commonMain.implementations.immutableList.PersistentVectorBuilder.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Kotlin Immutable Collections multiplatform library
* Copyright 2016-2019 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 License that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlinx.collections.immutable.implementations.immutableList
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.PersistentList
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.internal.ListImplementation.checkElementIndex
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.internal.ListImplementation.checkPositionIndex
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.internal.MutabilityOwnership
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.internal.assert
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.internal.modCount
internal class PersistentVectorBuilder(private var vector: PersistentList,
private var vectorRoot: Array?,
private var vectorTail: Array,
internal var rootShift: Int) : AbstractMutableList(), PersistentList.Builder {
private var ownership = MutabilityOwnership()
internal var root = vectorRoot
private set
internal var tail = vectorTail
private set
override var size = vector.size
private set
internal fun getModCount() = modCount
override fun build(): PersistentList {
vector = if (root === vectorRoot && tail === vectorTail) {
} else {
ownership = MutabilityOwnership()
vectorRoot = root
vectorTail = tail
if (root == null) {
if (tail.isEmpty()) {
} else {
} else {
PersistentVector(root!!, tail, size, rootShift)
return vector
private fun rootSize(): Int {
if (size <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
return 0
return rootSize(size)
private fun tailSize(size: Int): Int {
if (size <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
return size
return size - rootSize(size)
private fun tailSize(): Int {
return tailSize(size)
private fun isMutable(buffer: Array): Boolean {
return buffer.size == MUTABLE_BUFFER_SIZE && buffer[MUTABLE_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] === ownership
* Checks if [buffer] is mutable and returns it or its mutable copy.
private fun makeMutable(buffer: Array?): Array {
if (buffer == null) {
return mutableBuffer()
if (isMutable(buffer)) {
return buffer
return buffer.copyInto(mutableBuffer(), endIndex = buffer.size.coerceAtMost(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE))
private fun makeMutableShiftingRight(buffer: Array, distance: Int): Array {
if (isMutable(buffer)) {
return buffer.copyInto(buffer, distance, 0, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - distance)
return buffer.copyInto(mutableBuffer(), distance, 0, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - distance)
private fun mutableBufferWith(element: Any?): Array {
val buffer = arrayOfNulls(MUTABLE_BUFFER_SIZE)
buffer[0] = element
buffer[MUTABLE_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = ownership
return buffer
private fun mutableBuffer(): Array {
val buffer = arrayOfNulls(MUTABLE_BUFFER_SIZE)
buffer[MUTABLE_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = ownership
return buffer
override fun add(element: E): Boolean {
modCount += 1
val tailSize = tailSize()
if (tailSize < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
val mutableTail = makeMutable(tail)
mutableTail[tailSize] = element
this.tail = mutableTail
this.size += 1
} else {
val newTail = mutableBufferWith(element)
this.pushFilledTail(root, tail, newTail)
return true
* Appends the specified entirely filled [tail] as a leaf buffer to the next free position in the [root] trie.
private fun pushFilledTail(root: Array?, filledTail: Array, newTail: Array) = when {
size shr LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE > 1 shl rootShift -> {
// if the root trie is filled entirely, promote it to the next level
this.root = pushTail(mutableBufferWith(root), filledTail, rootShift + LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
this.tail = newTail
this.rootShift += LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
this.size += 1
root == null -> {
this.root = filledTail
this.tail = newTail
this.size += 1
else -> {
this.root = pushTail(root, filledTail, rootShift)
this.tail = newTail
this.size += 1
* Appends the specified entirely filled [tail] as a leaf buffer to the next free position in the [root] trie.
* The trie must not be filled entirely.
private fun pushTail(root: Array?, tail: Array, shift: Int): Array {
val index = indexSegment(size - 1, shift)
val mutableRoot = makeMutable(root)
if (shift == LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
mutableRoot[index] = tail
} else {
mutableRoot[index] = pushTail(mutableRoot[index] as Array?, tail, shift - LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
return mutableRoot
override fun addAll(elements: Collection): Boolean {
if (elements.isEmpty()) {
return false
val tailSize = tailSize()
val elementsIterator = elements.iterator()
if (MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - tailSize >= elements.size) {
// there is enough space in tail, add all elements to it
tail = copyToBuffer(makeMutable(tail), tailSize, elementsIterator)
size += elements.size
} else {
val buffersSize = (elements.size + tailSize - 1) / MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
val buffers = arrayOfNulls?>(buffersSize)
// fill remained space of tail
buffers[0] = copyToBuffer(makeMutable(tail), tailSize, elementsIterator)
// fill other buffers
for (index in 1 until buffersSize) {
buffers[index] = copyToBuffer(mutableBuffer(), 0, elementsIterator)
// add buffers to the root, rootShift is updated appropriately there
root = pushBuffersIncreasingHeightIfNeeded(root, rootSize(), buffers as Array>)
// create new tail and copy remained elements there
tail = copyToBuffer(mutableBuffer(), 0, elementsIterator)
size += elements.size
return true
private fun copyToBuffer(buffer: Array, bufferIndex: Int, sourceIterator: Iterator): Array {
var index = bufferIndex
while (index < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE && sourceIterator.hasNext()) {
buffer[index++] =
return buffer
* Adds all buffers from [buffers] as leaf nodes to the [root].
* If the [root] has less available leaves for the buffers, height of the trie is increased.
* Returns root of the resulting trie.
private fun pushBuffersIncreasingHeightIfNeeded(root: Array?, rootSize: Int, buffers: Array>): Array {
val buffersIterator = buffers.iterator()
var mutableRoot = when {
rootSize shr LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE < 1 shl rootShift ->
// if the root trie is not filled entirely, fill it
pushBuffers(root, rootSize, rootShift, buffersIterator)
else ->
// root is filled entirely, make it mutable
// here root is filled entirely or/and all buffers are already placed
while (buffersIterator.hasNext()) {
// some buffers left, so root is filled entirely. promote root to the next level
mutableRoot = mutableBufferWith(mutableRoot)
pushBuffers(mutableRoot, 1 shl rootShift, rootShift, buffersIterator)
return mutableRoot
* Adds buffers from the [buffersIterator] as leaf nodes.
* As the result [root] is entirely filled, or all buffers are added.
* Returns the resulting root.
private fun pushBuffers(root: Array?, rootSize: Int, shift: Int, buffersIterator: Iterator>): Array {
check(shift >= 0)
if (shift == 0) {
val mutableRoot = makeMutable(root)
var index = indexSegment(rootSize, shift)
mutableRoot[index] =
pushBuffers(mutableRoot[index] as Array?, rootSize, shift - LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, buffersIterator)
while (++index < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE && buffersIterator.hasNext()) {
mutableRoot[index] =
pushBuffers(mutableRoot[index] as Array?, 0, shift - LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, buffersIterator)
return mutableRoot
override fun add(index: Int, element: E) {
checkPositionIndex(index, size)
if (index == size) {
modCount += 1
val rootSize = rootSize()
if (index >= rootSize) {
insertIntoTail(root, index - rootSize, element)
val elementCarry = ObjectRef(null)
val newRest = insertIntoRoot(root!!, rootShift, index, element, elementCarry)
insertIntoTail(newRest, 0, elementCarry.value as E)
private fun insertIntoTail(root: Array?, index: Int, element: E) {
val tailSize = tailSize()
val mutableTail = makeMutable(tail)
if (tailSize < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
tail.copyInto(mutableTail, index + 1, index, tailSize)
mutableTail[index] = element
this.root = root
this.tail = mutableTail
this.size += 1
} else {
val lastElement = tail[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE]
tail.copyInto(mutableTail, index + 1, index, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE)
mutableTail[index] = element
pushFilledTail(root, mutableTail, mutableBufferWith(lastElement))
* Insert the specified [element] into the [root] trie at the specified trie [index].
* [elementCarry] contains the last element of this trie that was popped out by the insertion operation.
* @return new root trie or this modified trie, if it's already mutable
private fun insertIntoRoot(root: Array, shift: Int, index: Int, element: Any?, elementCarry: ObjectRef): Array {
val bufferIndex = indexSegment(index, shift)
if (shift == 0) {
elementCarry.value = root[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE]
val mutableRoot = root.copyInto(makeMutable(root), bufferIndex + 1, bufferIndex, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE)
mutableRoot[bufferIndex] = element
return mutableRoot
val mutableRoot = makeMutable(root)
val lowerLevelShift = shift - LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
mutableRoot[bufferIndex] =
insertIntoRoot(mutableRoot[bufferIndex] as Array, lowerLevelShift, index, element, elementCarry)
for (i in bufferIndex + 1 until MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
if (mutableRoot[i] == null) break
mutableRoot[i] =
insertIntoRoot(mutableRoot[i] as Array, lowerLevelShift, 0, elementCarry.value, elementCarry)
return mutableRoot
override fun addAll(index: Int, elements: Collection): Boolean {
checkPositionIndex(index, size)
if (index == size) {
return addAll(elements)
if (elements.isEmpty()) {
return false
val unaffectedElementsCount = (index shr LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) shl LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
val buffersSize = (size - unaffectedElementsCount + elements.size - 1) / MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
if (buffersSize == 0) {
assert(index >= rootSize())
val startIndex = index and MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE
val endIndex = (index + elements.size - 1) and MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE // inclusive
// Copy the unaffected tail prefix and shift the affected tail suffix to the end
val newTail = tail.copyInto(makeMutable(tail), endIndex + 1, startIndex, tailSize())
// Copy the specified elements to the new tail
copyToBuffer(newTail, startIndex, elements.iterator())
tail = newTail
size += elements.size
return true
val buffers = arrayOfNulls?>(buffersSize)
val tailSize = tailSize()
val newTailSize = tailSize(size + elements.size)
val newTail: Array
when {
index >= rootSize() -> {
newTail = mutableBuffer()
splitToBuffers(elements, index, tail, tailSize, buffers, buffersSize, newTail)
newTailSize > tailSize -> {
val rightShift = newTailSize - tailSize
newTail = makeMutableShiftingRight(tail, rightShift)
insertIntoRoot(elements, index, rightShift, buffers, buffersSize, newTail)
else -> {
newTail = tail.copyInto(mutableBuffer(), 0, tailSize - newTailSize, tailSize)
val rightShift = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - (tailSize - newTailSize)
val lastBuffer = makeMutableShiftingRight(tail, rightShift)
buffers[buffersSize - 1] = lastBuffer
insertIntoRoot(elements, index, rightShift, buffers, buffersSize - 1, lastBuffer)
root = pushBuffersIncreasingHeightIfNeeded(root, unaffectedElementsCount, buffers as Array>)
tail = newTail
size += elements.size
return true
* Inserts the [elements] into the [root] at the given [index].
* Affected elements are copied to the [buffers] split into [nullBuffers] buffers.
* Elements that do not fit [nullBuffers] buffers are copied to the [nextBuffer].
private fun insertIntoRoot(
elements: Collection,
index: Int,
rightShift: Int,
buffers: Array?>,
nullBuffers: Int,
nextBuffer: Array
) {
val startLeafIndex = index shr LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
val startLeaf = shiftLeafBuffers(startLeafIndex, rightShift, buffers, nullBuffers, nextBuffer)
val lastLeafIndex = (rootSize() shr LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) - 1
val newNullBuffers = nullBuffers - (lastLeafIndex - startLeafIndex)
val newNextBuffer = if (newNullBuffers < nullBuffers) buffers[newNullBuffers]!! else nextBuffer
splitToBuffers(elements, index, startLeaf, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, buffers, newNullBuffers, newNextBuffer)
* Shifts elements in the [root] to the right by the given [rightShift] position starting from the end.
* Shifting stops when elements of the leaf at [startLeafIndex] are reached.
* Last elements whose indexes become bigger than [rootSize] are copied to the [nextBuffer].
* Shifted leaves are stored in the [buffers] starting from the given [nullBuffers] index.
* Returns leaf at the [startLeafIndex].
private fun shiftLeafBuffers(
startLeafIndex: Int,
rightShift: Int,
buffers: Array?>,
nullBuffers: Int,
nextBuffer: Array
): Array {
val leafCount = rootSize() shr LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
val leafBufferIterator = leafBufferIterator(leafCount) // start from the last leaf
var bufferIndex = nullBuffers
var buffer = nextBuffer
while (leafBufferIterator.previousIndex() != startLeafIndex) {
val currentBuffer = leafBufferIterator.previous()
currentBuffer.copyInto(buffer, 0, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - rightShift, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
buffer = makeMutableShiftingRight(currentBuffer, rightShift)
buffers[--bufferIndex] = buffer
return leafBufferIterator.previous()
* Inserts [elements] into [startBuffer] of size [startBufferSize] and splits the result into [nullBuffers] buffers.
* Elements that do not fit [nullBuffers] buffers are copied to the [nextBuffer].
private fun splitToBuffers(
elements: Collection,
index: Int,
startBuffer: Array,
startBufferSize: Int,
buffers: Array?>,
nullBuffers: Int,
nextBuffer: Array
) {
check(nullBuffers >= 1)
val firstBuffer = makeMutable(startBuffer)
buffers[0] = firstBuffer
var newNextBuffer = nextBuffer
var newNullBuffers = nullBuffers
val startBufferStartIndex = index and MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE
val endBufferEndIndex = (index + elements.size - 1) and MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE // inclusive
val elementsToShift = startBufferSize - startBufferStartIndex
if (endBufferEndIndex + elementsToShift < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
firstBuffer.copyInto(newNextBuffer, endBufferEndIndex + 1, startBufferStartIndex, startBufferSize)
} else {
val toCopyToLast = endBufferEndIndex + elementsToShift - MAX_BUFFER_SIZE + 1
if (nullBuffers == 1) {
newNextBuffer = firstBuffer
} else {
newNextBuffer = mutableBuffer()
buffers[--newNullBuffers] = newNextBuffer
firstBuffer.copyInto(nextBuffer, 0, startBufferSize - toCopyToLast, startBufferSize)
firstBuffer.copyInto(newNextBuffer, endBufferEndIndex + 1, startBufferStartIndex, startBufferSize - toCopyToLast)
val elementsIterator = elements.iterator()
copyToBuffer(firstBuffer, startBufferStartIndex, elementsIterator)
for (i in 1 until newNullBuffers) {
buffers[i] = copyToBuffer(mutableBuffer(), 0, elementsIterator)
copyToBuffer(newNextBuffer, 0, elementsIterator)
override fun get(index: Int): E {
checkElementIndex(index, size)
val buffer = bufferFor(index)
return buffer[index and MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE] as E
private fun bufferFor(index: Int): Array {
if (rootSize() <= index) {
return tail
var buffer = root!!
var shift = rootShift
while (shift > 0) {
buffer = buffer[indexSegment(index, shift)] as Array
return buffer
override fun removeAt(index: Int): E {
checkElementIndex(index, size)
modCount += 1
val rootSize = rootSize()
if (index >= rootSize) {
return removeFromTailAt(root, rootSize, rootShift, index - rootSize) as E
val elementCarry = ObjectRef(tail[0])
val newRoot = removeFromRootAt(root!!, rootShift, index, elementCarry)
removeFromTailAt(newRoot, rootSize, rootShift, 0)
return elementCarry.value as E
private fun removeFromTailAt(root: Array?, rootSize: Int, shift: Int, index: Int): Any? {
val tailSize = size - rootSize
assert(index < tailSize)
val removedElement: Any?
if (tailSize == 1) {
removedElement = tail[0]
pullLastBufferFromRoot(root, rootSize, shift)
} else {
removedElement = tail[index]
val mutableTail = tail.copyInto(makeMutable(tail), index, index + 1, tailSize)
mutableTail[tailSize - 1] = null
this.root = root
this.tail = mutableTail
this.size = rootSize + tailSize - 1
this.rootShift = shift
return removedElement
* Removes element from trie at the specified trie [index].
* [tailCarry] on input contains the first element of the adjacent trie to fill the last vacant element with.
* [tailCarry] on output contains the first element of this trie.
* @return the new root of the trie.
private fun removeFromRootAt(root: Array, shift: Int, index: Int, tailCarry: ObjectRef): Array {
val bufferIndex = indexSegment(index, shift)
if (shift == 0) {
val removedElement = root[bufferIndex]
val mutableRoot = root.copyInto(makeMutable(root), bufferIndex, bufferIndex + 1, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
mutableRoot[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = tailCarry.value
tailCarry.value = removedElement
return mutableRoot
var bufferLastIndex = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE
if (root[bufferLastIndex] == null) {
bufferLastIndex = indexSegment(rootSize() - 1, shift)
val mutableRoot = makeMutable(root)
val lowerLevelShift = shift - LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
for (i in bufferLastIndex downTo bufferIndex + 1) {
mutableRoot[i] = removeFromRootAt(mutableRoot[i] as Array, lowerLevelShift, 0, tailCarry)
mutableRoot[bufferIndex] =
removeFromRootAt(mutableRoot[bufferIndex] as Array, lowerLevelShift, index, tailCarry)
return mutableRoot
* Extracts the last entirely filled leaf buffer from the trie of this vector and makes it a tail in this
* Used when there are no elements left in current tail.
* Requires the trie to contain at least one leaf buffer.
private fun pullLastBufferFromRoot(root: Array?, rootSize: Int, shift: Int) {
if (shift == 0) {
this.root = null
this.tail = root ?: emptyArray()
this.size = rootSize
this.rootShift = shift
val tailCarry = ObjectRef(null)
val newRoot = pullLastBuffer(root!!, shift, rootSize, tailCarry)!!
this.tail = tailCarry.value as Array
this.size = rootSize
// check if the new root contains only one element
if (newRoot[1] == null) {
// demote the root trie to the lower level
this.root = newRoot[0] as Array?
this.rootShift = shift - LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
} else {
this.root = newRoot
this.rootShift = shift
* Extracts the last leaf buffer from trie and returns new trie without it or `null` if there's no more leaf elements in this trie.
* [tailCarry] on output contains the extracted leaf buffer.
private fun pullLastBuffer(root: Array, shift: Int, rootSize: Int, tailCarry: ObjectRef): Array? {
val bufferIndex = indexSegment(rootSize - 1, shift)
val newBufferAtIndex = if (shift == LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
tailCarry.value = root[bufferIndex]
} else {
pullLastBuffer(root[bufferIndex] as Array, shift - LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, rootSize, tailCarry)
if (newBufferAtIndex == null && bufferIndex == 0) {
return null
val mutableRoot = makeMutable(root)
mutableRoot[bufferIndex] = newBufferAtIndex
return mutableRoot
override fun removeAll(elements: Collection): Boolean {
return removeAllWithPredicate { elements.contains(it) }
fun removeAllWithPredicate(predicate: (E) -> Boolean): Boolean {
val anyRemoved = removeAll(predicate)
if (anyRemoved) {
return anyRemoved
// Does not update `modCount`.
private fun removeAll(predicate: (E) -> Boolean): Boolean {
val tailSize = tailSize()
val bufferRef = ObjectRef(null)
if (root == null) {
return removeAllFromTail(predicate, tailSize, bufferRef) != tailSize
val leafIterator = leafBufferIterator(0)
var bufferSize = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
// skip unaffected leaves
while (bufferSize == MAX_BUFFER_SIZE && leafIterator.hasNext()) {
bufferSize = removeAll(predicate,, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, bufferRef)
// if no elements from the root match the predicate, check the tail
if (bufferSize == MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
val newTailSize = removeAllFromTail(predicate, tailSize, bufferRef)
if (newTailSize == 0) {
// all elements of the tail was removed, pull the last leaf from the root to make it the tail
pullLastBufferFromRoot(root, size, rootShift)
return newTailSize != tailSize
// handle affected leaves reusing mutable ones
val unaffectedElementsCount = leafIterator.previousIndex() shl LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
val buffers = mutableListOf>()
val recyclableBuffers = mutableListOf>()
while (leafIterator.hasNext()) {
val leaf =
bufferSize = recyclableRemoveAll(predicate, leaf, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, bufferSize, bufferRef, recyclableBuffers, buffers)
// handle the tail
val newTailSize = recyclableRemoveAll(predicate, tail, tailSize, bufferSize, bufferRef, recyclableBuffers, buffers)
val newTail = bufferRef.value as Array
newTail.fill(null, newTailSize, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
// build the root
val newRoot = if (buffers.isEmpty()) root!! else pushBuffers(root, unaffectedElementsCount, rootShift, buffers.iterator())
val newRootSize = unaffectedElementsCount + (buffers.size shl LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
root = retainFirst(newRoot, newRootSize)
tail = newTail
size = newRootSize + newTailSize
return true
* Retains first [size] elements of the [root].
* If the height of the root is bigger than needed to store [size] elements, it's decreased.
private fun retainFirst(root: Array, size: Int): Array? {
check(size and MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE == 0)
if (size == 0) {
rootShift = 0
return null
val lastIndex = size - 1
var newRoot = root
while (lastIndex shr rootShift == 0) {
newRoot = newRoot[0] as Array
return nullifyAfter(newRoot, lastIndex, rootShift)
* Nullifies nodes cells after the specified [index].
* Used to prevent memory leaks after reusing nodes.
private fun nullifyAfter(root: Array, index: Int, shift: Int): Array {
check(shift >= 0)
if (shift == 0) {
// the `root` is a leaf buffer.
// As leaf buffers can't be filled partially, return the `root` as is.
return root
val lastIndex = indexSegment(index, shift)
val newChild = nullifyAfter(root[lastIndex] as Array, index, shift - LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
var newRoot = root
if (lastIndex < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE && newRoot[lastIndex + 1] != null) {
if (isMutable(newRoot)) {
newRoot.fill(null, lastIndex + 1, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
newRoot = newRoot.copyInto(mutableBuffer(), 0, 0, lastIndex + 1)
if (newChild !== newRoot[lastIndex]) {
newRoot = makeMutable(newRoot)
newRoot[lastIndex] = newChild
return newRoot
* Copies elements of the [tail] buffer of size [tailSize] that do not match the given [predicate] to a new buffer.
* If the [tail] is mutable, it is reused to store non-matching elements.
* If non of the elements match the [predicate], no buffers are created and elements are not copied.
* [bufferRef] stores the newly created buffer, or the [tail] if a new buffer was not created.
* Returns the filled size of the buffer stored in the [bufferRef].
private fun removeAllFromTail(predicate: (E) -> Boolean, tailSize: Int, bufferRef: ObjectRef): Int {
val newTailSize = removeAll(predicate, tail, tailSize, bufferRef)
if (newTailSize == tailSize) {
assert(bufferRef.value === tail)
return tailSize
val newTail = bufferRef.value as Array
newTail.fill(null, newTailSize, tailSize)
tail = newTail
size -= tailSize - newTailSize
return newTailSize
* Copies elements of the given [buffer] of size [bufferSize] that do not match the given [predicate] to a new buffer.
* If the [buffer] is mutable, it is reused to store non-matching elements.
* If non of the elements match the [predicate], no buffers are created and elements are not copied.
* [bufferRef] stores the newly created buffer, or the [buffer] if a new buffer was not created.
* Returns the filled size of the buffer stored in the [bufferRef].
private fun removeAll(
predicate: (E) -> Boolean,
buffer: Array,
bufferSize: Int,
bufferRef: ObjectRef
): Int {
var newBuffer = buffer
var newBufferSize = bufferSize
var anyRemoved = false
for (index in 0 until bufferSize) {
val element = buffer[index] as E
if (predicate(element)) {
if (!anyRemoved) {
newBuffer = makeMutable(buffer)
newBufferSize = index
anyRemoved = true
} else if (anyRemoved) {
newBuffer[newBufferSize++] = element
bufferRef.value = newBuffer
return newBufferSize
* Copied elements of the given [buffer] of size [bufferSize] that do not match the given [predicate]
* to the buffer stored in the given [bufferRef] starting at [toBufferSize].
* If the buffer gets filled entirely, it is added to [buffers] and a new buffer is created or
* reused from the [recyclableBuffers] to hold the rest of the non-matching elements.
* [bufferRef] stores the newly created buffer if a new buffer was created.
* Returns the filled size of the buffer stored in the [bufferRef].
private fun recyclableRemoveAll(
predicate: (E) -> Boolean,
buffer: Array,
bufferSize: Int,
toBufferSize: Int,
bufferRef: ObjectRef,
recyclableBuffers: MutableList>,
buffers: MutableList>
): Int {
if (isMutable(buffer)) {
val toBuffer = bufferRef.value as Array
var newToBuffer = toBuffer
var newToBufferSize = toBufferSize
for (index in 0 until bufferSize) {
val element = buffer[index] as E
if (!predicate(element)) {
if (newToBufferSize == MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
newToBuffer = if (recyclableBuffers.isNotEmpty()) {
recyclableBuffers.removeAt(recyclableBuffers.size - 1)
} else {
newToBufferSize = 0
newToBuffer[newToBufferSize++] = element
bufferRef.value = newToBuffer
if (toBuffer !== bufferRef.value) {
return newToBufferSize
override fun set(index: Int, element: E): E {
// TODO: Should list[i] = list[i] make it mutable?
checkElementIndex(index, size)
if (rootSize() <= index) {
val mutableTail = makeMutable(tail)
// Creating new tail implies structural change.
if (mutableTail !== tail) { modCount++ }
val tailIndex = index and MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_MINUS_ONE
val oldElement = mutableTail[tailIndex]
mutableTail[tailIndex] = element
this.tail = mutableTail
return oldElement as E
val oldElementCarry = ObjectRef(null)
this.root = setInRoot(root!!, rootShift, index, element, oldElementCarry)
return oldElementCarry.value as E
private fun setInRoot(root: Array, shift: Int, index: Int, e: E, oldElementCarry: ObjectRef): Array {
val bufferIndex = indexSegment(index, shift)
val mutableRoot = makeMutable(root)
if (shift == 0) {
// Creating new leaf implies structural change.
// Actually, while descending to this leaf several nodes could be recreated.
// However, this builder is exclusive owner of this leaf iff it is exclusive owner of all leaf's ancestors.
// Hence, checking recreation of this leaf is enough to determine if a structural change occurred.
if (mutableRoot !== root) { modCount++ }
oldElementCarry.value = mutableRoot[bufferIndex]
mutableRoot[bufferIndex] = e
return mutableRoot
mutableRoot[bufferIndex] =
setInRoot(mutableRoot[bufferIndex] as Array, shift - LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, index, e, oldElementCarry)
return mutableRoot
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator {
return this.listIterator()
override fun listIterator(): MutableListIterator {
return this.listIterator(0)
override fun listIterator(index: Int): MutableListIterator {
checkPositionIndex(index, size)
return PersistentVectorMutableIterator(this, index)
private fun leafBufferIterator(index: Int): ListIterator> {
val leafCount = rootSize() shr LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
checkPositionIndex(index, leafCount)
if (rootShift == 0) {
return SingleElementListIterator(root!!, index)
val trieHeight = rootShift / LOG_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
return TrieIterator(root!!, index, leafCount, trieHeight)
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