org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.exceptions.ReplCompilerException.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.exceptions
import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonObject
import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonPrimitive
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.repl.CellErrorMetaData
import kotlin.script.experimental.api.ResultWithDiagnostics
import kotlin.script.experimental.api.ScriptDiagnostic
private fun enhanceReplCompilerError(
metadata: CellErrorMetaData?,
message: String,
): String {
if (metadata == null || message.isEmpty()) return message
// Possible patterns we need to look out for:
// - Line_0.jupyter.kts (1:4 - 4) Some message
val pattern = "Line_\\d+\\.jupyter\\.kts \\((?\\d+):(?\\d+) - \\d+\\) (?.*)".toRegex()
return message.lines().joinToString("\n") { line ->
pattern.find(line)?.let { match ->
val lineNumber: Int = match.groups["line"]!!.value.toInt()
val columnNumber: Int = match.groups["column"]!!.value.toInt()
val msg = match.groups["message"]!!.value
// In this case, we also show the line number even if it is outside the visible
// range, since hiding it would make debugging harder in case of bugs in compiler
// plugins that modify the code.
"at Cell In[${metadata.executionCount}], line $lineNumber, column $columnNumber: $msg"
} ?: line
* Exception type for compile time errors happening in the user's code.
class ReplCompilerException(
val failedCode: String,
val errorResult: ResultWithDiagnostics.Failure? = null,
message: String? = null,
metadata: CellErrorMetaData? = null,
) : ReplException(
enhanceReplCompilerError(metadata, message ?: errorResult?.getErrors() ?: ""),
errorResult?.reports?.map { it.exception }?.firstOrNull(),
) {
val firstError: ScriptDiagnostic? =
errorResult?.reports?.firstOrNull {
it.severity == ScriptDiagnostic.Severity.ERROR || it.severity == ScriptDiagnostic.Severity.FATAL
override fun getAdditionalInfoJson(): JsonObject? {
return firstError?.location?.let {
val errorMessage = firstError.message
"lineStart" to JsonPrimitive(it.start.line),
"colStart" to JsonPrimitive(it.start.col),
"lineEnd" to JsonPrimitive(it.end?.line ?: -1),
"colEnd" to JsonPrimitive(it.end?.col ?: -1),
"message" to JsonPrimitive(errorMessage),
"path" to JsonPrimitive(firstError.sourcePath.orEmpty()),
override fun render() = message
fun ResultWithDiagnostics.getErrors(): String {
val filteredReports =
reports.filter {
it.code != ScriptDiagnostic.incompleteCode
return filteredReports.joinToString("\n") { report ->
report.location?.let { loc ->
report.sourcePath?.let { sourcePath ->
loc.end?.line ?: -1,
loc.end?.col ?: -1,
}?.let {
"$it "
}.orEmpty() + report.message
fun compilerDiagnosticToString(
path: String,
line: Int,
column: Int,
lineEnd: Int,
columnEnd: Int,
): String {
val start =
if (line == -1 && column == -1) {
} else {
val end =
if (lineEnd == -1 && columnEnd == -1) {
} else if (lineEnd == line) {
" - $columnEnd"
} else {
" - $lineEnd:$columnEnd"
val loc = if (start.isEmpty() && end.isEmpty()) "" else " ($start$end)"
return path + loc