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org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.ide.IdeMultiplatformImport.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2010-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.ide

import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.logging.Logger
import org.gradle.api.logging.Logging
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.ExternalKotlinTargetApi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.kotlinExtension
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.multiplatformExtensionOrNull
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.idea.serialize.IdeaKotlinExtrasSerializationExtension
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.idea.serialize.IdeaKotlinExtrasSerializationExtensionBuilder
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.idea.tcs.IdeaKotlinDependency
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinTarget
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.extraProperties
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.ide.IdeMultiplatformImport.SourceSetConstraint
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.KotlinNativeCompilation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.sources.internal
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.metadata.isNativeSourceSet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.metadata.isSingleKotlinTargetSourceSet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.metadata.isSinglePlatformTypeSourceSet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.utils.getOrPut
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.tooling.core.Extras
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.tooling.core.HasMutableExtras

interface IdeMultiplatformImport {

    fun resolveDependencies(sourceSetName: String): Set

    fun resolveDependencies(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet): Set

    fun resolveDependenciesSerialized(sourceSetName: String): List

     * @param owner: Should implement [HasMutableExtras]. Passing [Any] is fine to make it easier to cross
     *  ClassLoader boundaries. Passing some non [HasMutableExtras] will just return null
    fun resolveExtrasSerialized(owner: Any): ByteArray?

    fun serialize(dependencies: Iterable): List

     * Will try to serialise the [value] for IDE import.
     * Returns `null` if there is no [IdeaKotlinExtrasSerializationExtension] provided that can handle the particular [key],
     * or if the registered serializer fails with an exception.
     * See [registerExtrasSerializationExtension] for 'how to register a serializer for extra values'
    fun  serialize(key: Extras.Key, value: T): ByteArray?

     * Registers a given [resolver] to run during Gradle import:
     * The given resolver will only run if the [constraint] matches a given SourceSet and if not overwritten by another
     * resolver registered in the same [phase] and higher [Priority]
    fun registerDependencyResolver(
        resolver: IdeDependencyResolver,
        constraint: SourceSetConstraint,
        phase: DependencyResolutionPhase,
        priority: Priority = Priority.normal,

     * Registers a given [resolver] to run during Gradle import:
     * The given resolver will only run if the [constraint] matches a given SourceSet and if not overwritten by another
     * resolver registered in the same [phase] and higher [Priority]
    fun registerAdditionalArtifactResolver(
        resolver: IdeAdditionalArtifactResolver,
        constraint: SourceSetConstraint,
        phase: AdditionalArtifactResolutionPhase,
        priority: Priority = Priority.normal,

     * Registers a given [transformer] to run during Gradle import:
     * The resolver will only run if the [constraint] matches the SourceSet
    fun registerDependencyTransformer(
        transformer: IdeDependencyTransformer,
        constraint: SourceSetConstraint,
        phase: DependencyTransformationPhase,

     * Registers a given [effect] to run during Gradle import:
     * The effect will only run for SourceSets matching the given [constraint]
    fun registerDependencyEffect(
        effect: IdeDependencyEffect,
        constraint: SourceSetConstraint,

     * Registers a [IdeaKotlinExtrasSerializationExtension] for transporting generic/external data into the
     * IDE process using the [Extras]. Entities that implement [HasMutableExtras] which are imported to the IDE
     * (like KotlinTarget, KotlinCompilation and KotlinSourceSet) will automatically retain their attached extras using
     * the serializers registered as [extension].
     * Note 1: In order to access the extras in the IDE during (or after) Gradle import, a similar
     * extension needs to be registered in the IDE plugin to deserialize the payload.
     * Note 2: Extras that do not have a serializer attached will not be transported into the IDE process
     * Note 3: This transport mechanism will only act as transport mechanics of data. Keeping serializers and deserializers compatible
     * shall be handled by the implementers of the [extension]
    fun registerExtrasSerializationExtension(
        extension: IdeaKotlinExtrasSerializationExtension,

     * Any [IdeDependencyResolver] has to be registered for a given dependency resolution phase in which it participates
     * The resolution phases will be executed in the order of their enum's ordinal.
    enum class DependencyResolutionPhase {
         * Generic phase intended to run before all other resolvers

         * Resolution phase intended to resolve project to project (source) dependencies

         * Resolution phase intended to resolve binary dependencies (downloading and transforming from repositories)

         * Resolution phase intended to resolve sources.jar and javadoc.jar dependencies (downloading and transforming from repositories)

         * Generic phase intended to run after all other resolvers.

     * Indicating the 'priority' of a given [IdeDependencyResolver] or [IdeAdditionalArtifactResolver]:
     * When resolving dependencies, only the highest priority resolver will be selected and executed.
     * If there are multiple resolvers with the same [Priority] registered, then all of them will be executed
     * and the result will be merged.
     * By 'default' resolvers are registered using [Priority.normal].
     * The Kotlin Gradle Plugin is not expected to register resolvers outside the [normal] or [high] priorities
     * External Kotlin Target maintainers _(such as Google)_ can therefore use [veryHigh] to overwrite all resolvers
     * from the Kotlin Gradle plugin or [low] to only register a resolver if there is nothing available by default
     * from the Kotlin Gradle plugin.
    class Priority(val value: Int) : Comparable {
        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
            if (other !is Priority) return false
            return other.value == value

        override fun hashCode(): Int {
            return value.hashCode()

        override fun compareTo(other: Priority): Int {
            return this.value.compareTo(other.value)

        companion object {
             * Not used by the Kotlin Gradle plugin: Can be used by external Kotlin Target maintainers to
             * provide resolvers only if KGP does not offer any out of the box.
            val low = Priority(-10)

             * Default [Priority] used to register resolvers.
             * Used by the Kotlin Gradle plugin.
            val normal = Priority(0)

             * Used by the Kotlin Gradle plugin for special cases (like android, jvmAndAndroid, ...)
            val high = Priority(10)

             * Not used by the Kotlin Gradle plugin: Can be used by external Kotlin Target maintainers to
             * overwrite the Kotlin Gradle plugin
            val veryHigh = Priority(100)

    enum class AdditionalArtifactResolutionPhase {

     * Any [IdeDependencyResolver] has to be registered for a given transformation phase.
     * The phases will be executed in the order of this enums ordinal.
    enum class DependencyTransformationPhase {
         * Generic dependency transformation phase, intended to run a transformation before all other transformers.

         * Dependency transformation phase that is entirely free in its transformation type.
         * Note: Adding dependencies to the resolution result might most likely better be modelled as [IdeDependencyResolver]

         * Special dependency transformation phase intended for filtering dependencies.
         * This phase is guaranteed to run after the [FreeDependencyTransformationPhase] alongside other dependency filtering
         * transformations. Adding filters here is the safest.

         * Generic dependency transformation phase, intended to run a transformation after all other transformers

     * Used for scoping [IdeDependencyResolver], [IdeDependencyResolver] and [IdeDependencyEffect]
    fun interface SourceSetConstraint {
        operator fun invoke(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet): Boolean

        companion object {
             * Indicating that all SourceSets will *always* match this constraint
            val unconstrained = SourceSetConstraint { true }

             * Will only match SourceSets that will be compiled by the Native compiler
             * Note: this includes shared native SourceSets, sharing code between multiple native targets
            val isNative = SourceSetConstraint { it.isNativeSourceSet.getOrThrow() }

             * Only matches SourceSets that share code between at least two native targets, but no non-native target
            val isSharedNative = isNative and SourceSetConstraint { sourceSet ->
                    .map { compilation -> compilation.konanTarget }
                    .toSet().size > 1

             * Matches SourceSets which only have a single [KotlinPlatformType] associated.
            val isSinglePlatformType = SourceSetConstraint { isSinglePlatformTypeSourceSet(it) }

             * Matches SourceSets which only participate in compilations of a single [KotlinTarget]
            val isSingleKotlinTarget = SourceSetConstraint { isSingleKotlinTargetSourceSet(it) }

             * Matches SourceSets that do not have any other SourceSets that declare a 'dependsOn' this SourceSet
            val isLeaf = SourceSetConstraint { sourceSet ->
                (sourceSet.project.multiplatformExtensionOrNull ?: return@SourceSetConstraint true).sourceSets
                    .none { otherSourceSet -> sourceSet in otherSourceSet.dependsOn }

             * Matches SourceSets that share code between compilations with [KotlinPlatformType.jvm] and [KotlinPlatformType.androidJvm]
             * platform types.
             * NB: The external Android target maintained by Google will likely also use the [KotlinPlatformType.jvm]
             * and therefore will not match this constraint.
            val isJvmAndAndroid = SourceSetConstraint { sourceSet ->
       { it.platformType }.filter { it != common }.toSet() == setOf(jvm, androidJvm)

             * Matches SourceSets that only compile for compilations with [KotlinPlatformType.androidJvm]
             * NB: The external Android target maintained by Google will likely also use the [KotlinPlatformType.jvm]
             * and therefore will not match this constraint.
            val isAndroid = SourceSetConstraint { sourceSet ->
       { it.platformType }.toSet() == setOf(androidJvm)

    companion object {
        internal val logger: Logger = Logging.getLogger(

        fun instance(project: Project): IdeMultiplatformImport {
            return project.extraProperties.getOrPut( {

internal val Project.kotlinIdeMultiplatformImport: IdeMultiplatformImport get() = IdeMultiplatformImport.instance(project)

 * Convenience shortcut method for
 * `registerExtrasSerializationExtension(IdeaKotlinExtrasSerializationExtension(builder))`
 * see [IdeMultiplatformImport.registerExtrasSerializationExtension]
fun IdeMultiplatformImport.registerExtrasSerializationExtension(
    builder: IdeaKotlinExtrasSerializationExtensionBuilder.() -> Unit,
) {

 * Combines two given [SourceSetConstraint] using a logical 'or':
 * The resulting constraint will match any SourceSet that matches at least one of the specified constraints
infix fun SourceSetConstraint.or(
    other: SourceSetConstraint,
) = SourceSetConstraint { sourceSet ->
    this@or(sourceSet) || other(sourceSet)

 * Combines two given [SourceSetConstraint] using a logical 'and':
 * The resulting constraint will match only SourceSets that matches both of the specified constraints
infix fun SourceSetConstraint.and(
    other: SourceSetConstraint,
) = SourceSetConstraint { sourceSet ->
    this@and(sourceSet) && other(sourceSet)

 * Negates a given [SourceSetConstraint]:
 * The resulting constraint will match only SourceSets that would *not* have been matched by the source constraint
operator fun SourceSetConstraint.not() = SourceSetConstraint { sourceSet ->

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