org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline.AnonymousObjectTransformer.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline
import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.coroutines.DEBUG_METADATA_ANNOTATION_ASM_TYPE
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.coroutines.isCoroutineSuperClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline.coroutines.CoroutineTransformer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.inline.coroutines.FOR_INLINE_SUFFIX
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.serialization.JvmCodegenStringTable
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.state.KotlinTypeMapperBase
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.JVMConfigurationKeys
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.LanguageFeature
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.FileBasedKotlinClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.header.KotlinClassHeader
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.header.ReadKotlinClassHeaderAnnotationVisitor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.JvmProtoBuf
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.JvmProtoBufUtil
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.serialization.JvmStringTable
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.protobuf.MessageLite
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.diagnostics.JvmDeclarationOrigin.Companion.NO_ORIGIN
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.toMetadataVersion
import java.util.*
class AnonymousObjectTransformer(
transformationInfo: AnonymousObjectTransformationInfo,
private val inliningContext: InliningContext,
private val isSameModule: Boolean,
private val continuationClassName: String?
) : ObjectTransformer(transformationInfo, inliningContext.state) {
private val oldObjectType = Type.getObjectType(transformationInfo.oldClassName)
private val fieldNames = hashMapOf>()
private var constructor: MethodNode? = null
private lateinit var sourceMap: SMAP
private lateinit var sourceMapper: SourceMapper
// TODO: use IrTypeMapper in the IR backend
private val typeMapper: KotlinTypeMapperBase = state.typeMapper
override fun doTransform(parentRemapper: FieldRemapper): InlineResult {
val innerClassNodes = ArrayList()
val classBuilder = createRemappingClassBuilderViaFactory(inliningContext)
val methodsToTransform = ArrayList()
val metadataReader = ReadKotlinClassHeaderAnnotationVisitor()
lateinit var superClassName: String
var debugFileName: String? = null
var debugInfo: String? = null
var debugMetadataAnnotation: AnnotationNode? = null
createClassReader().accept(object : ClassVisitor(Opcodes.API_VERSION, classBuilder.visitor) {
override fun visit(version: Int, access: Int, name: String, signature: String?, superName: String, interfaces: Array) {
null, maxOf(version, state.config.classFileVersion), access, name, signature, superName, interfaces
if (superName.isCoroutineSuperClass()) {
inliningContext.isContinuation = true
superClassName = superName
override fun visitInnerClass(name: String, outerName: String?, innerName: String?, access: Int) {
innerClassNodes.add(InnerClassNode(name, outerName, innerName, access))
override fun visitAnnotation(desc: String, visible: Boolean): AnnotationVisitor? {
when (desc) {
JvmAnnotationNames.METADATA_DESC -> {
// Empty inner class info because no inner classes are used in kotlin.Metadata and its arguments
val innerClassesInfo = FileBasedKotlinClass.InnerClassesInfo()
return FileBasedKotlinClass.convertAnnotationVisitor(metadataReader, desc, innerClassesInfo)
debugMetadataAnnotation = AnnotationNode(desc)
return debugMetadataAnnotation
// The new value of @SourceDebugExtension will be written along with the new SMAP via ClassBuilder.visitSMAP.
return null
else -> return classBuilder.newAnnotation(desc, visible)
override fun visitMethod(
access: Int, name: String, desc: String, signature: String?, exceptions: Array?
): MethodVisitor {
val node = MethodNode(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions)
if (name == "") {
if (constructor != null) {
throw RuntimeException(
"Lambda, SAM or anonymous object should have only one constructor.\n" +
constructor = node
} else {
return node
override fun visitField(access: Int, name: String, desc: String, signature: String?, value: Any?): FieldVisitor? {
return if (isCapturedFieldName(name)) {
} else {
classBuilder.newField(NO_ORIGIN, access, name, desc, signature, value)
override fun visitSource(source: String, debug: String?) {
debugFileName = source
debugInfo = debug
override fun visitEnd() {}
}, ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES)
val header = metadataReader.createHeader(inliningContext.state.languageVersionSettings.languageVersion.toMetadataVersion())
assert(isSameModule || (header != null && isPublicAbi(header))) {
"Trying to inline an anonymous object which is not part of the public ABI: ${oldObjectType.className}"
// When regenerating objects in inline lambdas, keep the old SMAP and don't remap the line numbers to
// save time. The result is effectively the same anyway.
sourceMap = debugInfo.takeIf { !inliningContext.isInliningLambda }?.let(SMAPParser::parseOrNull)
?: SMAP.identityMapping(debugFileName, oldObjectType.internalName, methodsToTransform + listOfNotNull(constructor))
sourceMapper = SourceMapper(debugFileName, sourceMap)
val allCapturedParamBuilder = ParametersBuilder.newBuilder()
val constructorParamBuilder = ParametersBuilder.newBuilder()
constructor!!, allCapturedParamBuilder, constructorParamBuilder, transformationInfo, parentRemapper
val deferringMethods = ArrayList()
generateConstructorAndFields(classBuilder, constructorParamBuilder, parentRemapper)
val coroutineTransformer = CoroutineTransformer(
var putDebugMetadata = false
loop@ for (next in methodsToTransform) {
val deferringVisitor =
when {
coroutineTransformer.shouldSkip(next) -> continue@loop
coroutineTransformer.shouldGenerateStateMachine(next) -> coroutineTransformer.newMethod(next)
else -> {
// Debug metadata is not put, but we should keep, since we do not generate state-machine,
// if the lambda does not capture crossinline lambdas.
if (coroutineTransformer.suspendLambdaWithGeneratedStateMachine(next)) {
putDebugMetadata = true
newMethod(classBuilder, next)
if ( == "") {
rewriteAssertionsDisabledFieldInitialization(next, inliningContext.root.callSiteInfo.ownerClassName)
val funResult = inlineMethodAndUpdateGlobalResult(parentRemapper, deferringVisitor, next, allCapturedParamBuilder, false)
val returnType = Type.getReturnType(next.desc)
if (!AsmUtil.isPrimitive(returnType)) {
val oldFunReturnType = returnType.internalName
val newFunReturnType = funResult.getChangedTypes()[oldFunReturnType]
if (newFunReturnType != null) {
inliningContext.typeRemapper.addAdditionalMappings(oldFunReturnType, newFunReturnType)
deferringMethods.forEach { method ->
val continuationToRemove = CoroutineTransformer.findFakeContinuationConstructorClassName(method.intermediate)
val oldContinuationName = coroutineTransformer.oldContinuationFrom(method.intermediate)
if (continuationToRemove != null && coroutineTransformer.safeToRemoveContinuationClass(method.intermediate)) {
innerClassNodes.removeIf { == oldContinuationName }
if (GENERATE_SMAP && !inliningContext.isInliningLambda) {
classBuilder.visitSMAP(sourceMapper, !state.languageVersionSettings.supportsFeature(LanguageFeature.CorrectSourceMappingSyntax))
} else if (debugFileName != null) {
classBuilder.visitSource(debugFileName!!, debugInfo)
innerClassNodes.forEach { node ->
classBuilder.visitInnerClass(, node.outerName, node.innerName, node.access)
if (header != null) {
writeTransformedMetadata(header, classBuilder)
// debugMetadataAnnotation can be null in LV < 1.3
if (putDebugMetadata && debugMetadataAnnotation != null) {
classBuilder.newAnnotation(debugMetadataAnnotation!!.desc, true).also {
if (inliningContext.generateAssertField && fieldNames.none { it.key == ASSERTIONS_DISABLED_FIELD_NAME }) {
val clInitBuilder = classBuilder.newMethod(NO_ORIGIN, Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, "", "()V", null, null)
generateAssertionsDisabledFieldInitialization(classBuilder, clInitBuilder, inliningContext.root.callSiteInfo.ownerClassName)
if (continuationClassName == transformationInfo.oldClassName) {
} else {
return transformationResult
private fun writeTransformedMetadata(header: KotlinClassHeader, classBuilder: ClassBuilder) {
// The transformed anonymous object becomes part of the public ABI if it is inside of a public inline function.
val publicAbi = inliningContext.callSiteInfo.isInPublicInlineScope
header.extraInt and JvmAnnotationNames.METADATA_PUBLIC_ABI_FLAG.inv()
) action@{ av ->
val (newProto, newStringTable) = transformMetadata(header) ?: run {
val data =
val strings = header.strings
if (data != null && strings != null) {
AsmUtil.writeAnnotationData(av, data, strings)
DescriptorAsmUtil.writeAnnotationData(av, newProto, newStringTable)
private fun isPublicAbi(header: KotlinClassHeader): Boolean =
// The public abi flag was only introduced in metadata version 1.6.0, before then we have to skip this check.
!header.metadataVersion.isAtLeast(1, 6, 0) ||
header.extraInt and JvmAnnotationNames.METADATA_PUBLIC_ABI_FLAG != 0
private fun transformMetadata(header: KotlinClassHeader): Pair? {
val data = ?: return null
val strings = header.strings ?: return null
when (header.kind) {
KotlinClassHeader.Kind.CLASS -> {
val (nameResolver, classProto) = JvmProtoBufUtil.readClassDataFrom(data, strings)
val newStringTable = JvmCodegenStringTable(typeMapper, nameResolver)
val newProto = classProto.toBuilder().apply {
setExtension(JvmProtoBuf.anonymousObjectOriginName, newStringTable.getStringIndex(oldObjectType.internalName))
return newProto to newStringTable
KotlinClassHeader.Kind.SYNTHETIC_CLASS -> {
val (nameResolver, functionProto) = JvmProtoBufUtil.readFunctionDataFrom(data, strings)
val newStringTable = JvmCodegenStringTable(typeMapper, nameResolver)
val newProto = functionProto.toBuilder().apply {
setExtension(JvmProtoBuf.lambdaClassOriginName, newStringTable.getStringIndex(oldObjectType.internalName))
return newProto to newStringTable
else -> return null
private fun writeOuterInfo(classBuilder: ClassBuilder) {
val info = inliningContext.callSiteInfo
// Since $$forInline functions are not generated if retransformation is the last one (i.e. call site is not inline)
// link to the function in OUTERCLASS field becomes invalid. However, since $$forInline function always has no-inline
// companion without the suffix, use it.
classBuilder.visitOuterClass(info.ownerClassName,, info.method.descriptor)
private fun inlineMethodAndUpdateGlobalResult(
parentRemapper: FieldRemapper,
deferringVisitor: MethodVisitor,
next: MethodNode,
allCapturedParamBuilder: ParametersBuilder,
isConstructor: Boolean
): InlineResult {
val funResult = inlineMethod(parentRemapper, deferringVisitor, next, allCapturedParamBuilder, isConstructor)
return funResult
private fun inlineMethod(
parentRemapper: FieldRemapper,
deferringVisitor: MethodVisitor,
sourceNode: MethodNode,
capturedBuilder: ParametersBuilder,
isConstructor: Boolean
): InlineResult {
val parameters =
if (isConstructor) capturedBuilder.buildParameters() else getMethodParametersWithCaptured(capturedBuilder, sourceNode)
val remapper = RegeneratedLambdaFieldRemapper(
oldObjectType.internalName, transformationInfo.newClassName, parameters,
transformationInfo.capturedLambdasToInline, parentRemapper, isConstructor
val reifiedTypeParametersUsages =
if (inliningContext.shouldReifyTypeParametersInObjects) {
} else {
val inlineScopesGenerator =
if (state.configuration.getBoolean(JVMConfigurationKeys.USE_INLINE_SCOPES_NUMBERS)) {
} else {
val result = MethodInliner(
inlineScopesGenerator = inlineScopesGenerator
{ "Transformer for " + transformationInfo.oldClassName },
SourceMapCopier(sourceMapper, sourceMap),
Method(, if (isConstructor) transformationInfo.newConstructorDescriptor else sourceNode.desc),
isInlineOnlyMethod = false
).doInline(deferringVisitor, LocalVarRemapper(parameters, 0), false, mapOf())
deferringVisitor.visitMaxs(-1, -1)
return result
private fun generateConstructorAndFields(
classBuilder: ClassBuilder,
constructorInlineBuilder: ParametersBuilder,
parentRemapper: FieldRemapper
) {
val constructorParams = constructorInlineBuilder.buildParameters()
val constructorParamTypes = constructorParams.filter { !it.isSkipped }.map { it.type }.drop(1)
val constructorDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, *constructorParamTypes.toTypedArray())
//TODO for inline method make public class
transformationInfo.newConstructorDescriptor = constructorDescriptor
val constructorVisitor = classBuilder.newMethod(
NO_ORIGIN, constructor!!.access, "", constructorDescriptor, null, ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY
val newBodyStartLabel = Label()
//initialize captured fields
var nextParamOffset = 0
for (param in constructorParams) {
val offset = if (param.isSkipped) -1 else nextParamOffset.also { nextParamOffset += param.type.size }
val info = param.fieldEquivalent?.also {
// Permit to access this capture through a field within the constructor itself, but remap to local loads.
constructorInlineBuilder.addCapturedParam(it, it.newFieldName).remapValue =
if (offset == -1) null else StackValue.local(offset, param.type)
} ?: param
if (!param.isSkipped && info is CapturedParamInfo && !info.isSkipInConstructor) {
val desc = info.type.descriptor
val access = AsmUtil.NO_FLAG_PACKAGE_PRIVATE or Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC or Opcodes.ACC_FINAL
classBuilder.newField(NO_ORIGIN, access, info.newFieldName, desc, null, null)
constructorVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
constructorVisitor.visitVarInsn(info.type.getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), offset)
constructorVisitor.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.PUTFIELD, transformationInfo.newClassName, info.newFieldName, desc)
val intermediateMethodNode = MethodNode(constructor!!.access, "", constructorDescriptor, null, ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY)
inlineMethodAndUpdateGlobalResult(parentRemapper, intermediateMethodNode, constructor!!, constructorInlineBuilder, true)
val first = intermediateMethodNode.instructions.first
val oldStartLabel = (first as? LabelNode)?.label
intermediateMethodNode.accept(object : MethodBodyVisitor(constructorVisitor) {
override fun visitLocalVariable(
name: String, desc: String, signature: String?, start: Label, end: Label, index: Int
) {
name, desc, signature,
//patch for jack&jill
if (oldStartLabel === start) newBodyStartLabel else start,
end, index
private fun getMethodParametersWithCaptured(capturedBuilder: ParametersBuilder, sourceNode: MethodNode): Parameters {
val builder = ParametersBuilder.newBuilder()
if (sourceNode.access and Opcodes.ACC_STATIC == 0) {
builder.addThis(oldObjectType, skipped = false)
for (type in Type.getArgumentTypes(sourceNode.desc)) {
builder.addNextParameter(type, false)
for (param in capturedBuilder.listCaptured()) {
return builder.buildParameters()
private fun newMethod(builder: ClassBuilder, original: MethodNode): DeferredMethodVisitor {
return DeferredMethodVisitor(
original.access,, original.desc, original.signature,
) {
NO_ORIGIN, original.access,, original.desc, original.signature,
private fun extractParametersMappingAndPatchConstructor(
constructor: MethodNode,
capturedParamBuilder: ParametersBuilder,
constructorParamBuilder: ParametersBuilder,
transformationInfo: AnonymousObjectTransformationInfo,
parentFieldRemapper: FieldRemapper
) {
val capturedParams = HashMap()
val capturedLambdas = LinkedHashSet() //captured var of inlined parameter
val indexToFunctionalArgument = transformationInfo.functionalArguments
// Possible cases where we need to add each lambda's captures separately:
// 1. Top-level object in an inline lambda that is *not* being inlined into another object. In this case, we
// have no choice but to add a separate field for each captured variable. `capturedLambdas` is either empty
// (already have the fields) or contains the parent lambda object (captures used to be read from it, but
// the object will be removed and its contents inlined).
// 2. Top-level object in a named inline function. Again, there's no option but to add separate fields.
// `capturedLambdas` contains all lambdas used by this object and nested objects.
// 3. Nested object, either in an inline lambda or an inline function. This case has two subcases:
// * The object's captures are passed as separate arguments (e.g. KT-28064 style object that used to be in a lambda);
// we *could* group them into `this$0` now, but choose not to. Lambdas are replaced by their captures to match.
// * The object's captures are already grouped into `this$0`; this includes captured lambda parameters (for objects in
// inline functions) and a reference to the outer object or lambda (for objects in lambdas), so `capturedLambdas` is
// empty anyway.
// The only remaining case is a top-level object inside a (crossinline) lambda that is inlined into another object.
// Then, the reference to the soon-to-be-removed lambda class containing the captures (and it exists, or else the object
// would not have needed regeneration in the first place) is simply replaced with a reference to the outer object, and
// that object will contain loose fields for everything we need to capture.
val topLevelInCrossinlineLambda = parentFieldRemapper is InlinedLambdaRemapper && !parentFieldRemapper.parent!!.isRoot
//load captured parameters and patch instruction list
// NB: there is also could be object fields
val toDelete = arrayListOf()
constructor.findCapturedFieldAssignmentInstructions().forEach { fieldNode ->
val fieldName =
val parameterAload = fieldNode.previous as VarInsnNode
val varIndex = parameterAload.`var`
val functionalArgument = indexToFunctionalArgument[varIndex]
// If an outer `this` is already captured by this object, rename it if any inline lambda will capture
// one of the same type, causing the code below to create a clash. Note that the values can be different.
// TODO: this is only really necessary if there will be a name *and* type clash.
val shouldRename = !topLevelInCrossinlineLambda && isThis0(fieldName) &&
indexToFunctionalArgument.values.any { it is LambdaInfo && it.capturedVars.any { it.fieldName == fieldName } }
val newFieldName = if (shouldRename) addUniqueField(fieldName + INLINE_FUN_THIS_0_SUFFIX) else fieldName
val info = capturedParamBuilder.addCapturedParam(
Type.getObjectType(transformationInfo.oldClassName), fieldName, newFieldName,
Type.getType(fieldNode.desc), functionalArgument is LambdaInfo, null
info.functionalArgument = functionalArgument
if (functionalArgument is LambdaInfo) {
capturedParams[varIndex] = info
constructorParamBuilder.addThis(oldObjectType, false)
val paramTypes = transformationInfo.constructorDesc?.let { Type.getArgumentTypes(it) } ?: emptyArray()
for (type in paramTypes) {
val functionalArgument = indexToFunctionalArgument[constructorParamBuilder.nextParameterOffset]
val fieldEquivalent = capturedParams[constructorParamBuilder.nextParameterOffset]
val parameterInfo = constructorParamBuilder.addNextParameter(type, functionalArgument is LambdaInfo)
parameterInfo.functionalArgument = functionalArgument
parameterInfo.fieldEquivalent = fieldEquivalent
if (functionalArgument is LambdaInfo && parameterInfo.fieldEquivalent == null) {
// TODO: check if this is enough to support lambdas that have no field equivalent because they are only used
// in the constructor - see `LocalClassContext` in `LocalDeclarationsLowering`.
// TODO: these lambdas' captures should have no fields either.
//For all inlined lambdas add their captured parameters
//TODO: some of such parameters could be skipped - we should perform additional analysis
val allRecapturedParameters = ArrayList()
if (!topLevelInCrossinlineLambda) {
val capturedOuterThisTypes = mutableSetOf()
for (info in capturedLambdas) {
for (desc in info.capturedVars) {
val recapturedParamInfo = constructorParamBuilder.addCapturedParam(
// Merge all outer `this` of the same type captured by inlined lambdas, since they have to be the same
// object. Outer `this` captured by the original object itself should have been renamed above,
// and can have a different value even if the same type is captured by a lambda.
if (isThis0(desc.fieldName)) desc.fieldName else addUniqueField(desc.fieldName + INLINE_TRANSFORMATION_SUFFIX),
(isThis0(desc.fieldName) && !capturedOuterThisTypes.add(desc.type.className))
if (desc.isSuspend) {
recapturedParamInfo.functionalArgument = NonInlineArgumentForInlineSuspendParameter.INLINE_LAMBDA_AS_VARIABLE
capturedParamBuilder.addCapturedParam(recapturedParamInfo, recapturedParamInfo.newFieldName).remapValue =
StackValue.field(desc.type, oldObjectType, recapturedParamInfo.newFieldName, false, StackValue.LOCAL_0)
} else if (capturedLambdas.isNotEmpty()) {
// Top-level object in a lambda inlined into another object. As already said above, either `capturedLambdas` is empty
// (no captures or captures were generated as loose fields) or it contains a single entry for the parent lambda itself.
// Simply replace one `this$0` (of lambda type) with another (of destination object type).
val parent = parentFieldRemapper.parent as? RegeneratedLambdaFieldRemapper
?: throw AssertionError("Expecting RegeneratedLambdaFieldRemapper, but ${parentFieldRemapper.parent}")
val ownerType = Type.getObjectType(parent.originalLambdaInternalName)
val desc = CapturedParamDesc(ownerType, AsmUtil.THIS, ownerType)
val recapturedParamInfo =
constructorParamBuilder.addCapturedParam(desc, AsmUtil.CAPTURED_THIS_FIELD/*outer lambda/object*/, false)
capturedParamBuilder.addCapturedParam(recapturedParamInfo, recapturedParamInfo.newFieldName).remapValue = StackValue.LOCAL_0
transformationInfo.allRecapturedParameters = allRecapturedParameters
transformationInfo.capturedLambdasToInline = capturedLambdas.associateBy { it.lambdaClassType.internalName }
private fun addUniqueField(name: String): String {
val existNames = fieldNames.getOrPut(name) { LinkedList() }
val suffix = if (existNames.isEmpty()) "" else "$" + existNames.size
val newName = name + suffix
return newName
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