jvmMain.jdk7.kotlin.io.path.PathRecursiveFunctions.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlin.io.path
import java.io.IOException
import java.nio.file.*
import java.nio.file.FileSystemException
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributeView
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
* Recursively copies this directory and its content to the specified destination [target] path.
* Note that if this function throws, partial copying may have taken place.
* Unlike `File.copyRecursively`, if some directories on the way to the [target] are missing, then they won't be created automatically.
* You can use the [createParentDirectories] function to ensure that required intermediate directories are created:
* ```
* sourcePath.copyToRecursively(
* destinationPath.createParentDirectories(),
* followLinks = false
* )
* ```
* If the entry located by this path is a directory, this function recursively copies the directory itself and its content.
* Otherwise, this function copies only the entry.
* If an exception occurs attempting to read, open or copy any entry under the source subtree,
* further actions will depend on the result of the [onError] invoked with
* the source and destination paths, that caused the error, and the exception itself as arguments.
* If [onError] throws, this function ends immediately with the exception.
* By default [onError] rethrows the exception. See [OnErrorResult] for available options.
* This function performs "directory merge" operation. If an entry in the source subtree is a directory
* and the corresponding entry in the target subtree already exists and is also a directory, it does nothing.
* Otherwise, [overwrite] determines whether to overwrite existing destination entries.
* Attributes of a source entry, such as creation/modification date, are not copied.
* [followLinks] impacts only symbolic links in the source subtree and
* determines whether to copy a symbolic link itself or the entry it points to.
* Symbolic links in the target subtree are not followed, i.e.,
* no entry is copied to the location a symbolic link points to.
* If a copy destination is a symbolic link, it is overwritten or an exception is thrown depending on [overwrite].
* Note that symbolic links on the way to the roots of the source and target subtrees are always followed.
* To provide a custom logic for copying use the overload that takes a `copyAction` lambda.
* @param target the destination path to copy recursively this entry to.
* @param onError the function that determines further actions if an error occurs. By default, rethrows the exception.
* @param followLinks `false` to copy a symbolic link itself, not its target.
* `true` to recursively copy the target of a symbolic link.
* @param overwrite `false` to throw if a destination entry already exists.
* `true` to overwrite existing destination entries.
* @throws NoSuchFileException if the entry located by this path does not exist.
* @throws FileSystemException if [target] is an entry inside the source subtree.
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if a destination entry already exists and [overwrite] is `false`.
* This exception is passed to [onError] for handling.
* @throws IOException if any errors occur while copying.
* This exception is passed to [onError] for handling.
* @throws FileSystemException if the source subtree contains an entry with an illegal name such as "." or "..".
* This exception is passed to [onError] for handling.
* @throws FileSystemLoopException if the recursive copy reaches a cycle.
* This exception is passed to [onError] for handling.
* @throws SecurityException if a security manager is installed and access is not permitted to an entry in the source or target subtree.
* This exception is passed to [onError] for handling.
public fun Path.copyToRecursively(
target: Path,
onError: (source: Path, target: Path, exception: Exception) -> OnErrorResult = { _, _, exception -> throw exception },
followLinks: Boolean,
overwrite: Boolean
): Path {
return if (overwrite) {
copyToRecursively(target, onError, followLinks) { src, dst ->
val options = LinkFollowing.toLinkOptions(followLinks)
val dstIsDirectory = dst.isDirectory(LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)
val srcIsDirectory = src.isDirectory(*options)
if ((srcIsDirectory && dstIsDirectory).not()) {
if (dstIsDirectory)
src.copyTo(dst, *options, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
// else: do nothing, the destination directory already exists
} else {
copyToRecursively(target, onError, followLinks)
* Recursively copies this directory and its content to the specified destination [target] path.
* Note that if this function throws, partial copying may have taken place.
* Unlike `File.copyRecursively`, if some directories on the way to the [target] are missing, then they won't be created automatically.
* You can use the [createParentDirectories] function to ensure that required intermediate directories are created:
* ```
* sourcePath.copyToRecursively(
* destinationPath.createParentDirectories(),
* followLinks = false
* )
* ```
* If the entry located by this path is a directory, this function recursively copies the directory itself and its content.
* Otherwise, this function copies only the entry.
* If an exception occurs attempting to read, open or copy any entry under the source subtree,
* further actions will depend on the result of the [onError] invoked with
* the source and destination paths, that caused the error, and the exception itself as arguments.
* If [onError] throws, this function ends immediately with the exception.
* By default [onError] rethrows the exception. See [OnErrorResult] for available options.
* Copy operation is performed using [copyAction].
* By default [copyAction] performs "directory merge" operation. If an entry in the source subtree is a directory
* and the corresponding entry in the target subtree already exists and is also a directory, it does nothing.
* Otherwise, the entry is copied using `sourcePath.copyTo(destinationPath, *followLinksOption)`,
* which doesn't copy attributes of the source entry and throws if the destination entry already exists.
* [followLinks] impacts only symbolic links in the source subtree and
* determines whether to copy a symbolic link itself or the entry it points to.
* Symbolic links in the target subtree are not followed, i.e.,
* no entry is copied to the location a symbolic link points to.
* If a copy destination is a symbolic link, an exception is thrown.
* Note that symbolic links on the way to the roots of the source and target subtrees are always followed.
* If a custom implementation of [copyAction] is provided, consider making it consistent with [followLinks] value.
* See [CopyActionResult] for available options.
* If [copyAction] throws an exception, it is passed to [onError] for handling.
* @param target the destination path to copy recursively this entry to.
* @param onError the function that determines further actions if an error occurs. By default, rethrows the exception.
* @param followLinks `false` to copy a symbolic link itself, not its target.
* `true` to recursively copy the target of a symbolic link.
* @param copyAction the function to call for copying source entries to their destination path rooted in [target].
* By default, performs "directory merge" operation.
* @throws NoSuchFileException if the entry located by this path does not exist.
* @throws FileSystemException if [target] is an entry inside the source subtree.
* @throws IOException if any errors occur while copying.
* This exception is passed to [onError] for handling.
* @throws FileSystemException if the source subtree contains an entry with an illegal name such as "." or "..".
* This exception is passed to [onError] for handling.
* @throws FileSystemLoopException if the recursive copy reaches a cycle.
* This exception is passed to [onError] for handling.
* @throws SecurityException if a security manager is installed and access is not permitted to an entry in the source or target subtree.
* This exception is passed to [onError] for handling.
public fun Path.copyToRecursively(
target: Path,
onError: (source: Path, target: Path, exception: Exception) -> OnErrorResult = { _, _, exception -> throw exception },
followLinks: Boolean,
copyAction: CopyActionContext.(source: Path, target: Path) -> CopyActionResult = { src, dst ->
src.copyToIgnoringExistingDirectory(dst, followLinks)
): Path {
if (!this.exists(*LinkFollowing.toLinkOptions(followLinks)))
throw NoSuchFileException(this.toString(), target.toString(), "The source file doesn't exist.")
if (this.exists() && (followLinks || !this.isSymbolicLink())) {
// Here the checks are conducted without followLinks option, because:
// * isSameFileAs doesn't take LinkOption and throws if `this` or `other` file doesn't exist
// * toRealPath takes LinkOption, but the option also applies to the directories on the way to the file
// Thus links are always followed in isSameFileAs and toRealPath
val targetExistsAndNotSymlink = target.exists() && !target.isSymbolicLink()
if (targetExistsAndNotSymlink && this.isSameFileAs(target)) {
// TODO: KT-38678
// source and target files are the same entry, continue recursive copy operation
} else {
val isSubdirectory = when {
this.fileSystem != target.fileSystem ->
targetExistsAndNotSymlink ->
else ->
target.parent?.let { it.exists() && it.toRealPath().startsWith(this.toRealPath()) } ?: false
if (isSubdirectory)
throw FileSystemException(
"Recursively copying a directory into its subdirectory is prohibited."
val normalizedTarget = target.normalize()
fun destination(source: Path): Path {
val relativePath = source.relativeTo(this@copyToRecursively)
val destination = target.resolve(relativePath.pathString)
if (!destination.normalize().startsWith(normalizedTarget)) {
throw IllegalFileNameException(
"Copying files to outside the specified target directory is prohibited. The directory being recursively copied might contain an entry with an illegal name."
return destination
fun error(source: Path, exception: Exception): FileVisitResult {
return onError(source, destination(source), exception).toFileVisitResult()
val stack = arrayListOf()
fun copy(source: Path, attributes: BasicFileAttributes): FileVisitResult {
return try {
if (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
// Check entries other than the starting path of traversal
DefaultCopyActionContext.copyAction(source, destination(source)).toFileVisitResult()
} catch (exception: Exception) {
error(source, exception)
visitFileTree(followLinks = followLinks) {
onPreVisitDirectory { directory, attributes ->
copy(directory, attributes).also {
if (it == FileVisitResult.CONTINUE) stack.add(directory)
onPostVisitDirectory { directory, exception ->
if (exception == null) {
} else {
error(directory, exception)
return target
private object DefaultCopyActionContext : CopyActionContext {
override fun Path.copyToIgnoringExistingDirectory(target: Path, followLinks: Boolean): CopyActionResult {
val options = LinkFollowing.toLinkOptions(followLinks)
if (this.isDirectory(*options) && target.isDirectory(LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
// do nothing, the destination directory already exists
} else {
this.copyTo(target, *options)
return CopyActionResult.CONTINUE
private fun CopyActionResult.toFileVisitResult() = when (this) {
CopyActionResult.CONTINUE -> FileVisitResult.CONTINUE
CopyActionResult.TERMINATE -> FileVisitResult.TERMINATE
CopyActionResult.SKIP_SUBTREE -> FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE
private fun OnErrorResult.toFileVisitResult() = when (this) {
OnErrorResult.TERMINATE -> FileVisitResult.TERMINATE
OnErrorResult.SKIP_SUBTREE -> FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE
* Recursively deletes this directory and its content.
* Note that if this function throws, partial deletion may have taken place.
* If the entry located by this path is a directory, this function recursively deletes its content and the directory itself.
* Otherwise, this function deletes only the entry.
* Symbolic links are not followed to their targets.
* This function does nothing if the entry located by this path does not exist.
* If the underlying platform supports [SecureDirectoryStream],
* traversal of the file tree and removal of entries are performed using it.
* Otherwise, directories in the file tree are opened with the less secure [Files.newDirectoryStream].
* Note that on a platform that supports symbolic links and does not support [SecureDirectoryStream],
* it is possible for a recursive delete to delete files and directories that are outside the directory being deleted.
* This can happen if, after checking that an entry is a directory (and not a symbolic link), that directory is replaced
* by a symbolic link to an outside directory before the call that opens the directory to read its entries.
* If an exception occurs attempting to read, open or delete any entry under the given file tree,
* this method skips that entry and continues. Such exceptions are collected and, after attempting to delete all entries,
* an [IOException] is thrown containing those exceptions as suppressed exceptions.
* Maximum of `64` exceptions are collected. After reaching that amount, thrown exceptions are ignored and not collected.
* @throws IOException if any entry in the file tree can't be deleted for any reason.
public fun Path.deleteRecursively(): Unit {
val suppressedExceptions = this.deleteRecursivelyImpl()
if (suppressedExceptions.isNotEmpty()) {
throw FileSystemException("Failed to delete one or more files. See suppressed exceptions for details.").apply {
suppressedExceptions.forEach { addSuppressed(it) }
private class ExceptionsCollector(private val limit: Int = 64) {
var totalExceptions: Int = 0
private set
val collectedExceptions = mutableListOf()
var path: Path? = null
fun enterEntry(name: Path) {
path = path?.resolve(name)
fun exitEntry(name: Path) {
require(name == path?.fileName)
path = path?.parent
fun collect(exception: Exception) {
totalExceptions += 1
val shouldCollect = collectedExceptions.size < limit
if (shouldCollect) {
val restoredException = if (path != null) {
// When SecureDirectoryStream is used, only entry name gets reported in exception message.
// Thus, wrap such exceptions in FileSystemException with restored path.
FileSystemException(path.toString()).initCause(exception) as FileSystemException
} else {
private fun Path.deleteRecursivelyImpl(): List {
val collector = ExceptionsCollector()
var useInsecure = true
// TODO: KT-54077
this.parent?.let { parent ->
val directoryStream = try { Files.newDirectoryStream(parent) } catch (_: Throwable) { null }
directoryStream?.use { stream ->
if (stream is SecureDirectoryStream) {
useInsecure = false
collector.path = parent
stream.handleEntry(this.fileName, null, collector)
if (useInsecure) {
insecureHandleEntry(this, null, collector)
return collector.collectedExceptions
private inline fun collectIfThrows(collector: ExceptionsCollector, function: () -> Unit) {
try {
} catch (exception: Exception) {
private inline fun tryIgnoreNoSuchFileException(function: () -> R): R? {
return try { function() } catch (_: NoSuchFileException) { null }
// secure walk
private fun SecureDirectoryStream.handleEntry(name: Path, parent: Path?, collector: ExceptionsCollector) {
collectIfThrows(collector) {
if (parent != null) {
// Check entries other than the starting path of traversal
val entry = collector.path!!
if (this.isDirectory(name, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
val preEnterTotalExceptions = collector.totalExceptions
this.enterDirectory(name, collector)
// If something went wrong trying to delete the contents of the
// directory, don't try to delete the directory as it will probably fail.
if (preEnterTotalExceptions == collector.totalExceptions) {
tryIgnoreNoSuchFileException { this.deleteDirectory(name) }
} else {
tryIgnoreNoSuchFileException { this.deleteFile(name) } // deletes symlink itself, not its target
private fun SecureDirectoryStream.enterDirectory(name: Path, collector: ExceptionsCollector) {
collectIfThrows(collector) {
tryIgnoreNoSuchFileException {
this.newDirectoryStream(name, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)
}?.use { directoryStream ->
for (entry in directoryStream) {
directoryStream.handleEntry(entry.fileName, collector.path, collector)
private fun SecureDirectoryStream.isDirectory(entryName: Path, vararg options: LinkOption): Boolean {
return tryIgnoreNoSuchFileException {
this.getFileAttributeView(entryName, BasicFileAttributeView::class.java, *options).readAttributes().isDirectory
} ?: false
// insecure walk
private fun insecureHandleEntry(entry: Path, parent: Path?, collector: ExceptionsCollector) {
collectIfThrows(collector) {
if (parent != null) {
// Check entries other than the starting path of traversal
if (entry.isDirectory(LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
val preEnterTotalExceptions = collector.totalExceptions
insecureEnterDirectory(entry, collector)
// If something went wrong trying to delete the contents of the
// directory, don't try to delete the directory as it will probably fail.
if (preEnterTotalExceptions == collector.totalExceptions) {
} else {
entry.deleteIfExists() // deletes symlink itself, not its target
private fun insecureEnterDirectory(path: Path, collector: ExceptionsCollector) {
collectIfThrows(collector) {
tryIgnoreNoSuchFileException {
}?.use { directoryStream ->
for (entry in directoryStream) {
insecureHandleEntry(entry, path, collector)
// illegal file name
* Checks whether the name of this file is legal for traversal to prevent cycles.
* Some names are considered illegal as they may cause traversal cycles.
* This function is intended for use with entries whose parent directories have already been traversed.
* The file being checked is not the starting point of traversal.
* For instance, "/a/b/.." is a valid starting path for traversal. However, if traversal begins from "/a"
* and reaches "a/b/..", it will result in a cycle.
* @throws IllegalFileNameException if the file name is "..", "../", , "..\", ".", "./", or ".\" since these may lead to traversal cycles.
* See KT-63103 for more details on the issue.
internal fun Path.checkFileName() {
val fileName = this.name
if (fileName == ".." || fileName == "../" || fileName == "..\\" ||
fileName == "." || fileName == "./" || fileName == ".\\") throw IllegalFileNameException(this)
* Checks that this entry is not the same as the specified [parent] path to prevent traversal cycles.
* When reading entries of a directory, there are cases where the directory itself is returned,
* such as when a zip entry name is '/'. Including the directory itself in the list of its entries can lead to traversal cycles.
* Unfortunately, [Files.walkFileTree], utilized in [copyToRecursively], may not detect such cycles when links are not followed.
* Similarly, [deleteRecursively] lacks cycle detection capabilities as it never follows links.
* This function is intended for use with entries whose parent directories have already been traversed.
* The file being checked is not the starting point of traversal.
* For instance, "/a/b/.." is a valid starting path for traversal. However, if traversal begins from "/a"
* and reaches "a/b/..", it will result in a cycle.
* @throws FileSystemLoopException if this entry is the same as the [parent] path, indicating a potential traversal cycle.
* See KT-63103 for more details on the issue.
private fun Path.checkNotSameAs(parent: Path) {
// Symlinks are skipped:
// If this path is a symlink pointing to [parent] and links are not followed, the path is perfectly fine for traversal.
// However, [Path.isSameFileAs] always follows links.
// [parent] can't be a symlink:
// Otherwise, it would mean links are followed and [Files.walkFileTree] would have already detected the cycle.
if (!isSymbolicLink() && isSameFileAs(parent))
throw FileSystemLoopException(this.toString())
internal class IllegalFileNameException(
file: Path,
other: Path?,
message: String?
) : FileSystemException(file.toString(), other?.toString(), message) {
constructor(file: Path) : this(file, null, null)
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