kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KClassImpl.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2015 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.CompanionObjectMapping
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.KotlinBuiltIns
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.isMappedIntrinsicCompanionObject
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.impl.ClassDescriptorImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.impl.EmptyPackageFragmentDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.runtime.components.ReflectKotlinClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.runtime.components.RuntimeModuleData
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.runtime.structure.functionClassArity
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.runtime.structure.wrapperByPrimitive
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.incremental.components.NoLookupLocation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.java.JvmAbi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.header.KotlinClassHeader
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.deserialization.getExtensionOrNull
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.JvmProtoBuf
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.ClassId
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.Name
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.builtIns
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.GivenFunctionsMemberScope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.MemberScope
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization.deserialization.MemberDeserializer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization.deserialization.descriptors.DeserializedClassDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.compact
import kotlin.LazyThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION
import kotlin.jvm.internal.TypeIntrinsics
import kotlin.reflect.*
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KDeclarationContainerImpl.MemberBelonginess.DECLARED
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KDeclarationContainerImpl.MemberBelonginess.INHERITED
internal class KClassImpl(
override val jClass: Class
) : KDeclarationContainerImpl(), KClass, KClassifierImpl, KTypeParameterOwnerImpl {
inner class Data : KDeclarationContainerImpl.Data() {
val descriptor: ClassDescriptor by ReflectProperties.lazySoft {
val classId = classId
val moduleData = data.value.moduleData
val module = moduleData.module
val descriptor =
if (classId.isLocal && jClass.isAnnotationPresent(Metadata::class.java)) {
// If it's a Kotlin local class or anonymous object, deserialize its metadata directly because it cannot be found via
// `module.findClassAcrossModuleDependencies`.
} else {
descriptor ?: createSyntheticClassOrFail(classId, moduleData)
val annotations: List by ReflectProperties.lazySoft { descriptor.computeAnnotations() }
val simpleName: String? by ReflectProperties.lazySoft {
if (jClass.isAnonymousClass) return@lazySoft null
val classId = classId
when {
classId.isLocal -> calculateLocalClassName(jClass)
else -> classId.shortClassName.asString()
val qualifiedName: String? by ReflectProperties.lazySoft {
if (jClass.isAnonymousClass) return@lazySoft null
val classId = classId
when {
classId.isLocal -> null
else -> classId.asSingleFqName().asString()
private fun calculateLocalClassName(jClass: Class<*>): String {
val name = jClass.simpleName
jClass.enclosingMethod?.let { method ->
return name.substringAfter(method.name + "$")
jClass.enclosingConstructor?.let { constructor ->
return name.substringAfter(constructor.name + "$")
return name.substringAfter('$')
val constructors: Collection> by ReflectProperties.lazySoft {
constructorDescriptors.map { descriptor ->
KFunctionImpl(this@KClassImpl, descriptor) as KFunction
val nestedClasses: Collection> by ReflectProperties.lazySoft {
.mapNotNull { nestedClass ->
val jClass = (nestedClass as? ClassDescriptor)?.toJavaClass()
jClass?.let { KClassImpl(it) }
val objectInstance: T? by lazy(PUBLICATION) {
val descriptor = descriptor
if (descriptor.kind != ClassKind.OBJECT) return@lazy null
val field = if (descriptor.isCompanionObject && !CompanionObjectMapping.isMappedIntrinsicCompanionObject(descriptor)) {
} else {
field.get(null) as T
val typeParameters: List by ReflectProperties.lazySoft {
descriptor.declaredTypeParameters.map { descriptor -> KTypeParameterImpl(this@KClassImpl, descriptor) }
val supertypes: List by ReflectProperties.lazySoft {
val kotlinTypes = descriptor.typeConstructor.supertypes
val result = ArrayList(kotlinTypes.size)
kotlinTypes.mapTo(result) { kotlinType ->
KTypeImpl(kotlinType) {
val superClass = kotlinType.constructor.declarationDescriptor
if (superClass !is ClassDescriptor) throw KotlinReflectionInternalError("Supertype not a class: $superClass")
val superJavaClass = superClass.toJavaClass()
?: throw KotlinReflectionInternalError("Unsupported superclass of $this: $superClass")
if (jClass.superclass == superJavaClass) {
} else {
val index = jClass.interfaces.indexOf(superJavaClass)
if (index < 0) throw KotlinReflectionInternalError("No superclass of $this in Java reflection for $superClass")
if (!KotlinBuiltIns.isSpecialClassWithNoSupertypes(descriptor) && result.all {
val classKind = DescriptorUtils.getClassDescriptorForType(it.type).kind
classKind == ClassKind.INTERFACE || classKind == ClassKind.ANNOTATION_CLASS
}) {
result += KTypeImpl(descriptor.builtIns.anyType) { Any::class.java }
val sealedSubclasses: List> by ReflectProperties.lazySoft {
descriptor.sealedSubclasses.mapNotNull { subclass ->
val jClass = (subclass as ClassDescriptor).toJavaClass() as Class?
jClass?.let { KClassImpl(it) }
val declaredNonStaticMembers: Collection>
by ReflectProperties.lazySoft { getMembers(memberScope, DECLARED) }
private val declaredStaticMembers: Collection>
by ReflectProperties.lazySoft { getMembers(staticScope, DECLARED) }
private val inheritedNonStaticMembers: Collection>
by ReflectProperties.lazySoft { getMembers(memberScope, INHERITED) }
private val inheritedStaticMembers: Collection>
by ReflectProperties.lazySoft { getMembers(staticScope, INHERITED) }
val allNonStaticMembers: Collection>
by ReflectProperties.lazySoft { declaredNonStaticMembers + inheritedNonStaticMembers }
val allStaticMembers: Collection>
by ReflectProperties.lazySoft { declaredStaticMembers + inheritedStaticMembers }
val declaredMembers: Collection>
by ReflectProperties.lazySoft { declaredNonStaticMembers + declaredStaticMembers }
val allMembers: Collection>
by ReflectProperties.lazySoft { allNonStaticMembers + allStaticMembers }
val data = lazy(PUBLICATION) { Data() }
override val descriptor: ClassDescriptor get() = data.value.descriptor
override val annotations: List get() = data.value.annotations
private val classId: ClassId get() = RuntimeTypeMapper.mapJvmClassToKotlinClassId(jClass)
// Note that we load members from the container's default type, which might be confusing. For example, a function declared in a
// generic class "A" would have "A" as the receiver parameter even if a concrete type like "A" was specified
// in the function reference. Another, maybe slightly less confusing, approach would be to use the star-projected type ("A<*>").
internal val memberScope: MemberScope get() = descriptor.defaultType.memberScope
internal val staticScope: MemberScope get() = descriptor.staticScope
override val members: Collection> get() = data.value.allMembers
override val constructorDescriptors: Collection
get() {
val descriptor = descriptor
if (descriptor.kind == ClassKind.INTERFACE || descriptor.kind == ClassKind.OBJECT) {
return emptyList()
return descriptor.constructors
override fun getProperties(name: Name): Collection =
(memberScope.getContributedVariables(name, NoLookupLocation.FROM_REFLECTION) +
staticScope.getContributedVariables(name, NoLookupLocation.FROM_REFLECTION))
override fun getFunctions(name: Name): Collection =
memberScope.getContributedFunctions(name, NoLookupLocation.FROM_REFLECTION) +
staticScope.getContributedFunctions(name, NoLookupLocation.FROM_REFLECTION)
override fun getLocalProperty(index: Int): PropertyDescriptor? {
// TODO: also check that this is a synthetic class (Metadata.k == 3)
if (jClass.simpleName == JvmAbi.DEFAULT_IMPLS_CLASS_NAME) {
jClass.declaringClass?.let { interfaceClass ->
if (interfaceClass.isInterface) {
return (interfaceClass.kotlin as KClassImpl<*>).getLocalProperty(index)
return (descriptor as? DeserializedClassDescriptor)?.let { descriptor ->
descriptor.classProto.getExtensionOrNull(JvmProtoBuf.classLocalVariable, index)?.let { proto ->
jClass, proto, descriptor.c.nameResolver, descriptor.c.typeTable, descriptor.metadataVersion,
override val simpleName: String? get() = data.value.simpleName
override val qualifiedName: String? get() = data.value.qualifiedName
override val constructors: Collection> get() = data.value.constructors
override val nestedClasses: Collection> get() = data.value.nestedClasses
override val objectInstance: T? get() = data.value.objectInstance
override fun isInstance(value: Any?): Boolean {
// TODO: use Kotlin semantics for mutable/read-only collections once KT-11754 is supported (see TypeIntrinsics)
jClass.functionClassArity?.let { arity ->
return TypeIntrinsics.isFunctionOfArity(value, arity)
return (jClass.wrapperByPrimitive ?: jClass).isInstance(value)
override val typeParameters: List get() = data.value.typeParameters
override val supertypes: List get() = data.value.supertypes
* The list of the immediate subclasses if this class is a sealed class, or an empty list otherwise.
override val sealedSubclasses: List> get() = data.value.sealedSubclasses
override val visibility: KVisibility?
get() = descriptor.visibility.toKVisibility()
override val isFinal: Boolean
get() = descriptor.modality == Modality.FINAL
override val isOpen: Boolean
get() = descriptor.modality == Modality.OPEN
override val isAbstract: Boolean
get() = descriptor.modality == Modality.ABSTRACT
override val isSealed: Boolean
get() = descriptor.modality == Modality.SEALED
override val isData: Boolean
get() = descriptor.isData
override val isInner: Boolean
get() = descriptor.isInner
override val isCompanion: Boolean
get() = descriptor.isCompanionObject
override val isFun: Boolean
get() = descriptor.isFun
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE") // Temporary workaround for the JPS build until bootstrap
override val isValue: Boolean
get() = descriptor.isValue
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
other is KClassImpl<*> && javaObjectType == other.javaObjectType
override fun hashCode(): Int =
override fun toString(): String {
return "class " + classId.let { classId ->
val packageFqName = classId.packageFqName
val packagePrefix = if (packageFqName.isRoot) "" else packageFqName.asString() + "."
val classSuffix = classId.relativeClassName.asString().replace('.', '$')
packagePrefix + classSuffix
private fun createSyntheticClassOrFail(classId: ClassId, moduleData: RuntimeModuleData): ClassDescriptor {
if (jClass.isSynthetic) {
// Synthetic classes, either from Java or from Kotlin, have no Kotlin metadata and no reliable way (and probably no use cases)
// to introspect, so we create an empty synthetic class descriptor for them.
// This is especially useful for Java lambdas which have names like `JavaClass$$Lambda$4711/1112495601` and are NOT recognized
// as local or anonymous classes (j.l.Class.isLocalClass/isAnonymousClass return false), which breaks some invariants in the
// subsequent code in kotlin-reflect if it tries to interpret them as normal anonymous classes and load their members.
return createSyntheticClass(classId, moduleData)
when (val kind = ReflectKotlinClass.create(jClass)?.classHeader?.kind) {
KotlinClassHeader.Kind.SYNTHETIC_CLASS ->
return createSyntheticClass(classId, moduleData)
KotlinClassHeader.Kind.UNKNOWN -> {
// Should not happen since ABI-related exception must have happened earlier
throw KotlinReflectionInternalError("Unknown class: $jClass (kind = $kind)")
KotlinClassHeader.Kind.CLASS, null -> {
// Should not happen since a proper Kotlin- or Java-class must have been resolved
throw KotlinReflectionInternalError("Unresolved class: $jClass (kind = $kind)")
private fun createSyntheticClass(classId: ClassId, moduleData: RuntimeModuleData): ClassDescriptor =
EmptyPackageFragmentDescriptor(moduleData.module, classId.packageFqName),
).also { descriptor ->
descriptor.initialize(object : GivenFunctionsMemberScope(moduleData.deserialization.storageManager, descriptor) {
// Don't declare any functions in this class descriptor, only inherit equals/hashCode/toString from Any.
override fun computeDeclaredFunctions(): List = emptyList()
}, emptySet(), null)
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