commonMain.kotlin.uuid.Uuid.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2024 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlin.uuid
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.internal.InlineOnly
* Represents a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), also known as a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).
* A UUID is a 128-bit value used to uniquely identify items universally. They are
* particularly useful in environments lacking central registration authority or coordination
* mechanism for generating identifiers, making UUIDs highly suitable for distributed systems.
* The standard textual representation of a UUID, also known as the "hex-and-dash" format, is:
* "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", where 'x' represents a hexadecimal digit,
* e.g., "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000". This format includes hyphens to separate
* different parts of the UUID, enhancing human readability.
* This class provides utility functions for:
* - Generating UUIDs.
* - Creating UUIDs from given 128 bits.
* - Parsing UUIDs from and formatting them to their string representations.
* - Converting UUIDs to and from arrays of bytes.
* - Comparing UUIDs to establish ordering or equality.
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.parse
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.fromByteArray
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.random
public class Uuid internal constructor(
@PublishedApi internal val mostSignificantBits: Long,
@PublishedApi internal val leastSignificantBits: Long
) : Serializable {
* Executes the specified block of code, providing access to the uuid's bits in the form of two [Long] values.
* This function is intended for use when one needs to perform bitwise operations with the uuid.
* For example, to retrieve the [version number](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9562.html#section-4.2)
* of this uuid:
* ```kotlin
* val version = uuid.toLongs { mostSignificantBits, _ ->
* ((mostSignificantBits shr 12) and 0xF).toInt()
* }
* ```
* The [action] will receive two [Long] arguments:
* - `mostSignificantBits`: The most significant 64 bits of this uuid presented in big-endian byte order.
* - `leastSignificantBits`: The least significant 64 bits of this uuid presented in big-endian byte order.
* For example, for the uuid `550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000`, the breakdown is the following:
* - `mostSignificantBits = 0x550e8400e29b41d4L`.
* - `leastSignificantBits = 0xa716446655440000uL.toLong()`.
* @param action A function that takes two [Long] arguments (mostSignificantBits, leastSignificantBits).
* This function is guaranteed to be called exactly once.
* @return The result of [action].
* @see Uuid.fromLongs
public inline fun toLongs(action: (mostSignificantBits: Long, leastSignificantBits: Long) -> T): T {
contract {
callsInPlace(action, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
return action(mostSignificantBits, leastSignificantBits)
* Executes a specified block of code, providing access to the uuid's bits in the form of two [ULong] values.
* This function is intended for use when one needs to perform bitwise operations with the uuid.
* For example, to identify whether this uuid is of the
* [IETF variant (variant 2)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9562.html#section-4.1):
* ```kotlin
* val isIetfVariant = uuid.toULongs { _, leastSignificantBits ->
* (leastSignificantBits shr 62) == 2uL
* }
* ```
* The [action] will receive two [ULong] arguments:
* - `mostSignificantBits`: The most significant 64 bits of this uuid presented in big-endian byte order.
* - `leastSignificantBits`: The least significant 64 bits of this uuid presented in big-endian byte order.
* For example, for the uuid `550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000`, the breakdown is the following:
* - `mostSignificantBits = 0x550e8400e29b41d4uL`.
* - `leastSignificantBits = 0xa716446655440000uL`.
* @param action A function that takes two [ULong] arguments (mostSignificantBits, leastSignificantBits).
* This function is guaranteed to be called exactly once.
* @return The result of [action].
* @see Uuid.fromULongs
public inline fun toULongs(action: (mostSignificantBits: ULong, leastSignificantBits: ULong) -> T): T {
contract {
callsInPlace(action, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
return action(mostSignificantBits.toULong(), leastSignificantBits.toULong())
* Returns the standard string representation of this uuid.
* The resulting string is in the format "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
* where 'x' represents a hexadecimal digit, also known as "hex-and-dash" format.
* It is in lowercase and consists of 36 characters. Each hexadecimal digit
* in the string sequentially represents the next 4 bits of the uuid, starting from the most
* significant 4 bits in the first digit to the least significant 4 bits in the last digit.
* This format is the standard textual representation of uuids and is compatible with
* uuid parsing logic found in most software environments. It is specified by
* [RFC 9562 section 4](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9562.html#section-4).
* @see Uuid.parse
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.toStringSample
override fun toString(): String {
val bytes = ByteArray(36)
leastSignificantBits.formatBytesInto(bytes, 24, 6)
bytes[23] = '-'.code.toByte()
(leastSignificantBits ushr 48).formatBytesInto(bytes, 19, 2)
bytes[18] = '-'.code.toByte()
mostSignificantBits.formatBytesInto(bytes, 14, 2)
bytes[13] = '-'.code.toByte()
(mostSignificantBits ushr 16).formatBytesInto(bytes, 9, 2)
bytes[8] = '-'.code.toByte()
(mostSignificantBits ushr 32).formatBytesInto(bytes, 0, 4)
return bytes.decodeToString()
* Returns the hexadecimal string representation of this uuid without hyphens.
* The resulting string is in lowercase and consists of 32 characters. Each hexadecimal digit
* in the string sequentially represents the next 4 bits of the uuid, starting from the most
* significant 4 bits in the first digit to the least significant 4 bits in the last digit.
* The returned string is equivalent to:
* ```kotlin
* uuid.toByteArray().toHexString()
* ```
* @see Uuid.parseHex
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.toHexString
public fun toHexString(): String {
val bytes = ByteArray(32)
leastSignificantBits.formatBytesInto(bytes, 16, 8)
mostSignificantBits.formatBytesInto(bytes, 0, 8)
return bytes.decodeToString()
* Returns a byte array representation of this uuid.
* The returned array contains 16 bytes. Each byte in the array sequentially represents
* the next 8 bits of the uuid, starting from the most significant 8 bits
* in the first byte to the least significant 8 bits in the last byte.
* @see Uuid.fromByteArray
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.toByteArray
public fun toByteArray(): ByteArray {
val bytes = ByteArray(SIZE_BYTES)
mostSignificantBits.toByteArray(bytes, 0)
leastSignificantBits.toByteArray(bytes, 8)
return bytes
* Checks whether this uuid is equal to the specified [other] object.
* @param other The object to compare with this uuid.
* @return `true` if [other] is an instance of [Uuid], and consists of the same sequence
* of bits as this uuid; `false` otherwise.
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.uuidEquals
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Uuid) return false
return mostSignificantBits == other.mostSignificantBits &&
leastSignificantBits == other.leastSignificantBits
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return (mostSignificantBits xor leastSignificantBits).hashCode()
private fun writeReplace(): Any = serializedUuid(this)
public companion object {
* The uuid with all bits set to zero.
* This uuid can be used as a special value, for instance, as a placeholder for a
* non-null but not yet initialized variable.
public val NIL: Uuid = Uuid(0, 0)
/** The number of bytes used to represent an instance of [Uuid] in a binary form. */
public const val SIZE_BYTES: Int = 16
/** The number of bits used to represent an instance of [Uuid] in a binary form. */
public const val SIZE_BITS: Int = 128
* Creates a uuid from specified 128 bits split into two 64-bit Longs.
* This function interprets the provided `Long` values in big-endian byte order.
* @param mostSignificantBits The most significant 64 bits of the uuid.
* @param leastSignificantBits The least significant 64 bits of the uuid.
* @return A new uuid based on the specified bits.
* @see Uuid.toLongs
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.fromLongs
public fun fromLongs(mostSignificantBits: Long, leastSignificantBits: Long): Uuid =
if (mostSignificantBits == 0L && leastSignificantBits == 0L) {
} else {
Uuid(mostSignificantBits, leastSignificantBits)
* Creates a uuid from specified 128 bits split into two 64-bit ULongs.
* This function interprets the provided `ULong` values in big-endian byte order.
* @param mostSignificantBits The most significant 64 bits of the uuid.
* @param leastSignificantBits The least significant 64 bits of the uuid.
* @return A new uuid based on the specified bits.
* @see Uuid.toULongs
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.fromULongs
public fun fromULongs(mostSignificantBits: ULong, leastSignificantBits: ULong): Uuid =
fromLongs(mostSignificantBits.toLong(), leastSignificantBits.toLong())
* Creates a uuid from a byte array containing 128 bits split into 16 bytes.
* Each byte in the [byteArray] sequentially represents
* the next 8 bits of the uuid, starting from the most significant 8 bits
* in the first byte to the least significant 8 bits in the last byte.
* @param byteArray A 16-byte array containing the uuid bits.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the size of the [byteArray] is not exactly 16.
* @return A new uuid based on the specified bits.
* @see Uuid.toByteArray
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.fromByteArray
public fun fromByteArray(byteArray: ByteArray): Uuid {
require(byteArray.size == SIZE_BYTES) {
"Expected exactly $SIZE_BYTES bytes, but was ${byteArray.truncateForErrorMessage(32)} of size ${byteArray.size}"
return fromLongs(byteArray.toLong(startIndex = 0), byteArray.toLong(startIndex = 8))
* Parses a uuid from the standard string representation as described in [Uuid.toString].
* This function is case-insensitive, and for a valid [uuidString], the following property holds:
* ```kotlin
* val uuid = Uuid.parse(uuidString)
* assertEquals(uuid.toString(), uuidString.lowercase())
* ```
* The standard textual representation of uuids is specified by
* [RFC 9562 section 4](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9562.html#section-4).
* @param uuidString A string in the format "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
* where each 'x' is a hexadecimal digit, either lowercase or uppercase.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the [uuidString] is not a 36-character string
* in the standard uuid format.
* @return A uuid equivalent to the specified uuid string.
* @see Uuid.toString
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.parse
public fun parse(uuidString: String): Uuid {
require(uuidString.length == 36) {
"Expected a 36-char string in the standard hex-and-dash UUID format, but was \"${uuidString.truncateForErrorMessage(64)}\" of length ${uuidString.length}"
val part1 = uuidString.hexToLong(startIndex = 0, endIndex = 8)
val part2 = uuidString.hexToLong(startIndex = 9, endIndex = 13)
val part3 = uuidString.hexToLong(startIndex = 14, endIndex = 18)
val part4 = uuidString.hexToLong(startIndex = 19, endIndex = 23)
val part5 = uuidString.hexToLong(startIndex = 24, endIndex = 36)
val msb = (part1 shl 32) or (part2 shl 16) or part3
val lsb = (part4 shl 48) or part5
return fromLongs(msb, lsb)
* Parses a uuid from the hexadecimal string representation as described in [Uuid.toHexString].
* This function is case-insensitive, and for a valid [hexString], the following property holds:
* ```kotlin
* val uuid = Uuid.parseHex(hexString)
* assertEquals(uuid.toHexString(), hexString.lowercase())
* ```
* @param hexString A 32-character hexadecimal string representing the uuid, without hyphens.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the [hexString] is not a 32-character hexadecimal string.
* @return A uuid represented by the specified hexadecimal string.
* @see Uuid.toHexString
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.parseHex
public fun parseHex(hexString: String): Uuid {
require(hexString.length == 32) {
"Expected a 32-char hexadecimal string, but was \"${hexString.truncateForErrorMessage(64)}\" of length ${hexString.length}"
val msb = hexString.hexToLong(startIndex = 0, endIndex = 16)
val lsb = hexString.hexToLong(startIndex = 16, endIndex = 32)
return fromLongs(msb, lsb)
* Generates a new random [Uuid] instance.
* The returned uuid conforms to the [IETF variant (variant 2)](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9562.html#section-4.1)
* and [version 4](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9562.html#section-4.2),
* designed to be unique with a very high probability, regardless of when or where it is generated.
* The uuid is produced using a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator (CSPRNG)
* available on the platform. If the underlying system has not collected enough entropy, this function
* may block until sufficient entropy is collected, and the CSPRNG is fully initialized. It is worth mentioning
* that the PRNG used in the Kotlin/WasmWasi target is not guaranteed to be cryptographically secure.
* See the list below for details about the API used for producing the random uuid in each supported target.
* Note that the returned uuid is not recommended for use for cryptographic purposes.
* Because version 4 uuid has a partially predictable bit pattern, and utilizes at most
* 122 bits of entropy, regardless of platform.
* The following APIs are used for producing the random uuid in each of the supported targets:
* - Kotlin/JVM - [java.security.SecureRandom](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/security/SecureRandom.html)
* - Kotlin/JS - [Crypto.getRandomValues()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Crypto/getRandomValues)
* - Kotlin/WasmJs - [Crypto.getRandomValues()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Crypto/getRandomValues)
* - Kotlin/WasmWasi - [random_get](https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/blob/main/legacy/preview1/docs.md#random_get)
* - Kotlin/Native:
* - Linux targets - [getrandom](https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/getrandom.2.html)
* - Apple and Android Native targets - [arc4random_buf](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/arc4random_buf.3.html)
* - Windows targets - [BCryptGenRandom](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/bcrypt/nf-bcrypt-bcryptgenrandom)
* Note that the underlying API used to produce random uuids may change in the future.
* @return A randomly generated uuid.
* @throws RuntimeException if the underlying API fails. Refer to the corresponding underlying API
* documentation for possible reasons for failure and guidance on how to handle them.
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.random
public fun random(): Uuid =
* A [Comparator] that lexically orders uuids.
* This comparator compares the given two 128-bit uuids bit by bit sequentially,
* starting from the most significant bit to the least significant.
* uuid `a` is considered less than `b` if, at the first position where corresponding bits
* of the two uuids differ, the bit in `a` is zero and the bit in `b` is one.
* Conversely, `a` is considered greater than `b` if, at the first differing position,
* the bit in `a` is one and the bit in `b` is zero.
* If no differing bits are found, the two uuids are considered equal.
* The result of the comparison of uuids `a` and `b` by this comparator is equivalent to:
* ```kotlin
* a.toString().compareTo(b.toString())
* ```
* @sample samples.uuid.Uuids.lexicalOrder
public val LEXICAL_ORDER: Comparator = Comparator { a, b ->
if (a.mostSignificantBits != b.mostSignificantBits)
internal expect fun serializedUuid(uuid: Uuid): Any
internal expect fun secureRandomUuid(): Uuid
internal fun uuidFromRandomBytes(randomBytes: ByteArray): Uuid {
randomBytes[6] = (randomBytes[6].toInt() and 0x0f).toByte() /* clear version */
randomBytes[6] = (randomBytes[6].toInt() or 0x40).toByte() /* set to version 4 */
randomBytes[8] = (randomBytes[8].toInt() and 0x3f).toByte() /* clear variant */
randomBytes[8] = (randomBytes[8].toInt() or 0x80).toByte() /* set to IETF variant */
return Uuid.fromByteArray(randomBytes)
private fun ByteArray.toLong(startIndex: Int): Long {
return ((this[startIndex + 0].toLong() and 0xFF) shl 56) or
((this[startIndex + 1].toLong() and 0xFF) shl 48) or
((this[startIndex + 2].toLong() and 0xFF) shl 40) or
((this[startIndex + 3].toLong() and 0xFF) shl 32) or
((this[startIndex + 4].toLong() and 0xFF) shl 24) or
((this[startIndex + 5].toLong() and 0xFF) shl 16) or
((this[startIndex + 6].toLong() and 0xFF) shl 8) or
(this[startIndex + 7].toLong() and 0xFF)
private fun Long.formatBytesInto(dst: ByteArray, dstOffset: Int, count: Int) {
var long = this
var dstIndex = dstOffset + 2 * count
repeat(count) {
val byte = (long and 0xFF).toInt()
val byteDigits = BYTE_TO_LOWER_CASE_HEX_DIGITS[byte]
dst[--dstIndex] = byteDigits.toByte()
dst[--dstIndex] = (byteDigits shr 8).toByte()
long = long shr 8
private fun String.checkHyphenAt(index: Int) {
require(this[index] == '-') { "Expected '-' (hyphen) at index $index, but was '${this[index]}'" }
private fun Long.toByteArray(dst: ByteArray, dstOffset: Int) {
for (index in 0 until 8) {
val shift = 8 * (7 - index)
dst[dstOffset + index] = (this ushr shift).toByte()
private fun String.truncateForErrorMessage(maxLength: Int): String {
return if (length <= maxLength) this else substring(0, maxLength) + "..."
private fun ByteArray.truncateForErrorMessage(maxSize: Int): String {
return joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]", limit = maxSize)
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