org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.results.OverloadingConflictResolver.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2017 JetBrains s.r.o.
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package org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.results
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Hash
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectOpenCustomHashSet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.KotlinBuiltIns
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.StandardNames
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.UnsignedTypes
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.synthetic.SyntheticMemberDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorEquivalenceForOverrides
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.OverridingUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.context.CheckArgumentTypesMode
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.isTypeRefinementEnabled
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.varargParameterPosition
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.TypeUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.checker.KotlinTypeRefiner
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.KotlinTypeMarker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.model.requireOrDescribe
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.CancellationChecker
import java.util.*
open class OverloadingConflictResolver(
private val builtIns: KotlinBuiltIns,
private val module: ModuleDescriptor,
private val specificityComparator: TypeSpecificityComparator,
private val platformOverloadsSpecificityComparator: PlatformOverloadsSpecificityComparator,
private val cancellationChecker: CancellationChecker,
private val getResultingDescriptor: (C) -> CallableDescriptor,
private val createEmptyConstraintSystem: () -> SimpleConstraintSystem,
private val createFlatSignature: (C) -> FlatSignature,
private val getVariableCandidates: (C) -> C?, // for variable WithInvoke
private val isFromSources: (CallableDescriptor) -> Boolean,
private val hasSAMConversion: ((C) -> Boolean)?,
private val kotlinTypeRefiner: KotlinTypeRefiner,
) {
private val isTypeRefinementEnabled by lazy { module.isTypeRefinementEnabled() }
private val resolvedCallHashingStrategy = object : Hash.Strategy {
override fun equals(call1: C?, call2: C?): Boolean =
if (call1 != null && call2 != null)
call1.resultingDescriptor == call2.resultingDescriptor
call1 == call2
override fun hashCode(call: C?): Int = call?.resultingDescriptor?.hashCode() ?: 0
private val C.resultingDescriptor: CallableDescriptor get() = getResultingDescriptor(this)
// if result contains only one element -- it is maximally specific; otherwise we have ambiguity
fun chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(
candidates: Collection,
checkArgumentsMode: CheckArgumentTypesMode,
discriminateGenerics: Boolean
): Set {
candidates.setIfOneOrEmpty()?.let { return it }
val fixedCandidates = if (getVariableCandidates(candidates.first()) != null) {
findMaximallySpecificVariableAsFunctionCalls(candidates) ?: return LinkedHashSet(candidates)
} else {
val noEquivalentCalls = filterOutEquivalentCalls(fixedCandidates)
val noOverrides = OverridingUtil.filterOverrides(
) { a, b ->
val aDescriptor = a.resultingDescriptor
val bDescriptor = b.resultingDescriptor
// Here we'd like to handle situation when we have two synthetic descriptors as in syntheticSAMExtensions.kt
// Without this, we'll pick all synthetic descriptors as they don't have overridden descriptors and
// then report ambiguity, which isn't very convenient
if (aDescriptor is SyntheticMemberDescriptor<*> && bDescriptor is SyntheticMemberDescriptor<*>) {
val aBaseDescriptor = aDescriptor.baseDescriptorForSynthetic
val bBaseDescriptor = bDescriptor.baseDescriptorForSynthetic
if (aBaseDescriptor is CallableMemberDescriptor && bBaseDescriptor is CallableMemberDescriptor) {
return@filterOverrides Pair(aBaseDescriptor, bBaseDescriptor)
Pair(aDescriptor, bDescriptor)
if (noOverrides.size == 1) {
return noOverrides
val maximallySpecific = findMaximallySpecific(noOverrides, checkArgumentsMode, false)
if (maximallySpecific != null) {
return setOf(maximallySpecific)
if (discriminateGenerics) {
val maximallySpecificGenericsDiscriminated = findMaximallySpecific(noOverrides, checkArgumentsMode, true)
if (maximallySpecificGenericsDiscriminated != null) {
return setOf(maximallySpecificGenericsDiscriminated)
return noOverrides
// Sometimes we should compare "copies" from sources and from binary files.
// But we cannot compare return types for such copies, because it may lead us to recursive problem (see KT-11995).
// Because of this we compare them without return type and choose descriptor from source if we found duplicate.
fun filterOutEquivalentCalls(candidates: Collection): Set {
candidates.setIfOneOrEmpty()?.let { return it }
val fromSourcesGoesFirst = candidates.sortedBy { if (isFromSources(it.resultingDescriptor)) 0 else 1 }
val result = LinkedHashSet()
outerLoop@ for (meD in fromSourcesGoesFirst) {
for (otherD in result) {
val me = meD.resultingDescriptor.originalIfTypeRefinementEnabled
val other = otherD.resultingDescriptor.originalIfTypeRefinementEnabled
val ignoreReturnType = isFromSources(me) != isFromSources(other)
if (DescriptorEquivalenceForOverrides.areCallableDescriptorsEquivalent(
allowCopiesFromTheSameDeclaration = isTypeRefinementEnabled,
ignoreReturnType = ignoreReturnType,
kotlinTypeRefiner = kotlinTypeRefiner
) {
return result
private val CallableDescriptor.originalIfTypeRefinementEnabled get() = if (isTypeRefinementEnabled) original else this
private fun Collection.setIfOneOrEmpty() = when (size) {
0 -> emptySet()
1 -> setOf(single())
else -> null
private fun findMaximallySpecific(
candidates: Set,
checkArgumentsMode: CheckArgumentTypesMode,
discriminateGenerics: Boolean
): C? =
if (candidates.size <= 1)
else when (checkArgumentsMode) {
CheckArgumentTypesMode.CHECK_CALLABLE_TYPE ->
uniquifyCandidatesSet(candidates).singleOrNull {
isDefinitelyMostSpecific(it, candidates) { call1, call2 ->
isNotLessSpecificCallableReference(call1.resultingDescriptor, call2.resultingDescriptor)
CheckArgumentTypesMode.CHECK_VALUE_ARGUMENTS ->
// Attempt 1: general disambiguation
findMaximallySpecificCall(candidates, discriminateGenerics)
// Attempt 2: disambiguation excluding SAM converted candidates
?: hasSAMConversion?.let { hasConversion ->
candidates.filterNotTo(mutableSetOf(), hasConversion),
// Attempt 3: disambiguation excluding synthetic candidates
?: findMaximallySpecificCall(
candidates.filterNotTo(mutableSetOf()) { createFlatSignature(it).isSyntheticMember },
// Attempt 4: disambiguation on original SAM-types
?: hasSAMConversion?.let { hasConversion ->
candidates.filterTo(mutableSetOf(), hasConversion),
discriminateGenerics, useOriginalSamTypes = true
// null means ambiguity between variables
private fun findMaximallySpecificVariableAsFunctionCalls(candidates: Collection): Set? {
val variableCalls = candidates.mapTo(newResolvedCallSet(candidates.size)) {
getVariableCandidates(it) ?: throw AssertionError("Regular call among variable-as-function calls: $it")
val maxSpecificVariableCalls = chooseMaximallySpecificCandidates(
variableCalls, CheckArgumentTypesMode.CHECK_VALUE_ARGUMENTS,
discriminateGenerics = false
val maxSpecificVariableCall = maxSpecificVariableCalls.singleOrNull() ?: return null
return candidates.filterTo(newResolvedCallSet(2)) {
getVariableCandidates(it)!!.resultingDescriptor == maxSpecificVariableCall.resultingDescriptor
private fun findMaximallySpecificCall(candidates: Set, discriminateGenerics: Boolean, useOriginalSamTypes: Boolean = false): C? {
val filteredCandidates = uniquifyCandidatesSet(candidates)
if (filteredCandidates.size <= 1) return filteredCandidates.singleOrNull()
val conflictingCandidates = { candidateCall ->
val bestCandidatesByParameterTypes = conflictingCandidates.filter { candidate ->
isMostSpecific(candidate, conflictingCandidates) { call1, call2 ->
isNotLessSpecificCallWithArgumentMapping(call1, call2, discriminateGenerics, useOriginalSamTypes)
return bestCandidatesByParameterTypes.exactMaxWith { call1, call2 -> isOfNotLessSpecificShape(call1, call2) }?.origin
private inline fun Collection.exactMaxWith(isNotWorse: (C, C) -> Boolean): C? {
var result: C? = null
for (candidate in this) {
if (result == null || isNotWorse(candidate, result)) {
result = candidate
if (result == null) return null
if (any { it != result && isNotWorse(it, result) }) {
return null
return result
private inline fun isMostSpecific(candidate: C, candidates: Collection, isNotLessSpecific: (C, C) -> Boolean): Boolean =
candidates.all { other ->
candidate === other ||
isNotLessSpecific(candidate, other)
private inline fun isDefinitelyMostSpecific(
candidate: C,
candidates: Collection,
isNotLessSpecific: (C, C) -> Boolean
): Boolean =
candidates.all { other ->
candidate === other ||
isNotLessSpecific(candidate, other) && !isNotLessSpecific(other, candidate)
* `call1` is not less specific than `call2`
private fun isNotLessSpecificCallWithArgumentMapping(
call1: FlatSignature,
call2: FlatSignature,
discriminateGenerics: Boolean,
useOriginalSamTypes: Boolean
): Boolean {
return tryCompareDescriptorsFromScripts(call1.candidateDescriptor(), call2.candidateDescriptor()) ?: compareCallsByUsedArguments(
* Returns `true` if [call1] is definitely more or equally specific [call2],
* `false` otherwise.
private fun compareCallsByUsedArguments(
call1: FlatSignature,
call2: FlatSignature,
discriminateGenerics: Boolean,
useOriginalSamTypes: Boolean
): Boolean {
if (discriminateGenerics) {
val isGeneric1 = call1.isGeneric
val isGeneric2 = call2.isGeneric
// generic loses to non-generic
if (isGeneric1 && !isGeneric2) return false
if (!isGeneric1 && isGeneric2) return true
// two generics are non-comparable
if (isGeneric1 && isGeneric2) return false
if (!call1.isExpect && call2.isExpect) return true
if (call1.isExpect && !call2.isExpect) return false
if (call1.contextReceiverCount > call2.contextReceiverCount) return true
if (call1.contextReceiverCount < call2.contextReceiverCount) return false
return createEmptyConstraintSystem().isSignatureNotLessSpecific(
private val SpecificityComparisonWithNumerics = object : SpecificityComparisonCallbacks {
override fun isNonSubtypeNotLessSpecific(specific: KotlinTypeMarker, general: KotlinTypeMarker): Boolean {
requireOrDescribe(specific is KotlinType, specific)
requireOrDescribe(general is KotlinType, general)
val _double = builtIns.doubleType
val _float = builtIns.floatType
val isSpecificUnsigned = UnsignedTypes.isUnsignedType(specific)
val isGeneralUnsigned = UnsignedTypes.isUnsignedType(general)
return when {
isSpecificUnsigned && isGeneralUnsigned -> {
val uLong = module.findClassAcrossModuleDependencies(StandardNames.FqNames.uLong)?.defaultType ?: return false
val uInt = module.findClassAcrossModuleDependencies(StandardNames.FqNames.uInt)?.defaultType ?: return false
val uByte = module.findClassAcrossModuleDependencies(StandardNames.FqNames.uByte)?.defaultType ?: return false
val uShort = module.findClassAcrossModuleDependencies(StandardNames.FqNames.uShort)?.defaultType ?: return false
isNonSubtypeNotLessSpecific(specific, general, _double, _float, uLong, uInt, uByte, uShort)
!isSpecificUnsigned && isGeneralUnsigned -> true
else -> {
val _long = builtIns.longType
val _int = builtIns.intType
val _byte = builtIns.byteType
val _short = builtIns.shortType
isNonSubtypeNotLessSpecific(specific, general, _double, _float, _long, _int, _byte, _short)
private fun isNonSubtypeNotLessSpecific(
specific: KotlinType,
general: KotlinType,
_double: KotlinType,
_float: KotlinType,
_long: KotlinType,
_int: KotlinType,
_byte: KotlinType,
_short: KotlinType
): Boolean {
when {
TypeUtils.equalTypes(specific, _double) && TypeUtils.equalTypes(general, _float) -> return true
TypeUtils.equalTypes(specific, _int) -> {
when {
TypeUtils.equalTypes(general, _long) -> return true
TypeUtils.equalTypes(general, _byte) -> return true
TypeUtils.equalTypes(general, _short) -> return true
TypeUtils.equalTypes(specific, _short) && TypeUtils.equalTypes(general, _byte) -> return true
return false
private fun isOfNotLessSpecificShape(
call1: FlatSignature,
call2: FlatSignature
): Boolean {
val hasVarargs1 = call1.hasVarargs
val hasVarargs2 = call2.hasVarargs
if (hasVarargs1 && !hasVarargs2) return false
if (!hasVarargs1 && hasVarargs2) return true
if (call1.numDefaults > call2.numDefaults) {
return false
if (platformOverloadsSpecificityComparator.isMoreSpecificShape(call2.candidateDescriptor(), call1.candidateDescriptor())) {
return false
return true
* Returns `true` if `d1` is definitely not less specific than `d2`,
* `false` if `d1` is definitely less specific than `d2`,
* `null` if undecided.
private fun tryCompareDescriptorsFromScripts(d1: CallableDescriptor, d2: CallableDescriptor): Boolean? {
val containingDeclaration1 = d1.containingDeclaration
val containingDeclaration2 = d2.containingDeclaration
if (containingDeclaration1 is ScriptDescriptor && containingDeclaration2 is ScriptDescriptor) {
when {
containingDeclaration1.priority > containingDeclaration2.priority -> return true
containingDeclaration1.priority < containingDeclaration2.priority -> return false
return null
* Returns `true` if `f` is definitely not less specific than `g`,
* `false` if `f` is definitely less specific than `g`,
* `null` if undecided.
private fun isNotLessSpecificCallableReferenceDescriptor(f: CallableDescriptor, g: CallableDescriptor): Boolean {
if (f.valueParameters.size != g.valueParameters.size) return false
if (f.varargParameterPosition() != g.varargParameterPosition()) return false
val fSignature = FlatSignature.createFromCallableDescriptor(f)
val gSignature = FlatSignature.createFromCallableDescriptor(g)
if (!createEmptyConstraintSystem().isSignatureNotLessSpecific(
) {
return false
if (f is CallableMemberDescriptor && g is CallableMemberDescriptor) {
if (!f.isExpect && g.isExpect) return true
if (f.isExpect && !g.isExpect) return false
if (platformOverloadsSpecificityComparator.isMoreSpecificShape(g, f)) {
return false
return true
private fun isNotLessSpecificCallableReference(f: CallableDescriptor, g: CallableDescriptor): Boolean =
// TODO should we "discriminate generic descriptors" for callable references?
tryCompareDescriptorsFromScripts(f, g) ?: isNotLessSpecificCallableReferenceDescriptor(f, g)
// Different smart casts may lead to the same candidate descriptor wrapped into different ResolvedCallImpl objects
private fun uniquifyCandidatesSet(candidates: Collection): Set =
ObjectOpenCustomHashSet(candidates.size, resolvedCallHashingStrategy).apply { addAll(candidates) }
private fun newResolvedCallSet(expectedSize: Int): MutableSet =
ObjectOpenCustomHashSet(expectedSize, resolvedCallHashingStrategy)
private fun FlatSignature.candidateDescriptor() =
private fun FlatSignature.descriptorVisibility() =
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