commonMain.selects.OnTimeout.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package kotlinx.coroutines.selects
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.time.*
* Clause that selects the given [block] after a specified timeout passes.
* If timeout is negative or zero, [block] is selected immediately.
* **Note: This is an experimental api.** It may be replaced with light-weight timer/timeout channels in the future.
* @param timeMillis timeout time in milliseconds.
public fun SelectBuilder.onTimeout(timeMillis: Long, block: suspend () -> R): Unit =
* Clause that selects the given [block] after the specified [timeout] passes.
* If timeout is negative or zero, [block] is selected immediately.
* **Note: This is an experimental api.** It may be replaced with light-weight timer/timeout channels in the future.
public fun SelectBuilder.onTimeout(timeout: Duration, block: suspend () -> R): Unit =
onTimeout(timeout.toDelayMillis(), block)
* We implement [SelectBuilder.onTimeout] as a clause, so each invocation creates
* an instance of [OnTimeout] that specifies the registration part according to
* the [timeout][timeMillis] parameter.
private class OnTimeout(
private val timeMillis: Long
) {
val selectClause: SelectClause0
get() = SelectClause0Impl(
clauseObject = this@OnTimeout,
regFunc = OnTimeout::register as RegistrationFunction
private fun register(select: SelectInstance<*>, ignoredParam: Any?) {
// Should this clause complete immediately?
if (timeMillis <= 0) {
// Invoke `trySelect` after the timeout is reached.
val action = Runnable {
select.trySelect(this@OnTimeout, Unit)
select as SelectImplementation<*>
val context = select.context
val disposableHandle = context.delay.invokeOnTimeout(timeMillis, action, context)
// Do not forget to clean-up when this `select` is completed or cancelled.