commonMain.kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.SchemaCache.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.serialization.json.internal
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.*
import kotlin.native.concurrent.*
private typealias DescriptorData = MutableMap, T>
* A type-safe map for storing custom information (such as format schema), associated with [SerialDescriptor].
* This cache uses ConcurrentHashMap on JVM and regular maps on other platforms.
* To be able to work with it from multiple threads in Kotlin/Native, use @[ThreadLocal] in appropriate places.
internal class DescriptorSchemaCache {
// 16 is default CHM size, as we do not know number of descriptors in an application (but it's likely not 1)
private val map: MutableMap> = createMapForCache(16)
public operator fun set(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, key: Key, value: T) {
// Initial capacity = number of known DescriptorSchemaCache.Key instances
map.getOrPut(descriptor, { createMapForCache(2) })[key as Key] = value as Any
public fun getOrPut(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, key: Key, defaultValue: () -> T): T {
get(descriptor, key)?.let { return it }
val value = defaultValue()
set(descriptor, key, value)
return value
public operator fun get(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, key: Key): T? {
return map[descriptor]?.get(key as Key) as? T
* A key for associating user data of type [T] with a given [SerialDescriptor].
public class Key {}
* Creates a ConcurrentHashMap on JVM and regular HashMap on other platforms.
* To make actual use of cache in Kotlin/Native, mark a top-level object with this map
* as a @[ThreadLocal].
internal expect fun createMapForCache(initialCapacity: Int): MutableMap