jvmMain.internal.ExceptionsConstructor.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package kotlinx.coroutines.internal
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import java.lang.reflect.*
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*
import kotlin.concurrent.*
private val throwableFields = Throwable::class.java.fieldsCountOrDefault(-1)
private typealias Ctor = (Throwable) -> Throwable?
private val ctorCache = try {
if (ANDROID_DETECTED) WeakMapCtorCache
else ClassValueCtorCache
} catch (e: Throwable) {
// Fallback on Java 6 or exotic setups
internal fun tryCopyException(exception: E): E? {
// Fast path for CopyableThrowable
if (exception is CopyableThrowable<*>) {
return runCatching { exception.createCopy() as E? }.getOrNull()
return ctorCache.get(exception.javaClass).invoke(exception) as E?
private fun createConstructor(clz: Class): Ctor {
val nullResult: Ctor = { null } // Pre-cache class
// Skip reflective copy if an exception has additional fields (that are typically populated in user-defined constructors)
if (throwableFields != clz.fieldsCountOrDefault(0)) return nullResult
* Try to reflectively find constructor(message, cause), constructor(message), constructor(cause), or constructor(),
* in that order of priority.
* Exceptions are shared among coroutines, so we should copy exception before recovering current stacktrace.
* By default, Java's reflection iterates over ctors in the source-code order and the sorting is stable, so we can
* not rely on the order of iteration. Instead, we assign a unique priority to each ctor type.
return clz.constructors.map { constructor ->
val p = constructor.parameterTypes
when (p.size) {
2 -> when {
p[0] == String::class.java && p[1] == Throwable::class.java ->
safeCtor { e -> constructor.newInstance(e.message, e) as Throwable } to 3
else -> null to -1
1 -> when (p[0]) {
String::class.java ->
safeCtor { e -> (constructor.newInstance(e.message) as Throwable).also { it.initCause(e) } } to 2
Throwable::class.java ->
safeCtor { e -> constructor.newInstance(e) as Throwable } to 1
else -> null to -1
0 -> safeCtor { e -> (constructor.newInstance() as Throwable).also { it.initCause(e) } } to 0
else -> null to -1
}.maxByOrNull(Pair<*, Int>::second)?.first ?: nullResult
private fun safeCtor(block: (Throwable) -> Throwable): Ctor = { e ->
runCatching {
val result = block(e)
* Verify that the new exception has the same message as the original one (bail out if not, see #1631)
* or if the new message complies the contract from `Throwable(cause).message` contract.
if (e.message != result.message && result.message != e.toString()) null
else result
private fun Class<*>.fieldsCountOrDefault(defaultValue: Int) =
kotlin.runCatching { fieldsCount() }.getOrDefault(defaultValue)
private tailrec fun Class<*>.fieldsCount(accumulator: Int = 0): Int {
val fieldsCount = declaredFields.count { !Modifier.isStatic(it.modifiers) }
val totalFields = accumulator + fieldsCount
val superClass = superclass ?: return totalFields
return superClass.fieldsCount(totalFields)
internal abstract class CtorCache {
abstract fun get(key: Class): Ctor
private object WeakMapCtorCache : CtorCache() {
private val cacheLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
private val exceptionCtors: WeakHashMap, Ctor> = WeakHashMap()
override fun get(key: Class): Ctor {
cacheLock.read { exceptionCtors[key]?.let { return it } }
cacheLock.write {
exceptionCtors[key]?.let { return it }
return createConstructor(key).also { exceptionCtors[key] = it }
private object ClassValueCtorCache : CtorCache() {
private val cache = object : ClassValue() {
override fun computeValue(type: Class<*>?): Ctor {
return createConstructor(type as Class)
override fun get(key: Class): Ctor = cache.get(key)
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