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package org.jetbrains.skia
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
import kotlin.math.abs
class RRect internal constructor(l: Float, t: Float, r: Float, b: Float, val radii: FloatArray) :
Rect(l, t, r, b) {
override fun inflate(spread: Float): Rect {
var becomesRect = true
for (i in radii.indices) {
if (radii[i] + spread >= 0) {
becomesRect = false
return if (becomesRect) makeLTRB(
left - spread,
top - spread,
maxOf(left - spread, right + spread),
maxOf(top - spread, bottom + spread)
) else {
val radii = radii.copyOf()
for (i in radii.indices) radii[i] = maxOf(0.0f, radii[i] + spread)
left - spread,
top - spread,
maxOf(left - spread, right + spread),
maxOf(top - spread, bottom + spread),
override fun toString(): String {
return "RRect(_left=$left, _top=$top, _right=$right, _bottom=$bottom, _radii=$radii)"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other === this) return true
if (other !is RRect) return false
if (!super.equals(other)) return false
return radii.contentEquals(other.radii)
override fun hashCode(): Int {
val PRIME = 59
var result = super.hashCode()
result = result * PRIME + radii.contentHashCode()
return result
companion object {
fun makeLTRB(l: Float, t: Float, r: Float, b: Float, radius: Float): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, r, b, floatArrayOf(radius))
fun makeLTRB(l: Float, t: Float, r: Float, b: Float, xRad: Float, yRad: Float): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, r, b, floatArrayOf(xRad, yRad))
fun makeLTRB(
l: Float,
t: Float,
r: Float,
b: Float,
tlRad: Float,
trRad: Float,
brRad: Float,
blRad: Float
): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, r, b, floatArrayOf(tlRad, trRad, brRad, blRad))
fun makeNinePatchLTRB(
l: Float,
t: Float,
r: Float,
b: Float,
lRad: Float,
tRad: Float,
rRad: Float,
bRad: Float
): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, r, b, floatArrayOf(lRad, tRad, rRad, tRad, rRad, bRad, lRad, bRad))
fun makeComplexLTRB(l: Float, t: Float, r: Float, b: Float, radii: FloatArray): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, r, b, radii)
fun makeOvalLTRB(l: Float, t: Float, r: Float, b: Float): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, r, b, floatArrayOf(abs(r - l) / 2.0f, abs(b - t) / 2.0f))
fun makePillLTRB(l: Float, t: Float, r: Float, b: Float): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, r, b, floatArrayOf(minOf(abs(r - l), abs(t - b)) / 2.0f))
fun makeXYWH(l: Float, t: Float, w: Float, h: Float, radius: Float): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, l + w, t + h, floatArrayOf(radius))
fun makeXYWH(l: Float, t: Float, w: Float, h: Float, xRad: Float, yRad: Float): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, l + w, t + h, floatArrayOf(xRad, yRad))
fun makeXYWH(
l: Float,
t: Float,
w: Float,
h: Float,
tlRad: Float,
trRad: Float,
brRad: Float,
blRad: Float
): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, l + w, t + h, floatArrayOf(tlRad, trRad, brRad, blRad))
fun makeNinePatchXYWH(
l: Float,
t: Float,
w: Float,
h: Float,
lRad: Float,
tRad: Float,
rRad: Float,
bRad: Float
): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, l + w, t + h, floatArrayOf(lRad, tRad, rRad, tRad, rRad, bRad, lRad, bRad))
fun makeComplexXYWH(l: Float, t: Float, w: Float, h: Float, radii: FloatArray): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, l + w, t + h, radii)
fun makeOvalXYWH(l: Float, t: Float, w: Float, h: Float): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, l + w, t + h, floatArrayOf(w / 2.0f, h / 2.0f))
fun makePillXYWH(l: Float, t: Float, w: Float, h: Float): RRect {
return RRect(l, t, l + w, t + h, floatArrayOf(minOf(w, h) / 2.0f))