commonMain.kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.TreeJsonEncoder.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Kotlin multiplatform serialization runtime library
* Copyright 2017-2022 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.serialization.json.internal
import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.*
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.*
import kotlinx.serialization.internal.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
import kotlinx.serialization.modules.*
import kotlin.collections.set
import kotlin.jvm.*
public fun Json.writeJson(value: T, serializer: SerializationStrategy): JsonElement {
lateinit var result: JsonElement
val encoder = JsonTreeEncoder(this) { result = it }
encoder.encodeSerializableValue(serializer, value)
return result
private sealed class AbstractJsonTreeEncoder(
final override val json: Json,
private val nodeConsumer: (JsonElement) -> Unit
) : NamedValueEncoder(), JsonEncoder {
final override val serializersModule: SerializersModule
get() = json.serializersModule
protected val configuration = json.configuration
private var polymorphicDiscriminator: String? = null
override fun encodeJsonElement(element: JsonElement) {
encodeSerializableValue(JsonElementSerializer, element)
override fun shouldEncodeElementDefault(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): Boolean =
override fun composeName(parentName: String, childName: String): String = childName
abstract fun putElement(key: String, element: JsonElement)
abstract fun getCurrent(): JsonElement
// has no tag when encoding a nullable element at root level
override fun encodeNotNullMark() {}
// has no tag when encoding a nullable element at root level
override fun encodeNull() {
val tag = currentTagOrNull ?: return nodeConsumer(JsonNull)
override fun encodeTaggedNull(tag: String) = putElement(tag, JsonNull)
override fun encodeTaggedInt(tag: String, value: Int) = putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(value))
override fun encodeTaggedByte(tag: String, value: Byte) = putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(value))
override fun encodeTaggedShort(tag: String, value: Short) = putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(value))
override fun encodeTaggedLong(tag: String, value: Long) = putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(value))
override fun encodeTaggedFloat(tag: String, value: Float) {
// First encode value, then check, to have a prettier error message
putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(value))
if (!configuration.allowSpecialFloatingPointValues && !value.isFinite()) {
throw InvalidFloatingPointEncoded(value, tag, getCurrent().toString())
override fun encodeSerializableValue(serializer: SerializationStrategy, value: T) {
// Writing non-structured data (i.e. primitives) on top-level (e.g. without any tag) requires special output
if (currentTagOrNull != null || !serializer.descriptor.carrierDescriptor(serializersModule).requiresTopLevelTag) {
encodePolymorphically(serializer, value) { polymorphicDiscriminator = it }
} else JsonPrimitiveEncoder(json, nodeConsumer).apply {
encodeSerializableValue(serializer, value)
override fun encodeTaggedDouble(tag: String, value: Double) {
// First encode value, then check, to have a prettier error message
putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(value))
if (!configuration.allowSpecialFloatingPointValues && !value.isFinite()) {
throw InvalidFloatingPointEncoded(value, tag, getCurrent().toString())
override fun encodeTaggedBoolean(tag: String, value: Boolean) = putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(value))
override fun encodeTaggedChar(tag: String, value: Char) = putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(value.toString()))
override fun encodeTaggedString(tag: String, value: String) = putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(value))
override fun encodeTaggedEnum(
tag: String,
enumDescriptor: SerialDescriptor,
ordinal: Int
) = putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(enumDescriptor.getElementName(ordinal)))
override fun encodeTaggedValue(tag: String, value: Any) {
putElement(tag, JsonPrimitive(value.toString()))
@SuppressAnimalSniffer // Long(Integer).toUnsignedString(long)
override fun encodeTaggedInline(tag: String, inlineDescriptor: SerialDescriptor): Encoder =
if (inlineDescriptor.isUnsignedNumber) object : AbstractEncoder() {
override val serializersModule: SerializersModule = json.serializersModule
fun putUnquotedString(s: String) = putElement(tag, JsonLiteral(s, isString = false))
override fun encodeInt(value: Int) = putUnquotedString(value.toUInt().toString())
override fun encodeLong(value: Long) = putUnquotedString(value.toULong().toString())
override fun encodeByte(value: Byte) = putUnquotedString(value.toUByte().toString())
override fun encodeShort(value: Short) = putUnquotedString(value.toUShort().toString())
else super.encodeTaggedInline(tag, inlineDescriptor)
override fun beginStructure(descriptor: SerialDescriptor): CompositeEncoder {
val consumer =
if (currentTagOrNull == null) nodeConsumer
else { node -> putElement(currentTag, node) }
val encoder = when (descriptor.kind) {
StructureKind.LIST, is PolymorphicKind -> JsonTreeListEncoder(json, consumer)
StructureKind.MAP -> json.selectMapMode(
{ JsonTreeMapEncoder(json, consumer) },
{ JsonTreeListEncoder(json, consumer) }
else -> JsonTreeEncoder(json, consumer)
if (polymorphicDiscriminator != null) {
encoder.putElement(polymorphicDiscriminator!!, JsonPrimitive(descriptor.serialName))
polymorphicDiscriminator = null
return encoder
override fun endEncode(descriptor: SerialDescriptor) {
private val SerialDescriptor.requiresTopLevelTag: Boolean
get() = kind is PrimitiveKind || kind === SerialKind.ENUM
internal const val PRIMITIVE_TAG = "primitive" // also used in JsonPrimitiveInput
private class JsonPrimitiveEncoder(
json: Json,
nodeConsumer: (JsonElement) -> Unit
) : AbstractJsonTreeEncoder(json, nodeConsumer) {
private var content: JsonElement? = null
init {
override fun putElement(key: String, element: JsonElement) {
require(key === PRIMITIVE_TAG) { "This output can only consume primitives with '$PRIMITIVE_TAG' tag" }
require(content == null) { "Primitive element was already recorded. Does call to .encodeXxx happen more than once?" }
content = element
override fun getCurrent(): JsonElement =
requireNotNull(content) { "Primitive element has not been recorded. Is call to .encodeXxx is missing in serializer?" }
private open class JsonTreeEncoder(
json: Json, nodeConsumer: (JsonElement) -> Unit
) : AbstractJsonTreeEncoder(json, nodeConsumer) {
protected val content: MutableMap = linkedMapOf()
override fun putElement(key: String, element: JsonElement) {
content[key] = element
override fun encodeNullableSerializableElement(
descriptor: SerialDescriptor,
index: Int,
serializer: SerializationStrategy,
value: T?
) {
if (value != null || configuration.explicitNulls) {
super.encodeNullableSerializableElement(descriptor, index, serializer, value)
override fun getCurrent(): JsonElement = JsonObject(content)
private class JsonTreeMapEncoder(json: Json, nodeConsumer: (JsonElement) -> Unit) : JsonTreeEncoder(json, nodeConsumer) {
private lateinit var tag: String
private var isKey = true
override fun putElement(key: String, element: JsonElement) {
if (isKey) { // writing key
tag = when (element) {
is JsonPrimitive -> element.content
is JsonObject -> throw InvalidKeyKindException(JsonObjectSerializer.descriptor)
is JsonArray -> throw InvalidKeyKindException(JsonArraySerializer.descriptor)
isKey = false
} else {
content[tag] = element
isKey = true
override fun getCurrent(): JsonElement {
return JsonObject(content)
private class JsonTreeListEncoder(json: Json, nodeConsumer: (JsonElement) -> Unit) :
AbstractJsonTreeEncoder(json, nodeConsumer) {
private val array: ArrayList = arrayListOf()
override fun elementName(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): String = index.toString()
override fun putElement(key: String, element: JsonElement) {
val idx = key.toInt()
array.add(idx, element)
override fun getCurrent(): JsonElement = JsonArray(array)
internal inline fun cast(value: JsonElement, descriptor: SerialDescriptor): T {
if (value !is T) {
throw JsonDecodingException(
"Expected ${T::class} as the serialized body of ${descriptor.serialName}, but had ${value::class}"
return value