kotlin.script.experimental.jvm.BasicJvmReplEvaluator.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlin.script.experimental.jvm
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.script.experimental.api.*
import kotlin.script.experimental.jvm.util.SnippetsHistory
import kotlin.script.experimental.util.LinkedSnippet
import kotlin.script.experimental.util.LinkedSnippetImpl
import kotlin.script.experimental.util.add
class BasicJvmReplEvaluator(val scriptEvaluator: ScriptEvaluator = BasicJvmScriptEvaluator()) :
ReplEvaluator {
override var lastEvaluatedSnippet: LinkedSnippetImpl? = null
private set
private val history = SnippetsHistory?, Any?>()
override suspend fun eval(
snippet: LinkedSnippet,
configuration: ScriptEvaluationConfiguration
): ResultWithDiagnostics> {
if (!verifyHistoryConsistency(snippet))
return ResultWithDiagnostics.Failure(
ScriptDiagnostic(ScriptDiagnostic.unspecifiedError, "Snippet cannot be evaluated due to history mismatch")
val lastSnippetClass = history.lastItem()?.first
val historyBeforeSnippet = history.items.map { it.second }
val currentConfiguration = ScriptEvaluationConfiguration(configuration) {
if (lastSnippetClass != null) {
jvm {
val snippetVal = snippet.get()
val evalRes = scriptEvaluator(snippetVal, currentConfiguration)
val newEvalRes = when (evalRes) {
is ResultWithDiagnostics.Success -> {
val retVal = evalRes.value.returnValue
when (retVal) {
is ResultValue.Error -> history.add(retVal.scriptClass, null)
is ResultValue.Value, is ResultValue.Unit -> history.add(retVal.scriptClass, retVal.scriptInstance)
is ResultValue.NotEvaluated -> {}
KJvmEvaluatedSnippet(snippetVal, currentConfiguration, retVal)
else -> {
val firstError = evalRes.reports.find { it.isError() }
snippetVal, currentConfiguration,
firstError?.exception?.let { ResultValue.Error(it) } ?: ResultValue.NotEvaluated
val newNode = lastEvaluatedSnippet.add(newEvalRes)
lastEvaluatedSnippet = newNode
return newNode.asSuccess(evalRes.reports)
private fun verifyHistoryConsistency(compiledSnippet: LinkedSnippet): Boolean {
var compiled = compiledSnippet.previous
var evaluated = lastEvaluatedSnippet
while (compiled != null && evaluated != null) {
val evaluatedVal = evaluated.get()
if (evaluatedVal.compiledSnippet !== compiled.get())
return false
if (evaluatedVal.result.scriptClass == null)
return false
compiled = compiled.previous
evaluated = evaluated.previous
return compiled == null && evaluated == null
class KJvmEvaluatedSnippet(
override val compiledSnippet: CompiledSnippet,
override val configuration: ScriptEvaluationConfiguration,
override val result: ResultValue
) : EvaluatedSnippet
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