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org.jgrapht.alg.flow.mincost.CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * (C) Copyright 2018-2023, by Timofey Chudakov and Contributors.
 * JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
 * See the file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 *, or the
 * GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later
 * which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later
package org.jgrapht.alg.flow.mincost;

import org.jgrapht.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.util.*;
import org.jgrapht.util.*;
import org.jheaps.*;
import org.jheaps.tree.*;

import java.util.*;

 * This class computes a solution to a
 *  minimum cost flow problem
 * using the successive shortest path algorithm with capacity scaling. More precisely, this class
 * computes a b-flow of minimum cost, i.e. for each node $v$ in the network the sum of all
 * outgoing flows minus the sum of all incoming flows should be equal to the node supply $b_v$

* The minimum cost flow problem is defined as follows: \[ \begin{align} \mbox{minimize}~& * \sum_{e\in \delta^+(s)}c_e\cdot f_e &\\ \mbox{s.t. }&\sum_{e\in \delta^-(i)} f_e - * \sum_{e\in \delta^+(i)} f_e = b_e & \forall i\in V\\ &l_e\leq f_e \leq u_e & \forall * e\in E \end{align} \] Here $\delta^+(i)$ and $\delta^-(i)$ denote the outgoing and incoming edges * of vertex $i$ respectively. The parameters $c_{e}$ define a cost for each unit of flow on the arc * $e$, $l_{e}$ define minimum arc flow and $u_{e}$ define maximum arc flow. If $u_{e}$ is equal to * {@link CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow#CAP_INF}, then arbitrary large flow can be sent across the * arc $e$. Parameters $b_{e}$ define the nodes demands: positive demand means that a node is a * supply node, 0 demand means that it is a transhipment node, negative demand means that it is a * demand node. Parameters $b_{e}$, $l_{e}$ and $u_{e}$ can be specified via * {@link MinimumCostFlowProblem}, graph edge weights are considered to be parameters $c_{e}$, which * can be negative. *

* This algorithm supports two modes: with and without scaling. An integral scaling factor can be * specified during construction time. If the specified scaling factor is less than 2, then the * algorithm solves the specified problem using regular successive shortest path. The default * scaling factor is {@link CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow#DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR}. *

* Essentially, the capacity scaling technique is breaking down the solution of the problem into * $O(\log U)$ phases $\left[\Delta_i, \Delta_{i +1}\right],\ \Delta_i = 2^{i}, i = 0, 1, \dots, * \log_a(U) - 1$. At each phase the algorithm carries at least $\delta_i$ units of flow. This * technique ensures weakly polynomial time bound on the running time complexity of the algorithm. * Smaller scaling factors guarantee smaller constant in the asymptotic time bound. The best choice * of scaling factor is between $2$ and $16$, which depends on the characteristics of the flow * network. Choosing $100$ as a scaling factor is almost equivalent to using the algorithm without * scaling. In the case the algorithm is used without scaling, it has pseudo-polynomial time * complexity $\mathcal{O}(nU(m + n)\log n)$. *

* Currently the algorithm doesn't support undirected flow networks. The algorithm also imposes two * constraints on the directed flow networks, namely, is doesn't support infinite capacity arcs with * negative cost and self-loops. Note, that in the case the network contains an infinite capacity * arc with negative cost, the cost of a flow on the network can be bounded from below by some * constant, i.e. a feasible finite weight solution can exist. *

* An arc with capacity greater that or equal to {@link CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow#CAP_INF} is * considered to be an infinite capacity arc. The algorithm also uses * {@link CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow#COST_INF} during the computation, therefore, the magnitude * of the cost of any arc can't exceed this values. *

* In the capacity scaling mode, the algorithm performs $\mathcal{O}(log_a U)$ $\Delta$-scaling * phases, where $U$ is the largest magnitude of any supply/demand or finite arc capacity, and $a$ * is a scaling factor, which is considered to be constant. During each $\Delta$-scaling phase the * algorithm first ensures that all arc with capacity with capacity greater than or equal to * $\Delta$ satisfy optimality condition, i.e. its reduced cost must be non-negative (saturated arcs * don't belong to the residual network). After saturating all arcs in the $\Delta$-residual network * with negative reduced cost the sum of the excesses is bounded by $2\Delta(m + n)$. Since the * algorithm ensures that each augmentation carries at least $\Delta$ units of flow, at most * $\mathcal{O}(m)$ flow augmentations are performed during each scaling phase. Therefore, the * overall running time of the algorithm with capacity scaling is $\mathcal{O}(m\log_a U(m + n)\log * n)$, which is a weakly polynomial time bound. *

* If the algorithm is used without scaling, each flow augmentation carries at least * $\mathcal{O}(1)$ flow units, therefore the overall time complexity if $\mathcal{O}(nU(m + n)\log * n)$, which is a pseudo-polynomial time bound. *

* For more information about the capacity scaling algorithm see: K. Ahuja, Ravindra & L. * Magnanti, Thomas & Orlin, James. (1993). Network Flows. This implementation is based on * the algorithm description presented in this book. * * @param graph vertex type * @param graph edge type * @author Timofey Chudakov * @see MinimumCostFlowProblem * @see MinimumCostFlowAlgorithm */ public class CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow implements MinimumCostFlowAlgorithm { /** * A capacity which is considered to be infinite. Every arc, which has upper capacity greater * that or equal to this value is considered to be an infinite capacity arc. */ public static final int CAP_INF = 1000 * 1000 * 1000; /** * A cost which is considered to be infinite. This value is used internally for flow network * transformation. That is why arcs with cost magnitude greater than or equal to this value are * not allowed. */ public static final double COST_INF = 1e9; /** * Default scaling factor */ public static final int DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR = 8; /** * Debug variable */ private static final boolean DEBUG = false; /** * Scaling factor of this algorithm */ private final int scalingFactor; /** * Number of vertices in the network */ private int n; /** * Number of edges in the network */ private int m; /** * Variable that is used to determine whether a vertex has been labeled temporarily or * permanently during Dijkstra's algorithm */ private int counter = 1; /** * Specified minimum cost flow problem */ private MinimumCostFlowProblem problem; /** * Computed minimum cost flow */ private MinimumCostFlow minimumCostFlow; /** * Array of internal nodes used by the algorithm. Node: these nodes are stored in the same order * as vertices of the specified flow network. This allows to determine quickly their * counterparts in the network. */ private Node[] nodes; /** * Array of internal arcs. Note: these arcs are stored in the same order as edges of the * specified flow network. This allows to determine quickly their counterparts in the network. */ private Arc[] arcs; /** * List of vertices of the flow network. */ private List graphVertices; /** * List of edges of the flow network. */ private List graphEdges; /** * Constructs a new instance of the algorithm which uses default scaling factor. */ public CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow() { this(DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR); } /** * Constructs a new instance of the algorithm with custom {@code scalingFactor}. If the * {@code scalingFactor} is less than 2, the algorithm doesn't use scaling. * * @param scalingFactor custom scaling factor */ public CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow(int scalingFactor) { this.scalingFactor = scalingFactor; Node.nextID = 0; // for debug } /** * Returns mapping from edge to flow value through this particular edge * * @return maximum flow mapping, or null if a MinimumCostFlowProblem has not yet been solved. */ @Override public Map getFlowMap() { return minimumCostFlow == null ? null : this.minimumCostFlow.getFlowMap(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public V getFlowDirection(E edge) { return problem.getGraph().getEdgeTarget(edge); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public MinimumCostFlow getMinimumCostFlow( final MinimumCostFlowProblem minimumCostFlowProblem) { this.problem = Objects.requireNonNull(minimumCostFlowProblem); if (problem.getGraph().getType().isUndirected()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The algorithm doesn't support undirected flow networks"); } n = problem.getGraph().vertexSet().size(); m = problem.getGraph().edgeSet().size(); calculateMinimumCostFlow(); return minimumCostFlow; } /** * Returns solution to the dual linear program formulated on the network. Serves as a * certificate of optimality. *

* It is represented as a mapping from graph nodes to their potentials (dual variables). Reduced * cost of a arc $(a, b)$ is defined as $cost((a, b)) + potential(b) - potential(b)$. According * to the reduced cost optimality conditions, a feasible solution to the minimum cost flow * problem is optimal if and only if reduced cost of every non-saturated arc is greater than or * equal to $0$. * * @return solution to the dual linear program formulated on the network, or null if a * MinimumCostFlowProblem has not yet been solved. */ public Map getDualSolution() { if (minimumCostFlow == null) return null; Map dualVariables = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { dualVariables.put(graphVertices.get(i), nodes[i].potential); } return dualVariables; } /** * Calculated a solution to the specified minimum cost flow problem. If the scaling factor is * greater than 1, performs scaling phases, otherwise uses simple capacity scaling algorithm. */ private void calculateMinimumCostFlow() { init(); if (scalingFactor > 1) { // run with scaling int u = getU(); int delta = scalingFactor; while (u >= delta) { delta *= scalingFactor; } delta /= scalingFactor; while (delta >= 1) { Pair, Set> pair = scale(delta); pushAllFlow(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond(), delta); delta /= scalingFactor; } } else { // run without scaling Pair, Set> pair = scale(1); pushAllFlow(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond(), 1); } minimumCostFlow = finish(); } /** * Converts the flow network in the form convenient for the algorithm. Validated the arc * capacities and costs. *

* Also, adds a dummy node to the network and arcs from every node to this dummy node, and from * this dummy node to every other node. These added arcs have infinite capacities * {@link CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow#CAP_INF} and infinite costs * {@link CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow#COST_INF}. This ensures, that every search for an * augmenting path to send at least $\Delta$ units of flow succeeds. *

* If the flow network has a feasible solution, at the end there will be no flow on the added * arcs. Otherwise, the specified problem has no feasible solution. */ private void init() { int supplySum = 0; // initialize data structures nodes = new Node[n + 1]; nodes[n] = new Node(0); // dummy node arcs = new Arc[m]; graphEdges = new ArrayList<>(m); graphVertices = new ArrayList<>(n); Map nodeMap = CollectionUtil.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(n); Graph graph = problem.getGraph(); // convert vertices into internal nodes int i = 0; for (V vertex : graph.vertexSet()) { graphVertices.add(vertex); int supply = problem.getNodeSupply().apply(vertex); supplySum += supply; nodes[i] = new Node(supply); nodeMap.put(vertex, nodes[i]); // reduction nodes[i].addArcTo(nodes[n], CAP_INF, COST_INF); nodes[n].addArcTo(nodes[i], CAP_INF, COST_INF); ++i; } if (Math.abs(supplySum) > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Total node supply isn't equal to 0"); } i = 0; // convert edges into their internal counterparts for (E edge : graph.edgeSet()) { graphEdges.add(edge); Node node = nodeMap.get(graph.getEdgeSource(edge)); Node opposite = nodeMap.get(graph.getEdgeTarget(edge)); int upperCap = problem.getArcCapacityUpperBounds().apply(edge); int lowerCap = problem.getArcCapacityLowerBounds().apply(edge); double cost = graph.getEdgeWeight(edge); if (upperCap < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative edge capacities are not allowed"); } else if (lowerCap > upperCap) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Lower edge capacity must not exceed upper edge capacity"); } else if (lowerCap >= CAP_INF) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The problem is unbounded due to the infinite lower capacity"); } else if (upperCap >= CAP_INF && cost < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The algorithm doesn't support infinite capacity arcs with negative cost"); } else if (Math.abs(cost) >= COST_INF) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Specified flow network contains an edge of infinite cost"); } else if (node == opposite) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Self-loops aren't allowed"); } // remove non-zero lower capacity node.excess -= lowerCap; opposite.excess += lowerCap; if (cost < 0) { // removing negative edge costs node.excess -= upperCap - lowerCap; opposite.excess += upperCap - lowerCap; Node t = node; node = opposite; opposite = t; cost *= -1; } arcs[i] = node.addArcTo(opposite, upperCap - lowerCap, cost); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(arcs[i]); } ++i; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Printing mapping"); for (Map.Entry entry : nodeMap.entrySet()) { System.out.println(entry + " -> " + entry); } } } /** * Returns the largest magnitude of any supply/demand or finite arc capacity. * * @return the largest magnitude of any supply/demand or finite arc capacity. */ private int getU() { int result = 0; for (Node node : nodes) { result = Math.max(result, Math.abs(node.excess)); } for (Arc arc : arcs) { if (!arc.isInfiniteCapacityArc()) { result = Math.max(result, arc.residualCapacity); } } return result; } /** * Performs a scaling phase by saturating all negative reduced cost arcs with residual capacity * greater than or equal to the {@code delta}, so that they don't belong to the * $\Delta$-residual network and, hence, don't violate optimality conditions. After that this * method computes and returns nodes with positive excess greater than or equal to the * {@code delta} and nodes with negative excesses that are less than or equal to {@code delta} * * @param delta current value of $\Delta$ * @return the nodes with excesses no less than {@code delta} and no greater than {@code -delta} */ private Pair, Set> scale(int delta) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(String.format("Current delta = %d", delta)); } // saturate all non-saturated arcs with negative edge costs in the delta-residual network for (Node node : nodes) { Arc nextArc = node.firstNonSaturated; for (Arc arc = nextArc; arc != null; arc = nextArc) { nextArc =; int residualCapacity = arc.residualCapacity; if (arc.residualCapacity >= delta && arc.getReducedCost() < 0) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Saturating arc " + arc); } arc.sendFlow(residualCapacity); arc.head.excess += residualCapacity; arc.revArc.head.excess -= residualCapacity; } } } // finding all nodes with excess magnitude no less than delta List positiveExcessNodes = new ArrayList<>(); Set negativeExcessNodes = new HashSet<>(); for (Node node : nodes) { if (node.excess >= delta) { positiveExcessNodes.add(node); } else if (node.excess <= -delta) { negativeExcessNodes.add(node); } } return new Pair<>(positiveExcessNodes, negativeExcessNodes); } /** * For every node in the {@code positiveExcessNodes} pushes all flow away from it until its * excess is less than {@code delta}. This is always possible due to the performed flow network * reduction during the initialization phase. * * @param positiveExcessNodes nodes from the network with positive excesses no less than * {@code delta} * @param negativeExcessNodes nodes from the network with negative excesses no greater than * {@code delta} * @param delta the current value of $\Delta$ */ private void pushAllFlow( List positiveExcessNodes, Set negativeExcessNodes, int delta) { for (Node node : positiveExcessNodes) { while (node.excess >= delta) { if (negativeExcessNodes.isEmpty()) { return; } pushDijkstra(node, negativeExcessNodes, delta); } } } /** * Runs the Dijkstra's algorithm in the residual network using {@link Arc#getReducedCost()} as * arc distances. *

* After reaching a node with excess no greater than {@code -delta}, augments it. Since the * search is performed in the $\Delta$-residual network, the augmentation carries at least * {@code delta} units of flow. The search always succeeds due to the flow network reduction * performed during the initialization phase. *

* Updates the potentials of the nodes so that they: *

  • Satisfy optimality conditions in the $\Delta$-residual network
  • *
  • The reduced cost of the augmented path is equal to $0$
  • *

* Let us denote some permanently labeled vertex as $u$, and the first * permanently labeled vertex with negative excess as $v$. Let $dist(x)$ be the * distance function in the residual network. Then we use the following formula to update the * node potentials: $v.potential = v.potential + dist(v) - dist(u)$. The potentials of the * temporarily labeled and unvisited vertices stay unchanged. * * @param start the start node for Dijkstra's algorithm * @param negativeExcessNodes nodes from the network with negative excesses no greater than * {@code delta} * @param delta the current value of $\Delta$ */ private void pushDijkstra(Node start, Set negativeExcessNodes, int delta) { int temporarilyLabeledType = counter++; int permanentlyLabeledType = counter++; AddressableHeap.Handle currentFibNode; AddressableHeap heap = new PairingHeap<>(); List permanentlyLabeled = new LinkedList<>(); start.parentArc = null; start.handle = heap.insert(0d, start); while (!heap.isEmpty()) { currentFibNode = heap.deleteMin(); double distance = currentFibNode.getKey(); Node currentNode = currentFibNode.getValue(); if (negativeExcessNodes.contains(currentNode)) { // the path to push at least delta units of flow is found augmentPath(start, currentNode); if (currentNode.excess > -delta) { negativeExcessNodes.remove(currentNode); } // updating potentials for (Node node : permanentlyLabeled) { node.potential += distance; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(String.format("Distance = %.1f", distance)); for (Node node : nodes) { System.out.println( String.format("Id = %d, potential = %.1f",, node.potential)); } } return; } currentNode.labelType = permanentlyLabeledType; // currentNode becomes permanently // labeled permanentlyLabeled.add(currentNode); for (Arc currentArc = currentNode.firstNonSaturated; currentArc != null; currentArc = { // looking only for arcs with residual capacity greater than delta if (currentArc.residualCapacity < delta) { continue; } Node opposite = currentArc.head; if (opposite.labelType != permanentlyLabeledType) { if (opposite.labelType == temporarilyLabeledType) { // opposite has been labeled already if (distance + currentArc.getReducedCost() < opposite.handle.getKey()) { opposite.handle.decreaseKey(distance + currentArc.getReducedCost()); opposite.parentArc = currentArc; } } else { // opposite is encountered for the first time opposite.labelType = temporarilyLabeledType; opposite.handle = heap.insert(distance + currentArc.getReducedCost(), opposite); opposite.parentArc = currentArc; } } } currentNode.potential -= distance; // allows not to store the distances of the nodes } } /** * Augments the path from {@code start} to the {@code end} sending as much flow as possible. * Uses {@link Node#parentArc} computed by the Dijkstra's algorithm. Updates the excesses of the * {@code start} and the {@code end} nodes. * * @param start the start of the augmenting path * @param end the end of the augmenting path */ private void augmentPath(Node start, Node end) { // compute delta to augment int valueToAugment = Math.min(start.excess, -end.excess); for (Arc arc = end.parentArc; arc != null; arc = arc.revArc.head.parentArc) { valueToAugment = Math.min(valueToAugment, arc.residualCapacity); } if (DEBUG) { ArrayList stack = new ArrayList<>(); for (Arc arc = end.parentArc; arc != null; arc = arc.revArc.head.parentArc) { stack.add(arc.head); } stack.add(start); System.out.println("Printing augmenting path"); for (int i = stack.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { System.out.print(stack.get(i).id + " -> "); } System.out.println(stack.get(0).id + ", delta = " + valueToAugment); } // augmenting the flow end.excess += valueToAugment; for (Arc arc = end.parentArc; arc != null; arc = arc.revArc.head.parentArc) { arc.sendFlow(valueToAugment); } start.excess -= valueToAugment; } /** * Finishes the computation by checking the flow feasibility, computing arc flows, and creating * an instance of {@link MinimumCostFlow}. The resulting flow mapping contains all edges of the * specified minimum cost flow problem. * * @return the solution to the minimum cost flow problem */ private MinimumCostFlow finish() { Map flowMap = CollectionUtil.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(m); double totalCost = 0; // check feasibility for (Arc arc = nodes[n].firstNonSaturated; arc != null; arc = { if (arc.revArc.residualCapacity > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Specified flow network problem has no feasible solution"); } } // create the solution object for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { E graphEdge = graphEdges.get(i); Arc arc = arcs[i]; double flowOnArc = arc.revArc.residualCapacity; // this value equals to the flow on the // initial arc if (problem.getGraph().getEdgeWeight(graphEdge) < 0) { // the initial arc goes in the opposite direction flowOnArc = problem.getArcCapacityUpperBounds().apply(graphEdge) - problem.getArcCapacityLowerBounds().apply(graphEdge) - flowOnArc; } flowOnArc += problem.getArcCapacityLowerBounds().apply(graphEdge); flowMap.put(graphEdge, flowOnArc); totalCost += flowOnArc * problem.getGraph().getEdgeWeight(graphEdge); } return new MinimumCostFlowImpl<>(totalCost, flowMap); } /** * Tests the optimality conditions after a flow of minimum cost has been computed. *

* More precisely, tests, whether the reduced cost of every non-saturated arc in the residual * network is non-negative. This validation is performed with precision of {@code eps}. If the * solution doesn't meet this condition, returns, false. *

* In general, this method should always return true unless the algorithm implementation has a * bug. * * @param eps the precision to use * @return true, if the computed solution is optimal, false otherwise. */ public boolean testOptimality(double eps) { if (minimumCostFlow == null) throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot return a dual solution before getMinimumCostFlow(MinimumCostFlowProblem minimumCostFlowProblem) is invoked!"); for (Node node : nodes) { for (Arc arc = node.firstNonSaturated; arc != null; arc = { if (arc.getReducedCost() < -eps) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Supporting data structure for the {@link CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow}. *

* Is used as an internal representation of the vertices of the flow network. Contains all * information needed during the computation. * * @author Timofey Chudakov * @since July 2018 */ private static class Node { /** * Variable for debug purposes */ private static int nextID = 0; /** * Reference to the {@link FibonacciHeapNode} this node is contained in */ AddressableHeap.Handle handle; /** * An arc on the augmenting path which head is this node. */ Arc parentArc; /** * The label of this node. Is used to distinguish temporarily and permanently labeled nodes * during the Dijkstra's algorithm */ int labelType; /** * The excess of this node. If this value is positive, then this is a source node. If this * value is 0, then this is a transhipment node. If this value if negative, this is a sink * node. */ int excess; /** * The dual variable of this node. This is used to search for an augmenting path in the * residual network using the reduced costs of the arcs as arc lengths. */ double potential; /** * Reference of the first outgoing saturated arc (with zero residual capacity) * incident to this node */ Arc firstSaturated; /** * Reference of the first outgoing non-saturated arc (with positive residual * capacity) incident to this node. */ Arc firstNonSaturated; /** * Variable for debug purposes */ private int id = nextID++; /** * Constructs a new node with {@code excess} * * @param excess the excess of this node */ public Node(int excess) { this.excess = excess; } /** * Adds a new arc with {@code capacity}, {@code cost} to the {@code opposite}. This method * also creates a reverse arc with zero capacity and {@code -cost}. * * @param opposite the head of the resulting arc. * @param capacity the capacity of the resulting arc. * @param cost the cost of the resulting arc * @return the resulting arc to the {@code opposite} node */ Arc addArcTo(Node opposite, int capacity, double cost) { Arc forwardArc = new Arc(opposite, capacity, cost); if (capacity > 0) { // forward arc becomes the first arc in the linked list of non-saturated arcs if (firstNonSaturated != null) { firstNonSaturated.prev = forwardArc; } = firstNonSaturated; firstNonSaturated = forwardArc; } else { // forward arc becomes the first arc in the linked list of saturated arcs if (firstSaturated != null) { firstSaturated.prev = forwardArc; } = firstSaturated; firstSaturated = forwardArc; } Arc reverseArc = new Arc(this, 0, -cost); if (opposite.firstSaturated != null) { opposite.firstSaturated.prev = reverseArc; } = opposite.firstSaturated; opposite.firstSaturated = reverseArc; forwardArc.revArc = reverseArc; reverseArc.revArc = forwardArc; return forwardArc; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Id = %d, excess = %d, potential = %.1f", id, excess, potential); } } /** * Supporting data structure for the {@link CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow}. *

* Represents a directed edge (arc) in the residual flow network. Contains all information * needed during the computation. * * @author Timofey Chudakov * @since July 2018 */ private static class Arc { /** * The head (target) of this arc. */ final Node head; /** * The cost of sending one unit of flow across this arc. This value is positive for initial * network arcs, negative - for the reverse residual arcs, and equals to the * {@link CapacityScalingMinimumCostFlow#COST_INF} for the arcs used for the reduction. */ final double cost; /** * The reverse counterpart of this arc. */ Arc revArc; /** * The previous arc. This variable is used to maintain the presence of this arc in the * linked list of arc which are either saturated or not. */ Arc prev; /** * The next arc. This variable is used to maintain the presence of this arc in the linked * list of arc which are either saturated or not. */ Arc next; /** * The residual capacity of this arc. For forward arcs $(i, j)$ it equals $c_{i, j} - x_{i, * j}$ where $x_{i, j}$ is the flow on this arc. For reverse arcs it equals $x_{i,j}$. */ int residualCapacity; /** * Creates a new arc * * @param head the head (target) of this arc * @param residualCapacity its residual capacity * @param cost its cost */ Arc(Node head, int residualCapacity, double cost) { this.head = head; this.cost = cost; this.residualCapacity = residualCapacity; } /** * Returns reduced cost of this arc. * * @return reduced cost of this arc. */ double getReducedCost() { return cost + head.potential - revArc.head.potential; } /** * Sends {@code value units of flow across this arc}. * * @param value how many units of flow to send */ void sendFlow(int value) { decreaseResidualCapacity(value); revArc.increaseResidualCapacity(value); } /** * Decreases residual capacity of this arc by {@code value} units of flow. Moves this arc * from list of non-saturated arc to the list of saturated arcs if necessary. * * @param value the value to subtract from the residual capacity of this arc */ private void decreaseResidualCapacity(int value) { if (residualCapacity >= CAP_INF) { return; } residualCapacity -= value; if (residualCapacity == 0) { // need to move this arc from list of non-saturated arcs to list of saturated arcs Node tail = revArc.head; if (next != null) { next.prev = prev; } if (prev != null) { = next; } else { tail.firstNonSaturated = next; } next = tail.firstSaturated; if (tail.firstSaturated != null) { tail.firstSaturated.prev = this; } tail.firstSaturated = this; prev = null; } } /** * Increases residual capacity of this arc by {@code value} units of flow. Moves this arc * from list of saturated arc to the list of non-saturated arcs if necessary. * * @param value the value to add to the residual capacity of this arc */ private void increaseResidualCapacity(int value) { if (residualCapacity >= CAP_INF) { return; } if (residualCapacity == 0) { // need to move this arc from list of saturated arcs to list of non-saturated arcs Node tail = revArc.head; if (next != null) { next.prev = prev; } if (prev != null) { = next; } else { tail.firstSaturated = next; } next = tail.firstNonSaturated; if (tail.firstNonSaturated != null) { tail.firstNonSaturated.prev = this; } tail.firstNonSaturated = this; prev = null; } residualCapacity += value; } /** * Returns true if the arc has infinite capacity, false otherwise. * * @return true if the arc has infinite capacity, false otherwise. */ public boolean isInfiniteCapacityArc() { return residualCapacity >= CAP_INF; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format( "(%d, %d), residual capacity = %s, reduced cost = %.1f, cost = %.1f",,, residualCapacity >= CAP_INF ? "INF" : String.valueOf(residualCapacity), getReducedCost(), cost); } } }

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