org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.ClassMapperLite.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2000-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization
// The purpose of this class is to map Kotlin classes to JVM bytecode desc strings, as KotlinTypeMapper does in the backend.
// It's used as an optimization during serialization/deserialization: if there's no JVM signature for a method/property/constructor,
// it means that the JVM signature should be trivially computable from the Kotlin signature with this class.
// It's not required to support everything in KotlinTypeMapper, but the more it does, the more we save on JVM signatures in proto metadata.
// WARNING: improving the behavior of this class MAY BREAK BINARY COMPATIBILITY of code compiled by Kotlin, because it may make
// the new compiler skip writing the signatures it now thinks are trivial, and the old compiler would recreate them incorrectly.
object ClassMapperLite {
// Simply "kotlin", but to avoid being renamed by namespace relocation (e.g., Shadow.relocate gradle plugin)
private val kotlin = listOf('k', 'o', 't', 'l', 'i', 'n').joinToString(separator = "")
// Kotlin ClassId -> JVM desc
// e.g. "kotlin.IntArray" -> "[I"
// "kotlin.String.Companion" -> "Lkotlin/jvm/internal/StringCompanionObject"
// "kotlin/collections/Map.Entry" -> "Ljava/util/Map$Entry"
private val map: Map = mutableMapOf().apply {
val primitives = listOf(
"Boolean", "Z",
"Char", "C",
"Byte", "B",
"Short", "S",
"Int", "I",
"Float", "F",
"Long", "J",
"Double", "D"
for (i in primitives.indices step 2) {
put("$kotlin/${primitives[i]}", primitives[i + 1])
put("$kotlin/${primitives[i]}Array", "[${primitives[i + 1]}")
put("$kotlin/Unit", "V")
fun add(kotlinSimpleName: String, javaInternalName: String) {
put("$kotlin/$kotlinSimpleName", "L$javaInternalName;")
add("Any", "java/lang/Object")
add("Nothing", "java/lang/Void")
add("Annotation", "java/lang/annotation/Annotation")
for (klass in listOf("String", "CharSequence", "Throwable", "Cloneable", "Number", "Comparable", "Enum")) {
add(klass, "java/lang/$klass")
for (klass in listOf("Iterator", "Collection", "List", "Set", "Map", "ListIterator")) {
add("collections/$klass", "java/util/$klass")
add("collections/Mutable$klass", "java/util/$klass")
add("collections/Iterable", "java/lang/Iterable")
add("collections/MutableIterable", "java/lang/Iterable")
add("collections/Map.Entry", "java/util/Map\$Entry")
add("collections/MutableMap.MutableEntry", "java/util/Map\$Entry")
for (i in 0..22) {
add("Function$i", "$kotlin/jvm/functions/Function$i")
add("reflect/KFunction$i", "$kotlin/reflect/KFunction")
//Boolean is purposefully omitted from this list, even though it has a Companion Object.
//This assures that an older compiler won't get confused by the new signature, preventing a bug in compatibility.
for (klass in listOf("Char", "Byte", "Short", "Int", "Float", "Long", "Double", "String", "Enum")) {
add("$klass.Companion", "$kotlin/jvm/internal/${klass}CompanionObject")
* @param classId the name of the class in the format: "org/foo/bar/Test.Inner"
fun mapClass(classId: String): String {
return map[classId] ?: "L${classId.replace('.', '$')};"
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