org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kandy.echarts.features.Grid.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2020-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kandy.echarts.features
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kandy.echarts.settings.SizeUnit
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kandy.echarts.translator.option.EchartsGrid
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kandy.echarts.translator.option.toEchartsColor
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kandy.util.color.Color
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kandy.util.context.SelfInvocationContext
* Grid settings.
* @property left distance between a grid component and the left side of the container. `10%` by default.
* @property top distance between a grid component and the top side of the container. `60` by default.
* @property right distance between a grid component and the right side of the container. `10%` by default.
* @property bottom distance between a grid component and the bottom side of the container. `60` by default.
* @property width width of a grid component. Adaptive by default.
* @property height height of a grid component. Adaptive by default.
* @property backgroundColor background [color][Color] of the grid.
* @property borderColor border [color][Color] of the grid.
* @property borderWidth border width of the grid. `0` by default.
* @property shadowBlur the size of shadow blur.
* @property shadowColor shadow [color][Color].
* @property tooltip [tooltip][Tooltip] settings in the coordinate system component.
* @see SizeUnit
* @see Color
* @see Tooltip
public class Grid(
public var left: SizeUnit? = null,
public var top: SizeUnit? = null,
public var right: SizeUnit? = null,
public var bottom: SizeUnit? = null,
public var width: SizeUnit? = null,
public var height: SizeUnit? = null,
public var backgroundColor: Color? = null,
public var borderColor: Color? = null,
public var borderWidth: Int? = null,
public var shadowBlur: Int? = null,
public var shadowColor: Color? = null,
public var tooltip: Tooltip? = null,
) : SelfInvocationContext {
internal fun isEmpty(): Boolean =
left == null && top == null && right == null && bottom == null && width == null && height == null
&& backgroundColor == null && borderColor == null && borderWidth == null && shadowBlur == null
&& shadowColor == null && tooltip == null
internal fun isNotEmpty(): Boolean = !isEmpty()
internal fun toEchartsGrid(): EchartsGrid? =
if (this.isNotEmpty())
left = left,
top = top,
right = right,
bottom = bottom,
width = width,
height = height,
backgroundColor = backgroundColor?.toEchartsColor(),
borderColor = borderColor?.toEchartsColor(),
borderWidth = borderWidth,
shadowBlur = shadowBlur,
shadowColor = shadowColor?.toEchartsColor(),
tooltip = tooltip?.toEchartsTooltip(),