org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtCommonFile.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2010-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi
import com.intellij.extapi.psi.PsiFileBase
import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileType
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFileWithId
import com.intellij.psi.*
import com.intellij.psi.stubs.StubElement
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
import com.intellij.util.ArrayFactory
import com.intellij.util.FileContentUtilCore
import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtNodeTypes
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.KotlinFileType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.KotlinLanguage
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.parsing.KotlinParserDefinition
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.getChildOfType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.hasExpectModifier
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.stubs.KotlinFileStub
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.stubs.elements.KtPlaceHolderStubElementType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.stubs.elements.KtStubElementTypes
* This class represents kotlin psi file, independently of java psi (no [PsiClassOwner] super).
* It can be created by [org.jetbrains.kotlin.parsing.KotlinCommonParserDefinition], if java psi is not available e.g., on JB Client.
* It's not supposed to be used directly, use [PsiFile] or if you need to check instanceof, check its' file type or language instead.
@Deprecated("Don't use directly, use file.getFileType() instead")
open class KtCommonFile(viewProvider: FileViewProvider, val isCompiled: Boolean) :
PsiFileBase(viewProvider, KotlinLanguage.INSTANCE),
PsiNamedElement {
private var isScript: Boolean? = null
private var hasTopLevelCallables: Boolean? = null
private var pathCached: String? = null
val importList: KtImportList?
get() = importLists.firstOrNull()
private var hasImportAlias: Boolean? = null
fun hasImportAlias(): Boolean {
val hasImportAlias = hasImportAlias
if (hasImportAlias != null) return hasImportAlias
val newValue = importLists.any(KtImportList::computeHasImportAlias)
this.hasImportAlias = newValue
return newValue
protected open val importLists: List
get() = findChildrenByTypeOrClass(KtStubElementTypes.IMPORT_LIST,
val fileAnnotationList: KtFileAnnotationList?
get() = findChildByTypeOrClass(KtStubElementTypes.FILE_ANNOTATION_LIST,
open val importDirectives: List
get() = importLists.flatMap { it.imports }
// scripts have no package directive, all other files must have package directives
val packageDirective: KtPackageDirective?
get() {
val stub = stub
if (stub != null) {
val packageDirectiveStub = stub.findChildStubByType(KtStubElementTypes.PACKAGE_DIRECTIVE)
return packageDirectiveStub?.psi
return packageDirectiveByTree
private val packageDirectiveByTree: KtPackageDirective?
get() {
val ast = node.findChildByType(KtNodeTypes.PACKAGE_DIRECTIVE)
return if (ast != null) ast.psi as KtPackageDirective else null
var packageFqName: FqName
get() = stub?.getPackageFqName() ?: packageFqNameByTree
set(value) {
val packageDirective = packageDirective
if (packageDirective != null) {
packageDirective.fqName = value
} else {
val newPackageDirective = KtPsiFactory(project).createPackageDirectiveIfNeeded(value) ?: return
addAfter(newPackageDirective, null)
val packageFqNameByTree: FqName
get() = packageDirectiveByTree?.fqName ?: FqName.ROOT
val script: KtScript?
get() {
isScript?.let { if (!it) return null }
stub?.let { if (!it.isScript()) return null }
val result = getChildOfType()
if (isScript == null) {
isScript = result != null
return result
val virtualFilePath
get(): String {
pathCached?.let { return it }
return virtualFile.path.also {
pathCached = it
val isScriptByTree: Boolean
get() = script != null
* @return modifier lists that do not belong to any declaration due to incomplete code or syntax errors
val danglingModifierLists: Array
get() {
val stub = stub
return stub?.getChildrenByType(
) ?: findChildrenByClass(
* @return annotations that do not belong to any declaration due to incomplete code or syntax errors
val danglingAnnotations: List
get() = danglingModifierLists.flatMap { obj: KtModifierList -> obj.annotationEntries }
override fun getFileType(): FileType = KotlinFileType.INSTANCE
override fun toString(): String = "KtFile: $name"
override fun getDeclarations(): List {
val stub = stub
return stub?.getChildrenByType(KtFile.FILE_DECLARATION_TYPES, KtDeclaration.ARRAY_FACTORY)?.toList()
?: PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfTypeAsList(this,
fun >> findChildByTypeOrClass(
elementType: KtPlaceHolderStubElementType,
elementClass: Class
): T? {
val stub = stub
if (stub != null) {
val importListStub = stub.findChildStubByType(elementType)
return importListStub?.psi
return findChildByClass(elementClass)
fun >> findChildrenByTypeOrClass(
elementType: KtPlaceHolderStubElementType,
elementClass: Class
): Array {
val stub = stub
if (stub != null) {
val arrayFactory: ArrayFactory = elementType.arrayFactory
return stub.getChildrenByType(elementType, arrayFactory)
return findChildrenByClass(elementClass)
fun findImportByAlias(name: String): KtImportDirective? {
if (!hasImportAlias()) return null
return importDirectives.firstOrNull { name == it.aliasName }
fun findAliasByFqName(fqName: FqName): KtImportAlias? {
if (!hasImportAlias()) return null
return importDirectives.firstOrNull {
it.alias != null && fqName == it.importedFqName
fun getNameForGivenImportAlias(name: Name): Name? {
if (!hasImportAlias()) return null
return importDirectives.find { it.importedName == name }?.importedFqName?.pathSegments()?.last()
override fun getStub(): KotlinFileStub? {
if (virtualFile !is VirtualFileWithId) return null
val stub = super.getStub()
if (stub is KotlinFileStub?) {
return stub
error("Illegal stub for KtFile: type=${this.javaClass}, stub=${stub?.javaClass} name=$name")
override fun clearCaches() {
isScript = null
hasTopLevelCallables = null
pathCached = null
hasImportAlias = null
fun isScript(): Boolean = isScript ?: stub?.isScript() ?: isScriptByTree
fun hasTopLevelCallables(): Boolean {
hasTopLevelCallables?.let { return it }
val result = declarations.any {
(it is KtProperty ||
it is KtNamedFunction ||
it is KtScript ||
it is KtTypeAlias) && !it.hasExpectModifier()
hasTopLevelCallables = result
return result
override fun accept(visitor: PsiElementVisitor) {
if (visitor is KtVisitor<*, *>) {
accept(visitor as KtVisitor, null)
} else {
override fun getContainingKtFile(): KtFile = this as KtFile
override fun acceptChildren(visitor: KtVisitor, data: D) {
KtPsiUtil.visitChildren(this, visitor, data)
override fun accept(visitor: KtVisitor, data: D): R {
return visitor.visitKtCommonFile(this)
override fun getAnnotations(): List =
fileAnnotationList?.annotations ?: emptyList()
override fun getAnnotationEntries(): List =
fileAnnotationList?.annotationEntries ?: emptyList()
override fun setName(name: String): PsiElement {
val result = super.setName(name)
val willBeScript = name.endsWith(KotlinParserDefinition.STD_SCRIPT_EXT)
if (isScript() != willBeScript) {
return result
override fun getPsiOrParent(): KtElement = this
@Suppress("unused") //keep for compatibility with potential plugins
fun shouldChangeModificationCount(@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") place: PsiElement): Boolean {
// Modification count for Kotlin files is tracked entirely by KotlinCodeBlockModificationListener
return false
private fun KtImportList.computeHasImportAlias(): Boolean {
var child: PsiElement? = firstChild
while (child != null) {
if (child is KtImportDirective && child.alias != null) {
return true
child = child.nextSibling
return false
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