org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.translate.context.Namer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2017 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.translate.context;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.PrimitiveType;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.CallableDescriptor;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.TypeParameterDescriptor;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.KotlinLanguage;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.*;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.metadata.MetadataProperties;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.metadata.SideEffectKind;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.metadata.SpecialFunction;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.backend.ast.metadata.TypeCheck;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.config.JsConfig;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.naming.NameSuggestion;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.naming.SuggestedName;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.translate.intrinsic.functions.factories.ArrayFIF;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.translate.utils.JsAstUtils;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.translate.utils.JsDescriptorUtils;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingContext;
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.translate.utils.JsAstUtils.pureFqn;
import static org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.translate.utils.JsDescriptorUtils.getModuleName;
* Encapsulates different types of constants and naming conventions.
public final class Namer {
public static final String KOTLIN_NAME = KotlinLanguage.NAME;
public static final String KOTLIN_LOWER_NAME = KOTLIN_NAME.toLowerCase();
public static final String EQUALS_METHOD_NAME = "equals";
public static final String COMPARE_TO_METHOD_NAME = "compareTo_11rb$";
public static final String LONG_FROM_NUMBER = "fromNumber";
public static final String LONG_TO_NUMBER = "toNumber";
public static final String LONG_FROM_INT = "fromInt";
public static final String UINT_FROM_INT = "toUInt";
public static final String LONG_ZERO = "ZERO";
public static final String LONG_ONE = "ONE";
public static final String LONG_NEG_ONE = "NEG_ONE";
public static final String LONG_MAX_VALUE = "MAX_VALUE";
public static final String LONG_MIN_VALUE = "MIN_VALUE";
public static final String PRIMITIVE_COMPARE_TO = "primitiveCompareTo";
public static final String IS_CHAR = "isChar";
public static final String IS_NUMBER = "isNumber";
private static final String IS_CHAR_SEQUENCE = "isCharSequence";
public static final String GET_KCLASS = "getKClass";
public static final String GET_KCLASS_FROM_EXPRESSION = "getKClassFromExpression";
public static final String CREATE_KTYPE = "createKType";
public static final String CREATE_DYNAMIC_KTYPE = "createDynamicKType";
public static final String MARK_KTYPE_NULLABLE = "markKTypeNullable";
public static final String CREATE_KTYPE_PARAMETER = "createKTypeParameter";
public static final String CREATE_REIFIED_KTYPE_PARAMETER = "getReifiedTypeParameterKType";
public static final String GET_START_KTYPE_PROJECTION = "getStarKTypeProjection";
public static final String CREATE_COVARIANT_KTYPE_PROJECTION = "createCovariantKTypeProjection";
public static final String CREATE_INVARIANT_KTYPE_PROJECTION = "createInvariantKTypeProjection";
public static final String CREATE_CONTRAVARIANT_KTYPE_PROJECTION = "createContravariantKTypeProjection";
public static final String CALLEE_NAME = "$fun";
public static final String CALL_FUNCTION = "call";
private static final String APPLY_FUNCTION = "apply";
public static final String OUTER_FIELD_NAME = "$outer";
private static final String DELEGATE = "$delegate";
private static final String ROOT_PACKAGE = "_";
private static final String RECEIVER_PARAMETER_NAME = "$receiver";
public static final String ANOTHER_THIS_PARAMETER_NAME = "$this";
public static final String THROW_CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION_FUN_NAME = "throwCCE";
public static final String THROW_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION_FUN_NAME = "throwIAE";
public static final String NULL_CHECK_INTRINSIC_NAME = "ensureNotNull";
private static final String PROTOTYPE_NAME = "prototype";
private static final String CAPTURED_VAR_FIELD = "v";
public static final JsNameRef IS_ARRAY_FUN_REF = new JsNameRef("isArray", "Array");
public static final String DEFINE_INLINE_FUNCTION = "defineInlineFunction";
public static final String DEFAULT_PARAMETER_IMPLEMENTOR_SUFFIX = "$default";
private static final JsNameRef JS_OBJECT = new JsNameRef("Object");
private static final JsNameRef JS_OBJECT_CREATE_FUNCTION = new JsNameRef("create", JS_OBJECT);
public static final String LOCAL_MODULE_PREFIX = "$module$";
public static final String METADATA = "$metadata$";
public static final String METADATA_SUPERTYPES = "interfaces";
public static final String METADATA_SIMPLE_NAME = "simpleName";
public static final String METADATA_CLASS_KIND = "kind";
public static final String CLASS_KIND_ENUM = "Kind";
public static final String CLASS_KIND_CLASS = "CLASS";
public static final String CLASS_KIND_INTERFACE = "INTERFACE";
public static final String CLASS_KIND_OBJECT = "OBJECT";
public static final String OBJECT_INSTANCE_VAR_SUFFIX = "_instance";
public static final String OBJECT_INSTANCE_FUNCTION_SUFFIX = "_getInstance";
public static final String ENUM_NAME_FIELD = "name$";
public static final String ENUM_ORDINAL_FIELD = "ordinal$";
public static final String IMPORTS_FOR_INLINE_PROPERTY = "$$importsForInline$$";
public static final String SAM_FIELD_NAME = "function$";
public static String getFunctionTag(
@NotNull CallableDescriptor functionDescriptor,
@NotNull JsConfig config,
@NotNull BindingContext bindingContext
) {
String intrinsicTag = ArrayFIF.INSTANCE.getTag(functionDescriptor, config);
if (intrinsicTag != null) return intrinsicTag;
functionDescriptor = (CallableDescriptor) JsDescriptorUtils.findRealInlineDeclaration(functionDescriptor);
String moduleName = getModuleName(functionDescriptor);
FqNameUnsafe fqNameParent = DescriptorUtils.getFqName(functionDescriptor).parent();
String qualifier = null;
if (!fqNameParent.isRoot()) {
qualifier = fqNameParent.asString();
SuggestedName suggestedName = new NameSuggestion().suggest(functionDescriptor, bindingContext);
assert suggestedName != null : "Suggested name can be null only for module descriptors: " + functionDescriptor;
String mangledName = suggestedName.getNames().get(0);
return StringUtil.join(Arrays.asList(moduleName, qualifier, mangledName), ".");
public static String getReceiverParameterName() {
public static String getRootPackageName() {
public static String getPrototypeName() {
public static String getDelegatePrefix() {
return DELEGATE;
public static JsNameRef getFunctionCallRef(@NotNull JsExpression functionExpression) {
JsNameRef result = pureFqn(CALL_FUNCTION, functionExpression);
MetadataProperties.setJsCall(result, true);
return result;
public static JsNameRef getFunctionApplyRef(@NotNull JsExpression functionExpression) {
return pureFqn(APPLY_FUNCTION, functionExpression);
public static JsInvocation createObjectWithPrototypeFrom(@NotNull JsExpression referenceToClass) {
return new JsInvocation(JS_OBJECT_CREATE_FUNCTION.deepCopy(), JsAstUtils.prototypeOf(referenceToClass));
public static JsNameRef getCapturedVarAccessor(@NotNull JsExpression ref) {
JsNameRef result = new JsNameRef(CAPTURED_VAR_FIELD, ref);
MetadataProperties.setSideEffects(result, SideEffectKind.DEPENDS_ON_STATE);
return result;
public static String isInstanceSuggestedName(@NotNull TypeParameterDescriptor descriptor) {
return "is" + NameSuggestion.sanitizeName(descriptor.getName().getIdentifier());
public static Namer newInstance(@NotNull JsScope rootScope) {
return new Namer(rootScope);
private final JsObjectScope kotlinScope;
public static final String FUNCTION_CALLABLE_REF = "getCallableRef";
public static final String PROPERTY_CALLABLE_REF = "getPropertyCallableRef";
private final JsExpression callGetProperty;
private final JsExpression callSetProperty;
private Namer(@NotNull JsScope rootScope) {
kotlinScope = new JsObjectScope(rootScope, "Kotlin standard object");
callGetProperty = kotlin("callGetter");
callSetProperty = kotlin("callSetter");
public static JsNameRef kotlin(@NotNull JsName name) {
return pureFqn(name, kotlinObject());
public JsNameRef kotlin(@NotNull String name) {
return kotlin(kotlinScope.declareName(name));
public static JsNameRef kotlinObject() {
return pureFqn(KOTLIN_NAME, null);
public JsExpression isTypeOf(@NotNull JsExpression type) {
return invokeFunctionAndSetTypeCheckMetadata("isTypeOf", type, TypeCheck.TYPEOF);
public JsExpression isInstanceOf(@NotNull JsExpression type) {
return invokeFunctionAndSetTypeCheckMetadata("isInstanceOf", type, TypeCheck.INSTANCEOF);
public JsExpression orNull(@NotNull JsExpression callable) {
return invokeFunctionAndSetTypeCheckMetadata("orNull", callable, TypeCheck.OR_NULL);
public JsExpression andPredicate(@NotNull JsExpression a, @NotNull JsExpression b) {
return invokeFunctionAndSetTypeCheckMetadata("andPredicate", Arrays.asList(a, b), TypeCheck.AND_PREDICATE);
public JsExpression isComparable() {
return kotlin("isComparable");
public JsExpression isCharSequence() {
return kotlin(IS_CHAR_SEQUENCE);
public JsExpression isArray() {
return kotlin("isArray");
public JsExpression isPrimitiveArray(@NotNull PrimitiveType type) {
return kotlin("is" + type.getArrayTypeName().asString());
private JsExpression invokeFunctionAndSetTypeCheckMetadata(
@NotNull String functionName,
@Nullable JsExpression argument,
@NotNull TypeCheck metadata
) {
List arguments = argument != null ? Collections.singletonList(argument) : Collections.emptyList();
return invokeFunctionAndSetTypeCheckMetadata(functionName, arguments, metadata);
private JsExpression invokeFunctionAndSetTypeCheckMetadata(
@NotNull String functionName,
@NotNull List arguments,
@NotNull TypeCheck metadata
) {
JsInvocation invocation = new JsInvocation(kotlin(functionName));
MetadataProperties.setTypeCheck(invocation, metadata);
MetadataProperties.setSideEffects(invocation, SideEffectKind.PURE);
return invocation;
public static JsExpression isInstanceOf(@NotNull JsExpression instance, @NotNull JsExpression type) {
JsInvocation result = new JsInvocation(new JsNameRef("isType", KOTLIN_NAME), instance, type);
MetadataProperties.setSideEffects(result, SideEffectKind.PURE);
return result;
public static JsExpression getUndefinedExpression() {
return new JsPrefixOperation(JsUnaryOperator.VOID, new JsIntLiteral(0));
public JsExpression getCallGetProperty() {
return callGetProperty.deepCopy();
public JsExpression getCallSetProperty() {
return callSetProperty.deepCopy();
public static JsNameRef kotlinLong() {
return pureFqn("Long", kotlinObject());
public static JsExpression createSpecialFunction(@NotNull SpecialFunction specialFunction) {
return pureFqn(specialFunction.getSuggestedName(), kotlinObject());
public static String suggestedModuleName(@NotNull String id) {
if (id.isEmpty()) {
return "_";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(id.length());
char c = id.charAt(0);
if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) {
else {
if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) {
for (int i = 1; i < id.length(); ++i) {
c = id.charAt(i);
sb.append(Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) ? c : '_');
return sb.toString();
public static JsNameRef imul() {
return pureFqn("imul", kotlinObject());
public static boolean requiresEscaping(@NotNull String name) {
// TODO: remove if there is existing implementation of this method
// TODO: handle JavaScript keywords
if (name.isEmpty() || !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(name.charAt(0))) return true;
for (int i = 1; i < name.length(); ++i) {
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(name.charAt(i))) return true;
return false;
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