org.jfree.chart3d.Chart3DFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* ===========================================================
* Orson Charts : a 3D chart library for the Java(tm) platform
* ===========================================================
* (C)opyright 2013-2022, by David Gilbert. All rights reserved.
* https://github.com/jfree/orson-charts
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* [Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.]
* If you do not wish to be bound by the terms of the GPL, an alternative
* commercial license can be purchased. For details, please see visit the
* Orson Charts home page:
* http://www.object-refinery.com/orsoncharts/index.html
package org.jfree.chart3d;
import org.jfree.chart3d.axis.CategoryAxis3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.axis.LabelOrientation;
import org.jfree.chart3d.axis.NumberAxis3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.axis.StandardCategoryAxis3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.axis.ValueAxis3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.data.PieDataset3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.data.Range;
import org.jfree.chart3d.data.category.CategoryDataset3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.data.function.Function3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.data.xyz.XYZDataset;
import org.jfree.chart3d.data.xyz.XYZSeriesCollection;
import org.jfree.chart3d.internal.Args;
import org.jfree.chart3d.legend.ColorScaleLegendBuilder;
import org.jfree.chart3d.plot.CategoryPlot3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.plot.PiePlot3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.plot.XYZPlot;
import org.jfree.chart3d.renderer.category.AreaRenderer3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.renderer.category.BarRenderer3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.renderer.category.CategoryRenderer3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.renderer.category.LineRenderer3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.renderer.category.StackedBarRenderer3D;
import org.jfree.chart3d.renderer.xyz.BarXYZRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart3d.renderer.xyz.LineXYZRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart3d.renderer.xyz.ScatterXYZRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart3d.renderer.xyz.SurfaceRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart3d.renderer.xyz.XYZRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart3d.style.ChartStyle;
import org.jfree.chart3d.style.StandardChartStyle;
* Utility methods for constructing common chart types. Charts can be
* assembled piece-wise, but usually it is simpler to use the methods in this
* class then customise the resulting chart as necessary.
public class Chart3DFactory {
* Private constructor prevents instantiation which is unnecessary.
private Chart3DFactory() {
// no need to instantiate this ever
/** The chart style that will be used when creating a new chart. */
static ChartStyle defaultStyle = new StandardChartStyle();
* Returns a new instance of the default chart style (so that, by default,
* all charts will have an independent style instance).
* @return The default chart style (never {@code null}).
* @since 1.2
public static ChartStyle getDefaultChartStyle() {
return defaultStyle.clone();
* Sets the style that will be used when creating new charts.
* @param style the style ({@code null} not permitted).
* @since 1.2
public static void setDefaultChartStyle(ChartStyle style) {
Args.nullNotPermitted(style, "style");
defaultStyle = style.clone();
* Creates and returns a pie chart based on the supplied dataset. The
* chart returned by this method will be constructed using a
* {@link PiePlot3D} instance (so it is safe to cast the result of
* {@code chart.getPlot()}).
* For reference, here is a sample pie chart:
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param subtitle the chart subtitle ({@code null} permitted).
* @param dataset the dataset ({@code null} not permitted).
* @return A pie chart (never {@code null}).
public static Chart3D createPieChart(String title, String subtitle,
PieDataset3D extends Comparable> dataset) {
PiePlot3D plot = new PiePlot3D(dataset);
return new Chart3D(title, subtitle, plot);
* Creates and returns a bar chart based on the supplied dataset. The chart
* returned by this method will be constructed with a
* {@link CategoryPlot3D} using a {@link BarRenderer3D} (so it is
* safe to cast the plot and/or renderer to customise attributes that are
* specific to those subclasses).
* For reference, here is a sample bar chart:
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param subtitle the chart subtitle ({@code null} permitted).
* @param dataset the dataset ({@code null} not permitted).
* @param rowAxisLabel the row axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param columnAxisLabel the column axis label ({@code null}
* permitted).
* @param valueAxisLabel the value axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @return A bar chart (never {@code null}).
public static Chart3D createBarChart(String title, String subtitle,
CategoryDataset3D dataset, String rowAxisLabel,
String columnAxisLabel, String valueAxisLabel) {
StandardCategoryAxis3D rowAxis
= new StandardCategoryAxis3D(rowAxisLabel);
CategoryAxis3D columnAxis = new StandardCategoryAxis3D(columnAxisLabel);
NumberAxis3D valueAxis = new NumberAxis3D(valueAxisLabel,
new Range(0.0, 1.0));
CategoryRenderer3D renderer = new BarRenderer3D();
CategoryPlot3D plot = new CategoryPlot3D(dataset, renderer,
rowAxis, columnAxis, valueAxis);
return new Chart3D(title, subtitle, plot);
* Creates and returns a stacked bar chart based on the supplied dataset.
* The chart returned by this method will be constructed with a
* {@link CategoryPlot3D} using a {@link StackedBarRenderer3D} (so it is
* safe to cast the plot and/or renderer to customise attributes that
* are specific to those subclasses).
* For reference, here is a sample stacked bar chart:
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param subtitle the chart subtitle ({@code null} permitted).
* @param dataset the dataset ({@code null} not permitted).
* @param rowAxisLabel the row axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param columnAxisLabel the column axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param valueAxisLabel the value axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @return A stacked bar chart (never {@code null}).
public static Chart3D createStackedBarChart(String title, String subtitle,
CategoryDataset3D dataset, String rowAxisLabel,
String columnAxisLabel, String valueAxisLabel) {
StandardCategoryAxis3D rowAxis
= new StandardCategoryAxis3D(rowAxisLabel);
CategoryAxis3D columnAxis = new StandardCategoryAxis3D(columnAxisLabel);
NumberAxis3D valueAxis = new NumberAxis3D(valueAxisLabel,
new Range(0.0, 1.0));
CategoryRenderer3D renderer = new StackedBarRenderer3D();
CategoryPlot3D plot = new CategoryPlot3D(dataset, renderer, rowAxis,
columnAxis, valueAxis);
return new Chart3D(title, subtitle, plot);
* Creates and returns an area chart based on the supplied dataset. The
* chart returned by this method will be constructed with a
* {@link CategoryPlot3D} using an {@link AreaRenderer3D} (so it is safe
* to cast the plot and/or renderer to customise attributes that are
* specific to those subclasses).
* For reference, here is a sample area chart:
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param subtitle the chart subtitle ({@code null} permitted).
* @param dataset the dataset ({@code null} not permitted).
* @param rowAxisLabel the row axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param columnAxisLabel the column axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param valueAxisLabel the value axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @return An area chart (never {@code null}).
public static Chart3D createAreaChart(String title, String subtitle,
CategoryDataset3D dataset, String rowAxisLabel,
String columnAxisLabel, String valueAxisLabel) {
StandardCategoryAxis3D rowAxis
= new StandardCategoryAxis3D(rowAxisLabel);
StandardCategoryAxis3D columnAxis = new StandardCategoryAxis3D(
NumberAxis3D valueAxis = new NumberAxis3D(valueAxisLabel,
new Range(0.0, 1.0));
CategoryRenderer3D renderer = new AreaRenderer3D();
CategoryPlot3D plot = new CategoryPlot3D(dataset, renderer, rowAxis,
columnAxis, valueAxis);
return new Chart3D(title, subtitle, plot);
* Creates and returns a line chart based on the supplied dataset. The
* chart returned by this method will be constructed with a
* {@link CategoryPlot3D} using a {@link LineRenderer3D} (so it is safe
* to cast the plot and/or renderer to customise attributes that are
* specific to those subclasses).
* For reference, here is a sample line chart:
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param subtitle the chart subtitle ({@code null} permitted).
* @param dataset the dataset ({@code null} not permitted).
* @param rowAxisLabel the row axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param columnAxisLabel the column axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param valueAxisLabel the value axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @return A line chart (never {@code null}).
public static Chart3D createLineChart(String title, String subtitle,
CategoryDataset3D dataset, String rowAxisLabel,
String columnAxisLabel, String valueAxisLabel) {
StandardCategoryAxis3D rowAxis
= new StandardCategoryAxis3D(rowAxisLabel);
StandardCategoryAxis3D columnAxis
= new StandardCategoryAxis3D(columnAxisLabel);
NumberAxis3D valueAxis = new NumberAxis3D(valueAxisLabel,
new Range(0.0, 1.0));
CategoryRenderer3D renderer = new LineRenderer3D();
CategoryPlot3D plot = new CategoryPlot3D(dataset, renderer, rowAxis,
columnAxis, valueAxis);
return new Chart3D(title, subtitle, plot);
* Creates and returns a scatter plot based on the supplied dataset
* (containing one or more series of {@code (x, y, z)} values). The
* chart returned by this method will be constructed with an
* {@link XYZPlot} using a {@link ScatterXYZRenderer} (so it is safe
* to cast the plot and/or renderer to customise attributes that are
* specific to those subclasses).
* For reference, here is a sample scatter chart:
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param subtitle the chart subtitle ({@code null} permitted).
* @param dataset the dataset ({@code null} not permitted).
* @param xAxisLabel the x-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param yAxisLabel the y-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param zAxisLabel the z-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @return The chart.
public static Chart3D createScatterChart(String title, String subtitle,
XYZDataset dataset, String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel,
String zAxisLabel) {
NumberAxis3D xAxis = new NumberAxis3D(xAxisLabel);
NumberAxis3D yAxis = new NumberAxis3D(yAxisLabel);
NumberAxis3D zAxis = new NumberAxis3D(zAxisLabel);
XYZRenderer renderer = new ScatterXYZRenderer();
XYZPlot plot = new XYZPlot(dataset, renderer, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
return new Chart3D(title, subtitle, plot);
* Creates a surface chart for the specified function.
* For reference, here is a sample surface chart:
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param subtitle the chart subtitle ({@code null} permitted).
* @param function the function ({@code null} not permitted).
* @param xAxisLabel the x-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param yAxisLabel the y-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param zAxisLabel the z-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @return The chart.
* @since 1.1
public static Chart3D createSurfaceChart(String title, String subtitle,
Function3D function, String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel,
String zAxisLabel) {
NumberAxis3D xAxis = new NumberAxis3D(xAxisLabel);
NumberAxis3D yAxis = new NumberAxis3D(yAxisLabel);
NumberAxis3D zAxis = new NumberAxis3D(zAxisLabel);
XYZRenderer renderer = new SurfaceRenderer(function);
// we pass an empty dataset because the plot must have a non-null
// dataset, but the renderer never looks at it...
XYZPlot plot = new XYZPlot(new XYZSeriesCollection(), renderer, xAxis,
yAxis, zAxis);
Chart3D chart = new Chart3D(title, subtitle, plot);
chart.setLegendBuilder(new ColorScaleLegendBuilder());
return chart;
* Creates and returns a bar chart based on the supplied dataset (this is
* for special cases, most general cases will be covered by the
* {@link #createBarChart(String, String, CategoryDataset3D, String, String, String) }
* method). The chart returned by this method will be constructed with an
* {@link XYZPlot} using a {@link BarXYZRenderer} (so it is safe
* to cast the plot and/or renderer to customise attributes that are
* specific to those subclasses).
* For reference, here is a sample XYZ bar chart:
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param subtitle the chart subtitle ({@code null} permitted).
* @param dataset the dataset ({@code null} not permitted).
* @param xAxisLabel the x-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param yAxisLabel the y-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param zAxisLabel the z-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @return The chart.
public static Chart3D createXYZBarChart(String title, String subtitle,
XYZDataset dataset, String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel,
String zAxisLabel) {
ValueAxis3D xAxis = new NumberAxis3D(xAxisLabel);
NumberAxis3D yAxis = new NumberAxis3D(yAxisLabel);
ValueAxis3D zAxis = new NumberAxis3D(zAxisLabel);
XYZRenderer renderer = new BarXYZRenderer();
XYZPlot plot = new XYZPlot(dataset, renderer, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
return new Chart3D(title, subtitle, plot);
* Creates and returns a line chart based on the supplied dataset. The
* chart returned by this method will be constructed with an
* {@link XYZPlot} using a {@link LineXYZRenderer} (so it is safe
* to cast the plot and/or renderer to customise attributes that are
* specific to those subclasses).
* @param title the chart title ({@code null} permitted).
* @param subtitle the chart subtitle ({@code null} permitted).
* @param dataset the dataset ({@code null} not permitted).
* @param xAxisLabel the x-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param yAxisLabel the y-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @param zAxisLabel the z-axis label ({@code null} permitted).
* @return The chart.
* @since 1.5
public static Chart3D createXYZLineChart(String title, String subtitle,
XYZDataset dataset, String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel,
String zAxisLabel) {
ValueAxis3D xAxis = new NumberAxis3D(xAxisLabel);
NumberAxis3D yAxis = new NumberAxis3D(yAxisLabel);
ValueAxis3D zAxis = new NumberAxis3D(zAxisLabel);
XYZRenderer renderer = new LineXYZRenderer();
XYZPlot plot = new XYZPlot(dataset, renderer, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
return new Chart3D(title, subtitle, plot);
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