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* Copyright 2010-2024 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
@file:Suppress("IncorrectFormatting", "unused")
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.config
* This file was generated automatically
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.CompilerConfiguration
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.CompilerConfigurationKey
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.js.IncrementalDataProvider
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.js.IncrementalNextRoundChecker
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.js.IncrementalResultsConsumer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.file.ZipFileSystemAccessor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization.js.ModuleKind
object JSConfigurationKeys {
val TRANSITIVE_LIBRARIES = CompilerConfigurationKey.create>("library files for transitive dependencies")
val LIBRARIES = CompilerConfigurationKey.create>("library file paths")
val SOURCE_MAP = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("generate source map")
val USE_DEBUGGER_CUSTOM_FORMATTERS = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("add import of debugger custom formatters")
val OUTPUT_DIR = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("output directory")
val SOURCE_MAP_PREFIX = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("prefix to add to paths in source map")
val SOURCE_MAP_SOURCE_ROOTS = CompilerConfigurationKey.create>("base directories used to calculate relative paths for source map")
val SOURCE_MAP_EMBED_SOURCES = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("embed source files into source map")
val SOURCEMAP_NAMES_POLICY = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("a policy to generate a mapping from generated identifiers to their corresponding original names")
val SOURCE_MAP_INCLUDE_MAPPINGS_FROM_UNAVAILABLE_FILES = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("insert source mappings from libraries even if their sources are unavailable on the end-user machine")
val META_INFO = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("generate .meta.js and .kjsm files")
val TARGET = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("ECMA version target")
val MODULE_KIND = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("module kind")
val INCREMENTAL_DATA_PROVIDER = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("incremental data provider")
val INCREMENTAL_RESULTS_CONSUMER = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("incremental results consumer")
val INCREMENTAL_NEXT_ROUND_CHECKER = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("incremental compilation next round checker")
val FRIEND_PATHS_DISABLED = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("disable support for friend paths")
val FRIEND_PATHS = CompilerConfigurationKey.create>("friend module paths")
val METADATA_ONLY = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("generate .meta.js and .kjsm files only")
val DEVELOPER_MODE = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("enables additional checkers")
val GENERATE_COMMENTS_WITH_FILE_PATH = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("generate comments with file path at the start of each file block")
val GENERATE_POLYFILLS = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("generate polyfills for newest properties, methods and classes from ES6+")
val DEFINE_PLATFORM_MAIN_FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("provide platform specific args as a parameter of the main function")
val GENERATE_DTS = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("generate TypeScript definition file")
val COMPILE_SUSPEND_AS_JS_GENERATOR = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("force suspend functions compilation int JS generator functions")
val COMPILE_LAMBDAS_AS_ES6_ARROW_FUNCTIONS = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("lower Kotlin lambdas into arrow functions instead of anonymous functions")
val GENERATE_REGION_COMMENTS = CompilerConfigurationKey.create("generate special comments at the start and the end of each file block, it allows to fold them and navigate to them in the IDEA")
val FILE_PATHS_PREFIX_MAP = CompilerConfigurationKey.create