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org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.testing.TCServiceMessagesClient.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.testing
import jetbrains.buildServer.messages.serviceMessages.*
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.testing.*
import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.TestOutputEvent
import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.TestOutputEvent.Destination.StdErr
import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.TestOutputEvent.Destination.StdOut
import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.TestResult
import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.TestResult.ResultType.*
import org.gradle.process.internal.ExecHandle
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.LogType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.logging.kotlinDebug
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.internal.MppTestReportHelper
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.testing.KotlinTestFailure
import org.slf4j.Logger
import java.text.ParseException
data class TCServiceMessagesClientSettings(
val rootNodeName: String,
val testNameSuffix: String? = null,
val prependSuiteName: Boolean = false,
val treatFailedTestOutputAsStacktrace: Boolean = false,
val stackTraceParser: (String) -> ParsedStackTrace? = { null },
val ignoreOutOfRootNodes: Boolean = false,
val ignoreLineEndingAfterMessage: Boolean = true,
internal open class TCServiceMessagesClient(
private val results: TestResultProcessor,
val settings: TCServiceMessagesClientSettings,
val log: Logger,
val testReporter: MppTestReportHelper,
) : ServiceMessageParserCallback {
var afterMessage = false
inline fun root(actions: () -> Unit) {
val tsStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
val root = RootNode()
open(tsStart, root)
override fun parseException(e: ParseException, text: String) {
log.error("Failed to parse test process messages: \"$text\"", e)
internal open fun testFailedMessage(execHandle: ExecHandle, exitValue: Int): String =
"$execHandle exited with errors (exit code: $exitValue)"
override fun serviceMessage(message: ServiceMessage) {
log.kotlinDebug {
// If a user uses TeamCity, TC may treat this log as an actual service message.
// This message should be considered implementation detail and shouldn't be exposed "as is".
// At this stage it's already parsed correctly, and it's safe to escape it.
val messageString = message.toString().replaceFirst("^##teamcity\\[".toRegex(), "##TC[")
"TCSM: $messageString"
when (message) {
is TestSuiteStarted -> open(message.ts, SuiteNode(requireLeafGroup(), getSuiteName(message)))
is TestStarted -> beginTest(message.ts, message.testName)
is TestStdOut -> requireLeafTest().output(StdOut, message.stdOut)
is TestStdErr -> requireLeafTest().output(StdErr, message.stdErr)
is TestFailed -> requireLeafTest().failure(message)
is TestFinished -> endTest(message.ts, message.testName)
is TestIgnored -> {
if (message.attributes["suite"] == "true") {
// non standard property for dealing with ignored test suites without visiting all inner tests
SuiteNode(requireLeafGroup(), message.testName).open(message.ts) { message.ts }
} else {
beginTest(message.ts, message.testName, isIgnored = true)
endTest(message.ts, message.testName)
is TestSuiteFinished -> close(message.ts, getSuiteName(message))
is Message -> printNonTestOutput(message.text, LogType.byValueOrNull(message.attributes["type"]))
else -> Unit
afterMessage = true
protected open fun getSuiteName(message: BaseTestSuiteMessage) = message.suiteName
override fun regularText(text: String) {
val actualText = if (afterMessage && settings.ignoreLineEndingAfterMessage)
when {
text.startsWith("\r\n") -> text.removePrefix("\r\n")
else -> text.removePrefix("\n")
else text
if (actualText.isNotEmpty()) {
log.kotlinDebug { "TCSM stdout captured: $actualText" }
val test = leaf as? TestNode
if (test != null) {
test.output(StdOut, actualText)
} else {
afterMessage = false
protected open fun printNonTestOutput(text: String, type: LogType? = null) {
protected open fun processStackTrace(stackTrace: String): String =
protected open val testNameSuffix: String?
get() = settings.testNameSuffix
private fun beginTest(ts: Long, testName: String, isIgnored: Boolean = false) {
val parent = requireLeafGroup()
val finalTestName = testName.let {
if (settings.prependSuiteName) "${parent.fullNameWithoutRoot}.$it"
else it
val parsedName = ParsedTestName(finalTestName, parent.localId)
val fullTestName = if (testNameSuffix == null) parsedName.methodName
else "${parsedName.methodName}[$testNameSuffix]"
ts, TestNode(
parent, parsedName.className, parsedName.classDisplayName, parsedName.methodName,
displayName = fullTestName,
localId = testName,
ignored = isIgnored
private fun endTest(ts: Long, testName: String) {
close(ts, testName)
private fun TestNode.failure(
message: TestFailed,
isAssertionFailure: Boolean = true,
) {
hasFailures = true
val stacktrace = buildString {
if (message.stacktrace != null) {
if (settings.treatFailedTestOutputAsStacktrace) {
}.let { processStackTrace(it) }
val parsedStackTrace = settings.stackTraceParser(stacktrace)
val failMessage = parsedStackTrace?.message ?: message.failureMessage
val exceptionClassName = failMessage?.let { extractExceptionClassName(it) } ?: "Unknown"
val rawFailure = KotlinTestFailure(
patchStackTrace(this, parsedStackTrace?.stackTrace),
testReporter.reportFailure(results, descriptor.id, rawFailure, isAssertionFailure)
private fun extractExceptionClassName(message: String): String =
* Required for org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.testing.logging.ShortExceptionFormatter.printException
* In JS Stacktraces we have short class name, while filter using FQN
* So, let replace short class name with FQN for current test
private fun patchStackTrace(node: TestNode, stackTrace: List?): List? =
stackTrace?.map {
if (it.className == node.classDisplayName) StackTraceElement(
) else it
private fun TestNode.output(
destination: TestOutputEvent.Destination,
text: String
) {
if (settings.treatFailedTestOutputAsStacktrace) {
} else {
results.output(descriptor.id, DefaultTestOutputEvent(destination, text))
private inline fun NodeType.open(tsStart: Long, contents: (NodeType) -> Long) {
val child = open(tsStart, this@open)
val tsEnd = contents(child)
assert(close(tsEnd, child.localId) === child)
private fun open(ts: Long, new: NodeType): NodeType = new.also {
log.kotlinDebug { "Test node opened: $it" }
private fun close(ts: Long, assertLocalId: String?) = pop().also {
if (assertLocalId != null) {
if (it.localId != assertLocalId && settings.ignoreOutOfRootNodes && it.parent == null) {
return it
check(it.localId == assertLocalId) {
"Bad TCSM: unexpected node to close `$assertLocalId`, expected `${it.localId}`, stack: ${
leaf.collectParents().joinToString("") { item -> "\n - ${item.localId}" }
log.kotlinDebug { "Test node closed: $it" }
private fun Node?.collectParents(): MutableList {
var i = this
val items = mutableListOf()
while (i != null) {
i = i.parent
return items
class ParsedTestName(testName: String, parentName: String) {
val hasClassName: Boolean
val className: String
val classDisplayName: String
val methodName: String
init {
val methodNameCut = testName.lastIndexOf('.')
hasClassName = methodNameCut != -1
if (hasClassName) {
className = testName.substring(0, methodNameCut)
classDisplayName = className.substringAfterLast('.')
methodName = testName.substring(methodNameCut + 1)
} else {
className = parentName
classDisplayName = parentName
methodName = testName
enum class NodeState {
created, started, completed
* Node of tests tree.
abstract inner class Node(
var parent: Node? = null,
val localId: String
) {
val id: String = if (parent != null) "${parent!!.id}/$localId" else localId
open val cleanName: String
get() = localId
abstract val descriptor: TestDescriptorInternal?
var state: NodeState = NodeState.created
var reportingParent: GroupNode? = null
get() {
return field
private fun checkReportingNodeCreated() {
check(descriptor != null)
var hasFailures: Boolean = false
set(value) {
// traverse parents only on first failure
if (!field) {
field = value
parent?.hasFailures = true
* If all tests in group are ignored, then group marked as skipped.
* This is workaround for absence of ignored test suite flag in TC service messages protocol.
var containsNotIgnored: Boolean = false
set(value) {
// traverse parents only on first test
if (!field) {
field = value
parent?.containsNotIgnored = true
val resultType: TestResult.ResultType
get() = when {
containsNotIgnored -> when {
hasFailures -> FAILURE
else -> SUCCESS
else -> SKIPPED
override fun toString(): String = id
abstract fun markStarted(ts: Long)
abstract fun markCompleted(ts: Long)
fun checkState(state: NodeState) {
check(this.state == state) {
"$this should be in state $state"
protected fun reportStarted(ts: Long) {
results.started(descriptor!!, TestStartEvent(ts, descriptor!!.parent?.id))
state = NodeState.started
protected fun reportCompleted(ts: Long) {
results.completed(descriptor!!.id, TestCompleteEvent(ts, resultType))
state = NodeState.completed
abstract inner class GroupNode(parent: Node?, localId: String) : Node(parent, localId) {
val fullNameWithoutRoot: String
get() = collectParents().dropLast(1)
.map { it.localId }
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.joinToString(".") { it }
abstract fun requireReportingNode(): TestDescriptorInternal
inner class RootNode : GroupNode(null, settings.rootNodeName) {
override val descriptor: TestDescriptorInternal =
object : DefaultTestSuiteDescriptor(settings.rootNodeName, localId) {
override fun getParent(): TestDescriptorInternal? = null
override fun toString(): String = name
override fun requireReportingNode(): TestDescriptorInternal = descriptor
override fun markStarted(ts: Long) {
override fun markCompleted(ts: Long) {
fun cleanName(parent: GroupNode, name: String): String {
// Some test reporters may report test suite in name (Kotlin/Native)
val parentName = parent.fullNameWithoutRoot
return name.removePrefix("$parentName.")
inner class SuiteNode(parent: GroupNode, name: String) : GroupNode(parent, name) {
override val cleanName = cleanName(parent, name)
private var shouldReportComplete = false
override var descriptor: TestDescriptorInternal? = null
private set
override fun requireReportingNode(): TestDescriptorInternal = descriptor ?: createReportingNode()
* Called when first test in suite started
private fun createReportingNode(): TestDescriptorInternal {
val parents = collectParents()
val fullName = parents.reversed()
.map { it.cleanName }
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
val reportingParent = parents.last() as RootNode
this.reportingParent = reportingParent
descriptor = object : DefaultTestSuiteDescriptor(id, fullName) {
override fun getDisplayName(): String = fullNameWithoutRoot
override fun getClassName(): String? = fullNameWithoutRoot
override fun getParent(): TestDescriptorInternal = reportingParent.descriptor
override fun toString(): String = displayName
shouldReportComplete = true
check(startedTs != 0L)
return descriptor!!
private var startedTs: Long = 0
override fun markStarted(ts: Long) {
check(descriptor == null)
startedTs = ts
override fun markCompleted(ts: Long) {
if (shouldReportComplete) {
check(descriptor != null)
inner class TestNode(
parent: GroupNode,
val className: String,
val classDisplayName: String,
methodName: String,
displayName: String,
localId: String,
ignored: Boolean = false
) : Node(parent, localId) {
val stackTraceOutput by lazy { StringBuilder() }
val allOutput by lazy { StringBuilder() }
private val parentDescriptor = ([email protected] as GroupNode).requireReportingNode()
override val descriptor: TestDescriptorInternal =
object : DefaultTestDescriptor(id, className, methodName, classDisplayName, displayName) {
override fun getParent(): TestDescriptorInternal = parentDescriptor
override fun markStarted(ts: Long) {
override fun markCompleted(ts: Long) {
init {
if (!ignored) containsNotIgnored = true
private var leaf: Node? = null
private val ServiceMessage.ts: Long
get() = creationTimestamp?.timestamp?.time ?: System.currentTimeMillis()
private fun push(node: Node) = node.also { leaf = node }
private fun pop() = leaf!!.also { leaf = it.parent }
fun ensureNodesClosed(root: RootNode? = null, cause: Throwable? = null, throwError: Boolean = true): Error? {
val ts = System.currentTimeMillis()
when (leaf) {
null -> return null
root -> close(ts, leaf!!.localId)
else -> {
val output = StringBuilder()
var currentTest: TestNode? = null
while (leaf != null) {
val currentLeaf = leaf!!
if (currentLeaf is TestNode) {
currentTest = currentLeaf
currentLeaf.failure(TestFailed(currentLeaf.cleanName, null as Throwable?), false)
close(ts, currentLeaf.localId)
val error = Error(
buildString {
append("Test running process exited unexpectedly.\n")
if (currentTest != null) {
append("Current test: ${currentTest.cleanName}\n")
if (output.toString().isNotBlank()) {
append("Process output:\n $output")
if (throwError) {
throw error
} else {
return error
return null
private fun requireLeaf() = leaf ?: error("test out of group")
private fun requireLeafGroup(): GroupNode = requireLeaf().let {
it as? GroupNode ?: error("previous test `$it` not finished")
private fun requireLeafTest() = leaf as? TestNode
?: error("no running test")
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