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Show all versions of kotlin-native-compiler-embeddable Show documentation
Embeddable JAR of Kotlin/Native compiler
* Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.descriptors.arrayTypes
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.descriptors.arraysWithFixedSizeItems
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.llvm.isVoidAsReturnType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.lower.erasure
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Modality
* List of all implemented interfaces (including those which implemented by a super class)
internal val IrClass.implementedInterfaces: List
get() {
val superClassImplementedInterfaces = this.getSuperClassNotAny()?.implementedInterfaces ?: emptyList()
val superInterfaces = this.getSuperInterfaces()
val superInterfacesImplementedInterfaces = superInterfaces.flatMap { it.implementedInterfaces }
return (superClassImplementedInterfaces +
superInterfacesImplementedInterfaces +
internal val IrFunction.isTypedIntrinsic: Boolean
get() = annotations.hasAnnotation(KonanFqNames.typedIntrinsic)
internal val IrConstructor.isConstantConstructorIntrinsic: Boolean
get() = annotations.hasAnnotation(KonanFqNames.constantConstructorIntrinsic)
internal val IrClass.isArray: Boolean
get() = this.fqNameForIrSerialization.asString() in arrayTypes
internal val IrClass.isArrayWithFixedSizeItems: Boolean
get() = this.fqNameForIrSerialization.asString() in arraysWithFixedSizeItems
fun IrClass.isAbstract() = this.modality == Modality.SEALED || this.modality == Modality.ABSTRACT
private enum class TypeKind {
private data class TypeWithKind(val erasedType: IrType?, val kind: TypeKind) {
companion object {
fun fromType(irType: IrType?): TypeWithKind {
val erasedType = irType?.erasure()
return when {
irType == null -> TypeWithKind(null, TypeKind.ABSENT)
irType.isInlinedNative() -> TypeWithKind(erasedType, TypeKind.VALUE_TYPE)
irType.classifierOrFail is IrTypeParameterSymbol -> TypeWithKind(erasedType, TypeKind.GENERIC)
else -> TypeWithKind(erasedType, TypeKind.REFERENCE)
private fun IrFunction.typeWithKindAt(index: ParameterIndex) = when (index) {
ParameterIndex.RETURN_INDEX -> when {
isSuspend -> TypeWithKind(null, TypeKind.REFERENCE)
returnType.isVoidAsReturnType() -> TypeWithKind(returnType, TypeKind.VOID)
else -> TypeWithKind.fromType(returnType)
ParameterIndex.DISPATCH_RECEIVER_INDEX -> TypeWithKind.fromType(dispatchReceiverParameter?.type)
ParameterIndex.EXTENSION_RECEIVER_INDEX -> TypeWithKind.fromType(extensionReceiverParameter?.type)
else -> TypeWithKind.fromType(this.valueParameters[index.unmap()].type)
private fun IrFunction.needBridgeToAt(target: IrFunction, index: ParameterIndex, policy: BridgesPolicy) =
bridgeDirectionToAt(target, index, policy).kind != BridgeDirectionKind.NONE
private value class ParameterIndex(val index: Int) {
companion object {
val RETURN_INDEX = ParameterIndex(0)
val DISPATCH_RECEIVER_INDEX = ParameterIndex(1)
val EXTENSION_RECEIVER_INDEX = ParameterIndex(2)
fun map(index: Int) = ParameterIndex(index + 3)
fun allParametersCount(irFunction: IrFunction) = irFunction.valueParameters.size + 3
inline fun forEachIndex(irFunction: IrFunction, block: (ParameterIndex) -> Unit) =
(0 until allParametersCount(irFunction)).forEach { block(ParameterIndex(it)) }
fun unmap() = index - 3
internal fun IrFunction.needBridgeTo(target: IrFunction, policy: BridgesPolicy): Boolean {
ParameterIndex.forEachIndex(this) {
if (needBridgeToAt(target, it, policy)) return true
return false
internal enum class BridgesPolicy {
internal enum class BridgeDirectionKind {
DROP, // This is needed when return type changes to Unit.
internal data class BridgeDirection(val erasedType: IrType?, val kind: BridgeDirectionKind) {
companion object {
val NONE = BridgeDirection(null, BridgeDirectionKind.NONE)
val UNBOX = BridgeDirection(null, BridgeDirectionKind.UNBOX)
* left to right : overridden
* up to down : function
* ⊥ = ABSENT, () = VOID, VAL = erasure is a value class, = generic type, REF - otherwise
* N (none) - no bridge is required
* E (error) - impossible combination
* D (drop) - the bridge should drop the value
* B (box) - the bridge should box the value
* U (unbox) - the bridge should unbox the value
* C (cast) - the bridge should perform a type check on the value
* C^N (cast or none) - depending on actual types, either a cast bridge or no bridge is needed
* +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
* | \ | ⊥ | () | VAL | REF | |
* +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
* | ⊥ | N | E | E | E | E |
* +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
* | () | E | N | D | D | D |
* +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
* | VAL | E | D | N | U | U |
* +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
* | REF | E | D | B | N | C^N |
* +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
* | | E | D | B | C^N | C^N |
* +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
private typealias BridgeDirectionBuilder = (ParameterIndex, IrType?, IrType?) -> BridgeDirection
private val None: BridgeDirectionBuilder = { _, _, _ -> BridgeDirection.NONE }
private val Drop: BridgeDirectionBuilder = { _, _, to -> BridgeDirection(to, BridgeDirectionKind.DROP) }
private val Box: BridgeDirectionBuilder = { _, _, to -> BridgeDirection(to, BridgeDirectionKind.BOX) }
private val Unbox: BridgeDirectionBuilder = { _, _, _ -> BridgeDirection.UNBOX }
private val Cast: BridgeDirectionBuilder = { index, from, to ->
if (from == null || to == null) {
} else {
val (superClass, subType) =
if (index == ParameterIndex.RETURN_INDEX)
Pair(to.classOrFail, from) // as
else Pair(from.classOrFail, to) // as
if (subType.isSubtypeOfClass(superClass))
BridgeDirection(to, BridgeDirectionKind.CAST)
private val bridgeDirectionBuilders = arrayOf(
arrayOf(None, null, null, null, null),
arrayOf(null, None, Drop, Drop, Drop),
arrayOf(null, Drop, None, Unbox, Unbox),
arrayOf(null, Drop, Box, None, Cast),
arrayOf(null, Drop, Box, Cast, Cast),
private fun IrFunction.bridgeDirectionToAt(overriddenFunction: IrFunction, index: ParameterIndex, policy: BridgesPolicy): BridgeDirection {
val (fromErasedType, fromKind) = typeWithKindAt(index)
val (toErasedType, toKind) = overriddenFunction.typeWithKindAt(index)
val bridgeDirectionsBuilder = bridgeDirectionBuilders[fromKind.ordinal][toKind.ordinal]
?: error("Invalid combination of (fromKind, toKind): ($fromKind, $toKind)\n" +
"from = ${render()}\nto = ${overriddenFunction.render()}")
val result = bridgeDirectionsBuilder(index, fromErasedType, toErasedType)
return if ((policy == BridgesPolicy.BOX_UNBOX_CASTS) || result.kind != BridgeDirectionKind.CAST) result else BridgeDirection.NONE
internal class BridgeDirections(private val array: Array) {
constructor(irFunction: IrSimpleFunction, overriddenFunction: IrSimpleFunction, policy: BridgesPolicy)
: this(Array(ParameterIndex.allParametersCount(irFunction)) {
irFunction.bridgeDirectionToAt(overriddenFunction, ParameterIndex(it), policy)
fun allNotNeeded(): Boolean = array.all { it.kind == BridgeDirectionKind.NONE }
private fun getDirectionAt(index: ParameterIndex) = array[index.index]
val returnDirection get() = getDirectionAt(ParameterIndex.RETURN_INDEX)
val dispatchReceiverDirection get() = getDirectionAt(ParameterIndex.DISPATCH_RECEIVER_INDEX)
val extensionReceiverDirection get() = getDirectionAt(ParameterIndex.EXTENSION_RECEIVER_INDEX)
fun parameterDirectionAt(index: Int) = getDirectionAt(
override fun toString(): String {
val result = StringBuilder()
array.forEach {
result.append(when (it.kind) {
BridgeDirectionKind.BOX -> 'B'
BridgeDirectionKind.UNBOX -> 'U'
BridgeDirectionKind.DROP -> 'D'
BridgeDirectionKind.CAST -> 'C'
BridgeDirectionKind.NONE -> 'N'
return result.toString()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is BridgeDirections) return false
return array.size == other.array.size
&& array.indices.all { array[it] == other.array[it] }
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = 0
array.forEach { result = result * 31 + it.hashCode() }
return result
companion object {
fun none(irFunction: IrSimpleFunction) = BridgeDirections(irFunction, irFunction, BridgesPolicy.BOX_UNBOX_ONLY)
val IrSimpleFunction.allOverriddenFunctions: Set
get() {
val result = mutableSetOf()
fun traverse(function: IrSimpleFunction) {
if (function in result) return
result += function
function.overriddenSymbols.forEach { traverse(it.owner) }
return result
internal fun IrSimpleFunction.bridgeDirectionsTo(overriddenFunction: IrSimpleFunction, policy: BridgesPolicy): BridgeDirections {
val ourDirections = BridgeDirections(this, overriddenFunction, policy)
val target =
if (!this.isReal && modality != Modality.ABSTRACT
&& target.overrides(overriddenFunction)
&& ourDirections == target.bridgeDirectionsTo(overriddenFunction, policy)) {
// Bridge is inherited from superclass.
return BridgeDirections.none(this)
return ourDirections
fun IrFunctionSymbol.isComparisonFunction(map: Map): Boolean =
this in map.values
fun IrFunction.externalSymbolOrThrow(): String? {
annotations.findAnnotation(RuntimeNames.symbolNameAnnotation)?.let { return it.getAnnotationStringValue() }
annotations.findAnnotation(KonanFqNames.gcUnsafeCall)?.let { return it.getAnnotationStringValue("callee") }
if (annotations.hasAnnotation(KonanFqNames.objCMethod)) return null
if (annotations.hasAnnotation(KonanFqNames.typedIntrinsic)) return null
if (annotations.hasAnnotation(RuntimeNames.cCall)) return null
throw Error("external function ${this.longName} must have @TypedIntrinsic, @SymbolName, @GCUnsafeCall or @ObjCMethod annotation")
private val IrFunction.longName: String
get() = "${(parent as? IrClass)?.name?.asString() ?: ""}.${(this as? IrSimpleFunction)?.name ?: ""}"
val IrFunction.isBuiltInOperator get() = origin == IrBuiltIns.BUILTIN_OPERATOR