kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.tools.jacoco.Verification.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017-2023 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.tools.jacoco
import groovy.lang.GroovyObject
import kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.commons.*
import kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.AggregationType
import kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.GroupingEntityType
import kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.MetricType
import kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.tools.BoundViolations
import kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.tools.RuleViolations
import kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.tools.generateErrorMessage
import kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.util.ONE_HUNDRED
import org.gradle.internal.reflect.JavaMethod
import java.io.File
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.util.*
internal fun ReportContext.jacocoVerify(
rules: List,
outputFile: File
) {
val violations = doJacocoVerify(rules)
val errorMessage = generateErrorMessage(violations)
if (violations.isNotEmpty()) {
throw KoverVerificationException(errorMessage)
internal fun ReportContext.doJacocoVerify(rules: List): List {
callAntReport(projectPath) {
invokeWithBody("check", mapOf("failonviolation" to "false", "violationsproperty" to "jacocoErrors")) {
rules.forEach {
val entityType = when (it.entityType) {
GroupingEntityType.APPLICATION -> "BUNDLE"
GroupingEntityType.CLASS -> "CLASS"
GroupingEntityType.PACKAGE -> "PACKAGE"
invokeWithBody("rule", mapOf("element" to entityType)) {
it.bounds.forEach { b ->
val limitArgs = mutableMapOf()
limitArgs["counter"] = when (b.metric) {
MetricType.LINE -> "LINE"
MetricType.BRANCH -> "BRANCH"
var min: BigDecimal? = b.minValue
var max: BigDecimal? = b.maxValue
when (b.aggregation) {
AggregationType.COVERED_COUNT -> {
limitArgs["value"] = "COVEREDCOUNT"
AggregationType.MISSED_COUNT -> {
limitArgs["value"] = "MISSEDCOUNT"
AggregationType.COVERED_PERCENTAGE -> {
limitArgs["value"] = "COVEREDRATIO"
min = min?.divide(ONE_HUNDRED)?.setScale(4)
max = max?.divide(ONE_HUNDRED)?.setScale(4)
AggregationType.MISSED_PERCENTAGE -> {
limitArgs["value"] = "MISSEDRATIO"
min = min?.divide(ONE_HUNDRED)?.setScale(4)
max = max?.divide(ONE_HUNDRED)?.setScale(4)
if (min != null) {
limitArgs["minimum"] = min.toPlainString()
if (max != null) {
limitArgs["maximum"] = max.toPlainString()
invokeMethod("limit", limitArgs)
return services.antBuilder.violations()
private val errorMessageRegex =
"Rule violated for (\\w+) (.+): (\\w+) (.+) is ([\\d\\.]+), but expected (\\w+) is ([\\d\\.]+)".toRegex()
private fun GroovyObject.violations(): List {
val project = getProperty("project")
val properties = JavaMethod.of(
Hashtable::class.java, "getProperties"
).invoke(project, *arrayOfNulls(0))
val allErrorsString = properties["jacocoErrors"] as String? ?: return emptyList()
// sorting lines to get a stable order of errors
return allErrorsString.lines().sorted().map {
val match = errorMessageRegex.find(it)
?: throw KoverCriticalException("Can't parse JaCoCo verification error string:\n$it")
val entityType = match.groupValues[1].asEntityType(it)
val entityName = match.groupValues[2].run { if (this == ":") null else this }
val metric = match.groupValues[3].asMetricType(it)
val agg = match.groupValues[4].asAggType(it)
val value = match.groupValues[5].asValue(it, agg)
val isMax = match.groupValues[6].asIsMax(it)
val expected = match.groupValues[7].asValue(it, agg)
RuleViolations(entityType, listOf(BoundViolations(isMax, expected, value, metric, agg, entityName)))
private fun String.asEntityType(line: String): GroupingEntityType = when (this) {
"bundle" -> GroupingEntityType.APPLICATION
"class" -> GroupingEntityType.CLASS
"package" -> GroupingEntityType.PACKAGE
else -> throw KoverCriticalException("Unknown JaCoCo entity type '$this' in verification error:\n$line")
private fun String.asMetricType(line: String): MetricType = when (this) {
"lines" -> MetricType.LINE
"instructions" -> MetricType.INSTRUCTION
"branches" -> MetricType.BRANCH
else -> throw KoverCriticalException("Unknown JaCoCo metric type '$this' in verification error:\n$line")
private fun String.asAggType(line: String): AggregationType = when (this) {
"covered ratio" -> AggregationType.COVERED_PERCENTAGE
"missed ratio" -> AggregationType.MISSED_PERCENTAGE
"covered count" -> AggregationType.COVERED_COUNT
"missed count" -> AggregationType.MISSED_COUNT
else -> throw KoverCriticalException("Unknown JaCoCo aggregation type '$this' in verification error:\n$line")
private fun String.asIsMax(line: String): Boolean = when (this) {
"minimum" -> false
"maximum" -> true
else -> throw KoverCriticalException("Unknown JaCoCo direction '$this' in verification error:\n$line")
private fun String.asValue(line: String, aggregationType: AggregationType): BigDecimal {
val value = toBigDecimalOrNull()
?: throw KoverCriticalException("Illegal JaCoCo metric value '$this' in verification error:\n$line")
return if (aggregationType.isPercentage) {
} else {
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