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org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * (C) Copyright 2019-2023, by Semen Chudakov and Contributors.
 * JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
 * See the file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 *, or the
 * GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later
 * which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later
package org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath;

import org.jgrapht.Graph;
import org.jgrapht.Graphs;
import org.jgrapht.alg.util.Pair;
import org.jgrapht.graph.MaskSubgraph;
import org.jgrapht.graph.builder.GraphTypeBuilder;
import org.jgrapht.util.ConcurrencyUtil;
import org.jheaps.AddressableHeap;
import org.jheaps.tree.PairingHeap;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * Parallel implementation of the 
 * contraction hierarchy route planning precomputation technique.

* The original algorithm is described the article: Robert Geisberger, Peter Sanders, Dominik * Schultes, and Daniel Delling. 2008. Contraction hierarchies: faster and simpler hierarchical * routing in road networks. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Experimental * algorithms (WEA'08), Catherine C. McGeoch (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 319-333. * *

* Parallel version of the algorithm is described in the article: Vetter, Christian. "Parallel * Time-Dependent Contraction Hierarchies." (2009). * *

* This algorithm speeds up shortest paths computation by contracting graph vertices. To contract a * vertex means to remove it from the graph in such a way that shortest paths in the remaining * overlay graph are preserved. This property is achieved by replacing paths of the form $\langle u, * v, w\rangle$ by a shortcut edge $(u, w)$. Note that the shortcut $(u, w)$ is only required if * $\langle u, v, w\rangle$ is the only shortest path from $u$ to $w$. * *

* Contraction is performed as follows. First a priority is computed for each vertex in the graph. * This implementation uses edge quotient, complexity quotient and hierarchical depth metrics for * computing priority. A hierarchy is then generated by iteratively contracting independent sets of * vertices. A vertex is independent iff it`s priority is less than the priority of every vertex in * its 2-neighbourhood. A 2-neighbourhood of a vertex $v$ is defined as a set of vertices that are * reachable from $v$ using at most 2 hops. After contraction each vertex gets its unique * contraction level - its position in the computed hierarchy. Finally, after all vertices are * contracted each edge is set to be either upward if its source has lower level that its target, or * downward if vice versa. * *

* Computing initial priorities, independent sets and shortcuts, updating neighbours priorities and * marking upward edges is performed in parallel what gives this implementation performance speedup * comparing to the sequential approach. * *

* For parallelization, this implementation relies on the {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} which is * supplied to this algorithm from outside. * * @param the graph vertex type * @param the graph edge type * @author Semen Chudakov */ public class ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation { /** * The underlying graph. */ private Graph graph; /** * Graph that stores the computed contraction hierarchy. */ private Graph, ContractionEdge> contractionGraph; /** * Mapping of the vertices in the original graph to the vertices in the contraction hierarchy * graph. */ private Map> contractionMapping; /** * The immutable view of the {@code contractionGraph} which masks already contracted vertices. * It is used to determine overlay graph during the computations. */ private Graph, ContractionEdge> maskedContractionGraph; /** * Vertices of the {@code contractionGraph}. */ private List> vertices; /** * Lists of shortcuts that correspond to vertices in the {@code contractionGraph}. The id of a * vertex is the position in this array, where corresponding shortcuts are stored. */ private List, ContractionEdge>>> shortcutEdges; /** * Data of each vertex int the {@code contractionGraph}. The id of a vertex is the position in * this list, where corresponding data is stored. */ private List verticesData; /** * Counter of contraction level that should be assigned to vertex that is being contracted. * Variable is made atomic due to the concurrent updates in the computations. */ private AtomicInteger contractionLevelCounter; /** * Supplier for the preferable heap implementation. */ private Supplier>> shortcutsSearchHeapSupplier; /** * Decorator for {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} supplied to this algorithm that enables to keep * track of when all submitted tasks are finished. */ private ExecutorCompletionService completionService; /** * Maximum number of threads used in the computations. */ private int parallelism; /** * Tasks that are submitted to the {@code executor}. */ private List tasks; /** * Consumers that perform computation of initial priorities for vertices in * {@code contractionGraph}. Each consumer holds an instance of the {@link Random} class to * avoid concurrent calls to single instance. */ private List>> computeInitialPrioritiesConsumers; /** * Computes independent set during contraction. */ private Consumer> computeIndependentSetConsumer; /** * Computes shortcuts for a vertex. */ private Consumer> computeShortcutsConsumer; /** * Updates neighbours priorities of a vertex. */ private Consumer> updateNeighboursConsumer; /** * Sets value of {@code isUpward} for the outgoing edges of a vertex. */ private Consumer> markUpwardEdgesConsumer; /** * Constructs a new instance of the algorithm for a given {@code graph} and {@code executor}. It * is up to a user of this algorithm to handle the creation and termination of the provided * {@code executor}. For utility methods to manage a {@code ThreadPoolExecutor} see * {@link ConcurrencyUtil}. * * @param graph graph * @param executor executor which will be used for parallelization */ public ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation(Graph graph, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) { this(graph, Random::new, executor); } /** * Constructs a new instance of the algorithm for a given {@code graph}, {@code randomSupplier} * and {@code executor}. Provided {@code randomSupplier} should return different random * generators instances, because they are used by different threads. It is up to a user of this * algorithm to handle the creation and termination of the provided {@code executor}. Utility * methods to manage a {@code ThreadPoolExecutor} see {@link ConcurrencyUtil}. * * @param graph graph * @param randomSupplier supplier for preferable instances of {@link Random} * @param executor executor which will be used for parallelization */ public ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation( Graph graph, Supplier randomSupplier, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) { this(graph, randomSupplier, PairingHeap::new, executor); } /** * Constructs a new instance of the algorithm for a given {@code graph}, {@code parallelism}, * {@code randomSupplier}, {@code shortcutsSearchHeapSupplier} and {@code executor}. Provided * {@code randomSupplier} should return different random generators instances, because they are * used by different threads. It is up to a user of this algorithm to handle the creation and * termination of the provided {@code executor}. For utility methods to manage a * {@code ThreadPoolExecutor} see {@link ConcurrencyUtil}. * * @param graph graph * @param randomSupplier supplier for preferable instances of {@link Random} * @param shortcutsSearchHeapSupplier supplier for the preferable heap implementation. * @param executor executor which will be used for parallelization */ public ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation( Graph graph, Supplier randomSupplier, Supplier>> shortcutsSearchHeapSupplier, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) { init(graph, randomSupplier, shortcutsSearchHeapSupplier, executor); } /** * Initialized field of this algorithm. * * @param graph a graph * @param randomSupplier supplier for preferable instances of {@link Random} * @param shortcutsSearchHeapSupplier supplier for the preferable heap implementation. * @param executor executor which will be used for parallelization */ private void init( Graph graph, Supplier randomSupplier, Supplier>> shortcutsSearchHeapSupplier, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) { this.graph = graph; this.contractionGraph = GraphTypeBuilder ., ContractionEdge> directed().weighted(true) .allowingMultipleEdges(false).allowingSelfLoops(false).buildGraph(); this.parallelism = executor.getMaximumPoolSize(); this.shortcutsSearchHeapSupplier = shortcutsSearchHeapSupplier; vertices = new ArrayList<>(graph.vertexSet().size()); shortcutEdges = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(graph.vertexSet().size(), null)); verticesData = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(graph.vertexSet().size(), null)); contractionLevelCounter = new AtomicInteger(); maskedContractionGraph = new MaskSubgraph<>( contractionGraph, v -> verticesData.get(v.vertexId) != null && verticesData.get(v.vertexId).isContracted, e -> false); contractionMapping = new HashMap<>(); completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(executor); tasks = new ArrayList<>(parallelism); computeInitialPrioritiesConsumers = new ArrayList<>(parallelism); for (int i = 0; i < parallelism; ++i) { tasks.add(new ContractionTask(i)); computeInitialPrioritiesConsumers.add(new Consumer<>() { Random random = randomSupplier.get(); @Override public void accept(ContractionVertex vertex) { verticesData.set(vertex.vertexId, getVertexData(vertex, random.nextInt())); } }); } computeIndependentSetConsumer = vertex -> verticesData.get(vertex.vertexId).isIndependent = vertexIsIndependent(vertex); computeShortcutsConsumer = vertex -> shortcutEdges.set(vertex.vertexId, getShortcuts(vertex)); updateNeighboursConsumer = vertex -> updateNeighboursData(vertex); markUpwardEdgesConsumer = vertex -> contractionGraph.outgoingEdgesOf(vertex).forEach( e -> e.isUpward = contractionGraph.getEdgeSource(e).contractionLevel < contractionGraph .getEdgeTarget(e).contractionLevel); } /** * Computes contraction hierarchy for {@code graph}. * * @return contraction hierarchy and mapping of original to contracted vertices */ public ContractionHierarchy computeContractionHierarchy() { fillContractionGraphAndVerticesArray(); // compute initial priorities in parallel submitTasks(0, contractionGraph.vertexSet().size(), computeInitialPrioritiesConsumers); contractVertices(); // mark upward edges in parallel submitTasks(0, contractionGraph.vertexSet().size(), markUpwardEdgesConsumer); return new ContractionHierarchy<>(graph, contractionGraph, contractionMapping); } /** * Fills {@code contractionGraph} and {@code vertices}. If there exist multiple edges between * two vertices in the original graph, the shortest is added to the {@code contractionGraph}. * Self loops of the original graph are ignored. If original graph is undirected, each edge is * transformed into two directed edges in the contraction graph. */ private void fillContractionGraphAndVerticesArray() { int vertexId = 0; for (V vertex : graph.vertexSet()) { ContractionVertex contractionVertex = new ContractionVertex<>(vertex, vertexId); vertices.add(contractionVertex); ++vertexId; contractionGraph.addVertex(contractionVertex); contractionMapping.put(vertex, contractionVertex); } for (E e : graph.edgeSet()) { V source = graph.getEdgeSource(e); V target = graph.getEdgeTarget(e); if (!source.equals(target)) { ContractionVertex contractionSource = contractionMapping.get(source); ContractionVertex contractionTarget = contractionMapping.get(target); double eWeight = graph.getEdgeWeight(e); ContractionEdge oldEdge = contractionGraph.getEdge(contractionSource, contractionTarget); if (oldEdge == null) { ContractionEdge forward = new ContractionEdge<>(e); contractionGraph.addEdge(contractionSource, contractionTarget, forward); contractionGraph.setEdgeWeight(forward, eWeight); if (graph.getType().isUndirected()) { ContractionEdge backward = new ContractionEdge<>(e); contractionGraph.addEdge(contractionTarget, contractionSource, backward); contractionGraph.setEdgeWeight(backward, eWeight); } } else { double oldWeight = contractionGraph.getEdgeWeight(oldEdge); if (eWeight < oldWeight) { contractionGraph.setEdgeWeight(oldEdge, eWeight); oldEdge.edge = e; if (graph.getType().isUndirected()) { ContractionEdge oldBackwardEdge = contractionGraph.getEdge(contractionTarget, contractionSource); oldBackwardEdge.edge = e; contractionGraph.setEdgeWeight(oldBackwardEdge, eWeight); } } } } } } /** * Performs contraction of vertices in {@code contractionGraph}. */ private void contractVertices() { int independentSetStart; int independentSetEnd = graph.vertexSet().size(); while (independentSetEnd != 0) { // compute independent set in parallel submitTasks(0, independentSetEnd, computeIndependentSetConsumer); independentSetStart = partitionIndependentSet(independentSetEnd); // compute shortcuts for independent vertices in parallel submitTasks(independentSetStart, independentSetEnd, computeShortcutsConsumer); contractIndependentSet(independentSetStart, independentSetEnd); // update neighbours priorities in parallel submitTasks(independentSetStart, independentSetEnd, updateNeighboursConsumer); markContracted(independentSetStart, independentSetEnd); independentSetEnd = independentSetStart; } } /** * Determines if a {@code vertex} is independent wrt the overlay graph. * * @param vertex vertex * @return true iff vertex is independent */ private boolean vertexIsIndependent(ContractionVertex vertex) { for (ContractionVertex firstLevelNeighbour : Graphs .neighborSetOf(maskedContractionGraph, vertex)) { if (isGreater(vertex, firstLevelNeighbour)) { return false; } for (ContractionVertex secondLevelNeighbour : Graphs .neighborSetOf(maskedContractionGraph, firstLevelNeighbour)) { if (!secondLevelNeighbour.equals(vertex)) { if (isGreater(vertex, secondLevelNeighbour)) { return false; } } } } return true; } /** * Determines if priority of {@code vertex1} is greater than the priority of {@code vertex2}. If * priorities stored in {@code verticesData} are equal, the tie breaking rule is used. First * random values in {@code verticesData} are checked. If they are also equal, ids of vertices * are inspected. Each vertex has a unique id which guaranties that on each iteration there * exists at least one independent vertex. * * @return true iff priority of {@code vertex1} is greater than {@code vertex2} */ private boolean isGreater(ContractionVertex vertex1, ContractionVertex vertex2) { VertexData data1 = verticesData.get(vertex1.vertexId); VertexData data2 = verticesData.get(vertex2.vertexId); if (data1.priority != data2.priority) { return data1.priority > data2.priority; } // tie breaking if (data1.random != data2.random) { return data1.random > data2.random; } return vertex1.vertexId > vertex2.vertexId; } /** * Partitions vertices in {@code vertices} on the segment $[0,notContractedVerticesEnd)$ into * correspondingly not independent and independent. * * @param notContractedVerticesEnd position after the last not yet contracted vertex in * {@code vertices} * @return position of first independent vertex in created partition */ private int partitionIndependentSet(int notContractedVerticesEnd) { int left = 0; int right = notContractedVerticesEnd - 1; while (left <= right) { while (!verticesData.get(left).isIndependent) { ++left; } while (right >= 0 && verticesData.get(right).isIndependent) { --right; } if (left <= right) { ContractionVertex leftVertex = vertices.get(left); ContractionVertex rightVertex = vertices.get(right); swap(verticesData, left, right); swap(vertices, left, right); swap(shortcutEdges, left, right); int tmpId = leftVertex.vertexId; leftVertex.vertexId = rightVertex.vertexId; rightVertex.vertexId = tmpId; } } return left; } /** * Swaps elements in {@code list} on the positions {@code i} and {@code j}. * * @param list list * @param i position of first element * @param j position of second element */ private void swap(List list, int i, int j) { T tmp = list.get(i); list.set(i, list.get(j)); list.set(j, tmp); } /** * Contracts vertices in the current independent set. This step should be performed sequentially * because the {@code contractionGraph} is not thread-safe. * * @param independentSetStart first vertex in the independent set * @param independentSetEnd position after the last vertex in the independent set */ private void contractIndependentSet(int independentSetStart, int independentSetEnd) { vertices.subList(independentSetStart, independentSetEnd).forEach( v -> contractVertex(v, contractionLevelCounter.getAndIncrement())); } /** * Contracts provided {@code vertex} and assigns the specified {@code contractionLevel} to it. * * @param vertex vertex to contract * @param contractionLevel vertex contraction level */ private void contractVertex(ContractionVertex vertex, int contractionLevel) { List, ContractionEdge>> shortcuts = this.shortcutEdges.get(vertex.vertexId); // add shortcuts for (Pair, ContractionEdge> shortcut : shortcuts) { ContractionVertex shortcutSource = maskedContractionGraph.getEdgeSource(shortcut.getFirst()); ContractionVertex shortcutTarget = maskedContractionGraph.getEdgeTarget(shortcut.getSecond()); ContractionEdge shortcutEdge = new ContractionEdge<>(shortcut); double shortcutWeight = maskedContractionGraph.getEdgeWeight(shortcut.getFirst()) + maskedContractionGraph.getEdgeWeight(shortcut.getSecond()); boolean added = contractionGraph.addEdge(shortcutSource, shortcutTarget, shortcutEdge); if (added) { contractionGraph.setEdgeWeight(shortcutEdge, shortcutWeight); } else { // update weight of already existing edge ContractionEdge originalEdge = contractionGraph.getEdge(shortcutSource, shortcutTarget); originalEdge.edge = null; originalEdge.bypassedEdges = shortcut; originalEdge.originalEdges = shortcut.getFirst().originalEdges + shortcut.getSecond().originalEdges; contractionGraph.setEdgeWeight(originalEdge, shortcutWeight); } } vertex.contractionLevel = contractionLevel; } /** * Updates neighbours priorities and theirs {@code depth} values for a given {@code vertex}. * Method {@link Graphs#neighborSetOf(Graph, Object)} is used to traverse neighbours. * * @param vertex a vertex in the {@code contractionGraph} */ private void updateNeighboursData(ContractionVertex vertex) { VertexData vertexData = verticesData.get(vertex.vertexId); for (ContractionVertex neighbour : Graphs .neighborSetOf(maskedContractionGraph, vertex)) { VertexData neighbourData = verticesData.get(neighbour.vertexId); neighbourData.depth = Math.max(neighbourData.depth, vertexData.depth + 1); updatePriority(neighbour, neighbourData); } } /** * Creates an instance of {@code VertexData} for {@code vertex} using specified random number * and sets its {@code priority} value. * * @param vertex a vertex in {@code contractionGraph} * @param random random number * @return created {@code VertexData} */ private VertexData getVertexData(ContractionVertex vertex, int random) { VertexData result = new VertexData(random); updatePriority(vertex, result); return result; } /** * Updates {@code priority} field value of {@code data}, which corresponds to the * {@code vertex}. * * @param vertex a vertex in the {@code contractionGraph} * @param data data of vertex */ private void updatePriority(ContractionVertex vertex, VertexData data) { VertexStatistics statistics = getStatistics(vertex); if (statistics.removedContractionEdges * statistics.removedOriginalEdges == 0) { data.priority = data.depth; } else { data.priority = 4.0 * statistics.addedContractionEdges / statistics.removedContractionEdges + 2.0 * statistics.addedOriginalEdges / statistics.removedOriginalEdges + 1.0 * data.depth; } } /** * Computes statistics for specified {@code vertex}. * * @param vertex a vertex in the {@code contractionGraph} * @return statistics of {@code vertex} */ private VertexStatistics getStatistics(ContractionVertex vertex) { ToStatisticsConsumer consumer = new ToStatisticsConsumer(); iterateShortcutEdges(vertex, consumer); maskedContractionGraph.edgesOf(vertex).forEach(edge -> { ++consumer.statistics.removedContractionEdges; consumer.statistics.removedOriginalEdges += edge.originalEdges; }); return consumer.statistics; } /** * Computes shortcuts for vertex {@code vertex} wrt the overlay graph. * * @param vertex a vertex in {@code contractionGraph} * @return list of shortcuts */ private List, ContractionEdge>> getShortcuts( ContractionVertex vertex) { ToListConsumer consumer = new ToListConsumer(); iterateShortcutEdges(vertex, consumer); return consumer.shortcuts; } /** * Runs forward shortest-path searches in current overlay graph to find shortcuts of * {@code vertex}. The {@code vertex} itself is ignored. Applies {@code shortcutConsumer} * whenever a new shortcut is found. To prune the search, keeps track of the value $d(u, v) + * max {c(v, w) : (v, w) \in E^{\prime}}$, where $d(u,v)$ denotes distance between vertex $u$ * and $v$, $c(v,w)$ is weight of the edge $(v,w)$, $E^{\prime}$ is the set of edges of the * overlay graph. If the original graph is undirected each predecessor of {@code vertex} is * considered only once and for each found shortcut in the forward direction another one in the * backward direction is generated. * * @param vertex a vertex in {@code contractionGraph} * @param shortcutConsumer consumer to supply shortcuts to */ private void iterateShortcutEdges( ContractionVertex vertex, BiConsumer, ContractionEdge> shortcutConsumer) { Set> successors = new HashSet<>(); double maxOutgoingEdgeWeight = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (ContractionEdge outEdge : maskedContractionGraph.outgoingEdgesOf(vertex)) { ContractionVertex successor = maskedContractionGraph.getEdgeTarget(outEdge); if (verticesData.get(successor.vertexId) != null && verticesData.get(successor.vertexId).isIndependent) { // does not belong to overlay graph continue; } successors.add(successor); maxOutgoingEdgeWeight = Math.max(maxOutgoingEdgeWeight, contractionGraph.getEdgeWeight(outEdge)); } for (ContractionEdge inEdge : maskedContractionGraph.incomingEdgesOf(vertex)) { ContractionVertex predecessor = contractionGraph.getEdgeSource(inEdge); if (verticesData.get(predecessor.vertexId) != null && verticesData.get(predecessor.vertexId).isIndependent) { // does not belong to overlay graph continue; } boolean containedPredecessor = successors.remove(predecessor); // might contain the // predecessor vertex Map, AddressableHeap.Handle>> distances = iterateToSuccessors( maskedContractionGraph, predecessor, successors, vertex, contractionGraph.getEdgeWeight(inEdge) + maxOutgoingEdgeWeight); for (ContractionVertex successor : successors) { ContractionEdge outEdge = contractionGraph.getEdge(vertex, successor); double pathWeight = contractionGraph.getEdgeWeight(inEdge) + contractionGraph.getEdgeWeight(outEdge); if (!distances.containsKey(successor) || distances.get(successor).getKey() > pathWeight) { shortcutConsumer.accept(inEdge, outEdge); if (graph.getType().isUndirected()) { shortcutConsumer.accept( contractionGraph.getEdge(successor, vertex), contractionGraph.getEdge(vertex, predecessor)); } } } if (containedPredecessor && graph.getType().isDirected()) { // restore predecessor if // needed successors.add(predecessor); } } } /** * Performs Dijkstra search in the {@code graph} starting at vertex {@code source} ignoring * vertex {@code vertexToIgnore}. The search is limited by {@code radius}. The search is * proceeded until all vertices in {@code successors} are reached or there is no vertex left to * traverse. * * @param graph graph to traverse * @param source search start vertex * @param successors vertices to reach * @param vertexToIgnore vertex to ignore * @param radius search distance limit * @return computed distances for reached vertices */ private Map, AddressableHeap.Handle>> iterateToSuccessors( Graph, ContractionEdge> graph, ContractionVertex source, Set> successors, ContractionVertex vertexToIgnore, double radius) { AddressableHeap> heap = shortcutsSearchHeapSupplier.get(); Map, AddressableHeap.Handle>> distanceMap = new HashMap<>(); updateDistance(source, 0.0, heap, distanceMap); int numOfSuccessors = successors.size(); int passedSuccessors = 0; while (!heap.isEmpty()) { AddressableHeap.Handle> min = heap.deleteMin(); ContractionVertex vertex = min.getValue(); double distance = min.getKey(); if (distance > radius) { break; } if (successors.contains(vertex)) { ++passedSuccessors; if (passedSuccessors == numOfSuccessors) { break; } } relaxNode(graph, heap, distanceMap, vertex, distance, vertexToIgnore); } return distanceMap; } /** * Relaxes outgoing edges of {@code vertex} in {@code graph} ignoring successors marked as * independent and {@code vertexToIgnore}. * * @param graph graph * @param heap search priority queue * @param distanceMap vertex distances * @param vertex vertex to relax * @param vertexDistance update distance for {@code vertex} * @param vertexToIgnore vertex to ignore */ private void relaxNode( Graph, ContractionEdge> graph, AddressableHeap> heap, Map, AddressableHeap.Handle>> distanceMap, ContractionVertex vertex, double vertexDistance, ContractionVertex vertexToIgnore) { for (ContractionEdge edge : graph.outgoingEdgesOf(vertex)) { ContractionVertex successor = graph.getEdgeTarget(edge); double edgeWeight = graph.getEdgeWeight(edge); if (edgeWeight < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative edge weight not allowed"); } if (successor.equals(vertexToIgnore) || (verticesData.get(successor.vertexId) != null && verticesData.get(successor.vertexId).isIndependent)) { // skip independent vertices because they do not belong to overlay graph continue; } double updatedDistance = vertexDistance + edgeWeight; updateDistance(successor, updatedDistance, heap, distanceMap); } } /** * Updates distance for {@code vertex} in the {@code heap} if needed. * * @param vertex vertex * @param distance updated distance * @param heap search priority queue * @param distanceMap vertex distances */ private void updateDistance( ContractionVertex vertex, double distance, AddressableHeap> heap, Map, AddressableHeap.Handle>> distanceMap) { AddressableHeap.Handle> node = distanceMap.get(vertex); if (node == null) { node = heap.insert(distance, vertex); distanceMap.put(vertex, node); } else if (distance < node.getKey()) { node.decreaseKey(distance); } } /** * Sets value of {@code isContracted} field of {@code VertexData} for each vertex in the segment * $[independentSetStart,independentSetEnd)$ to $true$. This step should not interfere with * other steps during the contraction because it alters the {@code maskedContractionGraph}. * * @param independentSetStart start of independent set * @param independentSetEnd end of independent set */ private void markContracted(int independentSetStart, int independentSetEnd) { for (int i = independentSetStart; i < independentSetEnd; ++i) { verticesData.get(vertices.get(i).vertexId).isContracted = true; } } /** * Submits {@code tasks} to the {@code completionService} setting start and end of the working * segment and consumer for them * * @param segmentStart start of working segment inclusively * @param segmentEnd start of working segment exclusively * @param consumer consumer */ private void submitTasks( int segmentStart, int segmentEnd, Consumer> consumer) { for (ContractionTask task : tasks) { task.consumer = consumer; task.segmentStart = segmentStart; task.segmentsEnd = segmentEnd; completionService.submit(task, null); } waitForTasksCompletion(tasks.size()); } /** * Submits {@code tasks} to the {@code completionService} setting start and end of the working * segment and an individual instance of consumer provided in {@code consumers}. * * @param segmentStart start of working segment inclusively * @param segmentEnd start of working segment exclusively * @param consumers consumers */ private void submitTasks( int segmentStart, int segmentEnd, List>> consumers) { for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); ++i) { ContractionTask task = tasks.get(i); task.consumer = consumers.get(i); task.segmentStart = segmentStart; task.segmentsEnd = segmentEnd; completionService.submit(task, null); } waitForTasksCompletion(tasks.size()); } /** * Takes {@code numOfTasks} tasks from the {@link #completionService}. * * @param numOfTasks number of tasks */ private void waitForTasksCompletion(int numOfTasks) { for (int i = 0; i < numOfTasks; ++i) { try { completionService.take().get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Return type of this algorithm. Contains {@code contractionGraph} and * {@code contractionMapping}. * * @param the graph vertex type * @param the graph edge type */ public static class ContractionHierarchy { /** * The underlying graph. */ private Graph graph; /** * Graph that stores the computed contraction hierarchy. */ private Graph, ContractionEdge> contractionGraph; /** * Mapping of the vertices in the original graph to the vertices in the contraction * hierarchy graph. */ private Map> contractionMapping; /** * Returns the underlying graph of this contraction hierarchy. * * @return underlying graph of this contraction hierarchy */ public Graph getGraph() { return graph; } /** * Returns contracted graph. * * @return contracted graph */ public Graph, ContractionEdge> getContractionGraph() { return contractionGraph; } /** * Returns mapping of the vertices in the original graph to the vertices in the contracted * graph. * * @return vertices mapping */ public Map> getContractionMapping() { return contractionMapping; } /** * Constructs a new instance for the given {@code graph}, {@code contractionGraph} and * {@code contractionMapping}. * * @param graph graph * @param contractionGraph contracted graph * @param contractionMapping vertices mapping */ ContractionHierarchy( Graph graph, Graph, ContractionEdge> contractionGraph, Map> contractionMapping) { this.graph = graph; this.contractionGraph = contractionGraph; this.contractionMapping = contractionMapping; } /** * Unpacks {@code edge} by recursively going from target to source. * * @param edge edge to unpack * @param vertexList vertex list of the path * @param edgeList edge list of the path */ public void unpackBackward( ContractionEdge edge, LinkedList vertexList, LinkedList edgeList) { if (edge.bypassedEdges == null) { vertexList.addFirst(contractionGraph.getEdgeSource(edge).vertex); edgeList.addFirst(edge.edge); } else { unpackBackward(edge.bypassedEdges.getSecond(), vertexList, edgeList); unpackBackward(edge.bypassedEdges.getFirst(), vertexList, edgeList); } } /** * Unpacks {@code edge} by recursively going from source to target. * * @param edge edge to unpack * @param vertexList vertex list of the path * @param edgeList edge list of the path */ public void unpackForward( ContractionEdge edge, LinkedList vertexList, LinkedList edgeList) { if (edge.bypassedEdges == null) { vertexList.addLast(contractionGraph.getEdgeTarget(edge).vertex); edgeList.addLast(edge.edge); } else { unpackForward(edge.bypassedEdges.getFirst(), vertexList, edgeList); unpackForward(edge.bypassedEdges.getSecond(), vertexList, edgeList); } } } /** * Vertex for building the contraction hierarchy, which contains an original vertex from * {@code graph}. * * @param type of the original vertex. */ public static class ContractionVertex { /** * Identifies the position in {@code verticesData} and {@code shortcutEdges} lists, that * corresponds to this vertex. */ int vertexId; /** * Original vertex from {@code graph} this instance represents. */ V1 vertex; /** * Level that is assigned to this vertex during contraction which is used to determine * upward edges in the hierarchy. */ int contractionLevel; /** * Constructs a new vertex for given original vertex {@code vertex} and {@code vertexId}. * * @param vertex vertex in {@code graph} * @param vertexId id */ ContractionVertex(V1 vertex, int vertexId) { this.vertexId = vertexId; this.vertex = vertex; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; ContractionVertex that = (ContractionVertex) o; return Objects.equals(vertex, that.vertex); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(vertex); } } /** * Edge for building the contraction hierarchy. Each instance of this class contains either an * original edge from {@code graph} or a pair of bypassed edges in case it represents a * shortcut. * * @param type of the original vertex. */ public static class ContractionEdge { /** * Original edge in {@code graph}. */ E1 edge; /** * Pair of edges this edge bypasses in case it is a shortcut. */ Pair, ContractionEdge> bypassedEdges; /** * Determines if this edge source has lower contraction level than its target. */ boolean isUpward; /** * Number of original edges in {@code graph} this edge represents in the contraction * hierarchy. */ int originalEdges; /** * Constructs a contraction edge for the given original {@code edge}. * * @param edge an edge in {@code graph} */ ContractionEdge(E1 edge) { this.edge = edge; this.originalEdges = 1; } /** * Constrcuts a contraction edge for the given pair of bypassed edges. * * @param bypassedEdges skipped edge */ ContractionEdge(Pair, ContractionEdge> bypassedEdges) { this.bypassedEdges = bypassedEdges; this.originalEdges = bypassedEdges.getFirst().originalEdges + bypassedEdges.getSecond().originalEdges; } } /** * Caches passed shortcuts into a list. */ private class ToListConsumer implements BiConsumer, ContractionEdge> { /** * Resulting list of shortcuts. */ List, ContractionEdge>> shortcuts; /** * Constructs an instance of the consumer. */ ToListConsumer() { shortcuts = new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public void accept(ContractionEdge e1, ContractionEdge e2) { shortcuts.add(Pair.of(e1, e2)); } } /** * Uses passed shortcuts to compute {@code addedContractionEdges} and {@code addedOriginalEdges} * statistics. This consumer is used to run $\textit{simulative}$ contraction - a type of * contraction used to compute only the vertex priority. */ private class ToStatisticsConsumer implements BiConsumer, ContractionEdge> { /** * Resulting statistics instance. */ VertexStatistics statistics; /** * Constructs an instance of the consumer. */ ToStatisticsConsumer() { this.statistics = new VertexStatistics(); } @Override public void accept(ContractionEdge e1, ContractionEdge e2) { ++statistics.addedContractionEdges; statistics.addedOriginalEdges += e1.originalEdges + e2.originalEdges; } } /** * Task that is used to perform computing of initial priorities, independent set and shortcuts, * updating neighbours priorities and marking upward edges. To achieve good load balancing * segment of vertices in {@code vertices} is divided into chunks using {@code taskId}. */ private class ContractionTask implements Runnable { /** * Id of this task. */ int taskId; /** * Start if the working segment in {@code vertices} inclusively. */ int segmentStart; /** * End if the working segment in {@code vertices} exclusively. */ int segmentsEnd; /** * Performs needed action with vertices. */ Consumer> consumer; /** * Constructs an instance of the task for the given {@code taskId}. * * @param taskId id of this task */ public ContractionTask(int taskId) { this.taskId = taskId; } @Override public void run() { int start = workerSegmentStart(segmentStart, segmentsEnd); int end = workerSegmentEnd(segmentStart, segmentsEnd); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { consumer.accept(vertices.get(i)); } } /** * Computes start of the working chunk for this task. * * @param segmentStart working segment start * @param segmentEnd working segment end * @return working chunk start */ private int workerSegmentStart(int segmentStart, int segmentEnd) { return segmentStart + ((segmentEnd - segmentStart) * taskId) / parallelism; } /** * Computes end of the working chunk for this task. * * @param segmentStart working segment start * @param segmentEnd working segment end * @return working chunk end */ private int workerSegmentEnd(int segmentStart, int segmentEnd) { return segmentStart + ((segmentEnd - segmentStart) * (taskId + 1)) / parallelism; } } /** * Contains information of a vertex needed during the contraction. */ private static class VertexData { /** * Hierarchical depth of a vertex measured in the number of hops that can be performed while * descending into the lower levels of the hierarchy. */ int depth; /** * Random number used for tie breaking during computing independent set. */ int random; /** * Priority of a vertex. */ double priority; /** * Determines if a vertex is already contracted or not. */ boolean isContracted; /** * Determines if a vertex is independent or not. */ boolean isIndependent; /** * Constructs an instance of data for given random value. * * @param random random number */ VertexData(int random) { this.random = random; } } /** * Contains statistics corresponding to a vertex in {@code contractionGraph} needed to compute * its priority. */ private static class VertexStatistics { /** * Number of edges added to the {@code contractionGraph} in case this vertex is contracted. */ int addedContractionEdges; /** * Number of edges removed to the {@code contractionGraph} in case this vertex is * contracted. */ int removedContractionEdges; /** * Sum of the complexities of edges added to the {@code contractionGraph} in case this * vertex is contracted. The complexity of an edge as the number of edges it represents in * the original {@code graph}. */ int addedOriginalEdges; /** * Sum of the complexities of edges removed from the {@code contractionGraph} in case this * vertex is contracted. The complexity of an edge as the number of edges it represents in * the original {@code graph}. */ int removedOriginalEdges; } }

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