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org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.android.KotlinAndroidTarget.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
@file:Suppress("PackageDirectoryMismatch") // Old package for compatibility
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp
import org.gradle.api.*
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
import org.gradle.api.attributes.Attribute
import org.gradle.api.attributes.AttributeContainer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.ExperimentalKotlinGradlePluginApi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.HasConfigurableKotlinCompilerOptions
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinJvmCompilerOptions
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinJvmCompilerOptionsDefault
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.DefaultKotlinJavaToolchain
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.utils.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.utils.dashSeparatedName
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.utils.forAllAndroidVariants
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.utils.lowerCamelCaseName
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.utils.setProperty
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.util.capitalizeDecapitalize.toLowerCaseAsciiOnly
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addIfNotNull
import javax.inject.Inject
abstract class KotlinAndroidTarget @Inject constructor(
final override val targetName: String,
project: Project,
val isMultiplatformProject: Boolean,
) : AbstractKotlinTarget(project),
HasConfigurableKotlinCompilerOptions {
final override val disambiguationClassifier: String = targetName
override val platformType: KotlinPlatformType
get() = KotlinPlatformType.androidJvm
override val compilations: NamedDomainObjectContainer =
val mainVariant: KotlinAndroidTargetVariantDsl = KotlinAndroidTargetVariantDslImpl(project.objects).apply {
fun mainVariant(action: Action) {
fun mainVariant(configure: KotlinAndroidTargetVariantDsl.() -> Unit) {
val unitTestVariant: KotlinAndroidTargetVariantDsl = KotlinAndroidTargetVariantDslImpl(project.objects).apply {
fun unitTestVariant(action: Action) {
fun unitTestVariant(configure: KotlinAndroidTargetVariantDsl.() -> Unit) {
val instrumentedTestVariant: KotlinAndroidTargetVariantDsl = KotlinAndroidTargetVariantDslImpl(project.objects).apply {
fun instrumentedTestVariant(action: Action) {
fun instrumentedTestVariant(configure: KotlinAndroidTargetVariantDsl.() -> Unit) {
/** Names of the Android library variants that should be published from the target's project within the default publications which are
* set up if the `maven-publish` Gradle plugin is applied.
* Item examples:
* * 'release' (in case no product flavors were defined)
* * 'fooRelease' (for the release build type of a flavor 'foo')
* * 'fooBarRelease' (for the release build type multi-dimensional flavors 'foo' and 'bar').
* If set to null, which can also be done with [publishAllLibraryVariants],
* all library variants will be published, but not test or application variants. */
var publishLibraryVariants: List? = listOf()
// Workaround for Groovy GString items in a list:
set(value) {
field = value?.map(Any::toString)
/** Add Android library variant names to [publishLibraryVariants]. */
fun publishLibraryVariants(vararg names: String) {
publishLibraryVariants = publishLibraryVariants.orEmpty() + names
/** Set up all of the Android library variants to be published from this target's project within the default publications, which are
* set up if the `maven-publish` Gradle plugin is applied. This overrides the variants chosen with [publishLibraryVariants] */
fun publishAllLibraryVariants() {
publishLibraryVariants = null
/** If true, a publication will be created per merged product flavor, with the build types used as classifiers for the artifacts
* published within each publication. If set to false, each Android variant will have a separate publication. */
var publishLibraryVariantsGroupedByFlavor = false
private fun checkPublishLibraryVariantsExist() {
fun AndroidProjectHandler.getLibraryVariantNames() =
mutableSetOf().apply {
project.forAllAndroidVariants {
if (getLibraryOutputTask(it) != null)
val variantNames = KotlinAndroidPlugin.androidTargetHandler().getLibraryVariantNames()
val missingVariants =
if (missingVariants.isNotEmpty())
throw InvalidUserDataException(
"Kotlin target '$targetName' tried to set up publishing for Android build variants that are not library variants " +
"or do not exist:\n" + missingVariants.joinToString("\n") { "* $it" } +
"\nCheck the 'publishLibraryVariants' property, it should point to existing Android library variants. Publishing " +
"of application and test variants is not supported."
override val kotlinComponents by lazy {
private fun isVariantPublished(
@Suppress("TYPEALIAS_EXPANSION_DEPRECATION") variant: DeprecatedAndroidBaseVariant
): Boolean = publishLibraryVariants?.contains(getVariantName(variant)) ?: true
private fun AndroidProjectHandler.doCreateComponents(): Set {
assert(project.state.executed) { "Android: doCreateComponents requires 'afterEvaluate' based project state" }
val publishableVariants = mutableListOf()
.apply { project.forAllAndroidVariants { add(it) } }
.toList() // Defensive copy against unlikely modification by the lambda that captures the list above in forEachVariant { }
.filter { getLibraryOutputTask(it) != null }
val publishableVariantGroups = publishableVariants.groupBy { variant ->
val flavorNames = getFlavorNames(variant)
if (publishLibraryVariantsGroupedByFlavor) {
// For each flavor, we group its variants (which differ only in the build type) in a single component in order to publish
// all of the build types of the flavor as a single module with the build type as the classifier of the artifacts
} else {
flavorNames + getBuildTypeName(variant)
return publishableVariantGroups.map { (flavorGroupNameParts, androidVariants) ->
val nestedVariants = androidVariants.mapTo(mutableSetOf()) { androidVariant ->
val androidVariantName = getVariantName(androidVariant)
val compilation = compilations.getByName(androidVariantName)
val usageContexts = createAndroidUsageContexts(
variant = androidVariant,
compilation = compilation,
isSingleBuildType = publishableVariants.filter(::isVariantPublished).map(::getBuildTypeName).distinct().size == 1,
lowerCamelCaseName(compilation.target.name, *flavorGroupNameParts.toTypedArray()),
).apply {
publishable = isVariantPublished(androidVariant)
if (!publishLibraryVariantsGroupedByFlavor) {
defaultArtifactIdSuffix =
(getFlavorNames(androidVariant) + getBuildTypeName(androidVariant).takeIf { it != "release" })
.map { it?.toLowerCaseAsciiOnly() }
).takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
if (publishLibraryVariantsGroupedByFlavor) {
target = this@KotlinAndroidTarget,
nestedVariants = nestedVariants,
flavorNames = flavorGroupNameParts,
} else {
private fun AndroidProjectHandler.createAndroidUsageContexts(
@Suppress("TYPEALIAS_EXPANSION_DEPRECATION") variant: DeprecatedAndroidBaseVariant,
compilation: KotlinCompilation<*>,
isSingleBuildType: Boolean,
): Set {
val flavorNames = getFlavorNames(variant)
val buildTypeName = getBuildTypeName(variant)
val artifactClassifier = buildTypeName.takeIf { it != "release" && publishLibraryVariantsGroupedByFlavor }
val variantName = getVariantName(variant)
val outputTaskOrProvider = getLibraryOutputTask(variant) ?: return emptySet()
val artifact = run {
val archivesConfigurationName = lowerCamelCaseName(targetName, variantName, "archives")
project.artifacts.add(archivesConfigurationName, outputTaskOrProvider) { artifact ->
artifact.classifier = artifactClassifier
val apiElementsConfigurationName = lowerCamelCaseName(variantName, "apiElements")
val runtimeElementsConfigurationName = lowerCamelCaseName(variantName, "runtimeElements")
val sourcesElementsConfigurationName = lowerCamelCaseName(variantName, "sourcesElements")
val sourcesElementsConfiguration = createSourcesElementsIfNeeded(
fun AttributeContainer.filterOutAndroidVariantAttributes(): AttributeContainer =
HierarchyAttributeContainer(this) {
val valueString = run {
val value = getAttribute(it)
(value as? Named)?.name ?: value.toString()
filterOutAndroidVariantAttribute(it) &&
filterOutAndroidBuildTypeAttribute(it, valueString, isSingleBuildType) &&
val sourcesUsageContext = createSourcesJarAndUsageContextIfPublishable(
producingCompilation = compilation,
componentName = compilation.disambiguateName(""),
artifactNameAppendix = dashSeparatedName(
*flavorNames.map { it.toLowerCaseAsciiOnly() }.toTypedArray(),
buildTypeName.takeIf { it != "release" }?.toLowerCaseAsciiOnly()
classifierPrefix = artifactClassifier,
sourcesElementsConfigurationName = sourcesElementsConfigurationName,
overrideConfigurationAttributes = sourcesElementsConfiguration.attributes.filterOutAndroidVariantAttributes()
val usageContexts = listOf(
apiElementsConfigurationName to KotlinUsageContext.MavenScope.COMPILE,
runtimeElementsConfigurationName to KotlinUsageContext.MavenScope.RUNTIME,
).mapTo(mutableSetOf()) { (dependencyConfigurationName, mavenScope) ->
val configuration = project.configurations.getByName(dependencyConfigurationName)
overrideConfigurationArtifacts = project.setProperty { listOf(artifact) },
overrideConfigurationAttributes = configuration.attributes.filterOutAndroidVariantAttributes()
return usageContexts
* TODO: Ask Google about providing such configuration where they could set their attributes and control them.
* Just like as they do with apiElements or runtimeElements
private fun createSourcesElementsIfNeeded(
variantName: String,
apiElementsConfigurationName: String,
sourcesElementsConfigurationName: String,
): Configuration {
val existingConfiguration = project.configurations.findByName(sourcesElementsConfigurationName)
if (existingConfiguration != null) return existingConfiguration
val apiElementsConfiguration = project.configurations.findConsumable(apiElementsConfigurationName)
?: error("Configuration $apiElementsConfigurationName was not found")
return project.configurations.createConsumable(sourcesElementsConfigurationName).apply {
description = "Source files of Android ${variantName}."
isVisible = false
apiElementsConfiguration.copyAttributesTo(project, dest = this)
/** We filter this variant out as it is never requested on the consumer side, while keeping it leads to ambiguity between Android and
* JVM variants due to non-nesting sets of unmatched attributes. */
private fun filterOutAndroidVariantAttribute(
attribute: Attribute<*>,
): Boolean =
attribute.name != "com.android.build.gradle.internal.attributes.VariantAttr" &&
attribute.name != "com.android.build.api.attributes.VariantAttr"
private fun filterOutAndroidBuildTypeAttribute(
it: Attribute<*>,
valueString: String,
isSinglePublishedVariant: Boolean,
) = when {
PropertiesProvider(project).keepAndroidBuildTypeAttribute -> true
it.name != "com.android.build.api.attributes.BuildTypeAttr" -> true
// then the name is "com.android.build.api.attributes.BuildTypeAttr", so we omit it if there's just the single variant and always for the release one:
valueString == "release" -> false
isSinglePublishedVariant -> false
else -> true
private fun filterOutAndroidAgpVersionAttribute(
attribute: Attribute<*>,
): Boolean = attribute.name != "com.android.build.api.attributes.AgpVersionAttr"
override val compilerOptions: KotlinJvmCompilerOptions = project.objects
.apply {
DefaultKotlinJavaToolchain.wireJvmTargetToToolchain(this, project)
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