org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.KotlinClassInfo.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.ClassNodeSnapshotter.snapshotClassExcludingMembers
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.ClassNodeSnapshotter.snapshotMethod
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.ClassNodeSnapshotter.sortClassMembers
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.KotlinClassInfo.ExtraInfo
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.inline.InlineFunctionOrAccessor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.inline.inlineFunctionsAndAccessors
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.header.KotlinClassHeader
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.BitEncoding
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.JvmMemberSignature
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.JvmClassName
* Minimal information about a Kotlin class to compute recompilation-triggering changes during an incremental run of the `KotlinCompile`
* task (see [IncrementalJvmCache.saveClassToCache]).
* It's important that this class contain only the minimal required information, as it will be part of the classpath snapshot of the
* `KotlinCompile` task and the task needs to support compile avoidance. For example, this class should contain public method signatures,
* and should not contain private method signatures, or method implementations.
class KotlinClassInfo(
val classId: ClassId,
val classKind: KotlinClassHeader.Kind,
val classHeaderData: Array, // Can be empty
val classHeaderStrings: Array, // Can be empty
val multifileClassName: String?, // Not null iff classKind == KotlinClassHeader.Kind.MULTIFILE_CLASS_PART
val extraInfo: ExtraInfo
) {
/** Extra information about a Kotlin class that is not captured in the Kotlin class metadata. */
class ExtraInfo(
* Snapshot of the class excluding its fields and methods and Kotlin metadata. It is not null iff
* [classKind] == [KotlinClassHeader.Kind.CLASS].
* Note: Kotlin metadata is excluded because [ExtraInfo] is meant to contain information that supplements Kotlin metadata. (We have
* a separate logic for comparing protos constructed from Kotlin metadata. That logic considers only changes in protos/Kotlin
* metadata that are important for incremental compilation. If we don't exclude Kotlin metadata here, we might report a change in
* Kotlin metadata even when the change is not important for incremental compilation.)
* TODO(KT-59292): Consider removing this info once class annotations are included in Kotlin metadata.
val classSnapshotExcludingMembers: Long?,
* Snapshots of the class's non-private constants.
* Each entry maps a constant's name to the hash of its value.
val constantSnapshots: Map,
* Snapshots of the class's non-private inline functions and property accessors.
* Each entry maps an inline function or property accessor to the hash of its corresponding method in the bytecode (including the
* method's body).
val inlineFunctionOrAccessorSnapshots: Map,
val className: JvmClassName by lazy { JvmClassName.byClassId(classId) }
val protoMapValue: ProtoMapValue by lazy {
isPackageFacade = classKind != KotlinClassHeader.Kind.CLASS,
* The [ProtoData] of this class.
* NOTE: The caller needs to ensure `classKind != KotlinClassHeader.Kind.MULTIFILE_CLASS` first, as the compiler doesn't write proto
* data to [KotlinClassHeader.Kind.MULTIFILE_CLASS] classes.
val protoData: ProtoData by lazy {
check(classKind != KotlinClassHeader.Kind.MULTIFILE_CLASS) {
"Proto data is not available for KotlinClassHeader.Kind.MULTIFILE_CLASS: $classId"
/** Name of the companion object of this class (default is "Companion") iff this class HAS a companion object, or null otherwise. */
val companionObject: ClassId? by lazy {
if (classKind == KotlinClassHeader.Kind.CLASS) {
(protoData as ClassProtoData).getCompanionObjectName()?.let {
} else null
/** List of constants defined in this class iff this class IS a companion object, or null otherwise. The list could be empty. */
val constantsInCompanionObject: List? by lazy {
if (classKind == KotlinClassHeader.Kind.CLASS) {
val classProtoData = protoData as ClassProtoData
if (classProtoData.proto.isCompanionObject) {
} else null
} else null
companion object {
fun createFrom(kotlinClass: LocalFileKotlinClass): KotlinClassInfo {
return createFrom(kotlinClass.classId, kotlinClass.classHeader, kotlinClass.fileContents)
fun createFrom(classId: ClassId, classHeader: KotlinClassHeader, classContents: ByteArray): KotlinClassInfo {
return KotlinClassInfo(
classHeader.kind, ?: classHeader.incompatibleData ?: emptyArray(),
classHeader.strings ?: emptyArray(),
extraInfo = getExtraInfo(classHeader, classContents)
private fun getExtraInfo(classHeader: KotlinClassHeader, classContents: ByteArray): ExtraInfo {
val inlineFunctionsAndAccessors: Map =
inlineFunctionsAndAccessors(classHeader, excludePrivateMembers = true).associateBy { it.jvmMethodSignature }
// 1. Create a ClassNode that will contain only required info
val classNode = ClassNode()
// 2. Load the class's contents into the ClassNode, keeping only info that is required to compute `ExtraInfo`:
// - Keep only fields that are non-private constants
// - Keep only methods that are non-private inline functions/accessors
// + Do not filter out private methods because a *non-private* inline function/accessor may have a *private* corresponding method
// in the bytecode (see `InlineOnlyKt.isInlineOnlyPrivateInBytecode`)
// + Do not filter out method bodies
val classReader = ClassReader(classContents)
val selectiveClassVisitor = SelectiveClassVisitor(
shouldVisitField = { _: JvmMemberSignature.Field, isPrivate: Boolean, isConstant: Boolean ->
!isPrivate && isConstant
shouldVisitMethod = { method: JvmMemberSignature.Method, _: Boolean ->
// Do not filter out private methods (see above comment)
method in inlineFunctionsAndAccessors.keys
val parsingOptions = if (inlineFunctionsAndAccessors.isNotEmpty()) {
// Do not pass (SKIP_CODE, SKIP_DEBUG) as method bodies and debug info (e.g., line numbers) are important for inline
// functions/accessors
} else {
// Pass (SKIP_CODE, SKIP_DEBUG) to improve performance as method bodies and debug info are not important when we're not analyzing
// inline functions/accessors
ClassReader.SKIP_CODE or ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG
classReader.accept(selectiveClassVisitor, parsingOptions)
// 3. Sort fields and methods as their order is not important
// 4. Snapshot the class
val classSnapshotExcludingMembers = if (classHeader.kind == KotlinClassHeader.Kind.CLASS) {
// Also exclude Kotlin metadata (see `ExtraInfo.classSnapshotExcludingMembers`'s kdoc)
snapshotClassExcludingMembers(classNode, alsoExcludeKotlinMetaData = true)
} else null
val constantSnapshots: Map = classNode.fields.associate { fieldNode ->
// Note: `fieldNode` is a constant because we kept only fields that are (non-private) constants in `classNode` to ConstantValueExternalizer.toByteArray(fieldNode.value!!).hashToLong()
val inlineFunctionOrAccessorSnapshots: Map = classNode.methods.associate { methodNode ->
// Note:
// - Each of `classNode.methods` (`methodNode`) is an inline function/accessor because we kept only methods that are (non-private)
// inline functions/accessors in `classNode`.
// - Not all inline functions/accessors have a corresponding method in the bytecode (i.e., it's possible that
// `classNode.methods.size < inlineFunctionsAndAccessors.size`). Specifically, internal/private inline functions/accessors may
// be removed from the bytecode if code shrinker is used. For example, `kotlin-reflect-1.7.20.jar` contains
// `/kotlin/reflect/jvm/internal/UtilKt.class` in which the internal inline function `reflectionCall` appears in the Kotlin
// class metadata (also in the source file), but not in the bytecode. However, we can safely ignore those
// inline functions/accessors because they are not declared in the bytecode and therefore can't be referenced.
val methodSignature = JvmMemberSignature.Method(name =, desc = methodNode.desc)
inlineFunctionsAndAccessors[methodSignature]!! to snapshotMethod(methodNode, classNode.version)
return ExtraInfo(classSnapshotExcludingMembers, constantSnapshots, inlineFunctionOrAccessorSnapshots)
* [ClassVisitor] which visits only members satisfying the given criteria (`[shouldVisitField] == true` or `[shouldVisitMethod] == true`).
class SelectiveClassVisitor(
cv: ClassVisitor,
private val shouldVisitField: (JvmMemberSignature.Field, isPrivate: Boolean, isConstant: Boolean) -> Boolean,
private val shouldVisitMethod: (JvmMemberSignature.Method, isPrivate: Boolean) -> Boolean,
) : ClassVisitor(Opcodes.API_VERSION, cv) {
override fun visitField(access: Int, name: String, desc: String, signature: String?, value: Any?): FieldVisitor? {
// Note: A constant's value must be not-null. A static final field with a `null` value at the bytecode declaration is not a constant
// (whether the value is initialized later in the static initializer or not, it won't be inlined by the compiler).
val isConstant = access.isStaticFinal() && value != null
return if (shouldVisitField(JvmMemberSignature.Field(name, desc), access.isPrivate(), isConstant)) {
cv.visitField(access, name, desc, signature, value)
} else null
override fun visitMethod(access: Int, name: String, desc: String, signature: String?, exceptions: Array?): MethodVisitor? {
return if (shouldVisitMethod(JvmMemberSignature.Method(name, desc), access.isPrivate())) {
cv.visitMethod(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions)
} else null
private fun Int.isPrivate() = (this and Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE) != 0
private fun Int.isStaticFinal() = (this and (Opcodes.ACC_STATIC or Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)) == (Opcodes.ACC_STATIC or Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)
/** Computes the snapshot of a Java class represented by a [ClassNode]. */
object ClassNodeSnapshotter {
fun snapshotClass(classNode: ClassNode): Long {
val classWriter = ClassWriter(0)
return classWriter.toByteArray().hashToLong()
fun snapshotClassExcludingMembers(classNode: ClassNode, alsoExcludeKotlinMetaData: Boolean = false): Long {
val originalFields = classNode.fields
val originalMethods = classNode.methods
val originalVisibleAnnotations = classNode.visibleAnnotations
classNode.fields = emptyList()
classNode.methods = emptyList()
if (alsoExcludeKotlinMetaData) {
classNode.visibleAnnotations = originalVisibleAnnotations?.filterNot { it.desc == "Lkotlin/Metadata;" }
return snapshotClass(classNode).also {
classNode.fields = originalFields
classNode.methods = originalMethods
classNode.visibleAnnotations = originalVisibleAnnotations
fun snapshotField(fieldNode: FieldNode): Long {
val classNode = emptyClass()
return snapshotClass(classNode)
fun snapshotMethod(methodNode: MethodNode, classVersion: Int): Long {
val classNode = emptyClass()
classNode.version = classVersion // Class version is required when working with methods (without it, ASM may fail -- see KT-38857)
return snapshotClass(classNode)
* Sorts fields and methods in the given class.
* This is useful when we want to ensure a change in the order of the fields and methods doesn't impact the snapshot (i.e., if their
* order has changed in the `.class` file, it shouldn't require recompilation of the other source files).
fun sortClassMembers(classNode: ClassNode) {
classNode.fields.sortWith(compareBy({ }, { it.desc }))
classNode.methods.sortWith(compareBy({ }, { it.desc }))
private fun emptyClass() = ClassNode().also {
// A name is required = "SomeClass"
* [DataExternalizer] for the value of a constant.
* A constant's value must be not-null and must be one of the following types: Integer, Long, Float, Double, String (see the javadoc of
* [ClassVisitor.visitField]).
* Side note: The value of a Boolean constant is represented as an Integer (0, 1) value.
private object ConstantValueExternalizer : DataExternalizer by DelegateDataExternalizer(
listOf(IntExternalizer, LongExternalizer, FloatExternalizer, DoubleExternalizer, StringExternalizer)
fun ByteArray.hashToLong(): Long {
// Note: The returned type `Long` is 64-bit, but we currently don't have a good 64-bit hash function.
// The method below uses `md5` which is 128-bit and converts it to `Long`.
return md5()
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