jsMain.kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.DynamicDecoders.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Kotlin multiplatform serialization runtime library
* Copyright 2017-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.serialization.json.internal
import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.*
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.*
import kotlinx.serialization.internal.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
import kotlinx.serialization.modules.*
import kotlin.math.*
* [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/MAX_SAFE_INTEGER]
internal const val MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: Double = 9007199254740991.toDouble() // 2^53 - 1
internal fun Json.decodeDynamic(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy, dynamic: dynamic): T {
val input = when (jsTypeOf(dynamic)) {
"boolean", "number", "string" -> PrimitiveDynamicInput(dynamic, this)
else -> {
if (js("Array.isArray(dynamic)")) {
DynamicListInput(dynamic, this)
} else {
DynamicInput(dynamic, this)
return input.decodeSerializableValue(deserializer)
private open class DynamicInput(
protected val value: dynamic,
override val json: Json
) : NamedValueDecoder(), JsonDecoder {
protected val keys: dynamic = js("Object").keys(value ?: js("{}"))
protected open val size: Int = keys.length as Int
private var forceNull: Boolean = false
override val serializersModule: SerializersModule
get() = json.serializersModule
private var currentPosition = 0
override fun decodeJsonElement(): JsonElement {
val tag = currentTagOrNull
if (tag != null) { // reading a nested value, not the current one
return json.decodeFromDynamic(JsonElement.serializer(), value[tag])
if (value == null) {
return JsonNull
return buildJsonObject {
for (i in 0 until size) {
val key = keys[i]
val value = json.decodeDynamic(JsonElement.serializer(), value[key])
put(key.toString(), value)
override fun decodeSerializableValue(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy): T {
return decodeSerializableValuePolymorphic(deserializer)
private fun coerceInputValue(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, index: Int, tag: String): Boolean =
{ getByTag(tag) == null },
{ getByTag(tag) as? String }
override fun composeName(parentName: String, childName: String): String = childName
override fun decodeElementIndex(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): Int {
while (currentPosition < descriptor.elementsCount) {
val name = descriptor.getTag(currentPosition++)
val index = currentPosition - 1
forceNull = false
if ((hasName(name) || absenceIsNull(descriptor, index)) && (!json.configuration.coerceInputValues || !coerceInputValue(descriptor, index, name))) {
return index
return CompositeDecoder.DECODE_DONE
private fun hasName(name: String) = value[name] !== undefined
private fun absenceIsNull(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): Boolean {
forceNull = !json.configuration.explicitNulls
&& !descriptor.isElementOptional(index) && descriptor.getElementDescriptor(index).isNullable
return forceNull
override fun elementName(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): String {
val mainName = desc.getElementName(index)
if (!json.configuration.useAlternativeNames) return mainName
// Fast path, do not go through Map.get
// Note, it blocks ability to detect collisions between the primary name and alternate,
// but it eliminates a significant performance penalty (about -15% without this optimization)
if (hasName(mainName)) return mainName
// Slow path
val alternativeNamesMap =
json.schemaCache.getOrPut(desc, JsonAlternativeNamesKey, desc::buildAlternativeNamesMap)
val nameInObject = (keys as Array).find { alternativeNamesMap[it] == index }
return nameInObject ?: mainName
override fun decodeTaggedEnum(tag: String, enumDescriptor: SerialDescriptor): Int {
val byTag = getByTag(tag)
val enumValue = byTag as? String ?: throw SerializationException("Enum value must be a string, got '$byTag'")
return enumDescriptor.getJsonNameIndexOrThrow(json, enumValue)
protected open fun getByTag(tag: String): dynamic = value[tag]
override fun decodeTaggedChar(tag: String): Char {
return when (val value = getByTag(tag)) {
is String -> if (value.length == 1) value[0] else throw SerializationException("$value can't be represented as Char")
is Number -> value.toChar()
else -> throw SerializationException("$value can't be represented as Char")
override fun decodeTaggedLong(tag: String): Long {
val value = getByTag(tag)
val number = value as? Double ?: throw SerializationException("$value is not a Number")
return toJavascriptLong(number)
protected fun toJavascriptLong(number: Double): Long {
val canBeConverted = number.isFinite() && floor(number) == number
if (!canBeConverted)
throw SerializationException("$number can't be represented as Long because it is not finite or has non-zero fractional part")
val inBound = abs(number) <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
if (!inBound)
throw SerializationException("$number can't be deserialized to Long due to a potential precision loss")
return number.toLong()
override fun decodeTaggedValue(tag: String): Any {
val o = getByTag(tag) ?: throwMissingTag(tag)
return o as Any
override fun decodeTaggedNotNullMark(tag: String): Boolean {
if (forceNull) {
return false
val o = getByTag(tag)
if (o === undefined) throwMissingTag(tag)
@Suppress("SENSELESS_COMPARISON") // null !== undefined !
return o != null
private fun throwMissingTag(tag: String) {
throw SerializationException("Value for field $tag is missing")
override fun beginStructure(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): CompositeDecoder {
val currentValue = currentTagOrNull?.let { value[it] } ?: value
val kind = when (descriptor.kind) {
is PolymorphicKind -> {
if (json.configuration.useArrayPolymorphism) StructureKind.LIST
else StructureKind.MAP
else -> descriptor.kind
return when (kind) {
StructureKind.LIST -> DynamicListInput(currentValue, json)
StructureKind.MAP -> DynamicMapInput(currentValue, json)
else -> DynamicInput(currentValue, json)
private class DynamicMapInput(
value: dynamic,
json: Json,
) : DynamicInput(value, json) {
override val size: Int = (keys.length as Int) * 2
private var currentPosition = -1
private val isKey: Boolean get() = currentPosition % 2 == 0
override fun elementName(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): String {
val i = index / 2
return keys[i] as String
* Decode tagger primitives rationale:
* In JS, key type of js("{1:2}") is String for any primitive.
* In order to properly deserialize them, we should additionally check
* for String type, to properly handle it
private fun throwIllegalKeyType(tag: String, value: Any, type: String): Nothing {
throw SerializationException("Property $tag is not valid type $type: $value")
override fun decodeTaggedByte(tag: String): Byte =
decodeMapKey(tag, "byte", { super.decodeTaggedByte(tag) }, { toByteOrNull() })
override fun decodeTaggedShort(tag: String): Short =
decodeMapKey(tag, "short", { super.decodeTaggedShort(tag) }, { toShortOrNull() })
override fun decodeTaggedInt(tag: String): Int =
decodeMapKey(tag, "int", { super.decodeTaggedInt(tag) }, { toIntOrNull() })
override fun decodeTaggedLong(tag: String): Long = decodeMapKey(tag, "long", { super.decodeTaggedLong(tag) }) {
toJavascriptLong(toDoubleOrNull() ?: throwIllegalKeyType(tag, this, "long"))
override fun decodeTaggedFloat(tag: String): Float =
decodeMapKey(tag, "float", { super.decodeTaggedFloat(tag) }, { toFloatOrNull() })
override fun decodeTaggedDouble(tag: String): Double =
decodeMapKey(tag, "double", { super.decodeTaggedDouble(tag) }, { toDoubleOrNull() })
private inline fun decodeMapKey(
tag: String,
type: String,
decode: (tag: String) -> T,
cast: String.() -> T?
): T {
if (isKey) {
val value = decodeTaggedValue(tag)
if (value !is String) return decode(tag)
return value.toString().cast() ?: throwIllegalKeyType(tag, value, type)
return decode(tag)
override fun decodeElementIndex(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): Int {
while (currentPosition < size - 1) {
val i = currentPosition++ / 2
val name = keys[i] as String
if (this.value[name] !== undefined) return currentPosition
return CompositeDecoder.DECODE_DONE
override fun getByTag(tag: String): dynamic {
return if (currentPosition % 2 == 0) tag else value[tag]
private class DynamicListInput(
value: dynamic,
json: Json,
) : DynamicInput(value, json) {
override val size = value.length as Int
private var currentPosition = -1
override fun elementName(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): String = (index).toString()
override fun decodeElementIndex(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): Int {
while (currentPosition < size - 1) {
val o = value[++currentPosition]
if (o !== undefined) return currentPosition
return CompositeDecoder.DECODE_DONE
override fun decodeJsonElement(): JsonElement {
val tag = currentTagOrNull
if (tag != null) { // reading a nested value, not the current one
return json.decodeFromDynamic(JsonElement.serializer(), value[tag])
return buildJsonArray {
for (i in 0 until size) {
add(json.decodeFromDynamic(JsonElement.serializer(), value[i]))
private class PrimitiveDynamicInput(
value: dynamic,
json: Json,
) : DynamicInput(value, json) {
init {
override fun getByTag(tag: String): dynamic = value
override fun decodeJsonElement(): JsonElement {
val str = value.toString()
return when (jsTypeOf(value)) {
"boolean" -> JsonPrimitive(str.toBoolean())
"number" -> {
val l = str.toLongOrNull()
if (l != null) return JsonPrimitive(l)
val d = str.toDoubleOrNull()
if (d != null) return JsonPrimitive(d)
return JsonPrimitive(str)
else -> JsonPrimitive(str)