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commonMain.jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.geom.PieGeom.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2022. JetBrains s.r.o.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.geom

import jetbrains.datalore.base.algorithms.AdaptiveResampler
import jetbrains.datalore.base.collections.filterNotNullKeys
import jetbrains.datalore.base.geometry.DoubleRectangle
import jetbrains.datalore.base.geometry.DoubleVector
import jetbrains.datalore.base.interval.DoubleSpan
import jetbrains.datalore.base.values.Color
import jetbrains.datalore.base.values.Colors
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.*
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.aes.AesScaling
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.aes.AestheticsBuilder
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.aes.AestheticsUtil
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.annotations.Annotations
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.geom.util.DataPointAestheticsDelegate
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.geom.util.GeomHelper
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.geom.util.GeomUtil
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.geom.util.TextUtil
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.interact.GeomTargetCollector
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.render.LegendKeyElementFactory
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.render.SvgRoot
import jetbrains.datalore.plot.base.render.svg.LinePath
import jetbrains.datalore.vis.TextStyle
import jetbrains.datalore.vis.svg.SvgCircleElement
import jetbrains.datalore.vis.svg.SvgGElement
import jetbrains.datalore.vis.svg.SvgLineElement
import jetbrains.datalore.vis.svg.SvgPathDataBuilder
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.atan2
import kotlin.math.cos
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.sin

class PieGeom : GeomBase(), WithWidth, WithHeight {
    var holeSize: Double = 0.0
    var strokeWidth: Double = 0.0
    var strokeColor: Color = Color.WHITE
    var fillWithColor: Boolean = false

    override val legendKeyElementFactory: LegendKeyElementFactory
        get() = PieLegendKeyElementFactory()

    override fun buildIntern(
        root: SvgRoot,
        aesthetics: Aesthetics,
        pos: PositionAdjustment,
        coord: CoordinateSystem,
        ctx: GeomContext
    ) {
        val geomHelper = GeomHelper(pos, coord, ctx)
        GeomUtil.withDefined(aesthetics.dataPoints(), Aes.X, Aes.Y, Aes.SLICE)
            .groupBy { p -> geomHelper.toClient(p.x()!!, p.y()!!, p) }
            .forEach { (pieCenter, dataPoints) ->
                val pieSectors = computeSectors(pieCenter, dataPoints)
                appendNodes(, root)
                pieSectors.forEach { buildHint(it, ctx.targetCollector) }

                ctx.annotations?.let { buildAnnotations(root, pieCenter, pieSectors, ctx) }

    private fun buildSvgSector(sector: Sector): LinePath {
        return LinePath(
            SvgPathDataBuilder().apply {
                    rx = sector.radius,
                    ry = sector.radius,
                    xAxisRotation = 0.0,
                    largeArc = sector.angle > PI,
                    sweep = true,
                    to = sector.outerArcEnd
                    rx = sector.holeRadius,
                    ry = sector.holeRadius,
                    xAxisRotation = 0.0,
                    largeArc = sector.angle > PI,
                    sweep = false,
                    to = sector.innerArcStart
        ).apply {
            val fill = getFillColor(sector.p)
            val fillAlpha = AestheticsUtil.alpha(fill, sector.p)
            fill().set(Colors.withOpacity(fill, fillAlpha))

    private fun buildHint(sector: Sector, targetCollector: GeomTargetCollector) {
        fun resampleArc(outerArc: Boolean): List {
            val arcPoint = when (outerArc) {
                true -> sector::outerArcPoint
                false -> sector::innerArcPoint

            val startPoint = when (outerArc) {
                true -> sector.outerArcStart
                false -> sector.innerArcStart

            val endPoint = when (outerArc) {
                true -> sector.outerArcEnd
                false -> sector.innerArcEnd

            val segmentLength = startPoint.subtract(endPoint).length()

            val arc = { p: DoubleVector ->
                val ratio = p.subtract(startPoint).length() / segmentLength
                if (ratio.isFinite()) {
                    arcPoint(sector.startAngle + sector.angle * ratio)
                } else {

            return AdaptiveResampler.forDoubleVector(arc, 2.0).resample(startPoint, endPoint)

            points = resampleArc(outerArc = true) + resampleArc(outerArc = false).reversed(),
            localToGlobalIndex = { sector.p.index() },
            GeomTargetCollector.TooltipParams(markerColors = listOf(getFillColor(sector.p)))

    private fun getFillColor(p: DataPointAesthetics) = when (fillWithColor) {
        true -> p.color()!!
        false -> p.fill()!!

    private fun computeSectors(pieCenter: DoubleVector, dataPoints: List): List {
        val sum = dataPoints.sumOf { abs(it.slice()!!) }
        fun angle(p: DataPointAesthetics) = when (sum) {
            0.0 -> 1.0 / dataPoints.size
            else -> abs(p.slice()!!) / sum
        }.let { PI * 2.0 * it }

        // the first slice goes to the left of 12 o'clock and others go clockwise
        var currentAngle = -PI / 2.0
        currentAngle -= angle(dataPoints.first())

        return { p ->
                p = p,
                pieCenter = pieCenter,
                startAngle = currentAngle,
                endAngle = currentAngle + angle(p)
            ).also { sector -> currentAngle = sector.endAngle }

    private inner class Sector(
        val pieCenter: DoubleVector,
        val p: DataPointAesthetics,
        val startAngle: Double,
        val endAngle: Double
    ) {
        val angle = endAngle - startAngle
        val radius: Double = AesScaling.pieDiameter(p) / 2
        val holeRadius = radius * holeSize
        val direction = startAngle + angle / 2
        private val explode = radius * p.explode()!!
        val position = pieCenter.add(DoubleVector(explode * cos(direction), explode * sin(direction)))
        private val fullCircleDrawingFix = if (angle % (2 * PI) == 0.0) 0.0001 else 0.0

        val outerArcStart = outerArcPoint(startAngle)
        val outerArcEnd = outerArcPoint(endAngle - fullCircleDrawingFix)

        val innerArcStart = innerArcPoint(startAngle)
        val innerArcEnd = innerArcPoint(endAngle - fullCircleDrawingFix)

        fun outerArcPoint(angle: Double) = arcPoint(radius, angle)
        fun innerArcPoint(angle: Double) = arcPoint(holeRadius, angle)

        private fun arcPoint(radius: Double, angle: Double): DoubleVector {
            return position.add(DoubleVector(radius * cos(angle), radius * sin(angle)))

        val sectorCenter: DoubleVector // center of the pie slice geometry
            get() {
                val offset = 0.5 * (radius - holeRadius)
                return position.add(DoubleVector(holeRadius * cos(direction), holeRadius * sin(direction)))
                    .add(DoubleVector(offset * cos(direction), offset * sin(direction)))

    private inner class PieLegendKeyElementFactory : LegendKeyElementFactory {
        override fun createKeyElement(p: DataPointAesthetics, size: DoubleVector): SvgGElement {
            return SvgGElement().apply {
                        size.x / 2,
                        size.y / 2,
                        shapeSize(p) / 2
                    ).apply {
                        strokeColor().set(if (getFillColor(p) == Color.TRANSPARENT) Color.BLACK else strokeColor)

        override fun minimumKeySize(p: DataPointAesthetics): DoubleVector {
            val shapeSize = shapeSize(p)
            val size = shapeSize + 4.0
            return DoubleVector(size, size)

        private fun shapeSize(p: DataPointAesthetics) = AesScaling.pieDiameter(p)

    /// Annotations

    private fun buildAnnotations(
        root: SvgRoot,
        pieCenter: DoubleVector,
        sectors: List,
        ctx: GeomContext
    ) {
        if (ctx.annotations == null || sectors.isEmpty()) return

        // split sectors into left and right...
        val leftSectors = sectors
            .filter { it.outerArcStart.x < pieCenter.x || it.outerArcEnd.x < pieCenter.x || it.sectorCenter.x < pieCenter.x }
            .ifEmpty { sectors }
        val rightSectors = sectors
            .filter { it.outerArcStart.x > pieCenter.x || it.outerArcEnd.x > pieCenter.x || it.sectorCenter.x > pieCenter.x  }
            .ifEmpty { sectors }

        val expand = 20.0
        val leftBorder = leftSectors.minOf { it.pieCenter.x - it.radius } - expand
        val rightBorder = rightSectors.maxOf { it.pieCenter.x + it.radius } + expand

        val textSizeGetter: (String, DataPointAesthetics) -> DoubleVector = { text, p ->
            TextUtil.measure(text, toTextDataPointAesthetics(p, ctx.annotations!!.textStyle), ctx)

        // Use max radius of the largest sector on a given side
        val leftMaxOffsetForOuter =
            leftSectors.maxBy(Sector::radius).let { it.holeRadius + 1.2 * (it.radius - it.holeRadius) }
        val rightMaxOffsetForOuter =
            rightSectors.maxBy(Sector::radius).let { it.holeRadius + 1.2 * (it.radius - it.holeRadius) }
        val annotationLabels = { sector ->
            val offsetForPointer = when {
                sector in leftSectors && sector in rightSectors -> max(leftMaxOffsetForOuter, rightMaxOffsetForOuter)
                sector in leftSectors -> leftMaxOffsetForOuter
                else -> rightMaxOffsetForOuter
            getAnnotationLabel(sector, ctx.annotations!!, textSizeGetter, offsetForPointer)
            textStyle = ctx.annotations!!.textStyle,
            xRange = DoubleSpan(leftBorder, rightBorder),
        ).forEach { root.add(it) }

    private fun getAnnotationLabel(
        sector: Sector,
        annotations: Annotations,
        textSizeGetter: (String, DataPointAesthetics) -> DoubleVector,
        offsetForPointer: Double
    ): AnnotationLabel {
        val text = annotations.getAnnotationText(sector.p.index())
        val textSize = textSizeGetter(text, sector.p)

        fun isPointInsideSector(pnt: DoubleVector): Boolean {
            val v = pnt.subtract(sector.position)
            if (v.length() !in sector.holeRadius..sector.radius) {
                return false
            val angle = atan2(v.y, v.x).let {
                when {
                    it in -PI / 2..PI && abs(sector.startAngle) > PI -> it - 2 * PI
                    it in -PI..-PI / 2 && abs(sector.endAngle) > PI -> it + 2 * PI
                    else -> it
            return sector.startAngle <= angle && angle < sector.endAngle

        val textRect = DoubleRectangle(sector.sectorCenter.subtract(textSize.mul(0.5)), textSize)
        val canBePlacedInside =
   { listOf(it.start, it.end) }.distinct().all(::isPointInsideSector)

        val pointerLocation = if (canBePlacedInside) {
        } else {
            val offset = sector.holeRadius + 0.8 * (sector.radius - sector.holeRadius)
            sector.position.add(DoubleVector(offset * cos(sector.direction), offset * sin(sector.direction)))

        val side = when {
            canBePlacedInside -> Side.INSIDE
            pointerLocation.x < sector.pieCenter.x -> Side.LEFT
            else -> Side.RIGHT
        val outerPointerCoord: DoubleVector? = if (canBePlacedInside) {
        } else {
                    offsetForPointer * cos(sector.direction),
                    offsetForPointer * sin(sector.direction)
        val textColor = when {
            side != Side.INSIDE -> annotations.textStyle.color
            Colors.luminance(getFillColor(sector.p)) < 0.5 -> Color.WHITE // if fill is dark
            else -> Color.BLACK
        return AnnotationLabel(

    companion object {
        const val HANDLES_GROUPS = false

        // For annotations

        private const val INTERVAL_BETWEEN_ANNOTATIONS = 4.0

        private fun toTextDataPointAesthetics(
            p: DataPointAesthetics = AestheticsBuilder().build().dataPointAt(0),
            textStyle: TextStyle,
            color: Color? = null,
            hjust: String? = null
        ): DataPointAesthetics {
            return object : DataPointAestheticsDelegate(p) {
                override operator fun  get(aes: Aes): T? {
                    val value: Any? = when (aes) {
                        Aes.SIZE -> textStyle.size / 2
                        Aes.FAMILY ->
                        Aes.FONTFACE -> textStyle.face.toString()
                        Aes.COLOR -> color
                        Aes.HJUST -> hjust ?: "middle"
                        Aes.VJUST -> "center"
                        else -> super.get(aes)
                    return value as T?

        /// side around pie to place annotation label
        private enum class Side {
            INSIDE {
                override fun getHJust() = "middle"
            LEFT {
                override fun getHJust() = "right"
            RIGHT {
                override fun getHJust() = "left"

            abstract fun getHJust(): String

        private data class AnnotationLabel(
            val text: String,
            val textSize: DoubleVector,
            val location: DoubleVector,             // to place text element or pointer
            val outerPointerCoord: DoubleVector?,   // position for middle point of pointer line
            val textColor: Color,
            val side: Side

        private fun createAnnotationElements(
            pieCenter: DoubleVector,
            annotationLabels: List,
            textStyle: TextStyle,
            xRange: DoubleSpan,
            ctx: GeomContext
        ): List {

            fun createForSide(side: Side): List {
                if (side == Side.INSIDE) {
                    return annotationLabels
                        .filter { it.side == side }
                        .map { createAnnotationElement(label = it, textLocation = it.location, textStyle, ctx) }

                val startFromTheTop: Boolean
                val outsideLabels = annotationLabels.filter { it.side == side }.let { l ->
                    // if top y position is in the bottom side => start from the bottom
                    startFromTheTop = l.minOfOrNull { it.location.y }?.let { it < pieCenter.y } ?: false
                    if (startFromTheTop) {
                        l.sortedBy { it.location.y }
                    } else {
                        l.sortedByDescending { it.location.y }

                if (outsideLabels.isEmpty()) {
                    return emptyList()

                val startPosition = DoubleVector(
                    if (side == Side.LEFT) xRange.lowerEnd else xRange.upperEnd,

                var yOffset = 0.0
                return { label ->
                    val loc = if (startFromTheTop) {
                        DoubleVector(startPosition.x, startPosition.y + yOffset)
                    } else {
                        DoubleVector(startPosition.x, startPosition.y - yOffset)
                    yOffset += label.textSize.y + INTERVAL_BETWEEN_ANNOTATIONS

                    createAnnotationElement(label, loc, textStyle, ctx)

            return Side.values().flatMap { side -> createForSide(side) }

        private fun createAnnotationElement(
            label: AnnotationLabel,
            textLocation: DoubleVector,
            textStyle: TextStyle,
            ctx: GeomContext
        ): SvgGElement {

            val g = TextGeom().buildTextComponent(
                    textStyle = textStyle,
                    color = label.textColor,
                    hjust = label.side.getHJust()
                sizeUnitRatio = 1.0,
                boundsCenter = null

            if (label.outerPointerCoord == null) return g

            // Add pointer line

            // add offset - stop line before text
            val startXPos = if (label.side == Side.LEFT) {
                textLocation.x + 5.0
            } else {
                textLocation.x - 5.0

            val midXPos = if ((label.side == Side.RIGHT && label.outerPointerCoord.x > startXPos) ||
                (label.side == Side.LEFT && label.outerPointerCoord.x < startXPos)
            ) {
            } else {
            val middlePoint = DoubleVector(midXPos, textLocation.y)

                SvgLineElement(startXPos, textLocation.y, middlePoint.x, middlePoint.y),
                SvgLineElement(middlePoint.x, middlePoint.y, label.location.x, label.location.y),
            ).forEach { line ->

                SvgCircleElement(label.location.x, label.location.y, 1.5).apply {
            return g

    private fun dimensionSpan(p: DataPointAesthetics, coordAes: Aes): DoubleSpan? {
        val loc = p[coordAes]
        val size = p[Aes.SIZE]
        return if (SeriesUtil.allFinite(loc, size)) {
            val expand = size!! / 2.0
                loc - expand,
                loc + expand
        } else {

    override fun widthSpan(p: DataPointAesthetics, coordAes: Aes, resolution: Double, isDiscrete: Boolean): DoubleSpan? {
        if (!isDiscrete) return null
        return dimensionSpan(p, coordAes)

    override fun heightSpan(p: DataPointAesthetics, coordAes: Aes, resolution: Double, isDiscrete: Boolean): DoubleSpan? {
        if (!isDiscrete) return null
        return dimensionSpan(p, coordAes)

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