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* Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.sources
import org.gradle.api.Action
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.file.SourceDirectorySet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinMultiplatformExtension
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.launchInStage
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.utils.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.tooling.core.MutableExtras
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.tooling.core.closure
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.tooling.core.mutableExtrasOf
import javax.inject.Inject
const val METADATA_CONFIGURATION_NAME_SUFFIX = "DependenciesMetadata"
abstract class DefaultKotlinSourceSet @Inject constructor(
final override val project: Project,
val displayName: String,
) : AbstractKotlinSourceSet() {
override val extras: MutableExtras = mutableExtrasOf()
override val apiConfigurationName: String
get() = disambiguateName(API)
override val implementationConfigurationName: String
get() = disambiguateName(IMPLEMENTATION)
override val compileOnlyConfigurationName: String
get() = disambiguateName(COMPILE_ONLY)
override val runtimeOnlyConfigurationName: String
get() = disambiguateName(RUNTIME_ONLY)
override val apiMetadataConfigurationName: String
get() = lowerCamelCaseName(apiConfigurationName, METADATA_CONFIGURATION_NAME_SUFFIX)
override val implementationMetadataConfigurationName: String
get() = lowerCamelCaseName(implementationConfigurationName, METADATA_CONFIGURATION_NAME_SUFFIX)
override val compileOnlyMetadataConfigurationName: String
get() = lowerCamelCaseName(compileOnlyConfigurationName, METADATA_CONFIGURATION_NAME_SUFFIX)
@Deprecated(message = "KT-55230: RuntimeOnly scope is not supported for metadata dependency transformation")
override val runtimeOnlyMetadataConfigurationName: String
get() = lowerCamelCaseName(runtimeOnlyConfigurationName, METADATA_CONFIGURATION_NAME_SUFFIX)
* Dependencies added to this configuration will not be exposed to any other source set.
val intransitiveMetadataConfigurationName: String
get() = lowerCamelCaseName(disambiguateName(INTRANSITIVE), METADATA_CONFIGURATION_NAME_SUFFIX)
override val kotlin: SourceDirectorySet = createDefaultSourceDirectorySet(project, "$name Kotlin source")
override val languageSettings: LanguageSettingsBuilder = DefaultLanguageSettingsBuilder(project)
override val resources: SourceDirectorySet = createDefaultSourceDirectorySet(project, "$name resources")
override fun kotlin(configure: SourceDirectorySet.() -> Unit): SourceDirectorySet = kotlin.apply {
override fun kotlin(configure: Action): SourceDirectorySet =
kotlin { configure.execute(this) }
override fun languageSettings(configure: Action): LanguageSettingsBuilder = languageSettings {
override fun languageSettings(configure: LanguageSettingsBuilder.() -> Unit): LanguageSettingsBuilder =
languageSettings.apply { configure(this) }
override fun getName(): String = displayName
override fun dependencies(configure: KotlinDependencyHandler.() -> Unit): Unit =
DefaultKotlinDependencyHandler(this, project).run(configure)
override fun dependencies(configure: Action) =
dependencies { configure.execute(this) }
override fun afterDependsOnAdded(other: KotlinSourceSet) {
project.launchInStage(KotlinPluginLifecycle.Stage.FinaliseCompilations) {
defaultSourceSetLanguageSettingsChecker.runAllChecks(this@DefaultKotlinSourceSet, other)
override fun toString(): String = "source set $name"
private val explicitlyAddedCustomSourceFilesExtensions = ArrayList()
override val customSourceFilesExtensions: Iterable
get() = Iterable {
val fromExplicitFilters = kotlin.filter.includes.mapNotNull { pattern ->
val merged = (fromExplicitFilters + explicitlyAddedCustomSourceFilesExtensions).filterNot { extension ->
DEFAULT_KOTLIN_SOURCE_FILES_EXTENSIONS.any { extension.equals(it, ignoreCase = true) }
|| extension.any { it == '\\' || it == '/' }
override fun addCustomSourceFilesExtensions(extensions: List) {
//region IDE import for Granular source sets metadata
data class MetadataDependencyTransformation(
val groupId: String?,
val moduleName: String,
val projectPath: String?,
val projectStructureMetadata: KotlinProjectStructureMetadata?,
val allVisibleSourceSets: Set,
/** If empty, then this source set does not see any 'new' source sets of the dependency, compared to its dependsOn parents, but it
* still does see all what the dependsOn parents see. */
val useFilesForSourceSets: Map>,
@Suppress("unused", "UNUSED_PARAMETER") // Used in IDE import, [configurationName] is kept for backward compatibility
fun getDependenciesTransformation(configurationName: String): Iterable {
return getDependenciesTransformation()
fun getAdditionalVisibleSourceSets(): List = getVisibleSourceSetsFromAssociateCompilations(this)
internal fun getDependenciesTransformation(): Iterable {
val metadataDependencyResolutionByModule =
.associateBy { ModuleIds.fromComponent(project, it.dependency) }
return metadataDependencyResolutionByModule.mapNotNull { (groupAndName, resolution) ->
val (group, name) = groupAndName
val dependencyIdentifier =
val projectPath = dependencyIdentifier.projectPathOrNull?.takeIf { dependencyIdentifier in project.currentBuild }
when (resolution) {
// No metadata transformation leads to original dependency being used during import
is MetadataDependencyResolution.KeepOriginalDependency -> null
// We should pass empty transformation for excluded dependencies.
// No transformation at all will result in a composite metadata jar being used as a dependency.
is MetadataDependencyResolution.Exclude ->
MetadataDependencyTransformation(group, name, projectPath, null, emptySet(), emptyMap())
is MetadataDependencyResolution.ChooseVisibleSourceSets -> {
group, name, projectPath,
internal val defaultSourceSetLanguageSettingsChecker =
unitsName = "source sets",
name = { name },
checks = FragmentConsistencyChecks(
unitName = "source set",
languageSettings = { languageSettings }
internal fun KotlinSourceSet.disambiguateName(simpleName: String): String {
val nameParts = listOfNotNull( { it != "main" }, simpleName)
return lowerCamelCaseName(*nameParts.toTypedArray())
internal fun createDefaultSourceDirectorySet(project: Project, name: String?): SourceDirectorySet =
project.objects.sourceDirectorySet(name!!, name)
val Iterable.dependsOnClosure: Set
get() = flatMap { it.internal.dependsOnClosure }.toSet() - this.toSet()
val Iterable.withDependsOnClosure: Set
get() = flatMap { it.internal.withDependsOnClosure }.toSet()
fun KotlinMultiplatformExtension.findSourceSetsDependingOn(sourceSet: KotlinSourceSet): Set {
return sourceSet.closure { seedSourceSet -> sourceSets.filter { otherSourceSet -> seedSourceSet in otherSourceSet.dependsOn } }