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 * Copyright 2010-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.


import llvm.LLVMABIAlignmentOfType
import llvm.LLVMABISizeOfType
import llvm.LLVMStoreSizeOfType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.getCompilerMessageLocation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.coroutines.getOrCreateFunctionWithContinuationStub
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.llvm.CodegenLlvmHelpers
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.llvm.computeFunctionName
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.llvm.localHash
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.llvm.toLLVMType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.lower.bridgeTarget
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality

internal class OverriddenFunctionInfo(
        val function: IrSimpleFunction,
        val overriddenFunction: IrSimpleFunction,
        val policy: BridgesPolicy,
) {
    val needBridge: Boolean
        get() =, policy)

    val bridgeDirections: BridgeDirections
        get() =, policy)

    val canBeCalledVirtually: Boolean
        get() {
            if (overriddenFunction.isObjCClassMethod()) {
                return function.canObjCClassMethodBeCalledVirtually(overriddenFunction)

            return overriddenFunction.isOverridable

    val inheritsBridge: Boolean
        get() = !function.isReal
                && function.bridgeDirectionsTo(overriddenFunction, policy).allNotNeeded()

    fun getImplementation(context: Context): IrSimpleFunction? {
        val target =
        val implementation = if (!needBridge)
        else {
            val bridgeOwner = if (inheritsBridge) {
                target // Bridge is inherited from superclass.
            } else {
            context.bridgesSupport.getBridge(OverriddenFunctionInfo(bridgeOwner, overriddenFunction, policy))
        return if (implementation.modality == Modality.ABSTRACT) null else implementation

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "(descriptor=$function, overriddenDescriptor=$overriddenFunction)"

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other !is OverriddenFunctionInfo) return false

        if (function != other.function) return false
        if (overriddenFunction != other.overriddenFunction) return false

        return true

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = function.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + overriddenFunction.hashCode()
        return result

internal class ClassGlobalHierarchyInfo(val classIdLo: Int, val classIdHi: Int, val interfaceId: Int) {
    companion object {
        val DUMMY = ClassGlobalHierarchyInfo(0, 0, 0)

        // 32-items table seems like a good threshold.
        val MAX_BITS_PER_COLOR = 5

internal class GlobalHierarchyAnalysisResult(val bitsPerColor: Int)

internal class GlobalHierarchyAnalysis(val context: Context, val irModule: IrModuleFragment) {
    fun run() {
         * The algorithm for fast interface call and check:
         * Consider the following graph: the vertices are interfaces and two interfaces are
         * connected with an edge if there exists a class which inherits both of them.
         * Now find a proper vertex-coloring of that graph (such that no edge connects vertices of same color).
         * Assign to each interface a unique id in such a way that its color is stored in the lower bits of its id.
         * Assuming the number of colors used is reasonably small build then a perfect hash table for each class:
         *     for each interfaceId inherited: itable[interfaceId % size] == interfaceId
         * Since we store the color in the lower bits the division can be replaced with (interfaceId & (size - 1)).
         * This is indeed a perfect hash table by construction of the coloring of the interface graph.
         * Now to perform an interface call store in all itables pointers to vtables of that particular interface.
         * Interface call: *(itable[interfaceId & (size - 1)].vtable[methodIndex])(...)
         * Interface check: itable[interfaceId & (size - 1)].id == interfaceId
         * Note that we have a fallback to a more conservative version if the size of an itable is too large:
         * just save all interface ids and vtables in sorted order and find the needed one with the binary search.
         * We can signal that using the sign bit of the type info's size field:
         *     if (size >= 0) { .. fast path .. }
         *     else binary_search(0, -size)
        val interfaceColors = assignColorsToInterfaces()
        val maxColor = interfaceColors.values.maxOrNull() ?: 0
        var bitsPerColor = 0
        var x = maxColor
        while (x > 0) {
            x /= 2

        val maxInterfaceId = Int.MAX_VALUE shr bitsPerColor
        val colorCounts = IntArray(maxColor + 1)

         * Here's the explanation of what's happening here:
         * Given a tree we can traverse it with the DFS and save for each vertex two times:
         * the enter time (the first time we saw this vertex) and the exit time (the last time we saw it).
         * It turns out that if we assign then for each vertex the interval (enterTime, exitTime),
         * then the following claim holds for any two vertices v and w:
         * ----- v is ancestor of w iff interval(v) contains interval(w) ------
         * Now apply this idea to the classes hierarchy tree and we'll get a fast type check.
         * And one more observation: for each pair of intervals they either don't intersect or
         * one contains the other. With that in mind, we can save in a type info only one end of an interval.
        val root = context.irBuiltIns.anyClass.owner
        val immediateInheritors = mutableMapOf>()
        val allClasses = mutableListOf()
        irModule.acceptVoid(object: IrElementVisitorVoid {
            override fun visitElement(element: IrElement) {

            override fun visitClass(declaration: IrClass) {
                if (declaration.isInterface) {
                    val color = interfaceColors[declaration]!!
                    // Numerate from 1 (reserve 0 for invalid value).
                    val interfaceId = ++colorCounts[color]
                    assert (interfaceId <= maxInterfaceId) {
                        "Unable to assign interface id to ${}"
                    context.getLayoutBuilder(declaration).hierarchyInfo =
                            ClassGlobalHierarchyInfo(0, 0, color or (interfaceId shl bitsPerColor))
                } else {
                    allClasses += declaration
                    if (declaration != root) {
                        val superClass = declaration.getSuperClassNotAny() ?: root
                        val inheritors = immediateInheritors.getOrPut(superClass) { mutableListOf() }
        var time = 0

        fun dfs(irClass: IrClass) {
            // Make the Any's interval's left border -1 in order to correctly generate classes for ObjC blocks.
            val enterTime = if (irClass == root) -1 else time
            immediateInheritors[irClass]?.forEach { dfs(it) }
            val exitTime = time
            context.getLayoutBuilder(irClass).hierarchyInfo = ClassGlobalHierarchyInfo(enterTime, exitTime, 0)


        context.globalHierarchyAnalysisResult = GlobalHierarchyAnalysisResult(bitsPerColor)

    class InterfacesForbiddennessGraph(val nodes: List, val forbidden: List>) {

        fun computeColoringGreedy(): IntArray {
            val colors = IntArray(nodes.size) { -1 }
            var numberOfColors = 0
            val usedColors = BooleanArray(nodes.size)
            for (v in nodes.indices) {
                for (c in 0 until numberOfColors)
                    usedColors[c] = false
                for (u in forbidden[v])
                    if (colors[u] >= 0)
                        usedColors[colors[u]] = true
                var found = false
                for (c in 0 until numberOfColors)
                    if (!usedColors[c]) {
                        colors[v] = c
                        found = true
                if (!found)
                    colors[v] = numberOfColors++
            return colors

        companion object {
            fun build(irModuleFragment: IrModuleFragment): InterfacesForbiddennessGraph {
                val interfaceIndices = mutableMapOf()
                val interfaces = mutableListOf()
                val forbidden = mutableListOf>()
                irModuleFragment.acceptVoid(object : IrElementVisitorVoid {
                    override fun visitElement(element: IrElement) {

                    fun registerInterface(iface: IrClass) {
                        interfaceIndices.getOrPut(iface) {
                            interfaces.size - 1

                    override fun visitClass(declaration: IrClass) {
                        if (declaration.isInterface)
                        else {
                            val implementedInterfaces = declaration.implementedInterfaces
                            implementedInterfaces.forEach { registerInterface(it) }
                            for (i in 0 until implementedInterfaces.size)
                                for (j in i + 1 until implementedInterfaces.size) {
                                    val v = interfaceIndices[implementedInterfaces[i]]!!
                                    val u = interfaceIndices[implementedInterfaces[j]]!!
                return InterfacesForbiddennessGraph(interfaces, forbidden)

    private fun assignColorsToInterfaces(): Map {
        val graph =
        val coloring = graph.computeColoringGreedy()
        return graph.nodes.mapIndexed { v, irClass -> irClass to coloring[v] }.toMap()

internal fun IrField.requiredAlignment(llvm: CodegenLlvmHelpers): Int {
    val llvmType = type.toLLVMType(llvm)
    val abiAlignment = if (llvmType == llvm.vector128Type) {
        8 // over-aligned objects are not supported now, and this worked somehow, so let's keep it as it for now
    } else {
        LLVMABIAlignmentOfType(llvm.runtime.targetData, llvmType)
    return if (hasAnnotation(KonanFqNames.volatile)) {
        val size = LLVMABISizeOfType(llvm.runtime.targetData, llvmType).toInt()
        val alignment = maxOf(size, abiAlignment)
        require(alignment % size == 0) { "Bad alignment of field ${render()}: abiAlignment = ${abiAlignment}, size = ${size}"}
        require(alignment % abiAlignment == 0) { "Bad alignment of field ${render()}: abiAlignment = ${abiAlignment}, size = ${size}"}
    } else {

internal class ClassLayoutBuilder(val irClass: IrClass, val context: Context) {
    private val bridgesPolicy = context.config.bridgesPolicy

    private fun IrField.toFieldInfo(llvm: CodegenLlvmHelpers): FieldInfo {
        val isConst = correspondingPropertySymbol?.owner?.isConst ?: false
        require(!isConst || initializer?.expression is IrConst) { "A const val field ${render()} must have constant initializer" }
        return FieldInfo(name.asString(), type, isConst, symbol, requiredAlignment(llvm))

    val vtableEntries: List by lazy {
        require(!irClass.isInterface) {
            buildString {
                appendLine("Expected a class, found interface:")
                appendLine("  IR: " + irClass.render())
                appendLine("  FQ name: " + irClass.fqNameForIrSerialization)
                irClass.fileOrNull?.let { file ->
                    appendLine("  Location: " + irClass.getCompilerMessageLocation(file))

        context.logMultiple {
            +"BUILDING vTable for ${irClass.render()}"

        val superVtableEntries = if (irClass.isSpecialClassWithNoSupertypes()) {
        } else {
            val superClass = irClass.getSuperClassNotAny() ?:

        val methods = overridableOrOverridingMethods
        val newVtableSlots = mutableListOf()
        val overridenVtableSlots = mutableMapOf()

        context.logMultiple {
            +"SUPER vTable:"
            superVtableEntries.forEach { +"    ${it.overriddenFunction.render()} -> ${it.function.render()}" }

            methods.forEach { +"    ${it.render()}" }

            +"BUILDING INHERITED vTable"

        val superVtableMap = superVtableEntries.groupBy { it.function }
        methods.forEach { overridingMethod ->
            overridingMethod.allOverriddenFunctions.forEach {
                val superMethods = superVtableMap[it]
                if (superMethods?.isNotEmpty() == true) {
                    newVtableSlots.add(OverriddenFunctionInfo(overridingMethod, it, bridgesPolicy))
                    superMethods.forEach { superMethod ->
                        overridenVtableSlots[superMethod.overriddenFunction] =
                                OverriddenFunctionInfo(overridingMethod, superMethod.overriddenFunction, bridgesPolicy)
        val inheritedVtableSlots = { superMethod ->
            overridenVtableSlots[superMethod.overriddenFunction]?.also {
                context.log { "Taking overridden ${superMethod.overriddenFunction.render()} -> ${it.function.render()}" }
            } ?: superMethod.also {
                context.log { "Taking super ${superMethod.overriddenFunction.render()} -> ${superMethod.function.render()}" }

        // Add all possible (descriptor, overriddenDescriptor) edges for now, redundant will be removed later.
        methods.mapTo(newVtableSlots) { OverriddenFunctionInfo(it, it, bridgesPolicy) }

        val inheritedVtableSlotsSet = { it.function to it.bridgeDirections }.toSet()

        val filteredNewVtableSlots = newVtableSlots
            .filterNot { inheritedVtableSlotsSet.contains(it.function to it.bridgeDirections) }
            .distinctBy { it.function to it.bridgeDirections }
            .filter { it.function.isOverridable }

        context.logMultiple {
            +"INHERITED vTable slots:"
            inheritedVtableSlots.forEach { +"    ${it.overriddenFunction.render()} -> ${it.function.render()}" }

            +"MY OWN vTable slots:"
            filteredNewVtableSlots.forEach { +"    ${it.overriddenFunction.render()} -> ${it.function.render()} ${it.function}" }
            +"DONE vTable for ${irClass.render()}"

        inheritedVtableSlots + filteredNewVtableSlots.sortedBy { it.overriddenFunction.uniqueName }

    fun vtableIndex(function: IrSimpleFunction): Int {
        val bridgeDirections =, bridgesPolicy)
        val index = vtableEntries.indexOfFirst { it.function == function && it.bridgeDirections == bridgeDirections }
        require(index >= 0) { "${function.render()} is not found in vtable of ${irClass.render()}" }
        return index

    fun overridingOf(function: IrSimpleFunction) =
            overridableOrOverridingMethods.firstOrNull { function in it.allOverriddenFunctions }?.let {
                OverriddenFunctionInfo(it, function, bridgesPolicy).getImplementation(context)

    val interfaceVTableEntries: List by lazy {
                .map { it.getLoweredVersion() }
                .filter { f ->
                    f.isOverridable && f.bridgeTarget == null
                            && (f.isReal || f.overriddenSymbols.any { f.needBridgeTo(it.owner, bridgesPolicy) })
                .sortedBy { it.uniqueName }

    data class InterfaceTablePlace(val interfaceId: Int, val itableSize: Int, val methodIndex: Int) {
        companion object {
            val INVALID = InterfaceTablePlace(0, -1, -1)

    val classId: Int get() = when {
        irClass.isKotlinObjCClass() -> 0
        irClass.isInterface -> {
            if (context.ghaEnabled()) {
            } else {
        else -> {
            if (context.ghaEnabled()) {
            } else {

    fun itablePlace(function: IrSimpleFunction): InterfaceTablePlace {
        require(irClass.isInterface) { "An interface expected but was ${}" }
        val interfaceVTable = interfaceVTableEntries
        val index = interfaceVTable.indexOf(function)
        if (index >= 0)
            return InterfaceTablePlace(classId, interfaceVTable.size, index)
        val superFunction = function.overriddenSymbols.first().owner
        return context.getLayoutBuilder(superFunction.parentAsClass).itablePlace(superFunction)

    class FieldInfo(val name: String, val type: IrType, val isConst: Boolean, val irFieldSymbol: IrFieldSymbol, val alignment: Int) {
        val irField: IrField?
            get() = if (irFieldSymbol.isBound) irFieldSymbol.owner else null
        init {
            require(alignment.countOneBits() == 1) { "Alignment should be power of 2" }

     * All fields of the class instance.
     * The order respects the class hierarchy, i.e. a class [fields] contains superclass [fields] as a prefix.
    fun getFields(llvm: CodegenLlvmHelpers): List = getFieldsInternal(llvm).map { fieldInfo ->
        val mappedField = fieldInfo.irField?.let { context.mapping.lateInitFieldToNullableField[it] ?: it }
        if (mappedField == fieldInfo.irField)

    private var fields: List? = null

    private fun getFieldsInternal(llvm: CodegenLlvmHelpers): List {
        fields?.let { return it }

        val superClass = irClass.getSuperClassNotAny()
        val superFields = if (superClass != null) context.getLayoutBuilder(superClass).getFieldsInternal(llvm) else emptyList()

        val declaredFields = getDeclaredFields(llvm)
        val sortedDeclaredFields = if (irClass.hasAnnotation(KonanFqNames.noReorderFields))
            declaredFields.sortedByDescending {
                with(llvm) { LLVMStoreSizeOfType(runtime.targetData, it.type.toLLVMType(this)) }

        return (superFields + sortedDeclaredFields).also { fields = it }

    val associatedObjects by lazy {
        val result = mutableMapOf()

        irClass.annotations.forEach {
            val irFile = irClass.fileOrNull

            val annotationClass = it.symbol.owner.constructedClass

            if (annotationClass.hasAnnotation(RuntimeNames.associatedObjectKey)) {
                val argument = it.getValueArgument(0)

                val irClassReference = argument as? IrClassReference
                        ?: error(irFile, argument, "unexpected annotation argument")

                val associatedObject = irClassReference.symbol.owner

                if (associatedObject !is IrClass || !associatedObject.isObject) {
                    error(irFile, irClassReference, "argument is not a singleton")

                if (annotationClass in result) {
                            "duplicate value for ${}, previous was ${result[annotationClass]?.name}"

                result[annotationClass] = associatedObject


    lateinit var hierarchyInfo: ClassGlobalHierarchyInfo

     * Fields declared in the class.
    fun getDeclaredFields(llvm: CodegenLlvmHelpers): List {
        val outerThisField = if (irClass.isInner)
        else null

        val moduleDeserializer = context.irLinker.getCachedDeclarationModuleDeserializer(irClass)
        if (moduleDeserializer != null)
            return moduleDeserializer.deserializeClassFields(irClass, outerThisField?.toFieldInfo(llvm))

        val declarations = irClass.declarations.toMutableList()
        outerThisField?.let {
            if (!declarations.contains(it))
                declarations += it
        return declarations.mapNotNull {
            when (it) {
                is IrField -> it.takeIf { it.isReal && !it.isStatic }?.toFieldInfo(llvm)
                is IrProperty -> it.takeIf { it.isReal }?.backingField?.takeIf { !it.isStatic }?.toFieldInfo(llvm)
                else -> null

     * Normally, function should be already replaced. But if the function come from LazyIr, it can be not replaced.
    fun IrSimpleFunction.getLoweredVersion() = when {
        isSuspend -> this.getOrCreateFunctionWithContinuationStub(context)
        else -> this
    private val overridableOrOverridingMethods: List
        get() = irClass.simpleFunctions()
                .map {it.getLoweredVersion() }
                .filter { it.isOverridableOrOverrides && it.bridgeTarget == null }

    private val IrFunction.uniqueName get() = computeFunctionName()

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