kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.calls.InlineClassAwareCaller.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license
* that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.calls
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.CallableMemberDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ValueParameterDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.java.JvmAbi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.classId
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.isInlineClassType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType
import java.lang.reflect.Member
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.lang.reflect.Type
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KotlinReflectionInternalError
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.toJavaClass
* A caller that is used whenever the declaration has inline classes in its parameter types or return type.
* Each argument of an inline class type is unboxed, and the return value (if it's of an inline class type) is boxed.
internal class InlineClassAwareCaller(
private val descriptor: CallableMemberDescriptor,
private val caller: CallerImpl,
private val isDefault: Boolean
) : Caller {
override val member: M
get() = caller.member
override val returnType: Type
get() = caller.returnType
override val parameterTypes: List
get() = caller.parameterTypes
private class BoxUnboxData(val argumentRange: IntRange, val unbox: Array, val box: Method?) {
operator fun component1(): IntRange = argumentRange
operator fun component2(): Array = unbox
operator fun component3(): Method? = box
private val data: BoxUnboxData by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION) {
val shift = when {
caller is CallerImpl.Method.BoundStatic -> {
// Bound reference to a static method is only possible for a top level extension function/property,
// and in that case the number of expected arguments is one less than usual, hence -1
descriptor.dispatchReceiverParameter != null && caller !is BoundCaller -> 1
else -> 0
val extraArgumentsTail = if (isDefault) 2 else 0
val kotlinParameterTypes =
listOfNotNull(descriptor.extensionReceiverParameter?.type) +
val expectedArgsSize = kotlinParameterTypes.size + shift + extraArgumentsTail
if (arity != expectedArgsSize) {
throw KotlinReflectionInternalError(
"Inconsistent number of parameters in the descriptor and Java reflection object: $arity != $expectedArgsSize\n" +
"Calling: $descriptor\n" +
"Parameter types: ${this.parameterTypes})\n" +
"Default: $isDefault"
// maxOf is needed because in case of a bound top level extension, shift can be -1 (see above). But in that case, we need not unbox
// the extension receiver argument, since it has already been unboxed at compile time and generated into the reference
val argumentRange = maxOf(shift, 0) until (kotlinParameterTypes.size + shift)
val unbox = Array(expectedArgsSize) { i ->
if (i in argumentRange) {
kotlinParameterTypes[i - shift].toInlineClass()?.getUnboxMethod()
} else null
val box = descriptor.returnType!!.toInlineClass()?.getBoxMethod()
BoxUnboxData(argumentRange, unbox, box)
override fun call(args: Array<*>): Any? {
val (range, unbox, box) = data
val unboxed = args.copyOf() as Array
for (index in range) {
val method = unbox[index]
val arg = args[index]
// Note that arg may be null in case we're calling a $default method and it's an optional parameter of an inline class type
unboxed[index] =
if (method != null && arg != null) method.invoke(arg)
else arg
val result = caller.call(unboxed)
return box?.invoke(null, result) ?: result
private fun Class<*>.getBoxMethod(): Method = try {
getDeclaredMethod("box" + JvmAbi.IMPL_SUFFIX_FOR_INLINE_CLASS_MEMBERS, getUnboxMethod().returnType)
} catch (e: NoSuchMethodException) {
throw KotlinReflectionInternalError("No box method found in inline class: $this (calling $descriptor)")
private fun Class<*>.getUnboxMethod(): Method = try {
getDeclaredMethod("unbox" + JvmAbi.IMPL_SUFFIX_FOR_INLINE_CLASS_MEMBERS)
} catch (e: NoSuchMethodException) {
throw KotlinReflectionInternalError("No unbox method found in inline class: $this (calling $descriptor)")
private fun KotlinType.toInlineClass(): Class<*>? {
val descriptor = constructor.declarationDescriptor
if (descriptor is ClassDescriptor && descriptor.isInline) {
return descriptor.toJavaClass() ?: throw KotlinReflectionInternalError(
"Class object for the class ${descriptor.name} cannot be found (classId=${descriptor.classId})"
return null
internal fun CallerImpl.createInlineClassAwareCallerIfNeeded(
descriptor: CallableMemberDescriptor,
isDefault: Boolean = false
): Caller {
val needsInlineAwareCaller =
descriptor.valueParameters.any { it.type.isInlineClassType() } ||
descriptor.returnType?.isInlineClassType() == true ||
(this !is BoundCaller && descriptor.extensionReceiverParameter?.type?.isInlineClassType() == true)
return if (needsInlineAwareCaller) InlineClassAwareCaller(descriptor, this, isDefault) else this
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