commonMain.kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.lexer.AbstractJsonLexer.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Kotlin multiplatform serialization runtime library
* Copyright 2017-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.serialization.json.internal
import kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.CharMappings.CHAR_TO_TOKEN
import kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.CharMappings.ESCAPE_2_CHAR
import kotlin.js.*
import kotlin.jvm.*
import kotlin.math.*
internal const val lenientHint = "Use 'isLenient = true' in 'Json {}' builder to accept non-compliant JSON."
internal const val coerceInputValuesHint = "Use 'coerceInputValues = true' in 'Json {}' builder to coerce nulls to default values."
internal const val specialFlowingValuesHint =
"It is possible to deserialize them using 'JsonBuilder.allowSpecialFloatingPointValues = true'"
internal const val ignoreUnknownKeysHint = "Use 'ignoreUnknownKeys = true' in 'Json {}' builder to ignore unknown keys."
internal const val allowStructuredMapKeysHint =
"Use 'allowStructuredMapKeys = true' in 'Json {}' builder to convert such maps to [key1, value1, key2, value2,...] arrays."
// special strings
internal const val NULL = "null"
// special chars
internal const val COMMA = ','
internal const val COLON = ':'
internal const val BEGIN_OBJ = '{'
internal const val END_OBJ = '}'
internal const val BEGIN_LIST = '['
internal const val END_LIST = ']'
internal const val STRING = '"'
internal const val STRING_ESC = '\\'
internal const val INVALID = 0.toChar()
internal const val UNICODE_ESC = 'u'
// token classes
internal const val TC_OTHER: Byte = 0
internal const val TC_STRING: Byte = 1
internal const val TC_STRING_ESC: Byte = 2
internal const val TC_WHITESPACE: Byte = 3
internal const val TC_COMMA: Byte = 4
internal const val TC_COLON: Byte = 5
internal const val TC_BEGIN_OBJ: Byte = 6
internal const val TC_END_OBJ: Byte = 7
internal const val TC_BEGIN_LIST: Byte = 8
internal const val TC_END_LIST: Byte = 9
internal const val TC_EOF: Byte = 10
internal const val TC_INVALID: Byte = Byte.MAX_VALUE
// mapping from chars to token classes
private const val CTC_MAX = 0x7e
// mapping from escape chars real chars
private const val ESC2C_MAX = 0x75
internal const val asciiCaseMask = 1 shl 5
internal fun tokenDescription(token: Byte) = when (token) {
TC_STRING -> "quotation mark '\"'"
TC_STRING_ESC -> "string escape sequence '\\'"
TC_COMMA -> "comma ','"
TC_COLON -> "colon ':'"
TC_BEGIN_OBJ -> "start of the object '{'"
TC_END_OBJ -> "end of the object '}'"
TC_BEGIN_LIST -> "start of the array '['"
TC_END_LIST -> "end of the array ']'"
TC_EOF -> "end of the input"
TC_INVALID -> "invalid token"
else -> "valid token" // should never happen
// object instead of @SharedImmutable because there is mutual initialization in [initC2ESC] and [initC2TC]
internal object CharMappings {
val ESCAPE_2_CHAR = CharArray(ESC2C_MAX)
val CHAR_TO_TOKEN = ByteArray(CTC_MAX)
init {
private fun initEscape() {
for (i in 0x00..0x1f) {
initC2ESC(0x08, 'b')
initC2ESC(0x09, 't')
initC2ESC(0x0a, 'n')
initC2ESC(0x0c, 'f')
initC2ESC(0x0d, 'r')
initC2ESC('/', '/')
private fun initCharToToken() {
for (i in 0..0x20) {
private fun initC2ESC(c: Int, esc: Char) {
if (esc != UNICODE_ESC) ESCAPE_2_CHAR[esc.code] = c.toChar()
private fun initC2ESC(c: Char, esc: Char) = initC2ESC(c.code, esc)
private fun initC2TC(c: Int, cl: Byte) {
private fun initC2TC(c: Char, cl: Byte) = initC2TC(c.code, cl)
internal fun charToTokenClass(c: Char) = if (c.code < CTC_MAX) CHAR_TO_TOKEN[c.code] else TC_OTHER
internal fun escapeToChar(c: Int): Char = if (c < ESC2C_MAX) ESCAPE_2_CHAR[c] else INVALID
* The base class that reads the JSON from the given char sequence source.
* It has two implementations: one over the raw [String] instance, [StringJsonLexer],
* and one over an arbitrary stream of data, [ReaderJsonLexer] (JVM-only).
* [AbstractJsonLexer] contains base implementation for cold or not performance-sensitive
* methods on top of [CharSequence], but [StringJsonLexer] overrides some
* of them for the performance reasons (devirtualization of [CharSequence] and avoid
* of additional spills).
internal abstract class AbstractJsonLexer {
protected abstract val source: CharSequence
protected var currentPosition: Int = 0 // position in source
val path = JsonPath()
open fun ensureHaveChars() {}
fun isNotEof(): Boolean = peekNextToken() != TC_EOF
// Used as bound check in loops
abstract fun prefetchOrEof(position: Int): Int
abstract fun tryConsumeComma(): Boolean
abstract fun canConsumeValue(): Boolean
abstract fun consumeNextToken(): Byte
protected fun isValidValueStart(c: Char): Boolean {
return when (c) {
'}', ']', ':', ',' -> false
else -> true
fun expectEof() {
val nextToken = consumeNextToken()
if (nextToken != TC_EOF)
fail("Expected EOF after parsing, but had ${source[currentPosition - 1]} instead")
* Peeked string for coerced enums.
* If the value was picked, 'consumeString' will take it without scanning the source.
private var peekedString: String? = null
protected var escapedString = StringBuilder()
// TODO consider replacing usages of this method in JsonParser with char overload
fun consumeNextToken(expected: Byte): Byte {
val token = consumeNextToken()
if (token != expected) {
return token
open fun consumeNextToken(expected: Char) {
val source = source
var cpos = currentPosition
while (true) {
cpos = prefetchOrEof(cpos)
if (cpos == -1) break // could be inline function but KT-1436
val c = source[cpos++]
if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t') continue
currentPosition = cpos
if (c == expected) return
currentPosition = cpos
unexpectedToken(expected) // EOF
protected fun unexpectedToken(expected: Char) {
if (currentPosition > 0 && expected == STRING) {
val inputLiteral = withPositionRollback {
if (inputLiteral == NULL)
fail("Expected string literal but 'null' literal was found", currentPosition - 1, coerceInputValuesHint)
internal fun fail(expectedToken: Byte, wasConsumed: Boolean = true): Nothing {
// Slow path, never called in normal code, can avoid optimizing it
val expected = tokenDescription(expectedToken)
val position = if (wasConsumed) currentPosition - 1 else currentPosition
val s = if (currentPosition == source.length || position < 0) "EOF" else source[position].toString()
fail("Expected $expected, but had '$s' instead", position)
fun peekNextToken(): Byte {
val source = source
var cpos = currentPosition
while (true) {
cpos = prefetchOrEof(cpos)
if (cpos == -1) break
val ch = source[cpos]
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t') {
currentPosition = cpos
return charToTokenClass(ch)
currentPosition = cpos
return TC_EOF
* Tries to consume `null` token from input.
* Returns `false` if the next 4 chars in input are not `null`,
* `true` otherwise and consumes it if [doConsume] is `true`.
fun tryConsumeNull(doConsume: Boolean = true): Boolean {
var current = skipWhitespaces()
current = prefetchOrEof(current)
// Cannot consume null due to EOF, maybe something else
val len = source.length - current
if (len < 4 || current == -1) return false
for (i in 0..3) {
if (NULL[i] != source[current + i]) return false
* If we're in lenient mode, this might be the string with 'null' prefix,
* distinguish it from 'null'
if (len > 4 && charToTokenClass(source[current + 4]) == TC_OTHER) return false
if (doConsume) {
currentPosition = current + 4
return true
open fun skipWhitespaces(): Int {
var current = currentPosition
// Skip whitespaces
while (true) {
current = prefetchOrEof(current)
if (current == -1) break
val c = source[current]
// Faster than char2TokenClass actually
if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t') {
} else {
currentPosition = current
return current
abstract fun peekLeadingMatchingValue(keyToMatch: String, isLenient: Boolean): String?
fun peekString(isLenient: Boolean): String? {
val token = peekNextToken()
val string = if (isLenient) {
if (token != TC_STRING && token != TC_OTHER) return null
} else {
if (token != TC_STRING) return null
peekedString = string
return string
fun discardPeeked() {
peekedString = null
open fun indexOf(char: Char, startPos: Int) = source.indexOf(char, startPos)
open fun substring(startPos: Int, endPos: Int) = source.substring(startPos, endPos)
* This method is a copy of consumeString, but used for key of json objects, so there
* is no need to lookup peeked string.
abstract fun consumeKeyString(): String
private fun insideString(isLenient: Boolean, char: Char): Boolean = if (isLenient) {
charToTokenClass(char) == TC_OTHER
} else {
char != STRING
open fun consumeStringChunked(isLenient: Boolean, consumeChunk: (stringChunk: String) -> Unit) { // open to allow simpler implementations (i.e. StringJsonLexer)
val nextToken = peekNextToken()
if (isLenient && nextToken != TC_OTHER) return // noting to consume
if (!isLenient) {
var currentPosition = this.currentPosition
var lastPosition = currentPosition
var char = source[currentPosition] // Avoid two range checks visible in the profiler
var usedAppend = false
while (insideString(isLenient, char)) {
if (!isLenient && char == STRING_ESC) { // handle escaping only in non-lenient mode
usedAppend = true
currentPosition = prefetchOrEof(appendEscape(lastPosition, currentPosition))
lastPosition = currentPosition
} else {
if (currentPosition >= source.length) {
// end of chunk
writeRange(lastPosition, currentPosition, usedAppend, consumeChunk)
usedAppend = false
currentPosition = prefetchOrEof(currentPosition)
if (currentPosition == -1)
fail("EOF", currentPosition)
lastPosition = currentPosition
char = source[currentPosition]
writeRange(lastPosition, currentPosition, usedAppend, consumeChunk)
this.currentPosition = currentPosition
if (!isLenient) {
private fun writeRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int, currentChunkHasEscape: Boolean, consumeChunk: (stringChunk: String) -> Unit) {
if (currentChunkHasEscape) {
consumeChunk(decodedString(fromIndex, toIndex))
} else {
consumeChunk(substring(fromIndex, toIndex))
fun consumeString(): String {
if (peekedString != null) {
return takePeeked()
return consumeKeyString()
@JsName("consumeString2") // WA for JS issue
protected fun consumeString(source: CharSequence, startPosition: Int, current: Int): String {
var currentPosition = current
var lastPosition = startPosition
var char = source[currentPosition] // Avoid two range checks visible in the profiler
var usedAppend = false
while (char != STRING) {
if (char == STRING_ESC) {
usedAppend = true
currentPosition = prefetchOrEof(appendEscape(lastPosition, currentPosition))
if (currentPosition == -1)
fail("Unexpected EOF", currentPosition)
lastPosition = currentPosition
} else if (++currentPosition >= source.length) {
usedAppend = true
// end of chunk
appendRange(lastPosition, currentPosition)
currentPosition = prefetchOrEof(currentPosition)
if (currentPosition == -1)
fail("Unexpected EOF", currentPosition)
lastPosition = currentPosition
char = source[currentPosition]
val string = if (!usedAppend) {
// there was no escaped chars
substring(lastPosition, currentPosition)
} else {
// some escaped chars were there
decodedString(lastPosition, currentPosition)
this.currentPosition = currentPosition + 1
return string
private fun appendEscape(lastPosition: Int, current: Int): Int {
appendRange(lastPosition, current)
return appendEsc(current + 1)
private fun decodedString(lastPosition: Int, currentPosition: Int): String {
appendRange(lastPosition, currentPosition)
val result = escapedString.toString()
return result
private fun takePeeked(): String {
return peekedString!!.also { peekedString = null }
fun consumeStringLenientNotNull(): String {
val result = consumeStringLenient()
* Check if lenient value is 'null' _without_ quotation marks and fail for non-nullable read if so.
if (result == NULL && wasUnquotedString()) {
fail("Unexpected 'null' value instead of string literal")
return result
private fun wasUnquotedString(): Boolean {
// Is invoked _only_ when the 'null' string was read, thus 'cP - 1' is always within bounds
return source[currentPosition - 1] != STRING
// Allows consuming unquoted string
fun consumeStringLenient(): String {
if (peekedString != null) {
return takePeeked()
var current = skipWhitespaces()
if (current >= source.length || current == -1) fail("EOF", current)
val token = charToTokenClass(source[current])
if (token == TC_STRING) {
return consumeString()
if (token != TC_OTHER) {
fail("Expected beginning of the string, but got ${source[current]}")
var usedAppend = false
while (charToTokenClass(source[current]) == TC_OTHER) {
if (current >= source.length) {
usedAppend = true
appendRange(currentPosition, current)
val eof = prefetchOrEof(current)
if (eof == -1) {
// to handle plain lenient strings, such as top-level
currentPosition = current
return decodedString(0, 0)
} else {
current = eof
val result = if (!usedAppend) {
substring(currentPosition, current)
} else {
decodedString(currentPosition, current)
currentPosition = current
return result
// initializes buf usage upon the first encountered escaped char
protected open fun appendRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) {
escapedString.append(source, fromIndex, toIndex)
private fun appendEsc(startPosition: Int): Int {
var currentPosition = startPosition
currentPosition = prefetchOrEof(currentPosition)
if (currentPosition == -1) fail("Expected escape sequence to continue, got EOF")
val currentChar = source[currentPosition++]
if (currentChar == UNICODE_ESC) {
return appendHex(source, currentPosition)
val c = escapeToChar(currentChar.code)
if (c == INVALID) fail("Invalid escaped char '$currentChar'")
return currentPosition
private fun appendHex(source: CharSequence, startPos: Int): Int {
if (startPos + 4 >= source.length) {
currentPosition = startPos
if (currentPosition + 4 >= source.length)
fail("Unexpected EOF during unicode escape")
return appendHex(source, currentPosition)
((fromHexChar(source, startPos) shl 12) +
(fromHexChar(source, startPos + 1) shl 8) +
(fromHexChar(source, startPos + 2) shl 4) +
fromHexChar(source, startPos + 3)).toChar()
return startPos + 4
internal inline fun require(condition: Boolean, position: Int = currentPosition, message: () -> String) {
if (!condition) fail(message(), position)
private fun fromHexChar(source: CharSequence, currentPosition: Int): Int {
return when (val character = source[currentPosition]) {
in '0'..'9' -> character.code - '0'.code
in 'a'..'f' -> character.code - 'a'.code + 10
in 'A'..'F' -> character.code - 'A'.code + 10
else -> fail("Invalid toHexChar char '$character' in unicode escape")
fun skipElement(allowLenientStrings: Boolean) {
val tokenStack = mutableListOf()
var lastToken = peekNextToken()
if (lastToken != TC_BEGIN_LIST && lastToken != TC_BEGIN_OBJ) {
while (true) {
lastToken = peekNextToken()
if (lastToken == TC_STRING) {
if (allowLenientStrings) consumeStringLenient() else consumeKeyString()
when (lastToken) {
if (tokenStack.last() != TC_BEGIN_LIST) throw JsonDecodingException(
"found ] instead of } at path: $path",
if (tokenStack.last() != TC_BEGIN_OBJ) throw JsonDecodingException(
"found } instead of ] at path: $path",
TC_EOF -> fail("Unexpected end of input due to malformed JSON during ignoring unknown keys")
if (tokenStack.size == 0) return
override fun toString(): String {
return "JsonReader(source='$source', currentPosition=$currentPosition)"
fun failOnUnknownKey(key: String) {
// At this moment we already have both key and semicolon (and whitespaces! consumed),
// but still would like an error to point to the beginning of the key, so we are backtracking it
val processed = substring(0, currentPosition)
val lastIndexOf = processed.lastIndexOf(key)
fail("Encountered an unknown key '$key'", lastIndexOf, ignoreUnknownKeysHint)
fun fail(message: String, position: Int = currentPosition, hint: String = ""): Nothing {
val hintMessage = if (hint.isEmpty()) "" else "\n$hint"
throw JsonDecodingException(position, message + " at path: " + path.getPath() + hintMessage, source)
fun consumeNumericLiteral(): Long {
* This is an optimized (~40% for numbers) version of consumeString().toLong()
* that doesn't allocate and also doesn't support any radix but 10
var current = skipWhitespaces()
current = prefetchOrEof(current)
if (current >= source.length || current == -1) fail("EOF")
val hasQuotation = if (source[current] == STRING) {
// Check it again
// not sure if should call ensureHaveChars() because threshold is far greater than chars count in MAX_LONG
if (++current == source.length) fail("EOF")
} else {
var accumulator = 0L
var exponentAccumulator = 0L
var isNegative = false
var isExponentPositive = false
var hasExponent = false
val start = current
while (current != source.length) {
val ch: Char = source[current]
if ((ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') && !hasExponent) {
if (current == start) fail("Unexpected symbol $ch in numeric literal")
isExponentPositive = true
hasExponent = true
if (ch == '-' && hasExponent) {
if (current == start) fail("Unexpected symbol '-' in numeric literal")
isExponentPositive = false
if (ch == '+' && hasExponent) {
if (current == start) fail("Unexpected symbol '+' in numeric literal")
isExponentPositive = true
if (ch == '-') {
if (current != start) fail("Unexpected symbol '-' in numeric literal")
isNegative = true
val token = charToTokenClass(ch)
if (token != TC_OTHER) break
val digit = ch - '0'
if (digit !in 0..9) fail("Unexpected symbol '$ch' in numeric literal")
if (hasExponent) {
exponentAccumulator = exponentAccumulator * 10 + digit
accumulator = accumulator * 10 - digit
if (accumulator > 0) fail("Numeric value overflow")
val hasChars = current != start
if (start == current || (isNegative && start == current - 1)) {
fail("Expected numeric literal")
if (hasQuotation) {
if (!hasChars) fail("EOF")
if (source[current] != STRING) fail("Expected closing quotation mark")
currentPosition = current
fun calculateExponent(exponentAccumulator: Long, isExponentPositive: Boolean): Double = when (isExponentPositive) {
false -> 10.0.pow(-exponentAccumulator.toDouble())
true -> 10.0.pow(exponentAccumulator.toDouble())
if (hasExponent) {
val doubleAccumulator = accumulator.toDouble() * calculateExponent(exponentAccumulator, isExponentPositive)
if (doubleAccumulator > Long.MAX_VALUE || doubleAccumulator < Long.MIN_VALUE) fail("Numeric value overflow")
if (floor(doubleAccumulator) != doubleAccumulator) fail("Can't convert $doubleAccumulator to Long")
accumulator = doubleAccumulator.toLong()
return when {
isNegative -> accumulator
accumulator != Long.MIN_VALUE -> -accumulator
else -> fail("Numeric value overflow")
fun consumeBoolean(): Boolean {
return consumeBoolean(skipWhitespaces())
fun consumeBooleanLenient(): Boolean {
var current = skipWhitespaces()
if (current == source.length) fail("EOF")
val hasQuotation = if (source[current] == STRING) {
} else {
val result = consumeBoolean(current)
if (hasQuotation) {
if (currentPosition == source.length) fail("EOF")
if (source[currentPosition] != STRING)
fail("Expected closing quotation mark")
return result
@JsName("consumeBoolean2") // WA for JS issue
private fun consumeBoolean(start: Int): Boolean {
* In ASCII representation, upper and lower case letters are different
* in 6-th bit and we leverage this fact, our implementation consumes boolean literals
* in a case-insensitive manner.
var current = prefetchOrEof(start)
if (current >= source.length || current == -1) fail("EOF")
return when (source[current++].code or asciiCaseMask) {
't'.code -> {
consumeBooleanLiteral("rue", current)
'f'.code -> {
consumeBooleanLiteral("alse", current)
else -> {
fail("Expected valid boolean literal prefix, but had '${consumeStringLenient()}'")
private fun consumeBooleanLiteral(literalSuffix: String, current: Int) {
if (source.length - current < literalSuffix.length) {
fail("Unexpected end of boolean literal")
for (i in literalSuffix.indices) {
val expected = literalSuffix[i]
val actual = source[current + i]
if (expected.code != actual.code or asciiCaseMask) {
fail("Expected valid boolean literal prefix, but had '${consumeStringLenient()}'")
currentPosition = current + literalSuffix.length
private inline fun withPositionRollback(action: () -> T): T {
val snapshot = currentPosition
try {
return action()
} finally {
currentPosition = snapshot