org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.utils.ProcessUtils.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.utils
import org.gradle.api.logging.Logger
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
* Represents the result of running a process.
* @property stdOut The standard output of the process.
* @property stdErr The standard error of the process.
* @property retCode The return code of the process.
* @property process The underlying `Process` object.
data class RunProcessResult(
val stdOut: String,
val stdErr: String,
val retCode: Int,
val process: Process,
* Executes a command and returns the input text.
* @param command the command and its arguments to be executed as a list of strings.
* @param logger an optional logger to log information about the command execution.
* @param errorHandler (Optional) A function that handles any errors that occur during the command execution.
* @param processConfiguration a function to configure the process before execution.
* @return The input text of the executed command.
internal fun runCommand(
command: List,
logger: Logger? = null,
errorHandler: ((result: RunProcessResult) -> String?)? = null,
processConfiguration: ProcessBuilder.() -> Unit = { },
): String {
val runResult = assembleAndRunProcess(command, logger, processConfiguration)
check(runResult.retCode == 0) {
errorHandler?.invoke(runResult) ?: createErrorMessage(command, runResult)
return runResult.stdOut
* Sealed class representing the fallback behavior for a command.
sealed class CommandFallback {
data class Action(val fallback: String) : CommandFallback()
data class Error(val error: String?) : CommandFallback()
* Executes the specified command with fallback behavior in case of non-zero return code.
* @param command the command and its arguments to be executed as a list of strings.
* @param logger an optional logger to log information about the command execution.
* @param fallback a function that provides the fallback behavior. It takes the return code, output, and process as parameters and returns a [CommandFallback] object.
* @param processConfiguration a function to configure the process before execution.
* @return the output of the command if the return code is 0, otherwise the fallback action or error.
internal fun runCommandWithFallback(
command: List,
logger: Logger? = null,
fallback: (result: RunProcessResult) -> CommandFallback,
processConfiguration: ProcessBuilder.() -> Unit = { },
): String {
val runResult = assembleAndRunProcess(command, logger, processConfiguration)
return if (runResult.retCode != 0) {
when (val fallbackOption = fallback(runResult)) {
is CommandFallback.Action -> fallbackOption.fallback
is CommandFallback.Error -> error(fallbackOption.error ?: createErrorMessage(command, runResult))
} else {
private fun assembleAndRunProcess(
command: List,
logger: Logger? = null,
processConfiguration: ProcessBuilder.() -> Unit = { },
): RunProcessResult {
val process = ProcessBuilder(command).apply {
var inputText = ""
var errorText = ""
val inputThread = thread {
inputText = process.inputStream.use {
val errorThread = thread {
errorText = process.errorStream.use {
val retCode = process.waitFor()
|Information about "${command.joinToString(" ")}" call:
return RunProcessResult(inputText, errorText, retCode, process)
private fun createErrorMessage(command: List, runResult: RunProcessResult): String {
return """
|Executing of '${command.joinToString(" ")}' failed with code ${runResult.retCode} and message: