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commonMain.Segment.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2017-2024 JetBrains s.r.o. and respective authors and developers.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENCE file.

 * Copyright (C) 2014 Square, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 * limitations under the License.

import kotlin.jvm.JvmField
import kotlin.jvm.JvmSynthetic

 * Tracks shared segment copies.
 * A new [SegmentCopyTracker] instance should be not shared by default (i.e. `shared == false`).
 * Any further [addCopy] calls should move the tracker to a shared state (i.e. `shared == true`).
 * Once a shared segment copy is recycled, [removeCopy] should be called.
 * Depending on implementation, calling [removeCopy] the same number of times as [addCopy] may
 * or may not transition the tracked back to unshared stated.
 * The class is not intended for public use and currently designed to fit the only use case - within JVM SegmentPool
 * implementation.
internal abstract class SegmentCopyTracker {
     * `true` if a tracker shared by multiple segment copies.
    abstract val shared: Boolean

     * Track a new copy created by sharing an associated segment.
    abstract fun addCopy()

     * Records reclamation of a shared segment copy associated with this tracker.
     * If a tracker was in unshared state, this call should not affect an internal state.
     * @return `true` if the segment was not shared *before* this called.
    abstract fun removeCopy(): Boolean

 * Simple [SegmentCopyTracker] that always reports shared state.
internal object AlwaysSharedCopyTracker : SegmentCopyTracker() {
    override val shared: Boolean get() = true
    override fun addCopy() = Unit
    override fun removeCopy(): Boolean = true

 * A segment of a buffer.
 * Each segment in a buffer is a doubly-linked list node referencing the following and
 * preceding segments in the buffer.
 * Each segment in the pool is a singly-linked list node referencing the rest of segments in the pool.
 * The underlying byte arrays of segments may be shared between buffers and byte strings. When a
 * segment's byte array is shared the segment may not be recycled, nor may its byte data be changed.
 * The lone exception is that the owner segment is allowed to append to the segment, writing data at
 * `limit` and beyond. There is a single owning segment for each byte array. Positions,
 * limits, prev, and next references are not shared.
public class Segment {
    private val data: ByteArray

    /** The next byte of application data byte to read in this segment. */
    internal var pos: Int = 0

     * The first byte of available data ready to be written to.
     * If the segment is free and linked in the segment pool, the field contains total
     * byte count of this and next segments.
    internal var limit: Int = 0

    /** True if other segments or byte strings use the same byte array. */
    internal val shared: Boolean
        get() = copyTracker?.shared ?: false

     * Tracks number shared copies
     * Note that this reference is not `@Volatile` as segments are not thread-safe and it's an error
     * to modify the same segment concurrently.
     * At the same time, an object [copyTracker] refers to could be modified concurrently.
    internal var copyTracker: SegmentCopyTracker? = null

    /** True if this segment owns the byte array and can append to it, extending `limit`. */
    internal var owner: Boolean = false

    /** Next segment in a list, or null. */
    internal var next: Segment? = null

    /** Previous segment in the list, or null. */
    internal var prev: Segment? = null

    private constructor() { = ByteArray(SIZE)
        this.owner = true
        this.copyTracker = null

    private constructor(data: ByteArray, pos: Int, limit: Int, shareToken: SegmentCopyTracker?, owner: Boolean) { = data
        this.pos = pos
        this.limit = limit
        this.copyTracker = shareToken
        this.owner = owner

     * Returns a new segment that shares the underlying byte array with this. Adjusting pos and limit
     * are safe but writes are forbidden. This also marks the current segment as shared, which
     * prevents it from being pooled.
    internal fun sharedCopy(): Segment {
        val t = copyTracker ?: SegmentPool.tracker().also {
            copyTracker = it
        return Segment(data, pos, limit, t.also { it.addCopy() }, false)

     * Removes this segment of a list and returns its successor.
     * Returns null if the list is now empty.
    internal fun pop(): Segment? {
        val result =
        if (this.prev != null) {
            this.prev!!.next =
        if ( != null) {
  !!.prev = this.prev
        } = null
        this.prev = null
        return result

     * Appends `segment` after this segment in the list. Returns the pushed segment.
    internal fun push(segment: Segment): Segment {
        segment.prev = this =
        if ( != null) {
  !!.prev = segment
        } = segment
        return segment

     * Splits this head of a list into two segments. The first segment contains the
     * data in `[pos..pos+byteCount)`. The second segment contains the data in
     * `[pos+byteCount..limit)`. This can be useful when moving partial segments from one buffer to
     * another.
     * Returns the new head of the list.
    internal fun split(byteCount: Int): Segment {
        require(byteCount > 0 && byteCount <= limit - pos) { "byteCount out of range" }
        val prefix: Segment

        // We have two competing performance goals:
        //  - Avoid copying data. We accomplish this by sharing segments.
        //  - Avoid short shared segments. These are bad for performance because they are readonly and
        //    may lead to long chains of short segments.
        // To balance these goals we only share segments when the copy will be large.
        if (byteCount >= SHARE_MINIMUM) {
            prefix = sharedCopy()
        } else {
            prefix = SegmentPool.take()
            data.copyInto(, startIndex = pos, endIndex = pos + byteCount)

        prefix.limit = prefix.pos + byteCount
        pos += byteCount
        if (this.prev != null) {
        } else {
   = this
            this.prev = prefix
        return prefix

     * Call this when the tail and its predecessor may both be less than half full. This will copy
     * data so that segments can be recycled.
    internal fun compact(): Segment {
        check(this.prev != null) { "cannot compact" }
        if (!this.prev!!.owner) return this // Cannot compact: prev isn't writable.
        val byteCount = limit - pos
        val availableByteCount = SIZE - this.prev!!.limit + if (this.prev!!.shared) 0 else this.prev!!.pos
        if (byteCount > availableByteCount) return this // Cannot compact: not enough writable space.
        val predecessor = this.prev
        writeTo(predecessor!!, byteCount)
        val successor = pop()
        check(successor == null)
        return predecessor

    internal fun writeByte(byte: Byte) {
        data[limit++] = byte

    internal fun writeShort(short: Short) {
        val data = data
        var limit = limit
        data[limit++] = (short.toInt() ushr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (short.toInt() and 0xff).toByte()
        this.limit = limit

    internal fun writeInt(int: Int) {
        val data = data
        var limit = limit
        data[limit++] = (int ushr 24 and 0xff).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (int ushr 16 and 0xff).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (int ushr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (int and 0xff).toByte()
        this.limit = limit

    internal fun writeLong(long: Long) {
        val data = data
        var limit = limit
        data[limit++] = (long ushr 56 and 0xffL).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (long ushr 48 and 0xffL).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (long ushr 40 and 0xffL).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (long ushr 32 and 0xffL).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (long ushr 24 and 0xffL).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (long ushr 16 and 0xffL).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (long ushr 8 and 0xffL).toByte()
        data[limit++] = (long and 0xffL).toByte()
        this.limit = limit

    internal fun readByte(): Byte {
        return data[pos++]

    internal fun readShort(): Short {
        val data = data
        var pos = pos
        val s = (data[pos++] and 0xff shl 8 or (data[pos++] and 0xff)).toShort()
        this.pos = pos
        return s

    internal fun readInt(): Int {
        val data = data
        var pos = pos
        val i = (
                data[pos++] and 0xff shl 24
                        or (data[pos++] and 0xff shl 16)
                        or (data[pos++] and 0xff shl 8)
                        or (data[pos++] and 0xff)
        this.pos = pos
        return i

    internal fun readLong(): Long {
        val data = data
        var pos = pos
        val v = (
                data[pos++] and 0xffL shl 56
                        or (data[pos++] and 0xffL shl 48)
                        or (data[pos++] and 0xffL shl 40)
                        or (data[pos++] and 0xffL shl 32)
                        or (data[pos++] and 0xffL shl 24)
                        or (data[pos++] and 0xffL shl 16)
                        or (data[pos++] and 0xffL shl 8)
                        or (data[pos++] and 0xffL)
        this.pos = pos
        return v

    /** Moves `byteCount` bytes from this segment to `sink`.  */
    internal fun writeTo(sink: Segment, byteCount: Int) {
        check(sink.owner) { "only owner can write" }
        if (sink.limit + byteCount > SIZE) {
            // We can't fit byteCount bytes at the sink's current position. Shift sink first.
            if (sink.shared) throw IllegalArgumentException()
            if (sink.limit + byteCount - sink.pos > SIZE) throw IllegalArgumentException()
  , startIndex = sink.pos, endIndex = sink.limit)
            sink.limit -= sink.pos
            sink.pos = 0

  , destinationOffset = sink.limit, startIndex = pos,
            endIndex = pos + byteCount
        sink.limit += byteCount
        pos += byteCount

    internal fun readTo(dst: ByteArray, dstStartOffset: Int, dstEndOffset: Int) {
        val len = dstEndOffset - dstStartOffset
        data.copyInto(dst, dstStartOffset, pos, pos + len)
        pos += len

    internal fun write(src: ByteArray, srcStartOffset: Int, srcEndOffset: Int) {
        src.copyInto(data, limit, srcStartOffset, srcEndOffset)
        limit += srcEndOffset - srcStartOffset

    internal val size: Int
        get() = limit - pos

    internal val remainingCapacity: Int
        get() = data.size - limit

     * Return a byte-array view over internal data.
     * Returned array contains data layed out so that a readable slice starts at
     * [Segment.pos] and ends at [Segment.limit], writable slice starts at [Segment.limit]
     * and spans over [Segment.remainingCapacity] bytes.
     * This method exists only to preserve binary compatibility if a segment's internal
     * container eventually changes from ByteArray to something else.
    internal fun dataAsByteArray(readOnly: Boolean): ByteArray = data

     * Write back all modifications that were made to a view returned from [dataAsByteArray].
     * This method exists only to preserve binary compatibility if a segment's internal
     * container eventually changes from ByteArray to something else.
    internal fun writeBackData(data: ByteArray, bytesToCommit: Int): Unit = Unit

    internal fun getUnchecked(index: Int): Byte {
        return data[pos + index]

    internal fun setUnchecked(index: Int, value: Byte) {
        data[limit + index] = value

    internal fun setUnchecked(index: Int, b0: Byte, b1: Byte) {
        val d = data
        val l = limit
        d[l + index] = b0
        d[l + index + 1] = b1

    internal fun setUnchecked(index: Int, b0: Byte, b1: Byte, b2: Byte) {
        val d = data
        val l = limit
        d[l + index] = b0
        d[l + index + 1] = b1
        d[l + index + 2] = b2

    internal fun setUnchecked(index: Int, b0: Byte, b1: Byte, b2: Byte, b3: Byte) {
        val d = data
        val l = limit
        d[l + index] = b0
        d[l + index + 1] = b1
        d[l + index + 2] = b2
        d[l + index + 3] = b3

    internal companion object {
        /** The size of all segments in bytes.  */
        internal const val SIZE = 8192

        /** Segments will be shared when doing so avoids `arraycopy()` of this many bytes.  */
        internal const val SHARE_MINIMUM = 1024

        internal fun new(): Segment = Segment()

        internal fun new(
            data: ByteArray,
            pos: Int,
            limit: Int,
            copyTracker: SegmentCopyTracker?,
            owner: Boolean
        ): Segment = Segment(data, pos, limit, copyTracker, owner)

internal fun Segment.indexOf(byte: Byte, startOffset: Int, endOffset: Int): Int {
    require(startOffset in 0 until size) {
    require(endOffset in startOffset..size) {
    val p = pos
    val data = dataAsByteArray(true)
    for (idx in startOffset until endOffset) {
        if (data[p + idx] == byte) {
            return idx
    return -1

 * Searches for a `bytes` pattern within this segment starting at the offset `startOffset`.
 * `startOffset` is relative and should be within `[0, size)`.
internal fun Segment.indexOfBytesInbound(bytes: ByteArray, startOffset: Int): Int {
    var offset = startOffset
    val limit = size - bytes.size + 1
    val firstByte = bytes[0]
    val data = dataAsByteArray(true)
    while (offset < limit) {
        val idx = indexOf(firstByte, offset, limit)
        if (idx < 0) {
            return -1
        var found = true
        for (innerIdx in 1 until bytes.size) {
            if (data[pos + idx + innerIdx] != bytes[innerIdx]) {
                found = false
        if (found) {
            return idx
        } else {
    return -1

 * Searches for a `bytes` pattern starting in between offset `startOffset` and `size` within this segment
 * and continued in the following segments.
 * `startOffset` is relative and should be within `[0, size)`.
internal fun Segment.indexOfBytesOutbound(bytes: ByteArray, startOffset: Int): Int {
    var offset = startOffset
    val firstByte = bytes[0]

    while (offset in 0 until size) {
        val idx = indexOf(firstByte, offset, size)
        if (idx < 0) {
            return -1
        // The pattern should start in this segment
        var seg = this
        var data = seg.dataAsByteArray(true)
        var scanOffset = offset

        var found = true
        for (element in bytes) {
            // We ran out of bytes in this segment,
            // so let's take the next one and continue the scan there.
            if (scanOffset == seg.size) {
                val next = ?: return -1
                seg = next
                data = seg.dataAsByteArray(true)
                scanOffset = 0 // we're scanning the next segment right from the beginning
            if (element != data[seg.pos + scanOffset]) {
                found = false
        if (found) {
            return offset
    return -1

internal fun Segment.isEmpty(): Boolean = size == 0

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