: String get() = classId.asSingleFqName().asString()
override val reason: String get() = "Symbol not found for $classId"
class ConeUnresolvedTypeQualifierError(val qualifiers: List, override val isNullable: Boolean)
: ConeUnresolvedError, ConeDiagnosticWithNullability {
override val qualifier: String get() = qualifiers.joinToString(separator = ".") { }
override val reason: String get() = "Symbol not found for $qualifier${if (isNullable) "?" else ""}"
class ConeUnresolvedNameError(
val name: Name,
val operatorToken: String? = null,
) : ConeUnresolvedError {
override val qualifier: String get() = name.asString()
override val reason: String get() = "Unresolved name: $prettyReference"
private val prettyReference: String
get() = when (val token = operatorToken) {
null -> name.toString()
else -> "$name ($token)"
class ConeFunctionCallExpectedError(
val name: Name,
val hasValueParameters: Boolean,
override val candidates: Collection
) : ConeDiagnosticWithCandidates {
override val reason: String get() = "Function call expected: $name(${if (hasValueParameters) "..." else ""})"
class ConeFunctionExpectedError(val expression: String, val type: ConeKotlinType) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Expression '$expression' of type '$type' cannot be invoked as a function"
class ConeResolutionToClassifierError(
override val candidate: AbstractCandidate,
override val candidateSymbol: FirRegularClassSymbol
) : ConeDiagnosticWithSingleCandidate {
override val reason: String get() = "Resolution to classifier"
class ConeHiddenCandidateError(
override val candidate: AbstractCandidate
) : ConeDiagnosticWithSingleCandidate {
override val reason: String get() = "HIDDEN: ${describeSymbol(candidateSymbol)} is deprecated with DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN"
open class ConeVisibilityError(
override val symbol: FirBasedSymbol<*>
) : ConeDiagnosticWithSymbol> {
override val reason: String get() = "HIDDEN: ${describeSymbol(symbol)} is invisible"
open class ConeSetterVisibilityError(
override val symbol: FirPropertySymbol
) : ConeDiagnosticWithSymbol> {
override val reason: String get() = "HIDDEN SETTER: ${describeSymbol(symbol)} is invisible"
class ConeTypeVisibilityError(
symbol: FirBasedSymbol<*>,
val smallestUnresolvablePrefix: List,
) : ConeVisibilityError(symbol)
class ConeInapplicableWrongReceiver(override val candidates: Collection) : ConeDiagnosticWithCandidates {
override val reason: String
get() = "None of the following candidates is applicable because of receiver type mismatch: ${ { describeSymbol(it) }
val primaryDiagnostic: ResolutionDiagnostic?
get() = candidates.singleOrNull()
?.singleOrNull { it.applicability == CandidateApplicability.INAPPLICABLE_WRONG_RECEIVER }
class ConeInapplicableCandidateError(
val applicability: CandidateApplicability,
override val candidate: AbstractCandidate,
) : ConeDiagnosticWithSingleCandidate {
override val reason: String get() = "Inapplicable($applicability): ${describeSymbol(candidateSymbol)}"
class ConeNoCompanionObject(
override val candidate: AbstractCandidate
) : ConeDiagnosticWithSingleCandidate {
override val reason: String
get() = "Classifier ''$candidateSymbol'' does not have a companion object, and thus must be initialized here"
class ConeConstraintSystemHasContradiction(
override val candidate: AbstractCandidate,
) : ConeDiagnosticWithSingleCandidate {
override val reason: String get() = "CS errors: ${describeSymbol(candidateSymbol)}"
override val candidateSymbol: FirBasedSymbol<*> get() = candidate.symbol
class ConeAmbiguityError(
val name: Name,
val applicability: CandidateApplicability,
override val candidates: Collection
) : ConeDiagnosticWithCandidates {
override val reason: String get() = "Ambiguity: $name, ${ { describeSymbol(it) }}"
override val candidateSymbols: Collection> get() = { it.symbol }
class ConeOperatorAmbiguityError(override val candidates: Collection) : ConeDiagnosticWithCandidates {
override val reason: String get() = "Operator overload ambiguity. Compatible candidates: ${ { describeSymbol(it) }}"
object ConeVariableExpectedError : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Variable expected"
sealed class ConeContractDescriptionError : ConeDiagnostic {
class IllegalElement(val element: FirElement) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "illegal element in contract description"
class UnresolvedCall(val name: Name) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "unresolved call in contract description: ${name.asString()}"
class NoReceiver(val name: Name) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "no receiver for call '${name.asString()}' found"
class NoArgument(val name: Name) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "no argument for call '${name.asString()}' found"
class NotAConstant(val element: Any) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "'$element' is not a constant reference"
class IllegalConst(
val element: FirLiteralExpression,
val onlyNullAllowed: Boolean
) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = buildString {
append("is not a null")
if (!onlyNullAllowed) {
append(", true or false")
class NotAParameterReference(val element: ConeContractDescriptionElement) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "$element is not a parameter or receiver reference"
class IllegalParameter(val symbol: FirCallableSymbol<*>, override val reason: String) : ConeContractDescriptionError()
class UnresolvedThis(val expression: FirThisReceiverExpression) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "Can't resolve this reference"
class IllegalThis(val expression: FirThisReceiverExpression) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "Only this reference to extension receiver of a function is allowed"
class UnresolvedInvocationKind(val element: FirElement) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "${element.render()} is not a valid invocation kind"
class NotABooleanExpression(val element: ConeContractDescriptionElement) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "$element is not a boolean expression"
class NotContractDsl(val callableId: CallableId) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "$callableId is not a part of contracts DSL"
class IllegalEqualityOperator(val operation: FirOperation) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "$operation operator call is illegal in contract description"
class NotSelfTypeParameter(val symbol: FirTypeParameterSymbol) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "Type parameter ${} does not belong to owner of contract"
class NotReifiedTypeParameter(val symbol: FirTypeParameterSymbol) : ConeContractDescriptionError() {
override val reason: String
get() = "Type parameter ${} is not reified"
class ConeIllegalAnnotationError(val name: Name) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Not a legal annotation: $name"
sealed interface ConeUnmatchedTypeArgumentsError : ConeDiagnosticWithSymbol> {
val desiredCount: Int
class ConeWrongNumberOfTypeArgumentsError(
override val desiredCount: Int,
override val symbol: FirClassLikeSymbol<*>,
source: KtSourceElement
) : ConeDiagnosticWithSource(source), ConeUnmatchedTypeArgumentsError {
override val reason: String get() = "Wrong number of type arguments"
class ConeTypeArgumentsNotAllowedOnPackageError(source: KtSourceElement) : ConeDiagnosticWithSource(source) {
override val reason: String get() = "Type arguments are not allowed for packages"
class ConeTypeArgumentsForOuterClassWhenNestedReferencedError(source: KtSourceElement) : ConeDiagnosticWithSource(source) {
override val reason: String get() = "Type arguments for outer class are redundant when nested class is referenced"
class ConeNestedClassAccessedViaInstanceReference(
source: KtSourceElement,
val symbol: FirClassLikeSymbol<*>,
) : ConeDiagnosticWithSource(source) {
override val reason: String get() = "Nested ${symbol.classId} accessed via instance reference"
class ConeNoTypeArgumentsOnRhsError(
override val desiredCount: Int,
override val symbol: FirClassLikeSymbol<*>
) : ConeUnmatchedTypeArgumentsError {
override val reason: String get() = "No type arguments on RHS"
class ConeOuterClassArgumentsRequired(
val symbol: FirClassLikeSymbol<*>,
) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String = "Type arguments should be specified for an outer class"
class ConeInstanceAccessBeforeSuperCall(val target: String) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Cannot access ''${target}'' before the instance has been initialized"
class ConeUnsupportedCallableReferenceTarget(override val candidate: AbstractCandidate) : ConeDiagnosticWithSingleCandidate {
override val reason: String get() = "Unsupported declaration for callable reference: ${candidate.symbol.fir.render()}"
class ConeTypeParameterSupertype(val symbol: FirTypeParameterSymbol) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Type parameter ${} cannot be a supertype"
class ConeTypeParameterInQualifiedAccess(val symbol: FirTypeParameterSymbol) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Type parameter ${} in qualified access"
class ConeCyclicTypeBound(val symbol: FirTypeParameterSymbol, val bounds: ImmutableList) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Type parameter ${} has cyclic bounds"
class ConeImportFromSingleton(val name: Name) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Import from singleton $name is not allowed"
open class ConeUnsupported(override val reason: String, val source: KtSourceElement? = null) : ConeDiagnostic
open class ConeUnsupportedDefaultValueInFunctionType(source: KtSourceElement? = null) :
ConeUnsupported("Default value of parameter in function type", source)
class ConeUnresolvedParentInImport(val parentClassId: ClassId) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String
get() = "unresolved import"
class ConeDeprecated(
val source: KtSourceElement?,
override val symbol: FirBasedSymbol<*>,
val deprecationInfo: FirDeprecationInfo
) : ConeDiagnosticWithSymbol> {
override val reason: String get() = "Deprecated: ${deprecationInfo.deprecationLevel}"
class ConeLocalVariableNoTypeOrInitializer(val variable: FirVariable) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Cannot infer variable type without initializer / getter / delegate"
class ConeNotFunctionAsOperator(val symbol: FirBasedSymbol<*>) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Cannot use not function as an operator"
class ConeUnknownLambdaParameterTypeDiagnostic : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Unknown return lambda parameter type"
private fun describeSymbol(symbol: FirBasedSymbol<*>): String {
return when (symbol) {
is FirClassLikeSymbol<*> -> symbol.classId.asString()
is FirCallableSymbol<*> -> symbol.callableId.toString()
else -> "$symbol"
class ConeAmbiguousAlteredAssign(val altererNames: List) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String
get() = "Assign altered by multiple extensions"
object ConeForbiddenIntersection : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String get() = "Such an intersection type is not allowed"
class ConeAmbiguouslyResolvedAnnotationFromPlugin(
val typeFromCompilerPhase: ConeKotlinType,
val typeFromTypesPhase: ConeKotlinType
) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String
get() = """
Annotation type resolved differently on compiler annotation and types stages:
- compiler annotations: $typeFromCompilerPhase
- types stage: $typeFromTypesPhase
class ConeAmbiguouslyResolvedAnnotationArgument(
val symbolFromCompilerPhase: FirBasedSymbol<*>,
val symbolFromAnnotationArgumentsPhase: FirBasedSymbol<*>?
) : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String
get() = """
Annotation symbol resolved differently on compiler annotation and symbols stages:
- compiler annotations: $symbolFromCompilerPhase
- compiler arguments stage: $symbolFromAnnotationArgumentsPhase
object ConeResolutionResultOverridesOtherToPreserveCompatibility : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String
get() = "Resolution result overrides another result to preserve compatibility, result maybe changed in future versions"
object ConeCallToDeprecatedOverrideOfHidden : ConeDiagnostic {
override val reason: String
get() = "Call to deprecated override of hidden"
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