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package kotlinx.coroutines
import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.selects.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.*
import kotlin.js.*
import kotlin.jvm.*
* A concrete implementation of [Job]. It is optionally a child to a parent job.
* This is an open class designed for extension by more specific classes that might augment the
* state and mare store addition state information for completed jobs, like their result values.
* @param active when `true` the job is created in _active_ state, when `false` in _new_ state. See [Job] for details.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
@Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, message = "This is internal API and may be removed in the future releases")
public open class JobSupport constructor(active: Boolean) : Job, ChildJob, ParentJob {
final override val key: CoroutineContext.Key<*> get() = Job
=== Internal states ===
name state class public state description
------ ------------ ------------ -----------
EMPTY_N EmptyNew : New no listeners
EMPTY_A EmptyActive : Active no listeners
SINGLE JobNode : Active a single listener
SINGLE+ JobNode : Active a single listener + NodeList added as its next
LIST_N InactiveNodeList : New a list of listeners (promoted once, does not got back to EmptyNew)
LIST_A NodeList : Active a list of listeners (promoted once, does not got back to JobNode/EmptyActive)
COMPLETING Finishing : Completing has a list of listeners (promoted once from LIST_*)
CANCELLING Finishing : Cancelling -- " --
FINAL_C Cancelled : Cancelled Cancelled (final state)
FINAL_R : Completed produced some result
=== Transitions ===
New states Active states Inactive states
+---------+ +---------+ }
| EMPTY_N | ----> | EMPTY_A | ----+ } Empty states
+---------+ +---------+ | }
| | | ^ | +----------+
| | | | +--> | FINAL_* |
| | V | | +----------+
| | +---------+ | }
| | | SINGLE | ----+ } JobNode states
| | +---------+ | }
| | | | }
| | V | }
| | +---------+ | }
| +-------> | SINGLE+ | ----+ }
| +---------+ | }
| | |
V V |
+---------+ +---------+ | }
| LIST_N | ----> | LIST_A | ----+ } [Inactive]NodeList states
+---------+ +---------+ | }
| | | | |
| | +--------+ | |
| | | V |
| | | +------------+ | +------------+ }
| +-------> | COMPLETING | --+-- | CANCELLING | } Finishing states
| | +------------+ +------------+ }
| | | ^
| | | |
This state machine and its transition matrix are optimized for the common case when a job is created in active
state (EMPTY_A), at most one completion listener is added to it during its life-time, and it completes
successfully without children (in this case it directly goes from EMPTY_A or SINGLE state to FINAL_R
state without going to COMPLETING state)
Note that the actual `_state` variable can also be a reference to atomic operation descriptor `OpDescriptor`
---------- TIMELINE of state changes and notification in Job lifecycle ----------
| The longest possible chain of events in shown, shorter versions cut-through intermediate states,
| while still performing all the notifications in this order.
+ Job object is created
## NEW: state == EMPTY_NEW | is InactiveNodeList
+ initParentJob / initParentJobInternal (invokes attachChild on its parent, initializes parentHandle)
~ waits for start
>> start / join / await invoked
## ACTIVE: state == EMPTY_ACTIVE | is JobNode | is NodeList
+ onStart (lazy coroutine is started)
~ active coroutine is working (or scheduled to execution)
>> childCancelled / cancelImpl invoked
## CANCELLING: state is Finishing, state.rootCause != null
------ cancelling listeners are not admitted anymore, invokeOnCompletion(onCancelling=true) returns NonDisposableHandle
------ new children get immediately cancelled, but are still admitted to the list
+ onCancelling
+ notifyCancelling (invoke all cancelling listeners -- cancel all children, suspended functions resume with exception)
+ cancelParent (rootCause of cancellation is communicated to the parent, parent is cancelled, too)
~ waits for completion of coroutine body
>> makeCompleting / makeCompletingOnce invoked
## COMPLETING: state is Finishing, state.isCompleting == true
------ new children are not admitted anymore, attachChild returns NonDisposableHandle
~ waits for children
>> last child completes
- computes the final exception
## SEALED: state is Finishing, state.isSealed == true
------ cancel/childCancelled returns false (cannot handle exceptions anymore)
+ cancelParent (final exception is communicated to the parent, parent incorporates it)
+ handleJobException ("launch" StandaloneCoroutine invokes CoroutineExceptionHandler)
## COMPLETE: state !is Incomplete (CompletedExceptionally | Cancelled)
------ completion listeners are not admitted anymore, invokeOnCompletion returns NonDisposableHandle
+ parentHandle.dispose
+ notifyCompletion (invoke all completion listeners)
+ onCompletionInternal / onCompleted / onCancelled
// Note: use shared objects while we have no listeners
private val _state = atomic(if (active) EMPTY_ACTIVE else EMPTY_NEW)
private val _parentHandle = atomic(null)
internal var parentHandle: ChildHandle?
get() = _parentHandle.value
set(value) { _parentHandle.value = value }
override val parent: Job?
get() = parentHandle?.parent
// ------------ initialization ------------
* Initializes parent job.
* It shall be invoked at most once after construction after all other initialization.
protected fun initParentJob(parent: Job?) {
assert { parentHandle == null }
if (parent == null) {
parentHandle = NonDisposableHandle
parent.start() // make sure the parent is started
val handle = parent.attachChild(this)
parentHandle = handle
// now check our state _after_ registering (see tryFinalizeSimpleState order of actions)
if (isCompleted) {
parentHandle = NonDisposableHandle // release it just in case, to aid GC
// ------------ state query ------------
* Returns current state of this job.
* If final state of the job is [Incomplete], then it is boxed into [IncompleteStateBox]
* and should be [unboxed][unboxState] before returning to user code.
internal val state: Any? get() = _state.value
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
private inline fun loopOnState(block: (Any?) -> Unit): Nothing {
while (true) {
public override val isActive: Boolean get() {
val state = this.state
return state is Incomplete && state.isActive
public final override val isCompleted: Boolean get() = state !is Incomplete
public final override val isCancelled: Boolean get() {
val state = this.state
return state is CompletedExceptionally || (state is Finishing && state.isCancelling)
// ------------ state update ------------
// Finalizes Finishing -> Completed (terminal state) transition.
// ## IMPORTANT INVARIANT: Only one thread can be concurrently invoking this method.
// Returns final state that was created and updated to
private fun finalizeFinishingState(state: Finishing, proposedUpdate: Any?): Any? {
* Note: proposed state can be Incomplete, e.g.
* async {
* something.invokeOnCompletion {} // <- returns handle which implements Incomplete under the hood
* }
assert { this.state === state } // consistency check -- it cannot change
assert { !state.isSealed } // consistency check -- cannot be sealed yet
assert { state.isCompleting } // consistency check -- must be marked as completing
val proposedException = (proposedUpdate as? CompletedExceptionally)?.cause
// Create the final exception and seal the state so that no more exceptions can be added
val wasCancelling: Boolean
val finalException = synchronized(state) {
wasCancelling = state.isCancelling
val exceptions = state.sealLocked(proposedException)
val finalCause = getFinalRootCause(state, exceptions)
if (finalCause != null) addSuppressedExceptions(finalCause, exceptions)
// Create the final state object
val finalState = when {
// was not cancelled (no exception) -> use proposed update value
finalException == null -> proposedUpdate
// small optimization when we can used proposeUpdate object as is on cancellation
finalException === proposedException -> proposedUpdate
// cancelled job final state
else -> CompletedExceptionally(finalException)
// Now handle the final exception
if (finalException != null) {
val handled = cancelParent(finalException) || handleJobException(finalException)
if (handled) (finalState as CompletedExceptionally).makeHandled()
// Process state updates for the final state before the state of the Job is actually set to the final state
// to avoid races where outside observer may see the job in the final state, yet exception is not handled yet.
if (!wasCancelling) onCancelling(finalException)
// Then CAS to completed state -> it must succeed
val casSuccess = _state.compareAndSet(state, finalState.boxIncomplete())
assert { casSuccess }
// And process all post-completion actions
completeStateFinalization(state, finalState)
return finalState
private fun getFinalRootCause(state: Finishing, exceptions: List): Throwable? {
// A case of no exceptions
if (exceptions.isEmpty()) {
// materialize cancellation exception if it was not materialized yet
if (state.isCancelling) return defaultCancellationException()
return null
* 1) If we have non-CE, use it as root cause
* 2) If our original cause was TCE, use *non-original* TCE because of the special nature of TCE
* - It is a CE, so it's not reported by children
* - The first instance (cancellation cause) is created by timeout coroutine and has no meaningful stacktrace
* - The potential second instance is thrown by withTimeout lexical block itself, then it has recovered stacktrace
* 3) Just return the very first CE
val firstNonCancellation = exceptions.firstOrNull { it !is CancellationException }
if (firstNonCancellation != null) return firstNonCancellation
val first = exceptions[0]
if (first is TimeoutCancellationException) {
val detailedTimeoutException = exceptions.firstOrNull { it !== first && it is TimeoutCancellationException }
if (detailedTimeoutException != null) return detailedTimeoutException
return first
private fun addSuppressedExceptions(rootCause: Throwable, exceptions: List) {
if (exceptions.size <= 1) return // nothing more to do here
val seenExceptions = identitySet(exceptions.size)
* Note that root cause may be a recovered exception as well.
* To avoid cycles we unwrap the root cause and check for self-suppression against unwrapped cause,
* but add suppressed exceptions to the recovered root cause (as it is our final exception)
val unwrappedCause = unwrap(rootCause)
for (exception in exceptions) {
val unwrapped = unwrap(exception)
if (unwrapped !== rootCause && unwrapped !== unwrappedCause &&
unwrapped !is CancellationException && seenExceptions.add(unwrapped)) {
// fast-path method to finalize normally completed coroutines without children
// returns true if complete, and afterCompletion(update) shall be called
private fun tryFinalizeSimpleState(state: Incomplete, update: Any?): Boolean {
assert { state is Empty || state is JobNode } // only simple state without lists where children can concurrently add
assert { update !is CompletedExceptionally } // only for normal completion
if (!_state.compareAndSet(state, update.boxIncomplete())) return false
onCancelling(null) // simple state is not a failure
completeStateFinalization(state, update)
return true
// suppressed == true when any exceptions were suppressed while building the final completion cause
private fun completeStateFinalization(state: Incomplete, update: Any?) {
* Now the job in THE FINAL state. We need to properly handle the resulting state.
* Order of various invocations here is important.
* 1) Unregister from parent job.
parentHandle?.let {
it.dispose() // volatile read parentHandle _after_ state was updated
parentHandle = NonDisposableHandle // release it just in case, to aid GC
val cause = (update as? CompletedExceptionally)?.cause
* 2) Invoke completion handlers: .join(), callbacks etc.
* It's important to invoke them only AFTER exception handling and everything else, see #208
if (state is JobNode) { // SINGLE/SINGLE+ state -- one completion handler (common case)
try {
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
handleOnCompletionException(CompletionHandlerException("Exception in completion handler $state for $this", ex))
} else {
private fun notifyCancelling(list: NodeList, cause: Throwable) {
// first cancel our own children
notifyHandlers(list, cause) { it.onCancelling }
// then cancel parent
cancelParent(cause) // tentative cancellation -- does not matter if there is no parent
* The method that is invoked when the job is cancelled to possibly propagate cancellation to the parent.
* Returns `true` if the parent is responsible for handling the exception, `false` otherwise.
* Invariant: never returns `false` for instances of [CancellationException], otherwise such exception
* may leak to the [CoroutineExceptionHandler].
private fun cancelParent(cause: Throwable): Boolean {
// Is scoped coroutine -- don't propagate, will be rethrown
if (isScopedCoroutine) return true
/* CancellationException is considered "normal" and parent usually is not cancelled when child produces it.
* This allow parent to cancel its children (normally) without being cancelled itself, unless
* child crashes and produce some other exception during its completion.
val isCancellation = cause is CancellationException
val parent = parentHandle
// No parent -- ignore CE, report other exceptions.
if (parent === null || parent === NonDisposableHandle) {
return isCancellation
// Notify parent but don't forget to check cancellation
return parent.childCancelled(cause) || isCancellation
private fun NodeList.notifyCompletion(cause: Throwable?) {
notifyHandlers(this, cause) { true }
private inline fun notifyHandlers(list: NodeList, cause: Throwable?, predicate: (JobNode) -> Boolean) {
var exception: Throwable? = null
list.forEach { node ->
if (node is JobNode && predicate(node)) {
try {
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
exception?.apply { addSuppressed(ex) } ?: run {
exception = CompletionHandlerException("Exception in completion handler $node for $this", ex)
exception?.let { handleOnCompletionException(it) }
public final override fun start(): Boolean {
loopOnState { state ->
when (startInternal(state)) {
FALSE -> return false
TRUE -> return true
// returns: RETRY/FALSE/TRUE:
// FALSE when not new,
// TRUE when started
// RETRY when need to retry
private fun startInternal(state: Any?): Int {
when (state) {
is Empty -> { // EMPTY_X state -- no completion handlers
if (state.isActive) return FALSE // already active
if (!_state.compareAndSet(state, EMPTY_ACTIVE)) return RETRY
return TRUE
is InactiveNodeList -> { // LIST state -- inactive with a list of completion handlers
if (!_state.compareAndSet(state, state.list)) return RETRY
return TRUE
else -> return FALSE // not a new state
* Override to provide the actual [start] action.
* This function is invoked exactly once when non-active coroutine is [started][start].
protected open fun onStart() {}
public final override fun getCancellationException(): CancellationException =
when (val state = this.state) {
is Finishing -> state.rootCause?.toCancellationException("$classSimpleName is cancelling")
?: error("Job is still new or active: $this")
is Incomplete -> error("Job is still new or active: $this")
is CompletedExceptionally -> state.cause.toCancellationException()
else -> JobCancellationException("$classSimpleName has completed normally", null, this)
protected fun Throwable.toCancellationException(message: String? = null): CancellationException =
this as? CancellationException ?: defaultCancellationException(message, this)
* Returns the cause that signals the completion of this job -- it returns the original
* [cancel] cause, [CancellationException] or **`null` if this job had completed normally**.
* This function throws [IllegalStateException] when invoked for an job that has not [completed][isCompleted] nor
* is being cancelled yet.
protected val completionCause: Throwable?
get() = when (val state = state) {
is Finishing -> state.rootCause
?: error("Job is still new or active: $this")
is Incomplete -> error("Job is still new or active: $this")
is CompletedExceptionally -> state.cause
else -> null
* Returns `true` when [completionCause] exception was handled by parent coroutine.
protected val completionCauseHandled: Boolean
get() = state.let { it is CompletedExceptionally && it.handled }
public final override fun invokeOnCompletion(handler: CompletionHandler): DisposableHandle =
invokeImmediately = true,
node = InvokeOnCompletion(handler),
public final override fun invokeOnCompletion(onCancelling: Boolean, invokeImmediately: Boolean, handler: CompletionHandler): DisposableHandle =
invokeImmediately = invokeImmediately,
node = if (onCancelling) {
} else {
internal fun invokeOnCompletionInternal(
invokeImmediately: Boolean,
node: JobNode
): DisposableHandle {
node.job = this
// Create node upfront -- for common cases it just initializes JobNode.job field,
// for user-defined handlers it allocates a JobNode object that we might not need, but this is Ok.
val added = tryPutNodeIntoList(node) { state, list ->
if (node.onCancelling) {
* We are querying whether the job was already cancelled when we entered this block.
* We can't naively attempt to add the node to the list, because a lot of time could pass between
* notifying the cancellation handlers (and thus closing the list, forcing us to retry)
* and reaching a final state.
* Alternatively, we could also try to add the node to the list first and then read the latest state
* to check for an exception, but that logic would need to manually handle the final state, which is
* less straightforward.
val rootCause = (state as? Finishing)?.rootCause
if (rootCause == null) {
* There is no known root cause yet, so we can add the node to the list of state handlers.
* If this call fails, because of the bitmask, this means one of the two happened:
* - [notifyCancelling] was already called.
* This means that the job is already being cancelled: otherwise, with what exception would we
* notify the handler?
* So, we can retry the operation: either the state is already final, or the `rootCause` check
* above will give a different result.
* - [notifyCompletion] was already called.
* This means that the job is already complete.
* We can retry the operation and will observe the final state.
} else {
* The root cause is known, so we can invoke the handler immediately and avoid adding it.
if (invokeImmediately) node.invoke(rootCause)
return NonDisposableHandle
} else {
* The non-[onCancelling]-handlers are interested in completions only, so it's safe to add them at
* any time before [notifyCompletion] is called (which closes the list).
* If the list *is* closed, on a retry, we'll observe the final state, as [notifyCompletion] is only
* called after the state transition.
when {
added -> return node
invokeImmediately -> node.invoke((state as? CompletedExceptionally)?.cause)
return NonDisposableHandle
* Puts [node] into the current state's list of completion handlers.
* Returns `false` if the state is already complete and doesn't accept new handlers.
* Returns `true` if the handler was successfully added to the list.
* [tryAdd] is invoked when the state is [Incomplete] and the list is not `null`, to decide on the specific
* behavior in this case. It must return
* - `true` if the element was successfully added to the list
* - `false` if the operation needs to be retried
private inline fun tryPutNodeIntoList(
node: JobNode,
tryAdd: (Incomplete, NodeList) -> Boolean
): Boolean {
loopOnState { state ->
when (state) {
is Empty -> { // EMPTY_X state -- no completion handlers
if (state.isActive) {
// try to move to the SINGLE state
if (_state.compareAndSet(state, node)) return true
} else
promoteEmptyToNodeList(state) // that way we can add listener for non-active coroutine
is Incomplete -> when (val list = state.list) {
null -> promoteSingleToNodeList(state as JobNode)
else -> if (tryAdd(state, list)) return true
else -> return false
private fun promoteEmptyToNodeList(state: Empty) {
// try to promote it to LIST state with the corresponding state
val list = NodeList()
val update = if (state.isActive) list else InactiveNodeList(list)
_state.compareAndSet(state, update)
private fun promoteSingleToNodeList(state: JobNode) {
// try to promote it to list (SINGLE+ state)
// it must be in SINGLE+ state or state has changed (node could have need removed from state)
val list = state.nextNode // either our NodeList or somebody else won the race, updated state
// just attempt converting it to list if state is still the same, then we'll continue lock-free loop
_state.compareAndSet(state, list)
public final override suspend fun join() {
if (!joinInternal()) { // fast-path no wait
return // do not suspend
return joinSuspend() // slow-path wait
private fun joinInternal(): Boolean {
loopOnState { state ->
if (state !is Incomplete) return false // not active anymore (complete) -- no need to wait
if (startInternal(state) >= 0) return true // wait unless need to retry
private suspend fun joinSuspend() = suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
// We have to invoke join() handler only on cancellation, on completion we will be resumed regularly without handlers
cont.disposeOnCancellation(invokeOnCompletion(handler = ResumeOnCompletion(cont)))
public final override val onJoin: SelectClause0
get() = SelectClause0Impl(
clauseObject = this@JobSupport,
regFunc = JobSupport::registerSelectForOnJoin as RegistrationFunction
private fun registerSelectForOnJoin(select: SelectInstance<*>, ignoredParam: Any?) {
if (!joinInternal()) {
val disposableHandle = invokeOnCompletion(handler = SelectOnJoinCompletionHandler(select))
private inner class SelectOnJoinCompletionHandler(
private val select: SelectInstance<*>
) : JobNode() {
override val onCancelling: Boolean get() = false
override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) {
select.trySelect(this@JobSupport, Unit)
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
internal fun removeNode(node: JobNode) {
// remove logic depends on the state of the job
loopOnState { state ->
when (state) {
is JobNode -> { // SINGE/SINGLE+ state -- one completion handler
if (state !== node) return // a different job node --> we were already removed
// try remove and revert back to empty state
if (_state.compareAndSet(state, EMPTY_ACTIVE)) return
is Incomplete -> { // may have a list of completion handlers
// remove node from the list if there is a list
if (state.list != null) node.remove()
else -> return // it is complete and does not have any completion handlers
* Returns `true` for job that do not have "body block" to complete and should immediately go into
* completing state and start waiting for children.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
internal open val onCancelComplete: Boolean get() = false
// external cancel with cause, never invoked implicitly from internal machinery
public override fun cancel(cause: CancellationException?) {
cancelInternal(cause ?: defaultCancellationException())
protected open fun cancellationExceptionMessage(): String = "Job was cancelled"
// HIDDEN in Job interface. Invoked only by legacy compiled code.
// external cancel with (optional) cause, never invoked implicitly from internal machinery
@Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "Added since 1.2.0 for binary compatibility with versions <= 1.1.x")
public override fun cancel(cause: Throwable?): Boolean {
cancelInternal(cause?.toCancellationException() ?: defaultCancellationException())
return true
// It is overridden in channel-linked implementation
public open fun cancelInternal(cause: Throwable) {
// Parent is cancelling child
public final override fun parentCancelled(parentJob: ParentJob) {
* Child was cancelled with a cause.
* In this method parent decides whether it cancels itself (e.g. on a critical failure) and whether it handles the exception of the child.
* It is overridden in supervisor implementations to completely ignore any child cancellation.
* Returns `true` if exception is handled, `false` otherwise (then caller is responsible for handling an exception)
* Invariant: never returns `false` for instances of [CancellationException], otherwise such exception
* may leak to the [CoroutineExceptionHandler].
public open fun childCancelled(cause: Throwable): Boolean {
if (cause is CancellationException) return true
return cancelImpl(cause) && handlesException
* Makes this [Job] cancelled with a specified [cause].
* It is used in [AbstractCoroutine]-derived classes when there is an internal failure.
public fun cancelCoroutine(cause: Throwable?): Boolean = cancelImpl(cause)
// cause is Throwable or ParentJob when cancelChild was invoked
// returns true is exception was handled, false otherwise
internal fun cancelImpl(cause: Any?): Boolean {
var finalState: Any? = COMPLETING_ALREADY
if (onCancelComplete) {
// make sure it is completing, if cancelMakeCompleting returns state it means it had make it
// completing and had recorded exception
finalState = cancelMakeCompleting(cause)
if (finalState === COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN) return true
if (finalState === COMPLETING_ALREADY) {
finalState = makeCancelling(cause)
return when {
finalState === COMPLETING_ALREADY -> true
finalState === TOO_LATE_TO_CANCEL -> false
else -> {
// cause is Throwable or ParentJob when cancelChild was invoked
// It contains a loop and never returns COMPLETING_RETRY, can return
// COMPLETING_ALREADY -- if already completed/completing
// COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN -- if started waiting for children
// final state -- when completed, for call to afterCompletion
private fun cancelMakeCompleting(cause: Any?): Any? {
loopOnState { state ->
if (state !is Incomplete || state is Finishing && state.isCompleting) {
// already completed/completing, do not even create exception to propose update
val proposedUpdate = CompletedExceptionally(createCauseException(cause))
val finalState = tryMakeCompleting(state, proposedUpdate)
if (finalState !== COMPLETING_RETRY) return finalState
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") // Save a stack frame
internal inline fun defaultCancellationException(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) =
JobCancellationException(message ?: cancellationExceptionMessage(), cause, this)
override fun getChildJobCancellationCause(): CancellationException {
// determine root cancellation cause of this job (why is it cancelling its children?)
val state = this.state
val rootCause = when (state) {
is Finishing -> state.rootCause
is CompletedExceptionally -> state.cause
is Incomplete -> error("Cannot be cancelling child in this state: $state")
else -> null // create exception with the below code on normal completion
return (rootCause as? CancellationException) ?: JobCancellationException("Parent job is ${stateString(state)}", rootCause, this)
// cause is Throwable or ParentJob when cancelChild was invoked
private fun createCauseException(cause: Any?): Throwable = when (cause) {
is Throwable? -> cause ?: defaultCancellationException()
else -> (cause as ParentJob).getChildJobCancellationCause()
// transitions to Cancelling state
// cause is Throwable or ParentJob when cancelChild was invoked
// It contains a loop and never returns COMPLETING_RETRY, can return
// COMPLETING_ALREADY -- if already completing or successfully made cancelling, added exception
// COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN -- if started waiting for children, added exception
// TOO_LATE_TO_CANCEL -- too late to cancel, did not add exception
// final state -- when completed, for call to afterCompletion
private fun makeCancelling(cause: Any?): Any? {
var causeExceptionCache: Throwable? = null // lazily init result of createCauseException(cause)
loopOnState { state ->
when (state) {
is Finishing -> { // already finishing -- collect exceptions
val notifyRootCause = synchronized(state) {
if (state.isSealed) return TOO_LATE_TO_CANCEL // already sealed -- cannot add exception nor mark cancelled
// add exception, do nothing is parent is cancelling child that is already being cancelled
val wasCancelling = state.isCancelling // will notify if was not cancelling
// Materialize missing exception if it is the first exception (otherwise -- don't)
if (cause != null || !wasCancelling) {
val causeException = causeExceptionCache ?: createCauseException(cause).also { causeExceptionCache = it }
// take cause for notification if was not in cancelling state before
state.rootCause.takeIf { !wasCancelling }
notifyRootCause?.let { notifyCancelling(state.list, it) }
is Incomplete -> {
// Not yet finishing -- try to make it cancelling
val causeException = causeExceptionCache ?: createCauseException(cause).also { causeExceptionCache = it }
if (state.isActive) {
// active state becomes cancelling
if (tryMakeCancelling(state, causeException)) return COMPLETING_ALREADY
} else {
// non active state starts completing
val finalState = tryMakeCompleting(state, CompletedExceptionally(causeException))
when {
finalState === COMPLETING_ALREADY -> error("Cannot happen in $state")
finalState === COMPLETING_RETRY -> return@loopOnState
else -> return finalState
else -> return TOO_LATE_TO_CANCEL // already complete
// Performs promotion of incomplete coroutine state to NodeList for the purpose of
// converting coroutine state to Cancelling, returns null when need to retry
private fun getOrPromoteCancellingList(state: Incomplete): NodeList? = state.list ?:
when (state) {
is Empty -> NodeList() // we can allocate new empty list that'll get integrated into Cancelling state
is JobNode -> {
// SINGLE/SINGLE+ must be promoted to NodeList first, because otherwise we cannot
// correctly capture a reference to it
null // retry
else -> error("State should have list: $state")
// try make new Cancelling state on the condition that we're still in the expected state
private fun tryMakeCancelling(state: Incomplete, rootCause: Throwable): Boolean {
assert { state !is Finishing } // only for non-finishing states
assert { state.isActive } // only for active states
// get state's list or else promote to list to correctly operate on child lists
val list = getOrPromoteCancellingList(state) ?: return false
// Create cancelling state (with rootCause!)
val cancelling = Finishing(list, false, rootCause)
if (!_state.compareAndSet(state, cancelling)) return false
// Notify listeners
notifyCancelling(list, rootCause)
return true
* Completes this job. Used by [CompletableDeferred.complete] (and exceptionally)
* and by [JobImpl.cancel]. It returns `false` on repeated invocation
* (when this job is already completing).
internal fun makeCompleting(proposedUpdate: Any?): Boolean {
loopOnState { state ->
val finalState = tryMakeCompleting(state, proposedUpdate)
when {
finalState === COMPLETING_ALREADY -> return false
finalState === COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN -> return true
finalState === COMPLETING_RETRY -> return@loopOnState
else -> {
return true
* Completes this job. Used by [AbstractCoroutine.resume].
* It throws [IllegalStateException] on repeated invocation (when this job is already completing).
* Returns:
* - [COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN] if started waiting for children.
* - Final state otherwise (caller should do [afterCompletion])
internal fun makeCompletingOnce(proposedUpdate: Any?): Any? {
loopOnState { state ->
val finalState = tryMakeCompleting(state, proposedUpdate)
when {
finalState === COMPLETING_ALREADY ->
throw IllegalStateException(
"Job $this is already complete or completing, " +
"but is being completed with $proposedUpdate", proposedUpdate.exceptionOrNull
finalState === COMPLETING_RETRY -> return@loopOnState
else -> return finalState // COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN or final state
// Returns one of COMPLETING symbols or final state:
// COMPLETING_ALREADY -- when already complete or completing
// COMPLETING_RETRY -- when need to retry due to interference
// COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN -- when made completing and is waiting for children
// final state -- when completed, for call to afterCompletion
private fun tryMakeCompleting(state: Any?, proposedUpdate: Any?): Any? {
if (state !is Incomplete)
* FAST PATH -- no children to wait for && simple state (no list) && not cancelling => can complete immediately
* Cancellation (failures) always have to go through Finishing state to serialize exception handling.
* Otherwise, there can be a race between (completed state -> handled exception and newly attached child/join)
* which may miss unhandled exception.
if ((state is Empty || state is JobNode) && state !is ChildHandleNode && proposedUpdate !is CompletedExceptionally) {
if (tryFinalizeSimpleState(state, proposedUpdate)) {
// Completed successfully on fast path -- return updated state
return proposedUpdate
// The separate slow-path function to simplify profiling
return tryMakeCompletingSlowPath(state, proposedUpdate)
// Returns one of COMPLETING symbols or final state:
// COMPLETING_ALREADY -- when already complete or completing
// COMPLETING_RETRY -- when need to retry due to interference
// COMPLETING_WAITING_CHILDREN -- when made completing and is waiting for children
// final state -- when completed, for call to afterCompletion
private fun tryMakeCompletingSlowPath(state: Incomplete, proposedUpdate: Any?): Any? {
// get state's list or else promote to list to correctly operate on child lists
val list = getOrPromoteCancellingList(state) ?: return COMPLETING_RETRY
// promote to Finishing state if we are not in it yet
// This promotion has to be atomic w.r.t to state change, so that a coroutine that is not active yet
// atomically transition to finishing & completing state
val finishing = state as? Finishing ?: Finishing(list, false, null)
// must synchronize updates to finishing state
val notifyRootCause: Throwable?
synchronized(finishing) {
// check if this state is already completing
if (finishing.isCompleting) return COMPLETING_ALREADY
// mark as completing
finishing.isCompleting = true
// if we need to promote to finishing, then atomically do it here.
// We do it as early is possible while still holding the lock. This ensures that we cancelImpl asap
// (if somebody else is faster) and we synchronize all the threads on this finishing lock asap.
if (finishing !== state) {
if (!_state.compareAndSet(state, finishing)) return COMPLETING_RETRY
// ## IMPORTANT INVARIANT: Only one thread (that had set isCompleting) can go past this point
assert { !finishing.isSealed } // cannot be sealed
// add new proposed exception to the finishing state
val wasCancelling = finishing.isCancelling
(proposedUpdate as? CompletedExceptionally)?.let { finishing.addExceptionLocked(it.cause) }
// If it just becomes cancelling --> must process cancelling notifications
notifyRootCause = finishing.rootCause.takeIf { !wasCancelling }
// process cancelling notification here -- it cancels all the children _before_ we start to wait them (sic!!!)
notifyRootCause?.let { notifyCancelling(list, it) }
// now wait for children
// we can't close the list yet: while there are active children, adding new ones is still allowed.
val child = list.nextChild()
if (child != null && tryWaitForChild(finishing, child, proposedUpdate))
// turns out, there are no children to await, so we close the list.
// some children could have sneaked into the list, so we try waiting for them again.
// it would be more correct to re-open the list (otherwise, we get non-linearizable behavior),
// but it's too difficult with the current lock-free list implementation.
val anotherChild = list.nextChild()
if (anotherChild != null && tryWaitForChild(finishing, anotherChild, proposedUpdate))
// otherwise -- we have not children left (all were already cancelled?)
return finalizeFinishingState(finishing, proposedUpdate)
private val Any?.exceptionOrNull: Throwable?
get() = (this as? CompletedExceptionally)?.cause
// return false when there is no more incomplete children to wait
// ## IMPORTANT INVARIANT: Only one thread can be concurrently invoking this method.
private tailrec fun tryWaitForChild(state: Finishing, child: ChildHandleNode, proposedUpdate: Any?): Boolean {
val handle = child.childJob.invokeOnCompletion(
invokeImmediately = false,
handler = ChildCompletion(this, state, child, proposedUpdate)
if (handle !== NonDisposableHandle) return true // child is not complete and we've started waiting for it
val nextChild = child.nextChild() ?: return false
return tryWaitForChild(state, nextChild, proposedUpdate)
// ## IMPORTANT INVARIANT: Only one thread can be concurrently invoking this method.
private fun continueCompleting(state: Finishing, lastChild: ChildHandleNode, proposedUpdate: Any?) {
assert { this.state === state } // consistency check -- it cannot change while we are waiting for children
// figure out if we need to wait for the next child
val waitChild = lastChild.nextChild()
// try to wait for the next child
if (waitChild != null && tryWaitForChild(state, waitChild, proposedUpdate)) return // waiting for next child
// no more children to await, so *maybe* we can complete the job; for that, we stop accepting new children.
// potentially, the list can be closed for children more than once: if we detect that there are no more
// children, attempt to close the list, and then new children sneak in, this whole logic will be
// repeated, including closing the list.
// did any new children sneak in?
val waitChildAgain = lastChild.nextChild()
if (waitChildAgain != null && tryWaitForChild(state, waitChildAgain, proposedUpdate)) {
// yes, so now we have to wait for them!
// ideally, we should re-open the list,
// but it's too difficult with the current lock-free list implementation,
// so we'll live with non-linearizable behavior for now.
// no more children, now we are sure; try to update the state
val finalState = finalizeFinishingState(state, proposedUpdate)
private fun LockFreeLinkedListNode.nextChild(): ChildHandleNode? {
var cur = this
while (cur.isRemoved) cur = cur.prevNode // rollback to prev non-removed (or list head)
while (true) {
cur = cur.nextNode
if (cur.isRemoved) continue
if (cur is ChildHandleNode) return cur
if (cur is NodeList) return null // checked all -- no more children
public final override val children: Sequence get() = sequence {
when (val state = [email protected]) {
is ChildHandleNode -> yield(state.childJob)
is Incomplete -> state.list?.let { list ->
list.forEach { if (it is ChildHandleNode) yield(it.childJob) }
public final override fun attachChild(child: ChildJob): ChildHandle {
* Note: This function attaches a special ChildHandleNode node object. This node object
* is handled in a special way on completion on the coroutine (we wait for all of them) and also
* can't be added simply with `invokeOnCompletionInternal` -- we add this node to the list even
* if the job is already cancelling.
* It's required to properly await all children before completion and provide a linearizable hierarchy view:
* If the child is attached when the job is already being cancelled, such a child will receive
* an immediate notification on cancellation,
* but the parent *will* wait for that child before completion and will handle its exception.
val node = ChildHandleNode(child).also { it.job = this }
val added = tryPutNodeIntoList(node) { _, list ->
// First, try to add a child along the cancellation handlers
val addedBeforeCancellation = list.addLast(
if (addedBeforeCancellation) {
// The child managed to be added before the parent started to cancel or complete. Success.
} else {
/* Either cancellation or completion already happened, the child was not added.
* Now we need to try adding it just for completion. */
val addedBeforeCompletion = list.addLast(
* Whether or not we managed to add the child before the parent completed, we need to investigate:
* why didn't we manage to add it before cancellation?
* If it's because cancellation happened in the meantime, we need to notify the child about it.
* We check the latest state because the original state with which we started may not have had
* the information about the cancellation yet.
val rootCause = when (val latestState = this.state) {
is Finishing -> {
// The state is still incomplete, so we need to notify the child about the completion cause.
else -> {
/** Since the list is already closed for [onCancelling], the job is either Finishing or
* already completed. We need to notify the child about the completion cause. */
assert { latestState !is Incomplete }
(latestState as? CompletedExceptionally)?.cause
* We must cancel the child if the parent was cancelled already, even if we successfully attached,
* as this child didn't make it before [notifyCancelling] and won't be notified that it should be
* cancelled.
* And if the parent wasn't cancelled and the previous [LockFreeLinkedListNode.addLast] failed because
* the job is in its final state already, we won't be able to attach anyway, so we must just invoke
* the handler and return.
if (addedBeforeCompletion) {
/** The root cause can't be null: since the earlier addition to the list failed, this means that
* the job was already cancelled or completed. */
assert { rootCause != null }
} else {
/** No sense in retrying: we know it won't succeed, and we already invoked the handler. */
return NonDisposableHandle
if (added) return node
/** We can only end up here if [tryPutNodeIntoList] detected a final state. */
node.invoke((state as? CompletedExceptionally)?.cause)
return NonDisposableHandle
* Override to process any exceptions that were encountered while invoking completion handlers
* installed via [invokeOnCompletion].
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
internal open fun handleOnCompletionException(exception: Throwable) {
throw exception
* This function is invoked once as soon as this job is being cancelled for any reason or completes,
* similarly to [invokeOnCompletion] with `onCancelling` set to `true`.
* The meaning of [cause] parameter:
* - Cause is `null` when the job has completed normally.
* - Cause is an instance of [CancellationException] when the job was cancelled _normally_.
* **It should not be treated as an error**. In particular, it should not be reported to error logs.
* - Otherwise, the job had been cancelled or failed with exception.
* The specified [cause] is not the final cancellation cause of this job.
* A job may produce other exceptions while it is failing and the final cause might be different.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.*
protected open fun onCancelling(cause: Throwable?) {}
* Returns `true` for scoped coroutines.
* Scoped coroutine is a coroutine that is executed sequentially within the enclosing scope without any concurrency.
* Scoped coroutines always handle any exception happened within -- they just rethrow it to the enclosing scope.
* Examples of scoped coroutines are `coroutineScope`, `withTimeout` and `runBlocking`.
protected open val isScopedCoroutine: Boolean get() = false
* Returns `true` for jobs that handle their exceptions or integrate them into the job's result via [onCompletionInternal].
* A valid implementation of this getter should recursively check parent as well before returning `false`.
* The only instance of the [Job] that does not handle its exceptions is [JobImpl] and its subclass [SupervisorJobImpl].
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.*
internal open val handlesException: Boolean get() = true
* Handles the final job [exception] that was not handled by the parent coroutine.
* Returns `true` if it handles exception (so handling at later stages is not needed).
* It is designed to be overridden by launch-like coroutines
* (`StandaloneCoroutine` and `ActorCoroutine`) that don't have a result type
* that can represent exceptions.
* This method is invoked **exactly once** when the final exception of the job is determined
* and before it becomes complete. At the moment of invocation the job and all its children are complete.
protected open fun handleJobException(exception: Throwable): Boolean = false
* Override for completion actions that need to update some external object depending on job's state,
* right before all the waiters for coroutine's completion are notified.
* @param state the final state.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
protected open fun onCompletionInternal(state: Any?) {}
* Override for the very last action on job's completion to resume the rest of the code in
* scoped coroutines. It is called when this job is externally completed in an unknown
* context and thus should resume with a default mode.
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
protected open fun afterCompletion(state: Any?) {}
// for nicer debugging
public override fun toString(): String =
public fun toDebugString(): String = "${nameString()}{${stateString(state)}}"
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
internal open fun nameString(): String = classSimpleName
private fun stateString(state: Any?): String = when (state) {
is Finishing -> when {
state.isCancelling -> "Cancelling"
state.isCompleting -> "Completing"
else -> "Active"
is Incomplete -> if (state.isActive) "Active" else "New"
is CompletedExceptionally -> "Cancelled"
else -> "Completed"
// Completing & Cancelling states,
// All updates are guarded by synchronized(this), reads are volatile
private class Finishing(
override val list: NodeList,
isCompleting: Boolean,
rootCause: Throwable?
) : SynchronizedObject(), Incomplete {
private val _isCompleting = atomic(isCompleting)
var isCompleting: Boolean
get() = _isCompleting.value
set(value) { _isCompleting.value = value }
private val _rootCause = atomic(rootCause)
var rootCause: Throwable? // NOTE: rootCause is kept even when SEALED
get() = _rootCause.value
set(value) { _rootCause.value = value }
private val _exceptionsHolder = atomic(null)
private var exceptionsHolder: Any? // Contains null | Throwable | ArrayList | SEALED
get() = _exceptionsHolder.value
set(value) { _exceptionsHolder.value = value }
// Note: cannot be modified when sealed
val isSealed: Boolean get() = exceptionsHolder === SEALED
val isCancelling: Boolean get() = rootCause != null
override val isActive: Boolean get() = rootCause == null // !isCancelling
// Seals current state and returns list of exceptions
// guarded by `synchronized(this)`
fun sealLocked(proposedException: Throwable?): List {
val list = when(val eh = exceptionsHolder) { // volatile read
null -> allocateList()
is Throwable -> allocateList().also { it.add(eh) }
is ArrayList<*> -> eh as ArrayList
else -> error("State is $eh") // already sealed -- cannot happen
val rootCause = this.rootCause // volatile read
rootCause?.let { list.add(0, it) } // note -- rootCause goes to the beginning
if (proposedException != null && proposedException != rootCause) list.add(proposedException)
exceptionsHolder = SEALED
return list
// guarded by `synchronized(this)`
fun addExceptionLocked(exception: Throwable) {
val rootCause = this.rootCause // volatile read
if (rootCause == null) {
this.rootCause = exception
if (exception === rootCause) return // nothing to do
when (val eh = exceptionsHolder) { // volatile read
null -> exceptionsHolder = exception
is Throwable -> {
if (exception === eh) return // nothing to do
exceptionsHolder = allocateList().apply {
is ArrayList<*> -> (eh as ArrayList).add(exception)
else -> error("State is $eh") // already sealed -- cannot happen
private fun allocateList() = ArrayList(4)
override fun toString(): String =
"Finishing[cancelling=$isCancelling, completing=$isCompleting, rootCause=$rootCause, exceptions=$exceptionsHolder, list=$list]"
private val Incomplete.isCancelling: Boolean
get() = this is Finishing && isCancelling
// Used by parent that is waiting for child completion
private class ChildCompletion(
private val parent: JobSupport,
private val state: Finishing,
private val child: ChildHandleNode,
private val proposedUpdate: Any?
) : JobNode() {
override val onCancelling get() = false
override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) {
parent.continueCompleting(state, child, proposedUpdate)
private class AwaitContinuation(
delegate: Continuation,
private val job: JobSupport
) : CancellableContinuationImpl(delegate, MODE_CANCELLABLE) {
override fun getContinuationCancellationCause(parent: Job): Throwable {
val state = job.state
* When the job we are waiting for had already completely completed exceptionally or
* is failing, we shall use its root/completion cause for await's result.
if (state is Finishing) state.rootCause?.let { return it }
if (state is CompletedExceptionally) return state.cause
return parent.getCancellationException()
override fun nameString(): String =
* =================================================================================================
* This is ready-to-use implementation for Deferred interface.
* However, it is not type-safe. Conceptually it just exposes the value of the underlying
* completed state as `Any?`
* =================================================================================================
public val isCompletedExceptionally: Boolean get() = state is CompletedExceptionally
public fun getCompletionExceptionOrNull(): Throwable? {
val state = this.state
check(state !is Incomplete) { "This job has not completed yet" }
return state.exceptionOrNull
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
internal fun getCompletedInternal(): Any? {
val state = this.state
check(state !is Incomplete) { "This job has not completed yet" }
if (state is CompletedExceptionally) throw state.cause
return state.unboxState()
* @suppress **This is unstable API and it is subject to change.**
protected suspend fun awaitInternal(): Any? {
// fast-path -- check state (avoid extra object creation)
while (true) { // lock-free loop on state
val state = this.state
if (state !is Incomplete) {
// already complete -- just return result
if (state is CompletedExceptionally) { // Slow path to recover stacktrace
return state.unboxState()
if (startInternal(state) >= 0) break // break unless needs to retry
return awaitSuspend() // slow-path
private suspend fun awaitSuspend(): Any? = suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { uCont ->
* Custom code here, so that parent coroutine that is using await
* on its child deferred (async) coroutine would throw the exception that this child had
* thrown and not a JobCancellationException.
val cont = AwaitContinuation(uCont.intercepted(), this)
// we are mimicking suspendCancellableCoroutine here and call initCancellability, too.
cont.disposeOnCancellation(invokeOnCompletion(handler = ResumeAwaitOnCompletion(cont)))
protected val onAwaitInternal: SelectClause1<*> get() = SelectClause1Impl(
clauseObject = this@JobSupport,
regFunc = JobSupport::onAwaitInternalRegFunc as RegistrationFunction,
processResFunc = JobSupport::onAwaitInternalProcessResFunc as ProcessResultFunction
private fun onAwaitInternalRegFunc(select: SelectInstance<*>, ignoredParam: Any?) {
while (true) {
val state = this.state
if (state !is Incomplete) {
val result = if (state is CompletedExceptionally) state else state.unboxState()
if (startInternal(state) >= 0) break // break unless needs to retry
val disposableHandle = invokeOnCompletion(handler = SelectOnAwaitCompletionHandler(select))
private fun onAwaitInternalProcessResFunc(ignoredParam: Any?, result: Any?): Any? {
if (result is CompletedExceptionally) throw result.cause
return result
private inner class SelectOnAwaitCompletionHandler(
private val select: SelectInstance<*>
) : JobNode() {
override val onCancelling get() = false
override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) {
val state = [email protected]
val result = if (state is CompletedExceptionally) state else state.unboxState()
select.trySelect(this@JobSupport, result)
* Class to represent object as the final state of the Job
private class IncompleteStateBox(@JvmField val state: Incomplete)
internal fun Any?.boxIncomplete(): Any? = if (this is Incomplete) IncompleteStateBox(this) else this
internal fun Any?.unboxState(): Any? = (this as? IncompleteStateBox)?.state ?: this
// --------------- helper classes & constants for job implementation
private const val RETRY = -1
private const val FALSE = 0
private const val TRUE = 1
private val SEALED = Symbol("SEALED")
private val EMPTY_NEW = Empty(false)
private val EMPTY_ACTIVE = Empty(true)
// bit mask
private const val LIST_CHILD_PERMISSION = 2
private class Empty(override val isActive: Boolean) : Incomplete {
override val list: NodeList? get() = null
override fun toString(): String = "Empty{${if (isActive) "Active" else "New" }}"
@PublishedApi // for a custom job in the test module
internal open class JobImpl(parent: Job?) : JobSupport(true), CompletableJob {
init { initParentJob(parent) }
override val onCancelComplete get() = true
* Check whether parent is able to handle exceptions as well.
* With this check, an exception in that pattern will be handled once:
* ```
* launch {
* val child = Job(coroutineContext[Job])
* launch(child) { throw ... }
* }
* ```
override val handlesException: Boolean = handlesException()
override fun complete() = makeCompleting(Unit)
override fun completeExceptionally(exception: Throwable): Boolean =
private fun handlesException(): Boolean {
var parentJob = (parentHandle as? ChildHandleNode)?.job ?: return false
while (true) {
if (parentJob.handlesException) return true
parentJob = (parentJob.parentHandle as? ChildHandleNode)?.job ?: return false
// -------- invokeOnCompletion nodes
internal interface Incomplete {
val isActive: Boolean
val list: NodeList? // is null only for Empty and JobNode incomplete state objects
internal abstract class JobNode : LockFreeLinkedListNode(), DisposableHandle, Incomplete {
* Initialized by [JobSupport.invokeOnCompletionInternal].
lateinit var job: JobSupport
* If `false`, [invoke] will be called once the job is cancelled or is complete.
* If `true`, [invoke] is invoked as soon as the job becomes _cancelling_ instead, and if that doesn't happen,
* it will be called once the job is cancelled or is complete.
abstract val onCancelling: Boolean
override val isActive: Boolean get() = true
override val list: NodeList? get() = null
override fun dispose() = job.removeNode(this)
override fun toString() = "$classSimpleName@$hexAddress[job@${job.hexAddress}]"
* Signals completion.
* This function:
* - Does not throw any exceptions.
* For [Job] instances that are coroutines, exceptions thrown by this function will be caught, wrapped into
* [CompletionHandlerException], and passed to [handleCoroutineException], but for those that are not coroutines,
* they will just be rethrown, potentially crashing unrelated code.
* - Is fast, non-blocking, and thread-safe.
* - Can be invoked concurrently with the surrounding code.
* - Can be invoked from any context.
* The meaning of `cause` that is passed to the handler is:
* - It is `null` if the job has completed normally.
* - It is an instance of [CancellationException] if the job was cancelled _normally_.
* **It should not be treated as an error**. In particular, it should not be reported to error logs.
* - Otherwise, the job had _failed_.
* [CompletionHandler] is the user-visible interface for supplying custom implementations of [invoke]
* (see [InvokeOnCompletion] and [InvokeOnCancelling]).
abstract fun invoke(cause: Throwable?)
internal class NodeList : LockFreeLinkedListHead(), Incomplete {
override val isActive: Boolean get() = true
override val list: NodeList get() = this
fun getString(state: String) = buildString {
var first = true
[email protected] { node ->
if (node is JobNode) {
if (first) first = false else append(", ")
override fun toString(): String =
if (DEBUG) getString("Active") else super.toString()
private class InactiveNodeList(
override val list: NodeList
) : Incomplete {
override val isActive: Boolean get() = false
override fun toString(): String = if (DEBUG) list.getString("New") else super.toString()
private class InvokeOnCompletion(
private val handler: CompletionHandler
) : JobNode() {
override val onCancelling get() = false
override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) = handler.invoke(cause)
private class ResumeOnCompletion(
private val continuation: Continuation
) : JobNode() {
override val onCancelling get() = false
override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) = continuation.resume(Unit)
private class ResumeAwaitOnCompletion(
private val continuation: CancellableContinuationImpl
) : JobNode() {
override val onCancelling get() = false
override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) {
val state = job.state
assert { state !is Incomplete }
if (state is CompletedExceptionally) {
// Resume with with the corresponding exception to preserve it
} else {
// Resuming with value in a cancellable way (AwaitContinuation is configured for this mode).
continuation.resume(state.unboxState() as T)
// -------- invokeOnCancellation nodes
private class InvokeOnCancelling(
private val handler: CompletionHandler
) : JobNode() {
// delegate handler shall be invoked at most once, so here is an additional flag
private val _invoked = atomic(false)
override val onCancelling get() = true
override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) {
if (_invoked.compareAndSet(expect = false, update = true)) handler.invoke(cause)
private class ChildHandleNode(
@JvmField val childJob: ChildJob
) : JobNode(), ChildHandle {
override val parent: Job get() = job
override val onCancelling: Boolean get() = true
override fun invoke(cause: Throwable?) = childJob.parentCancelled(job)
override fun childCancelled(cause: Throwable): Boolean = job.childCancelled(cause)