kotlin.text.Strings.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2016 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kotlin.text
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
import kotlin.text.MatchResult
import kotlin.text.Regex
* Returns a sub sequence of this char sequence having leading and trailing characters matching the [predicate] trimmed.
public inline fun CharSequence.trim(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): CharSequence {
var startIndex = 0
var endIndex = length - 1
var startFound = false
while (startIndex <= endIndex) {
val index = if (!startFound) startIndex else endIndex
val match = predicate(this[index])
if (!startFound) {
if (!match)
startFound = true
startIndex += 1
else {
if (!match)
endIndex -= 1
return subSequence(startIndex, endIndex + 1)
* Returns a string with leading and trailing characters matching the [predicate] trimmed.
public inline fun String.trim(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): String
= (this as CharSequence).trim(predicate).toString()
* Returns a sub sequence of this char sequence having leading characters matching the [predicate] trimmed.
public inline fun CharSequence.trimStart(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): CharSequence {
for (index in this.indices)
if (!predicate(this[index]))
return subSequence(index, length)
return ""
* Returns a string with leading characters matching the [predicate] trimmed.
public inline fun String.trimStart(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): String
= (this as CharSequence).trimStart(predicate).toString()
* Returns a sub sequence of this char sequence having trailing characters matching the [predicate] trimmed.
public inline fun CharSequence.trimEnd(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): CharSequence {
for (index in this.indices.reversed())
if (!predicate(this[index]))
return substring(0, index + 1)
return ""
* Returns a string with trailing characters matching the [predicate] trimmed.
public inline fun String.trimEnd(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): String
= (this as CharSequence).trimEnd(predicate).toString()
* Returns a sub sequence of this char sequence having leading and trailing characters from the [chars] array trimmed.
public fun CharSequence.trim(vararg chars: Char): CharSequence = trim { it in chars }
* Returns a string with leading and trailing characters from the [chars] array trimmed.
public fun String.trim(vararg chars: Char): String = trim { it in chars }
* Returns a sub sequence of this char sequence having leading and trailing characters from the [chars] array trimmed.
public fun CharSequence.trimStart(vararg chars: Char): CharSequence = trimStart { it in chars }
* Returns a string with leading and trailing characters from the [chars] array trimmed.
public fun String.trimStart(vararg chars: Char): String = trimStart { it in chars }
* Returns a sub sequence of this char sequence having trailing characters from the [chars] array trimmed.
public fun CharSequence.trimEnd(vararg chars: Char): CharSequence = trimEnd { it in chars }
* Returns a string with trailing characters from the [chars] array trimmed.
public fun String.trimEnd(vararg chars: Char): String = trimEnd { it in chars }
* Returns a sub sequence of this char sequence having leading and trailing whitespace trimmed.
public fun CharSequence.trim(): CharSequence = trim { it.isWhitespace() }
* Returns a string with leading and trailing whitespace trimmed.
public inline fun String.trim(): String = (this as CharSequence).trim().toString()
* Returns a sub sequence of this char sequence having leading whitespace removed.
public fun CharSequence.trimStart(): CharSequence = trimStart { it.isWhitespace() }
* Returns a string with leading whitespace removed.
public inline fun String.trimStart(): String = (this as CharSequence).trimStart().toString()
* Returns a sub sequence of this char sequence having trailing whitespace removed.
public fun CharSequence.trimEnd(): CharSequence = trimEnd { it.isWhitespace() }
* Returns a string with trailing whitespace removed.
public inline fun String.trimEnd(): String = (this as CharSequence).trimEnd().toString()
* Returns a char sequence with content of this char sequence padded at the beginning
* to the specified [length] with the specified character or space.
* @param length the desired string length.
* @param padChar the character to pad string with, if it has length less than the [length] specified. Space is used by default.
* @returns Returns a string, of length at least [length], consisting of string prepended with [padChar] as many times.
* as are necessary to reach that length.
public fun CharSequence.padStart(length: Int, padChar: Char = ' '): CharSequence {
if (length < 0)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Desired length $length is less than zero.")
if (length <= this.length)
return this.subSequence(0, this.length)
val sb = StringBuilder(length)
for (i in 1..(length - this.length))
return sb
* Pads the string to the specified [length] at the beginning with the specified character or space.
* @param length the desired string length.
* @param padChar the character to pad string with, if it has length less than the [length] specified. Space is used by default.
* @returns Returns a string, of length at least [length], consisting of string prepended with [padChar] as many times.
* as are necessary to reach that length.
public fun String.padStart(length: Int, padChar: Char = ' '): String
= (this as CharSequence).padStart(length, padChar).toString()
* Returns a char sequence with content of this char sequence padded at the end
* to the specified [length] with the specified character or space.
* @param length the desired string length.
* @param padChar the character to pad string with, if it has length less than the [length] specified. Space is used by default.
* @returns Returns a string, of length at least [length], consisting of string prepended with [padChar] as many times.
* as are necessary to reach that length.
public fun CharSequence.padEnd(length: Int, padChar: Char = ' '): CharSequence {
if (length < 0)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Desired length $length is less than zero.")
if (length <= this.length)
return this.subSequence(0, this.length)
val sb = StringBuilder(length)
for (i in 1..(length - this.length))
return sb
* Pads the string to the specified [length] at the end with the specified character or space.
* @param length the desired string length.
* @param padChar the character to pad string with, if it has length less than the [length] specified. Space is used by default.
* @returns Returns a string, of length at least [length], consisting of string prepended with [padChar] as many times.
* as are necessary to reach that length.
public fun String.padEnd(length: Int, padChar: Char = ' '): String
= (this as CharSequence).padEnd(length, padChar).toString()
* Returns `true` if this nullable char sequence is either `null` or empty.
public inline fun CharSequence?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean = this == null || this.length == 0
* Returns `true` if this char sequence is empty (contains no characters).
public inline fun CharSequence.isEmpty(): Boolean = length == 0
* Returns `true` if this char sequence is not empty.
public inline fun CharSequence.isNotEmpty(): Boolean = length > 0
// implemented differently in JVM and JS
//public fun String.isBlank(): Boolean = length() == 0 || all { it.isWhitespace() }
* Returns `true` if this char sequence is not empty and contains some characters except of whitespace characters.
public inline fun CharSequence.isNotBlank(): Boolean = !isBlank()
* Returns `true` if this nullable char sequence is either `null` or empty or consists solely of whitespace characters.
public inline fun CharSequence?.isNullOrBlank(): Boolean = this == null || this.isBlank()
* Iterator for characters of the given char sequence.
public operator fun CharSequence.iterator(): CharIterator = object : CharIterator() {
private var index = 0
public override fun nextChar(): Char = get(index++)
public override fun hasNext(): Boolean = index < length
/** Returns the string if it is not `null`, or the empty string otherwise. */
public inline fun String?.orEmpty(): String = this ?: ""
* Returns the range of valid character indices for this char sequence.
public val CharSequence.indices: IntRange
get() = 0..length - 1
* Returns the index of the last character in the char sequence or -1 if it is empty.
public val CharSequence.lastIndex: Int
get() = this.length - 1
* Returns `true` if this CharSequence has Unicode surrogate pair at the specified [index].
public fun CharSequence.hasSurrogatePairAt(index: Int): Boolean {
return index in 0..length - 2
&& this[index].isHighSurrogate()
&& this[index + 1].isLowSurrogate()
* Returns a substring specified by the given [range] of indices.
public fun String.substring(range: IntRange): String = substring(range.start, range.endInclusive + 1)
* Returns a subsequence of this char sequence specified by the given [range] of indices.
public fun CharSequence.subSequence(range: IntRange): CharSequence = subSequence(range.start, range.endInclusive + 1)
* Returns a subsequence of this char sequence.
* This extension is chosen only for invocation with old-named parameters.
* Replace parameter names with the same as those of [CharSequence.subSequence].
@Deprecated("Use parameters named startIndex and endIndex.", ReplaceWith("subSequence(startIndex = start, endIndex = end)"))
public inline fun String.subSequence(start: Int, end: Int): CharSequence = subSequence(start, end)
* Returns a substring of chars from a range of this char sequence starting at the [startIndex] and ending right before the [endIndex].
* @param startIndex the start index (inclusive).
* @param endIndex the end index (exclusive). If not specified, the length of the char sequence is used.
public inline fun CharSequence.substring(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int = length): String = subSequence(startIndex, endIndex).toString()
* Returns a substring of chars at indices from the specified [range] of this char sequence.
public fun CharSequence.substring(range: IntRange): String = subSequence(range.start, range.endInclusive + 1).toString()
* Returns a substring before the first occurrence of [delimiter].
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.substringBefore(delimiter: Char, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = indexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else substring(0, index)
* Returns a substring before the first occurrence of [delimiter].
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.substringBefore(delimiter: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = indexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else substring(0, index)
* Returns a substring after the first occurrence of [delimiter].
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.substringAfter(delimiter: Char, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = indexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else substring(index + 1, length)
* Returns a substring after the first occurrence of [delimiter].
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.substringAfter(delimiter: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = indexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else substring(index + delimiter.length, length)
* Returns a substring before the last occurrence of [delimiter].
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.substringBeforeLast(delimiter: Char, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = lastIndexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else substring(0, index)
* Returns a substring before the last occurrence of [delimiter].
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.substringBeforeLast(delimiter: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = lastIndexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else substring(0, index)
* Returns a substring after the last occurrence of [delimiter].
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.substringAfterLast(delimiter: Char, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = lastIndexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else substring(index + 1, length)
* Returns a substring after the last occurrence of [delimiter].
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.substringAfterLast(delimiter: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = lastIndexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else substring(index + delimiter.length, length)
* Returns a char sequence with content of this char sequence where its part at the given range
* is replaced with the [replacement] char sequence.
* @param startIndex the index of the first character to be replaced.
* @param endIndex the index of the first character after the replacement to keep in the string.
public fun CharSequence.replaceRange(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int, replacement: CharSequence): CharSequence {
if (endIndex < startIndex)
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("End index ($endIndex) is less than start index ($startIndex).")
val sb = StringBuilder()
sb.append(this, 0, startIndex)
sb.append(this, endIndex, length)
return sb
* Replaces the part of the string at the given range with the [replacement] char sequence.
* @param startIndex the index of the first character to be replaced.
* @param endIndex the index of the first character after the replacement to keep in the string.
public inline fun String.replaceRange(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int, replacement: CharSequence): String
= (this as CharSequence).replaceRange(startIndex, endIndex, replacement).toString()
* Returns a char sequence with content of this char sequence where its part at the given [range]
* is replaced with the [replacement] char sequence.
* The end index of the [range] is included in the part to be replaced.
public fun CharSequence.replaceRange(range: IntRange, replacement: CharSequence): CharSequence
= replaceRange(range.start, range.endInclusive + 1, replacement)
* Replace the part of string at the given [range] with the [replacement] string.
* The end index of the [range] is included in the part to be replaced.
public inline fun String.replaceRange(range: IntRange, replacement: CharSequence): String
= (this as CharSequence).replaceRange(range, replacement).toString()
* Returns a char sequence with content of this char sequence where its part at the given range is removed.
* @param startIndex the index of the first character to be removed.
* @param endIndex the index of the first character after the removed part to keep in the string.
* [endIndex] is not included in the removed part.
public fun CharSequence.removeRange(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): CharSequence {
if (endIndex < startIndex)
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("End index ($endIndex) is less than start index ($startIndex).")
if (endIndex == startIndex)
return this.subSequence(0, length)
val sb = StringBuilder(length - (endIndex - startIndex))
sb.append(this, 0, startIndex)
sb.append(this, endIndex, length)
return sb
* Removes the part of a string at a given range.
* @param startIndex the index of the first character to be removed.
* @param endIndex the index of the first character after the removed part to keep in the string.
* [endIndex] is not included in the removed part.
public inline fun String.removeRange(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): String
= (this as CharSequence).removeRange(startIndex, endIndex).toString()
* Returns a char sequence with content of this char sequence where its part at the given [range] is removed.
* The end index of the [range] is included in the removed part.
public fun CharSequence.removeRange(range: IntRange): CharSequence = removeRange(range.start, range.endInclusive + 1)
* Removes the part of a string at the given [range].
* The end index of the [range] is included in the removed part.
public inline fun String.removeRange(range: IntRange): String
= (this as CharSequence).removeRange(range).toString()
* If this char sequence starts with the given [prefix], returns a new char sequence
* with the prefix removed. Otherwise, returns a new char sequence with the same characters.
public fun CharSequence.removePrefix(prefix: CharSequence): CharSequence {
if (startsWith(prefix)) {
return subSequence(prefix.length, length)
return subSequence(0, length)
* If this string starts with the given [prefix], returns a copy of this string
* with the prefix removed. Otherwise, returns this string.
public fun String.removePrefix(prefix: CharSequence): String {
if (startsWith(prefix)) {
return substring(prefix.length)
return this
* If this char sequence ends with the given [suffix], returns a new char sequence
* with the suffix removed. Otherwise, returns a new char sequence with the same characters.
public fun CharSequence.removeSuffix(suffix: CharSequence): CharSequence {
if (endsWith(suffix)) {
return subSequence(0, length - suffix.length)
return subSequence(0, length)
* If this string ends with the given [suffix], returns a copy of this string
* with the suffix removed. Otherwise, returns this string.
public fun String.removeSuffix(suffix: CharSequence): String {
if (endsWith(suffix)) {
return substring(0, length - suffix.length)
return this
* When this char sequence starts with the given [prefix] and ends with the given [suffix],
* returns a new char sequence having both the given [prefix] and [suffix] removed.
* Otherwise returns a new char sequence with the same characters.
public fun CharSequence.removeSurrounding(prefix: CharSequence, suffix: CharSequence): CharSequence {
if ((length >= prefix.length + suffix.length) && startsWith(prefix) && endsWith(suffix)) {
return subSequence(prefix.length, length - suffix.length)
return subSequence(0, length)
* Removes from a string both the given [prefix] and [suffix] if and only if
* it starts with the [prefix] and ends with the [suffix].
* Otherwise returns this string unchanged.
public fun String.removeSurrounding(prefix: CharSequence, suffix: CharSequence): String {
if ((length >= prefix.length + suffix.length) && startsWith(prefix) && endsWith(suffix)) {
return substring(prefix.length, length - suffix.length)
return this
* When this char sequence starts with and ends with the given [delimiter],
* returns a new char sequence having this [delimiter] removed both from the start and end.
* Otherwise returns a new char sequence with the same characters.
public fun CharSequence.removeSurrounding(delimiter: CharSequence): CharSequence = removeSurrounding(delimiter, delimiter)
* Removes the given [delimiter] string from both the start and the end of this string
* if and only if it starts with and ends with the [delimiter].
* Otherwise returns this string unchanged.
public fun String.removeSurrounding(delimiter: CharSequence): String = removeSurrounding(delimiter, delimiter)
* Replace part of string before the first occurrence of given delimiter with the [replacement] string.
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.replaceBefore(delimiter: Char, replacement: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = indexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else replaceRange(0, index, replacement)
* Replace part of string before the first occurrence of given delimiter with the [replacement] string.
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.replaceBefore(delimiter: String, replacement: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = indexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else replaceRange(0, index, replacement)
* Replace part of string after the first occurrence of given delimiter with the [replacement] string.
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.replaceAfter(delimiter: Char, replacement: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = indexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else replaceRange(index + 1, length, replacement)
* Replace part of string after the first occurrence of given delimiter with the [replacement] string.
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.replaceAfter(delimiter: String, replacement: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = indexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else replaceRange(index + delimiter.length, length, replacement)
* Replace part of string after the last occurrence of given delimiter with the [replacement] string.
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.replaceAfterLast(delimiter: String, replacement: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = lastIndexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else replaceRange(index + delimiter.length, length, replacement)
* Replace part of string after the last occurrence of given delimiter with the [replacement] string.
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.replaceAfterLast(delimiter: Char, replacement: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = lastIndexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else replaceRange(index + 1, length, replacement)
* Replace part of string before the last occurrence of given delimiter with the [replacement] string.
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.replaceBeforeLast(delimiter: Char, replacement: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = lastIndexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else replaceRange(0, index, replacement)
* Replace part of string before the last occurrence of given delimiter with the [replacement] string.
* If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns [missingDelimiterValue] which defaults to the original string.
public fun String.replaceBeforeLast(delimiter: String, replacement: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String {
val index = lastIndexOf(delimiter)
return if (index == -1) missingDelimiterValue else replaceRange(0, index, replacement)
// public fun String.replace(oldChar: Char, newChar: Char, ignoreCase: Boolean): String // JVM- and JS-specific
// public fun String.replace(oldValue: String, newValue: String, ignoreCase: Boolean): String // JVM- and JS-specific
* Returns a new string obtained by replacing each substring of this char sequence that matches the given regular expression
* with the given [replacement].
* The [replacement] can consist of any combination of literal text and $-substitutions. To treat the replacement string
* literally escape it with the [kotlin.text.Regex.Companion.escapeReplacement] method.
public inline fun CharSequence.replace(regex: Regex, replacement: String): String = regex.replace(this, replacement)
* Returns a new string obtained by replacing each substring of this char sequence that matches the given regular expression
* with the result of the given function [transform] that takes [MatchResult] and returns a string to be used as a
* replacement for that match.
public inline fun CharSequence.replace(regex: Regex, noinline transform: (MatchResult) -> CharSequence): String = regex.replace(this, transform)
* Replaces the first occurrence of the given regular expression [regex] in this char sequence with specified [replacement] expression.
* @param replacement A replacement expression that can include substitutions. See [Regex.replaceFirst] for details.
public inline fun CharSequence.replaceFirst(regex: Regex, replacement: String): String = regex.replaceFirst(this, replacement)
* Returns `true` if this char sequence matches the given regular expression.
public inline fun CharSequence.matches(regex: Regex): Boolean = regex.matches(this)
* Implementation of [regionMatches] for CharSequences.
* Invoked when it's already known that arguments are not Strings, so that no additional type checks are performed.
internal fun CharSequence.regionMatchesImpl(thisOffset: Int, other: CharSequence, otherOffset: Int, length: Int, ignoreCase: Boolean): Boolean {
if ((otherOffset < 0) || (thisOffset < 0) || (thisOffset > this.length - length)
|| (otherOffset > other.length - length)) {
return false;
for (index in 0..length-1) {
if (!this[thisOffset + index].equals(other[otherOffset + index], ignoreCase))
return false
return true
* Returns `true` if this char sequence starts with the specified character.
public fun CharSequence.startsWith(char: Char, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean =
this.length > 0 && this[0].equals(char, ignoreCase)
* Returns `true` if this char sequence ends with the specified character.
public fun CharSequence.endsWith(char: Char, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean =
this.length > 0 && this[lastIndex].equals(char, ignoreCase)
* Returns `true` if this char sequence starts with the specified prefix.
public fun CharSequence.startsWith(prefix: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {
if (!ignoreCase && this is String && prefix is String)
return this.startsWith(prefix)
return regionMatchesImpl(0, prefix, 0, prefix.length, ignoreCase)
* Returns `true` if a substring of this char sequence starting at the specified offset [startIndex] starts with the specified prefix.
public fun CharSequence.startsWith(prefix: CharSequence, startIndex: Int, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {
if (!ignoreCase && this is String && prefix is String)
return this.startsWith(prefix, startIndex)
return regionMatchesImpl(startIndex, prefix, 0, prefix.length, ignoreCase)
* Returns `true` if this char sequence ends with the specified suffix.
public fun CharSequence.endsWith(suffix: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean {
if (!ignoreCase && this is String && suffix is String)
return this.endsWith(suffix)
return regionMatchesImpl(length - suffix.length, suffix, 0, suffix.length, ignoreCase)
// common prefix and suffix
* Returns the longest string `prefix` such that this char sequence and [other] char sequence both start with this prefix,
* taking care not to split surrogate pairs.
* If this and [other] have no common prefix, returns the empty string.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a character. By default `false`.
public fun CharSequence.commonPrefixWith(other: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): String {
val shortestLength = Math.min(this.length, other.length)
var i = 0
while (i < shortestLength && this[i].equals(other[i], ignoreCase = ignoreCase)) {
if (this.hasSurrogatePairAt(i - 1) || other.hasSurrogatePairAt(i - 1)) {
return subSequence(0, i).toString()
* Returns the longest string `suffix` such that this char sequence and [other] char sequence both end with this suffix,
* taking care not to split surrogate pairs.
* If this and [other] have no common suffix, returns the empty string.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a character. By default `false`.
public fun CharSequence.commonSuffixWith(other: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): String {
val thisLength = this.length
val otherLength = other.length
val shortestLength = Math.min(thisLength, otherLength)
var i = 0
while (i < shortestLength && this[thisLength - i - 1].equals(other[otherLength - i - 1], ignoreCase = ignoreCase)) {
if (this.hasSurrogatePairAt(thisLength - i - 1) || other.hasSurrogatePairAt(otherLength - i - 1)) {
return subSequence(thisLength - i, thisLength).toString();
// indexOfAny()
private fun CharSequence.findAnyOf(chars: CharArray, startIndex: Int, ignoreCase: Boolean, last: Boolean): Pair? {
if (!ignoreCase && chars.size == 1 && this is String) {
val char = chars.single()
val index = if (!last) nativeIndexOf(char, startIndex) else nativeLastIndexOf(char, startIndex)
return if (index < 0) null else index to char
val indices = if (!last) Math.max(startIndex, 0)..lastIndex else Math.min(startIndex, lastIndex) downTo 0
for (index in indices) {
val charAtIndex = get(index)
val matchingCharIndex = chars.indexOfFirst { it.equals(charAtIndex, ignoreCase) }
if (matchingCharIndex >= 0)
return index to chars[matchingCharIndex]
return null
* Finds the index of the first occurrence of any of the specified [chars] in this char sequence,
* starting from the specified [startIndex] and optionally ignoring the case.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a character. By default `false`.
* @returns An index of the first occurrence of matched character from [chars] or -1 if none of [chars] are found.
public fun CharSequence.indexOfAny(chars: CharArray, startIndex: Int = 0, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Int =
findAnyOf(chars, startIndex, ignoreCase, last = false)?.first ?: -1
* Finds the index of the last occurrence of any of the specified [chars] in this char sequence,
* starting from the specified [startIndex] and optionally ignoring the case.
* @param startIndex The index of character to start searching at. The search proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a character. By default `false`.
* @returns An index of the last occurrence of matched character from [chars] or -1 if none of [chars] are found.
public fun CharSequence.lastIndexOfAny(chars: CharArray, startIndex: Int = lastIndex, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Int =
findAnyOf(chars, startIndex, ignoreCase, last = true)?.first ?: -1
private fun CharSequence.indexOf(other: CharSequence, startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int, ignoreCase: Boolean, last: Boolean = false): Int {
val indices = if (!last)
startIndex.coerceAtMost(lastIndex) downTo endIndex.coerceAtLeast(0)
if (this is String && other is String) { // smart cast
for (index in indices) {
if (other.regionMatches(0, this, index, other.length, ignoreCase))
return index
} else {
for (index in indices) {
if (other.regionMatchesImpl(0, this, index, other.length, ignoreCase))
return index
return -1
private fun CharSequence.findAnyOf(strings: Collection, startIndex: Int, ignoreCase: Boolean, last: Boolean): Pair? {
if (!ignoreCase && strings.size == 1) {
val string = strings.single()
val index = if (!last) indexOf(string, startIndex) else lastIndexOf(string, startIndex)
return if (index < 0) null else index to string
val indices = if (!last) startIndex.coerceAtLeast(0)..length else startIndex.coerceAtMost(lastIndex) downTo 0
if (this is String) {
for (index in indices) {
val matchingString = strings.firstOrNull { it.regionMatches(0, this, index, it.length, ignoreCase) }
if (matchingString != null)
return index to matchingString
} else {
for (index in indices) {
val matchingString = strings.firstOrNull { it.regionMatchesImpl(0, this, index, it.length, ignoreCase) }
if (matchingString != null)
return index to matchingString
return null
* Finds the first occurrence of any of the specified [strings] in this char sequence,
* starting from the specified [startIndex] and optionally ignoring the case.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a string. By default `false`.
* @returns A pair of an index of the first occurrence of matched string from [strings] and the string matched
* or `null` if none of [strings] are found.
* To avoid ambiguous results when strings in [strings] have characters in common, this method proceeds from
* the beginning to the end of this string, and finds at each position the first element in [strings]
* that matches this string at that position.
public fun CharSequence.findAnyOf(strings: Collection, startIndex: Int = 0, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Pair? =
findAnyOf(strings, startIndex, ignoreCase, last = false)
* Finds the last occurrence of any of the specified [strings] in this char sequence,
* starting from the specified [startIndex] and optionally ignoring the case.
* @param startIndex The index of character to start searching at. The search proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a string. By default `false`.
* @returns A pair of an index of the last occurrence of matched string from [strings] and the string matched or `null` if none of [strings] are found.
* To avoid ambiguous results when strings in [strings] have characters in common, this method proceeds from
* the end toward the beginning of this string, and finds at each position the first element in [strings]
* that matches this string at that position.
public fun CharSequence.findLastAnyOf(strings: Collection, startIndex: Int = lastIndex, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Pair? =
findAnyOf(strings, startIndex, ignoreCase, last = true)
* Finds the index of the first occurrence of any of the specified [strings] in this char sequence,
* starting from the specified [startIndex] and optionally ignoring the case.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a string. By default `false`.
* @returns An index of the first occurrence of matched string from [strings] or -1 if none of [strings] are found.
* To avoid ambiguous results when strings in [strings] have characters in common, this method proceeds from
* the beginning to the end of this string, and finds at each position the first element in [strings]
* that matches this string at that position.
public fun CharSequence.indexOfAny(strings: Collection, startIndex: Int = 0, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Int =
findAnyOf(strings, startIndex, ignoreCase, last = false)?.first ?: -1
* Finds the index of the last occurrence of any of the specified [strings] in this char sequence,
* starting from the specified [startIndex] and optionally ignoring the case.
* @param startIndex The index of character to start searching at. The search proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a string. By default `false`.
* @returns An index of the last occurrence of matched string from [strings] or -1 if none of [strings] are found.
* To avoid ambiguous results when strings in [strings] have characters in common, this method proceeds from
* the end toward the beginning of this string, and finds at each position the first element in [strings]
* that matches this string at that position.
public fun CharSequence.lastIndexOfAny(strings: Collection, startIndex: Int = lastIndex, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Int =
findAnyOf(strings, startIndex, ignoreCase, last = true)?.first ?: -1
// indexOf
* Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character, starting from the specified [startIndex].
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a character. By default `false`.
* @returns An index of the first occurrence of [char] or -1 if none is found.
public fun CharSequence.indexOf(char: Char, startIndex: Int = 0, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Int {
return if (ignoreCase || this !is String)
indexOfAny(charArrayOf(char), startIndex, ignoreCase)
nativeIndexOf(char, startIndex)
* Returns the index within this char sequence of the first occurrence of the specified [string],
* starting from the specified [startIndex].
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a string. By default `false`.
* @returns An index of the first occurrence of [string] or `-1` if none is found.
public fun CharSequence.indexOf(string: String, startIndex: Int = 0, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Int {
return if (ignoreCase || this !is String)
indexOf(string, startIndex, length, ignoreCase)
nativeIndexOf(string, startIndex)
* Returns the index within this char sequence of the last occurrence of the specified character,
* starting from the specified [startIndex].
* @param startIndex The index of character to start searching at. The search proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a character. By default `false`.
* @returns An index of the first occurrence of [char] or -1 if none is found.
public fun CharSequence.lastIndexOf(char: Char, startIndex: Int = lastIndex, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Int {
return if (ignoreCase || this !is String)
lastIndexOfAny(charArrayOf(char), startIndex, ignoreCase)
nativeLastIndexOf(char, startIndex)
* Returns the index within this char sequence of the last occurrence of the specified [string],
* starting from the specified [startIndex].
* @param startIndex The index of character to start searching at. The search proceeds backward toward the beginning of the string.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a string. By default `false`.
* @returns An index of the first occurrence of [string] or -1 if none is found.
public fun CharSequence.lastIndexOf(string: String, startIndex: Int = lastIndex, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Int {
return if (ignoreCase || this !is String)
indexOf(string, startIndex, 0, ignoreCase, last = true)
nativeLastIndexOf(string, startIndex)
* Returns `true` if this char sequence contains the specified [other] sequence of characters as a substring.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when comparing strings. By default `false`.
public operator fun CharSequence.contains(other: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean =
if (other is String)
indexOf(other, ignoreCase = ignoreCase) >= 0
indexOf(other, 0, length, ignoreCase) >= 0
* Returns `true` if this char sequence contains the specified character [char].
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when comparing characters. By default `false`.
public operator fun CharSequence.contains(char: Char, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean =
indexOf(char, ignoreCase = ignoreCase) >= 0
* Returns `true` if this char sequence contains at least one match of the specified regular expression [regex].
public inline operator fun CharSequence.contains(regex: Regex): Boolean = regex.containsMatchIn(this)
// rangesDelimitedBy
private class DelimitedRangesSequence(private val input: CharSequence, private val startIndex: Int, private val limit: Int, private val getNextMatch: CharSequence.(Int) -> Pair?): Sequence {
override fun iterator(): Iterator = object : Iterator {
var nextState: Int = -1 // -1 for unknown, 0 for done, 1 for continue
var currentStartIndex: Int = Math.min(Math.max(startIndex, 0), input.length)
var nextSearchIndex: Int = currentStartIndex
var nextItem: IntRange? = null
var counter: Int = 0
private fun calcNext() {
if (nextSearchIndex < 0) {
nextState = 0
nextItem = null
else {
if (limit > 0 && ++counter >= limit || nextSearchIndex > input.length) {
nextItem = currentStartIndex..input.lastIndex
nextSearchIndex = -1
else {
val match = input.getNextMatch(nextSearchIndex)
if (match == null) {
nextItem = currentStartIndex..input.lastIndex
nextSearchIndex = -1
else {
val (index,length) = match
nextItem = currentStartIndex..index-1
currentStartIndex = index + length
nextSearchIndex = currentStartIndex + if (length == 0) 1 else 0
nextState = 1
override fun next(): IntRange {
if (nextState == -1)
if (nextState == 0)
throw NoSuchElementException()
val result = nextItem as IntRange
// Clean next to avoid keeping reference on yielded instance
nextItem = null
nextState = -1
return result
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
if (nextState == -1)
return nextState == 1
* Returns a sequence of index ranges of substrings in this char sequence around occurrences of the specified [delimiters].
* @param delimiters One or more characters to be used as delimiters.
* @param startIndex The index to start searching delimiters from.
* No range having its start value less than [startIndex] is returned.
* [startIndex] is coerced to be non-negative and not greater than length of this string.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a delimiter. By default `false`.
* @param limit The maximum number of substrings to return. Zero by default means no limit is set.
private fun CharSequence.rangesDelimitedBy(delimiters: CharArray, startIndex: Int = 0, ignoreCase: Boolean = false, limit: Int = 0): Sequence {
require(limit >= 0, { "Limit must be non-negative, but was $limit." })
return DelimitedRangesSequence(this, startIndex, limit, { startIndex -> findAnyOf(delimiters, startIndex, ignoreCase = ignoreCase, last = false)?.let { it.first to 1 } })
* Returns a sequence of index ranges of substrings in this char sequence around occurrences of the specified [delimiters].
* @param delimiters One or more strings to be used as delimiters.
* @param startIndex The index to start searching delimiters from.
* No range having its start value less than [startIndex] is returned.
* [startIndex] is coerced to be non-negative and not greater than length of this string.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a delimiter. By default `false`.
* @param limit The maximum number of substrings to return. Zero by default means no limit is set.
* To avoid ambiguous results when strings in [delimiters] have characters in common, this method proceeds from
* the beginning to the end of this string, and finds at each position the first element in [delimiters]
* that matches this string at that position.
private fun CharSequence.rangesDelimitedBy(delimiters: Array, startIndex: Int = 0, ignoreCase: Boolean = false, limit: Int = 0): Sequence {
require(limit >= 0, { "Limit must be non-negative, but was $limit." } )
val delimitersList = delimiters.asList()
return DelimitedRangesSequence(this, startIndex, limit, { startIndex -> findAnyOf(delimitersList, startIndex, ignoreCase = ignoreCase, last = false)?.let { it.first to it.second.length } })
// split
* Splits this char sequence to a sequence of strings around occurrences of the specified [delimiters].
* @param delimiters One or more strings to be used as delimiters.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a delimiter. By default `false`.
* @param limit The maximum number of substrings to return. Zero by default means no limit is set.
* To avoid ambiguous results when strings in [delimiters] have characters in common, this method proceeds from
* the beginning to the end of this string, and finds at each position the first element in [delimiters]
* that matches this string at that position.
public fun CharSequence.splitToSequence(vararg delimiters: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false, limit: Int = 0): Sequence =
rangesDelimitedBy(delimiters, ignoreCase = ignoreCase, limit = limit).map { substring(it) }
* Splits this char sequence to a list of strings around occurrences of the specified [delimiters].
* @param delimiters One or more strings to be used as delimiters.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a delimiter. By default `false`.
* @param limit The maximum number of substrings to return. Zero by default means no limit is set.
* To avoid ambiguous results when strings in [delimiters] have characters in common, this method proceeds from
* the beginning to the end of this string, and matches at each position the first element in [delimiters]
* that is equal to a delimiter in this instance at that position.
public fun CharSequence.split(vararg delimiters: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false, limit: Int = 0): List =
rangesDelimitedBy(delimiters, ignoreCase = ignoreCase, limit = limit).asIterable().map { substring(it) }
* Splits this char sequence to a sequence of strings around occurrences of the specified [delimiters].
* @param delimiters One or more characters to be used as delimiters.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a delimiter. By default `false`.
* @param limit The maximum number of substrings to return.
public fun CharSequence.splitToSequence(vararg delimiters: Char, ignoreCase: Boolean = false, limit: Int = 0): Sequence =
rangesDelimitedBy(delimiters, ignoreCase = ignoreCase, limit = limit).map { substring(it) }
* Splits this char sequence to a list of strings around occurrences of the specified [delimiters].
* @param delimiters One or more characters to be used as delimiters.
* @param ignoreCase `true` to ignore character case when matching a delimiter. By default `false`.
* @param limit The maximum number of substrings to return.
public fun CharSequence.split(vararg delimiters: Char, ignoreCase: Boolean = false, limit: Int = 0): List =
rangesDelimitedBy(delimiters, ignoreCase = ignoreCase, limit = limit).asIterable().map { substring(it) }
* Splits this char sequence around matches of the given regular expression.
* @param limit Non-negative value specifying the maximum number of substrings to return.
* Zero by default means no limit is set.
public inline fun CharSequence.split(regex: Regex, limit: Int = 0): List = regex.split(this, limit)
* Splits this char sequence to a sequence of lines delimited by any of the following character sequences: CRLF, LF or CR.
public fun CharSequence.lineSequence(): Sequence = splitToSequence("\r\n", "\n", "\r")
* * Splits this char sequence to a list of lines delimited by any of the following character sequences: CRLF, LF or CR.
public fun CharSequence.lines(): List = lineSequence().toList()
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