org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.optimizations.EscapeAnalysis.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.optimizations
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.atMostOne
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.peek
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.pop
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.push
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.Context
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.DirectedGraphCondensationBuilder
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.DirectedGraphMultiNode
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.llvm.Lifetime
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.logMultiple
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.lower.originalConstructor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassKind
private val
get() = when (this) {
is DataFlowIR.Node.Call -> irCallSite
is DataFlowIR.Node.Alloc -> irCallSite
is DataFlowIR.Node.ArrayRead -> irCallSite
is DataFlowIR.Node.FieldRead -> ir
else -> null
private val CallGraphNode.CallSite.arguments: List
get() {
return ( {
if (it < call.arguments.size) call.arguments[it].node else node
internal object EscapeAnalysis {
* The goal of escape analysis is to estimate lifetimes of all expressions in a program.
* Possible lifetimes are:
* 0. Stack - an object is used only within its visibility scope within a function.
* 1. Local - an object is used only within a function.
* 2. Return value - an object is either returned or set to a field of an object being returned.
* 3. Parameter - an object is set to a field of some parameters of a function.
* 4. Global - otherwise.
* For now only Stack and Global lifetimes are supported by the codegen, so others will be pulled up to Global.
* The analysis is performed in two main stages - intraprocedural and interprocedural.
* During intraprocedural analysis we remove all control flow related expressions and compute all possible
* values of all variables within a function.
* The goal of interprocedural analysis is to build points-to graph (object A references object B if and only if
* there is a path from the node A to the node B). This is done by building call graph (using devirtualization
* for more precise result). But in practice holding this condition both ways can be difficult and bad in terms of
* performance, so the algorithm tries to ensure only one part: if object A references object B then there must be
* a path from the node A to the node B, with that none of the constraints from the original program will be lost.
* It is ok to add some additional constraints, as long as there are not too many of those.
* How do we exactly build the points-to graph out of the call graph?
* 1. Build condensation of the call graph.
* 2. Handle vertices of the resulting DAG in the reversed topological order (ensuring that all functions being called
* are already handled).
* 3. For a strongly connected component build the points-to graph iteratively starting with empty graph
* (if the process is seemed to not be converging for some function, assume the pessimistic result).
* Escape analysis result of a function is not only lifetimes for all allocations of that function
* but also a snippet of its points-to graph (it's a reduced version, basically, subgraph reachable from
* the function's parameters).
* Assuming the function has parameters P0, P1, .., Pn, where the last parameter is the return parameter,
* it turns out that the snippet can be described as an array of relations of form
* -> where v, w - either one of the function's parameters or special
* additional nodes called drains which will be introduced later; and f0, f1, .., fk, g0, g1, .., gl - fields.
* Building points-to graph:
* 1. Seed it from the function's DataFlowIR.
* There are two kinds of edges:
* 1) field. The subgraph for [a.f]:
* [a]
* | f
* V
* [a.f]
* Notice the label [f] on the edge.
* 2) assignment. The subgraph for [a = b]:
* [a]
* |
* V
* [b]
* No labels on the edge.
* When calling a function, take its points-to graph snippet and embed it at the call site,
* replacing parameters with actual node arguments.
* 2. Build the closure.
* Consider an assignment [a = b], and a usage of [a.f] somewhere. Since there is no order on nodes
* of DataFlowIR (sea of nodes), the conservative assumption has to be made - [b.f] is also being used
* at the same place as [a.f] is. Same applies for usages of [b.f].
* This reasoning leads to the following algorithm:
* Consider for the time being all assignment edges undirected and build connected components.
* Now, every field usage of any node within a component implies the same usage of any other node
* from that component, so the following transformation will be performed:
* 1) Consider components one by one. Select a node which has no outgoing assignment edges,
* if there is no such a node, create additional node and add assignment edges from every node
* to it. Call this node a drain. Then move all beginnings of field edges from all nodes to
* the drain leaving the ends as is (this reflects the above consideration - any field usage
* can be applied to any node within a component).
* 2) After drains creation and field edges moving there might emerge multi-edges (more than one
* field edge with the same label going to different components). The components these
* multi-edges are pointing at must be coalesced together (this is done either by creating
* a new drain or connecting one component's drain to the other). This operation must be
* performed until there are no more multi-edges.
* After the above transformation has been made, finally, simple lifetime propagation can be performed,
* seeing all edges directed.
// A special marker field for external types implemented in the runtime (mainly, arrays).
// The types being passed to the constructor are not used in the analysis - just put there anything.
private val intestinesField = DataFlowIR.Field(DataFlowIR.Type.Virtual, -1, "inte\$tines")
// A special marker field for return values.
// Basically we substitute [return x] with [ret.v@lue = x].
// This is done in order to not handle return parameter somewhat specially.
private val returnsValueField = DataFlowIR.Field(DataFlowIR.Type.Virtual, -2, "v@lue")
// The less the higher an object escapes.
object Depths {
val INFINITY = 1_000_000
val ROOT_SCOPE = 0
val PARAMETER = -2
val GLOBAL = -3
object DivergenceResolutionParams {
const val MaxAttempts = 3
const val NegligibleSize = 100
const val SwellingFactor = 25
private inline fun > Array.sortedAndDistinct(): Array {
if (this.isEmpty()) return this
val unique = mutableListOf(this[0])
for (i in 1 until this.size)
if (this[i] != this[i - 1])
return unique.toTypedArray()
private class CompressedPointsToGraph(edges: Array) {
val edges = edges.sortedAndDistinct()
sealed class NodeKind {
abstract val absoluteIndex: Int
object Return : NodeKind() {
override val absoluteIndex = 0
override fun equals(other: Any?) = other === this
override fun toString() = "RET"
class Param(val index: Int) : NodeKind() {
override val absoluteIndex: Int
get() = -1_000_000 + index
override fun equals(other: Any?) = index == (other as? Param)?.index
override fun toString() = "P$index"
class Drain(val index: Int) : NodeKind() {
override val absoluteIndex: Int
get() = index + 1
override fun equals(other: Any?) = index == (other as? Drain)?.index
override fun toString() = "D$index"
companion object {
fun parameter(index: Int, total: Int) =
if (index == total - 1)
class Node(val kind: NodeKind, val path: Array) : Comparable {
override fun compareTo(other: Node): Int {
if (kind.absoluteIndex != other.kind.absoluteIndex)
return kind.absoluteIndex.compareTo(other.kind.absoluteIndex)
for (i in path.indices) {
if (i >= other.path.size)
return 1
if (path[i].index != other.path[i].index)
return path[i].index.compareTo(other.path[i].index)
if (path.size < other.path.size) return -1
return 0
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Node) return false
if (kind != other.kind || path.size != other.path.size)
return false
for (i in path.indices)
if (path[i] != other.path[i])
return false
return true
override fun toString() = debugString(null)
fun debugString(root: String?) = buildString {
append(root ?: kind.toString())
path.forEach {
append( ?: "")
fun goto(field: DataFlowIR.Field?) = when (field) {
null -> this
else -> Node(kind, Array(path.size + 1) { if (it < path.size) path[it] else field })
companion object {
fun parameter(index: Int, total: Int) = Node(NodeKind.parameter(index, total), path = emptyArray())
fun drain(index: Int) = Node(NodeKind.Drain(index), path = emptyArray())
class Edge(val from: Node, val to: Node) : Comparable {
override fun compareTo(other: Edge): Int {
val fromCompareResult = from.compareTo(other.from)
if (fromCompareResult != 0)
return fromCompareResult
return to.compareTo(
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other === this) return true
if (other !is Edge) return false
return from == other.from && to ==
override fun toString() = "$from -> $to"
companion object {
fun pointsTo(param1: Int, param2: Int, totalParams: Int, kind: Int): Edge {
* Values extracted from @PointsTo annotation.
* kind edge
* 1 p1 -> p2
* 2 p1 -> p2.intestines
* 3 p1.intestines -> p2
* 4 p1.intestines -> p2.intestines
if (kind <= 0 || kind > 4)
error("Invalid pointsTo kind: $kind")
val from = if (kind < 3)
Node.parameter(param1, totalParams)
Node(NodeKind.parameter(param1, totalParams), Array(1) { intestinesField })
val to = if (kind % 2 == 1)
Node.parameter(param2, totalParams)
Node(NodeKind.parameter(param2, totalParams), Array(1) { intestinesField })
return Edge(from, to)
private class FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult(
val numberOfDrains: Int,
val pointsTo: CompressedPointsToGraph,
escapes: Array
) {
val escapes = escapes.sortedAndDistinct()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult) return false
if (escapes.size != other.escapes.size) return false
for (i in escapes.indices)
if (escapes[i] != other.escapes[i]) return false
if (pointsTo.edges.size != other.pointsTo.edges.size)
return false
for (i in pointsTo.edges.indices)
if (pointsTo.edges[i] != other.pointsTo.edges[i])
return false
return true
override fun toString(): String {
val result = StringBuilder()
pointsTo.edges.forEach { result.appendLine(" $it") }
escapes.forEach {
result.append(' ')
return result.toString()
companion object {
fun fromBits(escapesMask: Int, pointsToMasks: List): FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult {
val paramCount = pointsToMasks.size
val edges = mutableListOf()
val escapes = mutableListOf()
for (param1 in pointsToMasks.indices) {
if (escapesMask and (1 shl param1) != 0)
escapes.add(CompressedPointsToGraph.Node.parameter(param1, paramCount))
val curPointsToMask = pointsToMasks[param1]
for (param2 in pointsToMasks.indices) {
// Read a nibble at position [param2].
val pointsTo = (curPointsToMask shr (4 * param2)) and 15
if (pointsTo != 0)
edges.add(CompressedPointsToGraph.Edge.pointsTo(param1, param2, paramCount, pointsTo))
return FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult(
0, CompressedPointsToGraph(edges.toTypedArray()), escapes.toTypedArray())
fun optimistic() =
FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult(0, CompressedPointsToGraph(emptyArray()), emptyArray())
fun pessimistic(numberOfParameters: Int) =
FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult(0, CompressedPointsToGraph(emptyArray()),
Array(numberOfParameters + 1) { CompressedPointsToGraph.Node.parameter(it, numberOfParameters + 1) })
private class InterproceduralAnalysis(
val context: Context,
val generationState: NativeGenerationState,
val callGraph: CallGraph,
val moduleDFG: ModuleDFG,
val lifetimes: MutableMap,
val propagateExiledToHeapObjects: Boolean
) {
private val symbols =
private val throwable = symbols.throwable.owner
val escapeAnalysisResults = mutableMapOf()
fun analyze() {
context.logMultiple {
callGraph.directEdges.forEach { (t, u) ->
+" FUN $t"
u.callSites.forEach {
val label = when {
it.isVirtual -> "VIRTUAL"
callGraph.directEdges.containsKey(it.actualCallee) -> "LOCAL"
else -> "EXTERNAL"
+" CALLS $label ${it.actualCallee}"
callGraph.reversedEdges[t]!!.forEach { +" CALLED BY $it" }
val condensation = DirectedGraphCondensationBuilder(callGraph).build()
context.logMultiple {
condensation.topologicalOrder.forEach { multiNode ->
multiNode.nodes.forEach { +" $it" }
condensation.topologicalOrder.forEach { multiNode ->
multiNode.nodes.forEach {
+" $it"
.filter { callGraph.directEdges.containsKey(it.actualCallee) }
.forEach { +" CALLS ${it.actualCallee}" }
callGraph.reversedEdges[it]!!.forEach { +" CALLED BY $it" }
for (functionSymbol in callGraph.directEdges.keys) {
if (!moduleDFG.functions.containsKey(functionSymbol)) continue
// Assume trivial result at the beginning - then iteratively specify it.
escapeAnalysisResults[functionSymbol] = FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult.optimistic()
for (multiNode in condensation.topologicalOrder.reversed())
analyze(callGraph, multiNode)
context.logMultiple {
with(stats) {
+"Managed to alloc on stack"
+(" everything (including globals): $totalStackAllocsCount out of ${totalGlobalAllocsCount + totalStackAllocsCount}" +
" (${totalStackAllocsCount * 100.0 / (totalGlobalAllocsCount + totalStackAllocsCount)}%)")
+(" interesting (without globals) : $filteredStackAllocsCount out of ${filteredGlobalAllocsCount + filteredStackAllocsCount}" +
" (${filteredStackAllocsCount * 100.0 / (filteredGlobalAllocsCount + filteredStackAllocsCount)}%)")
+"Total ea result size: $totalEAResultSize"
+"Total points-to graph size: $totalPTGSize"
+"Total data flow graph size: $totalDFGSize"
private enum class ComputationState {
private class Stats {
var totalGlobalAllocsCount = 0
var totalStackAllocsCount = 0
var filteredGlobalAllocsCount = 0
var filteredStackAllocsCount = 0
var totalEAResultSize = 0
var totalPTGSize = 0
var totalDFGSize = 0
private val stats = Stats()
private fun maxPointsToGraphSizeOf(function: DataFlowIR.FunctionSymbol) = with(DivergenceResolutionParams) {
// A heuristic: the majority of functions have their points-to graph size linear in number of IR (or DFG) nodes,
// there are exceptions but it's a trade-off we have to make.
// The trick with [NegligibleSize] handles functions that basically delegate their work to other functions.
val numberOfNodes = moduleDFG.functions[function]!!.body.allScopes.sumOf { it.nodes.size }
NegligibleSize + numberOfNodes * SwellingFactor
private fun analyze(callGraph: CallGraph, multiNode: DirectedGraphMultiNode) {
val nodes = multiNode.nodes.filter { moduleDFG.functions.containsKey(it) }.toMutableSet()
context.logMultiple {
+"Analyzing multiNode:\n ${nodes.joinToString("\n ") { it.toString() }}"
nodes.forEach { from ->
callGraph.directEdges[from]!!.callSites.forEach { to ->
+" from $from"
+" to ${to.actualCallee}"
var pointsToGraphs = mutableMapOf()
var failedToConverge = false
val toAnalyze = mutableSetOf()
val numberOfRuns = nodes.associateWith { 0 }.toMutableMap()
while (!failedToConverge && toAnalyze.isNotEmpty()) {
val function = toAnalyze.first()
numberOfRuns[function] = numberOfRuns[function]!! + 1
context.log { "Processing function $function" }
val startResult = escapeAnalysisResults[function]!!
context.log { "Start escape analysis result:\n$startResult" }
val pointsToGraph = PointsToGraph(function)
pointsToGraphs[function] = pointsToGraph
if (!analyze(callGraph.directEdges[function]!!.callSites, pointsToGraph, function, maxPointsToGraphSizeOf(function))) {
failedToConverge = true
} else {
val endResult = escapeAnalysisResults[function]!!
if (startResult == endResult) {
context.log { "Escape analysis is not changed" }
} else {
context.log { "Escape analysis was refined:\n$endResult" }
if (numberOfRuns[function]!! > DivergenceResolutionParams.MaxAttempts)
failedToConverge = true
else {
callGraph.reversedEdges[function]?.forEach {
if (nodes.contains(it))
if (failedToConverge)
context.log { "WARNING: Escape analysis for $function seems not to be converging. Falling back to conservative strategy." }
if (failedToConverge) {
pointsToGraphs = analyzeComponentPessimistically(callGraph, multiNode)
pointsToGraphs.forEach { (function, graph) ->
val eaResult = escapeAnalysisResults[function]!!
stats.totalEAResultSize += eaResult.numberOfDrains + eaResult.escapes.size + eaResult.pointsTo.edges.size
stats.totalPTGSize += graph.allNodes.size
stats.totalDFGSize += moduleDFG.functions[function]!!.body.allScopes.sumOf { it.nodes.size }
val functionSymbol = graph.functionSymbol
for (node in graph.nodes.keys) { {
val lifetime = graph.lifetimeOf(node)
// Filter out some irrelevant cases (like globals and exceptions).
val isFilteredOut = functionSymbol.isStaticFieldInitializer ||
functionSymbol.irFunction?.originalConstructor?.constructedClass?.kind?.let { kind ->
kind == ClassKind.ENUM_CLASS || kind == ClassKind.OBJECT
} == true ||
(node as? DataFlowIR.Node.Alloc)?.type?.irClass?.getAllSuperclasses()?.contains(throwable) == true
if (node is DataFlowIR.Node.Alloc) {
if (lifetime == Lifetime.GLOBAL) {
if (!isFilteredOut)
if (lifetime == Lifetime.STACK) {
if (!isFilteredOut)
lifetimes[it] = lifetime
private fun analyzeComponentPessimistically(
callGraph: CallGraph,
multiNode: DirectedGraphMultiNode
): MutableMap {
val nodes = multiNode.nodes.filter { moduleDFG.functions.containsKey(it) }
val pointsToGraphs = mutableMapOf()
val computationStates = mutableMapOf()
nodes.forEach { computationStates[it] = ComputationState.NEW }
val toAnalyze = nodes.toMutableList()
while (toAnalyze.isNotEmpty()) {
val function = toAnalyze.peek()!!
val state = computationStates[function]!!
val callSites = callGraph.directEdges[function]!!.callSites
when (state) {
ComputationState.NEW -> {
computationStates[function] = ComputationState.PENDING
for (callSite in callSites) {
val callee = callSite.actualCallee
val calleeComputationState = computationStates[callee]
if (callSite.isVirtual
|| callee !is DataFlowIR.FunctionSymbol.Declared // An external call.
|| calleeComputationState == null // A call to a function from other component.
|| calleeComputationState == ComputationState.DONE // Already analyzed.
) {
if (calleeComputationState == ComputationState.PENDING) {
// A cycle - break it by assuming nothing about the callee.
// This is not the callee's final result - it will be recomputed later in the loop.
escapeAnalysisResults[callee] = FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult.pessimistic(callee.parameters.size)
} else {
computationStates[callee] = ComputationState.NEW
ComputationState.PENDING -> {
computationStates[function] = ComputationState.DONE
val pointsToGraph = PointsToGraph(function)
if (analyze(callSites, pointsToGraph, function, maxPointsToGraphSizeOf(function)))
pointsToGraphs[function] = pointsToGraph
else {
// TODO: suboptimal. May be it is possible somehow handle the entire component at once?
context.log {
"WARNING: Escape analysis for $function seems not to be converging." +
" Assuming conservative results."
escapeAnalysisResults[function] = FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult.pessimistic(function.parameters.size)
// Invalidate the points-to graph.
pointsToGraphs[function] = PointsToGraph(function).apply {
allNodes.forEach { it.depth = Depths.GLOBAL }
ComputationState.DONE -> {
return pointsToGraphs
private fun arrayLengthOf(node: DataFlowIR.Node): Int? =
(node as? DataFlowIR.Node.SimpleConst<*>)?.value as? Int
// In case of several possible values, it's unknown what is used.
// TODO: if all values are constants which are less limit?
?: (node as? DataFlowIR.Node.Variable)
?.values?.singleOrNull()?.let { arrayLengthOf(it.node) }
private val pointerSize = generationState.runtime.pointerSize
private fun arrayItemSizeOf(irClass: IrClass): Int? = when (irClass.symbol) {
symbols.array -> pointerSize
symbols.booleanArray -> 1
symbols.byteArray -> 1
symbols.charArray -> 2
symbols.shortArray -> 2
symbols.intArray -> 4
symbols.floatArray -> 4
symbols.longArray -> 8
symbols.doubleArray -> 8
else -> null
private fun arraySize(itemSize: Int, length: Int): Long =
pointerSize /* typeinfo */ + 4 /* size */ + itemSize * length.toLong()
private fun analyze(
callSites: List,
pointsToGraph: PointsToGraph,
function: DataFlowIR.FunctionSymbol.Declared,
maxAllowedGraphSize: Int
): Boolean {
context.log { "Before calls analysis" }
callSites.forEach {
val callee = it.actualCallee
val calleeEAResult = if (it.isVirtual)
callGraph.directEdges[callee]?.let { escapeAnalysisResults[it.symbol]!! }
?: getExternalFunctionEAResult(it)
pointsToGraph.processCall(it, calleeEAResult)
if (pointsToGraph.allNodes.size > maxAllowedGraphSize)
return false
context.log { "After calls analysis" }
// Build transitive closure.
val eaResult = pointsToGraph.buildClosure()
context.log { "After closure building" }
escapeAnalysisResults[function] = eaResult
return true
private fun getExternalFunctionEAResult(callSite: CallGraphNode.CallSite): FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult {
val callee = callSite.actualCallee
val calleeEAResult = if (callSite.isVirtual) {
context.log { "A virtual call: $callee" }
} else {
context.log { "An external call: $callee" }
if ("kfun:kotlin.") == true
// TODO: Is it possible to do it in a more fine-grained fashion?
&& !"kfun:kotlin.native.concurrent")
&& !"kfun:kotlin.concurrent")) {
context.log { "A function from K/N runtime - can use annotations" }
callee.escapes ?: 0,
(0..callee.parameters.size).map { callee.pointsTo?.elementAtOrNull(it) ?: 0 }
} else {
context.log { "An unknown function - assume pessimistic result" }
context.logMultiple {
+"Escape analysis result"
return calleeEAResult
private enum class PointsToGraphNodeKind {
private sealed class PointsToGraphEdge(val node: PointsToGraphNode) {
class Assignment(node: PointsToGraphNode) : PointsToGraphEdge(node)
class Field(node: PointsToGraphNode, val field: DataFlowIR.Field) : PointsToGraphEdge(node)
private class PointsToGraphNode(val startDepth: Int, val node: DataFlowIR.Node?) {
val edges = mutableListOf()
val reversedEdges = mutableListOf()
fun addAssignmentEdge(to: PointsToGraphNode) {
edges += PointsToGraphEdge.Assignment(to)
to.reversedEdges += PointsToGraphEdge.Assignment(this)
private val fields = mutableMapOf()
fun getFieldNode(field: DataFlowIR.Field, graph: PointsToGraph) =
fields.getOrPut(field) { graph.newNode().also { edges += PointsToGraphEdge.Field(it, field) } }
var depth = startDepth
val kind
get() = when {
depth == Depths.GLOBAL -> PointsToGraphNodeKind.GLOBAL
depth == Depths.PARAMETER -> PointsToGraphNodeKind.PARAMETER
depth == Depths.RETURN_VALUE -> PointsToGraphNodeKind.RETURN_VALUE
depth != startDepth -> PointsToGraphNodeKind.LOCAL
else -> PointsToGraphNodeKind.STACK
var forcedLifetime: Lifetime? = null
lateinit var drain: PointsToGraphNode
val isDrain get() = this == drain
val actualDrain: PointsToGraphNode
get() = drain.let {
if (it.isDrain) it
// Flip to the real drain as it is done in the disjoint sets algorithm,
// to reduce the time spent in this function.
else it.actualDrain.also { drain = it }
val isActualDrain get() = this == actualDrain
private data class ArrayStaticAllocation(val node: PointsToGraphNode, val irClass: IrClass, val size: Int)
private enum class EdgeDirection {
private inner class PointsToGraph(val functionSymbol: DataFlowIR.FunctionSymbol) {
val function = moduleDFG.functions[functionSymbol]!!
val nodes = mutableMapOf()
val allNodes = mutableListOf()
fun newNode(depth: Int, node: DataFlowIR.Node?) =
PointsToGraphNode(depth, node).also { allNodes.add(it) }
fun newNode() = newNode(Depths.INFINITY, null)
fun newDrain() = newNode().also { it.drain = it }
val returnsNode = newNode(Depths.RETURN_VALUE, null)
* Of all escaping nodes there are some "starting" - call them origins.
* Consider a variable [v], which is assigned with two values - [a] and [b].
* Now assume [a] escapes (written to a global, for instance). This implies that [v] also escapes,
* but [b] doesn't, albeit [v] (an escaping node) references it. It's because [v] is not an escape origin.
// The origins of escaping.
val escapeOrigins = mutableSetOf()
// Nodes reachable from either of escape origins going along all edges (assignment and/or field).
val reachableFromEscapeOrigins = mutableSetOf()
// Nodes referencing any escape origin only by assignment edges.
val referencingEscapeOrigins = mutableSetOf()
fun escapes(node: PointsToGraphNode) = node in reachableFromEscapeOrigins || node in referencingEscapeOrigins
val ids = (listOf(function.body.rootScope) + function.body.allScopes.flatMap { it.nodes })
.withIndex().associateBy({ it.value }, { it.index })
fun lifetimeOf(node: DataFlowIR.Node) = nodes[node]!!.let { it.forcedLifetime ?: lifetimeOf(it) }
fun lifetimeOf(node: PointsToGraphNode) =
if (escapes(node))
else when (node.kind) {
PointsToGraphNodeKind.GLOBAL -> Lifetime.GLOBAL
PointsToGraphNodeKind.PARAMETER -> Lifetime.ARGUMENT
PointsToGraphNodeKind.STACK -> {
// A value doesn't escape from its scope - it can be allocated on the stack.
PointsToGraphNodeKind.LOCAL -> {
// A value is neither stored into a global nor into any parameter nor into the return value -
// it can be allocated locally.
PointsToGraphNodeKind.RETURN_VALUE -> {
when {
// If a value is explicitly returned.
node.node?.let { it in returnValues } == true -> Lifetime.RETURN_VALUE
// A value is stored into a field of the return value.
private val returnValues: Set = { it.node }.toSet()
init {
fun traverseAndConvert(node: DataFlowIR.Node, depth: Int) {
when (node) {
DataFlowIR.Node.Null -> return
is DataFlowIR.Node.Scope -> node.nodes.forEach { traverseAndConvert(it, depth + 1) }
else -> {
val actualDepth = when (node) {
is DataFlowIR.Node.Parameter -> Depths.PARAMETER
in returnValues -> Depths.RETURN_VALUE
else -> depth
nodes[node] = newNode(actualDepth, node)
val body = function.body
traverseAndConvert(body.rootScope, Depths.ROOT_SCOPE - 1)
val nothing = moduleDFG.symbolTable.mapClassReferenceType(
body.forEachNonScopeNode { node ->
when (node) {
is DataFlowIR.Node.FieldWrite -> {
if (node.value.node != DataFlowIR.Node.Null) {
val receiver = node.receiver?.let { nodes[it.node]!! }
val value = nodes[node.value.node]!!
if (receiver == null)
receiver.getFieldNode(node.field, this).addAssignmentEdge(value)
is DataFlowIR.Node.Singleton -> {
val type = node.type
if (type != nothing)
is DataFlowIR.Node.FieldRead -> {
val readResult = nodes[node]!!
val receiver = node.receiver?.let { nodes[it.node]!! }
if (receiver == null)
readResult.addAssignmentEdge(receiver.getFieldNode(node.field, this))
is DataFlowIR.Node.ArrayWrite -> {
if (node.value.node != DataFlowIR.Node.Null) {
val array = nodes[node.array.node]!!
val value = nodes[node.value.node]!!
array.getFieldNode(intestinesField, this).addAssignmentEdge(value)
is DataFlowIR.Node.ArrayRead -> {
val array = nodes[node.array.node]!!
val readResult = nodes[node]!!
readResult.addAssignmentEdge(array.getFieldNode(intestinesField, this))
is DataFlowIR.Node.Variable -> {
val variable = nodes[node]!!
for (value in node.values) {
if (value.node != DataFlowIR.Node.Null)
is DataFlowIR.Node.Alloc,
is DataFlowIR.Node.Call,
is DataFlowIR.Node.Const,
is DataFlowIR.Node.FunctionReference,
is DataFlowIR.Node.Null,
is DataFlowIR.Node.Parameter,
is DataFlowIR.Node.Scope -> Unit
body.throws.values.forEach { escapeOrigins.add(nodes[it.node]!!) }
body.returns.values.forEach {
if (it.node != DataFlowIR.Node.Null)
returnsNode.getFieldNode(returnsValueField, this).addAssignmentEdge(nodes[it.node]!!)
val escapes = functionSymbol.escapes
if (escapes != null) {
// Parameters are declared in the root scope
val parameters = function.body.rootScope.nodes
for (parameter in parameters)
if (escapes and (1 shl parameter.index) != 0)
escapeOrigins += nodes[parameter]!!
if (escapes and (1 shl parameters.size) != 0)
escapeOrigins += returnsNode
private fun nodeToStringWhole(node: DataFlowIR.Node) = DataFlowIR.Function.nodeToString(node, ids)
private fun nodeToString(node: DataFlowIR.Node) = ids[node].toString()
fun log() = context.logMultiple {
val tempIds = mutableMapOf()
var tempIndex = 0
allNodes.forEach {
if (it.node == null)
tempIds[it] = tempIndex++
allNodes.forEach {
val tempId = tempIds[it]
+" ${lifetimeOf(it)} ${it.depth} ${if (it in escapeOrigins) "ESCAPES" else ""} ${it.node?.let { nodeToString(it) } ?: "t$tempId"}"
+(it.node?.let { nodeToStringWhole(it) } ?: " t$tempId")
fun logDigraph(
markDrains: Boolean,
nodeFilter: (PointsToGraphNode) -> Boolean = { true },
nodeLabel: ((PointsToGraphNode) -> String)? = null
) = context.logMultiple {
+"digraph {"
val tempIds = mutableMapOf()
var tempIndex = 0
allNodes.forEach {
if (it.node == null)
tempIds[it] = tempIndex++
fun PointsToGraphNode.format() =
(nodeLabel?.invoke(this) ?:
(if (markDrains && isDrain) "d" else "")
+ (node?.let { "n${ids[it]!!}" } ?: "t${tempIds[this]}")) +
"[d=$depth,${if (this in escapeOrigins) "eo" else if (escapes(this)) "e" else ""}]"
for (from in allNodes) {
if (!nodeFilter(from)) continue
for (it in from.edges) {
val to = it.node
if (!nodeFilter(to)) continue
when (it) {
is PointsToGraphEdge.Assignment ->
+" \"${from.format()}\" -> \"${to.format()}\";"
is PointsToGraphEdge.Field ->
+" \"${from.format()}\" -> \"${to.format()}\" [ label=\"${}\"];"
fun processCall(callSite: CallGraphNode.CallSite, calleeEscapeAnalysisResult: FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult) {
val call =
context.logMultiple {
+"Processing callSite"
+"Actual callee: ${callSite.actualCallee}"
+"Callee escape analysis result:"
val arguments = callSite.arguments
val calleeDrains = Array(calleeEscapeAnalysisResult.numberOfDrains) { newNode() }
fun mapNode(compressedNode: CompressedPointsToGraph.Node): Pair {
val (arg, rootNode) = when (val kind = compressedNode.kind) {
CompressedPointsToGraph.NodeKind.Return -> arguments.last() to nodes[arguments.last()]
is CompressedPointsToGraph.NodeKind.Param -> arguments[kind.index] to nodes[arguments[kind.index]]
is CompressedPointsToGraph.NodeKind.Drain -> null to calleeDrains[kind.index]
if (rootNode == null)
return arg to rootNode
val path = compressedNode.path
var node: PointsToGraphNode = rootNode
for (field in path) {
node = when (field) {
returnsValueField -> node
else -> node.getFieldNode(field, this)
return arg to node
calleeEscapeAnalysisResult.escapes.forEach { escapingNode ->
val (arg, node) = mapNode(escapingNode)
if (node == null) {
context.log { "WARNING: There is no node ${nodeToString(arg!!)}" }
escapeOrigins += node
context.log { "Node ${escapingNode.debugString(arg?.let { nodeToString(it) })} escapes" }
calleeEscapeAnalysisResult.pointsTo.edges.forEach { edge ->
val (fromArg, fromNode) = mapNode(edge.from)
if (fromNode == null) {
context.log { "WARNING: There is no node ${nodeToString(fromArg!!)}" }
val (toArg, toNode) = mapNode(
if (toNode == null) {
context.log { "WARNING: There is no node ${nodeToString(toArg!!)}" }
context.logMultiple {
+"Adding edge"
+" FROM ${edge.from.debugString(fromArg?.let { nodeToString(it) })}"
+" TO ${ { nodeToString(it) })}"
fun buildClosure(): FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult {
context.logMultiple {
+"Return values:"
returnValues.forEach { +" ${nodeToString(it)}" }
* The next part determines the function's escape analysis result.
* Of course, the simplest way would be to just take the entire graph, but it might be big,
* and during call graph traversal these EA graphs will continue to grow (since they are
* being embedded at each call site). To overcome this, the graph must be reduced.
* Let us call nodes that will be part of the result "interesting", and, obviously,
* "interesting drains" - drains that are going to be in the result.
val (numberOfDrains, nodeIds) = paintInterestingNodes()
logDigraph(true, { nodeIds[it] != null }, { nodeIds[it].toString() })
// TODO: Remove redundant edges.
val compressedEdges = mutableListOf()
val escapingNodes = mutableListOf()
for (from in allNodes) {
val fromCompressedNode = nodeIds[from] ?: continue
if (from in escapeOrigins)
escapingNodes += fromCompressedNode
for (edge in from.edges) {
val toCompressedNode = nodeIds[edge.node] ?: continue
when (edge) {
is PointsToGraphEdge.Assignment ->
compressedEdges += CompressedPointsToGraph.Edge(fromCompressedNode, toCompressedNode)
is PointsToGraphEdge.Field -> {
val next = fromCompressedNode.goto(edge.field)
if (next != toCompressedNode) // Skip loops.
compressedEdges += CompressedPointsToGraph.Edge(next, toCompressedNode)
return FunctionEscapeAnalysisResult(
private fun buildDrains() {
// TODO: This is actually conservative. If a field is being read of some node,
// then here it is assumed that it might also be being read from any node reachable
// by assignment edges considering them undirected. But in reality it is enough to just
// merge two sets: reachable by assignment edges and reachable by reversed assignment edges.
// But, there will be a downside - drains will have to be created for each field access,
// thus increasing the graph size significantly.
val visited = mutableSetOf()
val drains = mutableListOf()
val createdDrains = mutableSetOf()
// Create drains.
for (node in allNodes.toTypedArray() /* Copy as [allNodes] might change inside */) {
if (node in visited) continue
val component = mutableListOf()
buildComponent(node, visited, component)
val drain = trySelectDrain(component)?.also { it.drain = it }
?: newDrain().also { createdDrains += it }
drains += drain
component.forEach {
if (it == drain) return@forEach
it.drain = drain
val assignmentEdges = mutableListOf()
for (edge in it.edges) {
if (edge is PointsToGraphEdge.Assignment)
assignmentEdges += edge
drain.edges += edge
it.edges += assignmentEdges
fun PointsToGraphNode.flipTo(otherDrain: PointsToGraphNode) {
drain = otherDrain
otherDrain.edges += edges
// Merge the components multi-edges are pointing at.
// TODO: This looks very similar to the system of disjoint sets algorithm.
while (true) {
val toMerge = mutableListOf>()
for (drain in drains) {
val fields = drain.edges.groupBy { edge ->
(edge as? PointsToGraphEdge.Field)?.field
?: error("A drain cannot have outgoing assignment edges")
for (nodes in fields.values) {
if (nodes.size == 1) continue
for (i in nodes.indices) {
val firstNode = nodes[i].node
val secondNode = if (i == nodes.size - 1) nodes[0].node else nodes[i + 1].node
if (firstNode.actualDrain != secondNode.actualDrain)
toMerge += Pair(firstNode, secondNode)
if (toMerge.isEmpty()) break
val possibleDrains = mutableListOf()
for ((first, second) in toMerge) {
// Merge components: try to flip one drain to the other if possible,
// otherwise just create a new one.
val firstDrain = first.actualDrain
val secondDrain = second.actualDrain
when {
firstDrain == secondDrain -> continue
firstDrain in createdDrains -> {
possibleDrains += firstDrain
secondDrain in createdDrains -> {
possibleDrains += secondDrain
else -> {
// Create a new drain in order to not create false constraints.
val newDrain = newDrain().also { createdDrains += it }
possibleDrains += newDrain
possibleDrains.filterTo(drains) { it.isDrain }
// Compute current drains.
allNodes.filterTo(drains) { it.isActualDrain }
// A validation.
for (drain in drains) {
val fields = mutableMapOf()
for (edge in drain.edges) {
val field = (edge as? PointsToGraphEdge.Field)?.field
?: error("A drain cannot have outgoing assignment edges")
val node = edge.node.actualDrain
fields.getOrPut(field) { node }.also {
if (it != node) error("Drains have not been built correctly")
// Coalesce multi-edges.
for (drain in drains) {
val actualDrain = drain.actualDrain
val fields = actualDrain.edges.groupBy { edge ->
(edge as? PointsToGraphEdge.Field)?.field
?: error("A drain cannot have outgoing assignment edges")
for (nodes in fields.values) {
if (nodes.size == 1) {
actualDrain.edges += nodes[0]
// All nodes in [nodes] must be connected to each other, but a drain, by definition,
// cannot have outgoing assignment edges, thus a new drain must be created here.
nodes.atMostOne { it.node.isActualDrain }
for (i in nodes.indices) {
val firstNode = nodes[i].node
val secondNode = if (i == nodes.size - 1) nodes[0].node else nodes[i + 1].node
// Can pick any.
actualDrain.edges += nodes[0]
// Make sure every node within a component points to the component's drain.
for (node in allNodes) {
val drain = node.actualDrain
node.drain = drain
if (node != drain)
// Drains, other than interesting, can be safely omitted from the result.
private fun findInterestingDrains(parameters: Array): Set {
// Starting with all reachable from the parameters.
val interestingDrains = mutableSetOf()
for (param in parameters) {
val drain = param.drain
if (drain !in interestingDrains)
findReachableDrains(drain, interestingDrains)
// Then iteratively remove all drains forming kind of a "cactus"
// (picking a leaf drain with only one incoming edge at a time).
// They can be removed because they don't add any relations between the parameters.
val reversedEdges = interestingDrains.associateWith {
val edgesCount = mutableMapOf()
val leaves = mutableListOf()
for (drain in interestingDrains) {
var count = 0
for (edge in drain.edges) {
val nextDrain = edge.node.drain
reversedEdges[nextDrain]!! += drain
if (nextDrain in interestingDrains)
edgesCount[drain] = count
if (count == 0)
val parameterDrains = { it.drain }.toSet()
while (leaves.isNotEmpty()) {
val drain = leaves.pop()
val incomingEdges = reversedEdges[drain]!!
if (incomingEdges.isEmpty()) {
if (drain !in parameterDrains)
error("A drain with no incoming edges")
if (!parameters.any { it.isDrain && escapes(it) })
if (drain in parameterDrains)
if (incomingEdges.size == 1
&& (escapes(incomingEdges[0]) || !escapes(drain))
) {
val prevDrain = incomingEdges[0]
val count = edgesCount[prevDrain]!! - 1
edgesCount[prevDrain] = count
if (count == 0)
return interestingDrains
private fun getParameterNodes(): Array {
// Put a dummyNode in order to not bother with nullability. Then rewrite it with actual values.
val dummyNode = returnsNode // Anything will do.
val parameters = Array(functionSymbol.parameters.size + 1) { dummyNode }
// Parameters are declared in the root scope.
.forEach {
if (parameters[it.index] != dummyNode)
error("Two parameters with the same index ${it.index}: $it, ${parameters[it.index].node}")
parameters[it.index] = nodes[it]!!
parameters[functionSymbol.parameters.size] = returnsNode
return parameters
private fun paintInterestingNodes(): Pair> {
var drainsCount = 0
val drainFactory = { CompressedPointsToGraph.Node.drain(drainsCount++) }
val parameters = getParameterNodes()
val interestingDrains = findInterestingDrains(parameters)
val nodeIds = paintNodes(parameters, interestingDrains, drainFactory)
handleNotTakenEscapeOrigins(nodeIds, drainFactory)
restoreOptimizedAwayDrainsIfNeeded(interestingDrains, nodeIds, drainFactory)
return Pair(drainsCount, nodeIds)
private fun handleNotTakenEscapeOrigins(
nodeIds: MutableMap,
drainFactory: () -> CompressedPointsToGraph.Node
) {
// We've marked reachable nodes from the parameters, also taking some of the escape origins.
// But there might be some escape origins that are not taken, yet referencing some of the
// marked nodes. Do the following: find all escaping nodes only taking marked escape origins
// into account, compare the result with all escaping nodes. Now for each non-marked escape origin
// find nodes escaping because of it, take those who aren't escaping through the marked origins,
// and add an additional node, pointing at those and mark it as an escape origin.
val reachableFromTakenEscapeOrigins = mutableSetOf()
val referencingTakenEscapeOrigins = mutableSetOf()
val reachableFromNotTakenEscapeOrigins = mutableSetOf()
val referencingNotTakenEscapeOrigins = mutableSetOf()
val reachableFringeFromNotTakenEscapeOrigins = mutableSetOf()
val fringeReferencingNotTakenEscapeOrigins = mutableSetOf()
for (escapeOrigin in escapeOrigins) {
if (nodeIds[escapeOrigin] == null) {
if (escapeOrigin !in reachableFromNotTakenEscapeOrigins)
findReachableFringe(escapeOrigin, reachableFromNotTakenEscapeOrigins,
reachableFringeFromNotTakenEscapeOrigins, nodeIds)
if (escapeOrigin !in referencingNotTakenEscapeOrigins)
findReferencingFringe(escapeOrigin, referencingNotTakenEscapeOrigins,
fringeReferencingNotTakenEscapeOrigins, nodeIds)
} else {
if (escapeOrigin !in reachableFromTakenEscapeOrigins)
findReachable(escapeOrigin, reachableFromTakenEscapeOrigins, false, null)
if (escapeOrigin !in referencingTakenEscapeOrigins)
findReferencing(escapeOrigin, referencingTakenEscapeOrigins)
fun addAdditionalEscapeOrigins(escapingNodes: List, direction: EdgeDirection) {
.groupBy { it.drain }
.forEach { (drain, nodes) ->
val tempNode = newNode()
nodeIds[tempNode] = drainFactory()
tempNode.drain = drain
escapeOrigins += tempNode
for (node in nodes)
when (direction) {
EdgeDirection.FORWARD -> tempNode.addAssignmentEdge(node)
EdgeDirection.BACKWARD -> node.addAssignmentEdge(tempNode)
.filterNot { it in reachableFromTakenEscapeOrigins },
.filterNot { it in referencingTakenEscapeOrigins },
private fun restoreOptimizedAwayDrainsIfNeeded(
interestingDrains: Set,
nodeIds: MutableMap,
drainFactory: () -> CompressedPointsToGraph.Node
) {
// Here we try to find this subgraph within one component: [v -> d; w -> d; v !-> w; w !-> v].
// This is needed because components are built with edges being considered undirected, so
// this implicit connection between [v] and [w] may be needed. Note, however, that the
// opposite subgraph: [d -> v; d -> w; v !-> w; w !-> v] is not interesting, because [d]
// can't hold both values simultaneously, but two references can hold the same value
// at the same time, that's the difference.
// For concrete example see [codegen/escapeAnalysis/test10.kt].
// Note: it is possible to search not for all such nodes, but for drains only, here's why:
// Assume a node [v] which is referenced from the two fixed nodes is found, then consider
// the [v]'s drain, by construction all drains are reachable from all nodes within the corresponding
// component, including [v]; this implies that the drain also is referenced from these two nodes,
// and therefore it is possible to check only drains rather than all nodes.
val connectedNodes = mutableSetOf>()
allNodes.filter { nodeIds[it] != null && nodeIds[it.drain] == null /* The drain has been optimized away */ }
.forEach { node ->
val referencingNodes = findReferencing(node).filter { nodeIds[it] != null }
for (i in referencingNodes.indices)
for (j in i + 1 until referencingNodes.size) {
val firstNode = referencingNodes[i]
val secondNode = referencingNodes[j]
connectedNodes.add(Pair(firstNode, secondNode))
connectedNodes.add(Pair(secondNode, firstNode))
.filter { nodeIds[it] == null } // Was optimized away.
.forEach { drain ->
val referencingNodes = findReferencing(drain).filter { nodeIds[it] != null }
if (escapes(drain) && referencingNodes.all { !escapes(it) }) {
nodeIds[drain] = drainFactory()
escapeOrigins += drain
} else {
var needDrain = false
outerLoop@ for (i in referencingNodes.indices)
for (j in i + 1 until referencingNodes.size) {
val firstNode = referencingNodes[i]
val secondNode = referencingNodes[j]
val pair = Pair(firstNode, secondNode)
if (pair !in connectedNodes) {
needDrain = true
if (needDrain)
nodeIds[drain] = drainFactory()
private fun findReferencing(node: PointsToGraphNode, visited: MutableSet) {
visited += node
for (edge in node.reversedEdges) {
val nextNode = edge.node
if (nextNode !in visited)
findReferencing(nextNode, visited)
private fun findReferencing(node: PointsToGraphNode): Set {
val visited = mutableSetOf()
findReferencing(node, visited)
return visited
private fun trySelectDrain(component: MutableList) =
component.firstOrNull { node ->
if (node.edges.any { it is PointsToGraphEdge.Assignment })
findReferencing(node).size == component.size
private fun buildComponent(
node: PointsToGraphNode,
visited: MutableSet,
component: MutableList
) {
visited += node
component += node
for (edge in node.edges) {
if (edge is PointsToGraphEdge.Assignment && edge.node !in visited)
buildComponent(edge.node, visited, component)
for (edge in node.reversedEdges) {
if (edge.node !in visited)
buildComponent(edge.node, visited, component)
private fun findReachable(node: PointsToGraphNode, visited: MutableSet,
assignmentOnly: Boolean,
nodeIds: MutableMap?) {
visited += node
node.edges.forEach {
val next = it.node
if ((it is PointsToGraphEdge.Assignment || !assignmentOnly)
&& next !in visited && nodeIds?.containsKey(next) != false)
findReachable(next, visited, assignmentOnly, nodeIds)
private fun findFringe(node: PointsToGraphNode, visited: MutableSet,
fringe: MutableSet, direction: EdgeDirection,
nodeIds: MutableMap) {
visited += node
if (nodeIds[node] != null) {
fringe += node
val edges = when (direction) {
EdgeDirection.FORWARD -> node.edges
EdgeDirection.BACKWARD -> node.reversedEdges
for (edge in edges) {
val next = edge.node
if (next !in visited)
findFringe(next, visited, fringe, direction, nodeIds)
private fun findReachableFringe(
node: PointsToGraphNode, visited: MutableSet,
fringe: MutableSet,
nodeIds: MutableMap
) = findFringe(node, visited, fringe, EdgeDirection.FORWARD, nodeIds)
private fun findReferencingFringe(
node: PointsToGraphNode, visited: MutableSet,
fringe: MutableSet,
nodeIds: MutableMap
) = findFringe(node, visited, fringe, EdgeDirection.BACKWARD, nodeIds)
private fun buildComponentsClosures(nodeIds: MutableMap) {
for (node in allNodes) {
if (node !in nodeIds) continue
val visited = mutableSetOf()
findReachable(node, visited, true, null)
val visitedInInterestingSubgraph = mutableSetOf()
findReachable(node, visitedInInterestingSubgraph, true, nodeIds)
for (reachable in visited)
if (reachable in nodeIds)
private fun propagateLifetimes() {
val visited = mutableSetOf()
fun propagate(node: PointsToGraphNode) {
visited += node
val depth = node.depth
for (edge in node.edges) {
val nextNode = edge.node
if (nextNode !in visited && nextNode.depth >= depth) {
nextNode.depth = depth
for (node in allNodes.sortedBy { it.depth }) {
if (node !in visited)
private fun propagateEscapeOrigin(node: PointsToGraphNode) {
if (node !in reachableFromEscapeOrigins)
findReachable(node, reachableFromEscapeOrigins, false, null)
if (node !in referencingEscapeOrigins)
findReferencing(node, referencingEscapeOrigins)
private fun computeLifetimes() {
escapeOrigins.forEach { propagateEscapeOrigin(it) }
// TODO: To a setting?
val allowedToAlloc = 65536
val stackArrayCandidates = mutableListOf()
for ((node, ptgNode) in nodes) {
if ( == null) continue
val computedLifetime = lifetimeOf(node)
var lifetime = computedLifetime
if (lifetime != Lifetime.STACK) {
// TODO: Support other lifetimes - requires arenas.
lifetime = Lifetime.GLOBAL
if (lifetime == Lifetime.STACK && node is DataFlowIR.Node.AllocArray) {
val constructedType = node.type
constructedType.irClass?.let { irClass ->
val itemSize = arrayItemSizeOf(irClass)
if (itemSize != null) {
val sizeArgument = node.size.node
val arrayLength = arrayLengthOf(sizeArgument)?.takeIf { it >= 0 }
val arraySize = arraySize(itemSize, arrayLength ?: Int.MAX_VALUE)
if (arraySize <= allowedToAlloc) {
stackArrayCandidates += ArrayStaticAllocation(ptgNode, irClass, arraySize.toInt())
} else {
// Can be placed into the local arena.
// TODO. Support Lifetime.LOCAL
lifetime = Lifetime.GLOBAL
if (lifetime != computedLifetime) {
if (propagateExiledToHeapObjects && node is DataFlowIR.Node.Alloc) {
context.log { "Forcing node ${nodeToString(node)} to escape" }
escapeOrigins += ptgNode
} else {
ptgNode.forcedLifetime = lifetime
stackArrayCandidates.sortBy { it.size }
var remainedToAlloc = allowedToAlloc
for ((ptgNode, irClass, size) in stackArrayCandidates) {
if (lifetimeOf(ptgNode) != Lifetime.STACK) continue
if (size <= remainedToAlloc)
remainedToAlloc -= size
else {
remainedToAlloc = 0
// Do not exile primitive arrays - they ain't reference no object.
if (irClass.symbol == symbols.array && propagateExiledToHeapObjects) {
context.log { "Forcing node ${nodeToString(ptgNode.node!!)} to escape" }
escapeOrigins += ptgNode
} else {
ptgNode.forcedLifetime = Lifetime.GLOBAL // TODO: Change to LOCAL when supported.
private fun findReachableDrains(drain: PointsToGraphNode, visitedDrains: MutableSet) {
visitedDrains += drain
for (edge in drain.edges) {
if (edge is PointsToGraphEdge.Assignment)
error("A drain cannot have outgoing assignment edges")
val nextDrain = edge.node.drain
if (nextDrain !in visitedDrains)
findReachableDrains(nextDrain, visitedDrains)
private fun paintNodes(
parameters: Array,
interestingDrains: Set,
drainFactory: () -> CompressedPointsToGraph.Node
): MutableMap {
val nodeIds = mutableMapOf()
for (index in parameters.indices)
nodeIds[parameters[index]] = CompressedPointsToGraph.Node.parameter(index, parameters.size)
val standAloneDrains = interestingDrains.toMutableSet()
for (drain in interestingDrains)
for (edge in drain.edges) {
val node = edge.node
if (node.isDrain && node != drain /* Skip loops */)
for (drain in standAloneDrains) {
if (nodeIds[drain] == null
// A little optimization - skip leaf drains.
&& drain.edges.any { it.node.drain in interestingDrains })
nodeIds[drain] = drainFactory()
var front = nodeIds.keys.toMutableList()
do {
while (front.isNotEmpty()) {
val nextFront = mutableListOf()
for (node in front) {
val nodeId = nodeIds[node]!!
node.edges.filterIsInstance().forEach { edge ->
val field = edge.field
val nextNode = edge.node
if (nextNode.drain in interestingDrains && nextNode != node /* Skip loops */) {
val nextNodeId = nodeId.goto(field)
if (nodeIds[nextNode] == null) {
nodeIds[nextNode] = nextNodeId
if (nextNode.isDrain)
nextFront += nextNode
front = nextFront
// Find unpainted drain.
for (drain in interestingDrains) {
if (nodeIds[drain] == null
// A little optimization - skip leaf drains.
&& drain.edges.any { it.node.drain in interestingDrains }
) {
nodeIds[drain] = drainFactory()
front += drain
} while (front.isNotEmpty()) // Loop until all drains have been painted.
return nodeIds
fun computeLifetimes(
context: Context,
generationState: NativeGenerationState,
moduleDFG: ModuleDFG,
callGraph: CallGraph,
lifetimes: MutableMap
) {
try {
InterproceduralAnalysis(context, generationState, callGraph,
moduleDFG, lifetimes,
// The GC must be careful not to scan exiled objects, that have already became dead,
// as they may reference other already destroyed stack-allocated objects.
// TODO somehow tag these object, so that GC could handle them properly.
propagateExiledToHeapObjects = context.config.gc == GC.CONCURRENT_MARK_AND_SWEEP
} catch (t: Throwable) {
val extraUserInfo =
Please try to disable escape analysis and rerun the build. To do it add the following snippet to the gradle script:
kotlin.targets.withType {
binaries.all {
freeCompilerArgs += "-Xdisable-phases=EscapeAnalysis"
In case of using command line compiler add this option: "-Xdisable-phases=EscapeAnalysis".
Also, consider filing an issue with full Gradle log here:
context.reportCompilationError("Escape analysis failure:\n$extraUserInfo\n\n${t.message}\n${t.stackTraceToString()}")