Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2021. JetBrains s.r.o.
* Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package org.jetbrains.letsPlot.intern.standardizing
internal object SeriesStandardizing {
fun isListy(rawValue: Any?) = when (rawValue) {
is List<*> -> true
is Iterable<*> -> true
is Sequence<*> -> true
is Array<*> -> true
is ByteArray -> true
is ShortArray -> true
is IntArray -> true
is LongArray -> true
is FloatArray -> true
is DoubleArray -> true
is CharArray -> true
is Pair<*, *> -> true
else -> false
fun asList(rawValue: Any, messageKey: String? = null): List {
return when (rawValue) {
is List<*> -> rawValue
is Iterable<*> -> rawValue.toList()
is Sequence<*> -> rawValue.toList()
is Array<*> -> rawValue.asList()
is ByteArray -> rawValue.asList()
is ShortArray -> rawValue.asList()
is IntArray -> rawValue.asList()
is LongArray -> rawValue.asList()
is FloatArray -> rawValue.asList()
is DoubleArray -> rawValue.asList()
is CharArray -> rawValue.asList()
is Pair<*, *> -> rawValue.toList()
else -> {
val keyInfo = messageKey?.let { "[$messageKey]" } ?: ""
throw IllegalArgumentException("Can't transform ${rawValue::class.simpleName} to list$keyInfo.")
fun toList(rawValue: Any, messageKey: String? = null): List {
return standardizeList(asList(rawValue, messageKey))
/* return when (rawValue) {
is List<*> -> standardizeList(rawValue)
is Iterable<*> -> standardizeIterable(rawValue).toList()
is Sequence<*> -> standardizeIterable(rawValue.asIterable()).toList()
is Array<*> -> standardizeList(rawValue.asList())
is ByteArray -> standardizeList(rawValue.asList())
is ShortArray -> standardizeList(rawValue.asList())
is IntArray -> standardizeList(rawValue.asList())
is LongArray -> standardizeList(rawValue.asList())
is FloatArray -> standardizeList(rawValue.asList())
is DoubleArray -> standardizeList(rawValue.asList())
is CharArray -> standardizeList(rawValue.asList())
is Pair<*, *> -> standardizeList(rawValue.toList())
else -> {
val keyInfo = messageKey?.let { "[$messageKey]" } ?: ""
throw IllegalArgumentException("Can't transform ${rawValue::class.simpleName} to list$keyInfo.")
// fun toListOrPass(rawValue: Any): Any {
// if (isListy(rawValue)) {
// return toList("", rawValue)
// }
// return rawValue
// }
private fun needToStandardizeValues(series: Iterable<*>): Boolean {
return series.any {
it != null &&
(!(it is String || it is Double) ||
it is Double && !it.isFinite())
private fun standardizeList(series: List<*>): List<*> {
// avoid 'toList' on lists (makes copy)
return standardizeIterable(series) as List<*>
private fun standardizeIterable(series: Iterable<*>): Iterable<*> {
// fun toDouble(n: Number): Double? {
// return when (n) {
// is Float -> if (n.isFinite()) n.toDouble() else null
// is Double -> if (n.isFinite()) n else null
// else -> n.toDouble()
// }
// }
return if (needToStandardizeValues(series)) { {
// when (it) {
// null -> it
// is String -> it
// is Number -> toDouble(it)
// is Char -> it.toString()
// is jetbrains.datalore.base.values.Color -> it.toHexColor()
// else -> {
// if (JvmStandardizing.isJvm(it)) {
// JvmStandardizing.standardize(it)
// } else {
// throw IllegalArgumentException(
// "Can't standardize the value \"$it\" of type ${
// ReflectionPatch.qualifiedName(
// it
// )
// } as a string, number or date-time."
// )
// }
// }
// }
} else {