org.jgrasstools.gears.libs.modules.JGTConstants Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JGrass - Free Open Source Java GIS
* (C) HydroloGIS -
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59
* Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package org.jgrasstools.gears.libs.modules;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
* Constant values and novalues handling.
* @author Andrea Antonello (
public class JGTConstants {
* constants for models
* The default double novalue.
* Note: if this changes, also the checker methods like
* {@link #isNovalue(double)} have to be changed.
public static final double doubleNovalue = Double.NaN;
* Checker for default double novalue.
* This was done since with NaN the != check doesn't work.
* This has to be strict in line with the {@link #doubleNovalue}.
* @param value the value to check.
* @return true if the passed value is a novalue.
public static boolean isNovalue( double value ) {
return Double.isNaN(value);
* Checker for a list of default double novalues.
* @param values the list of values to check.
* @return true if one of the passes values is a novalue.
* @see #isNovalue(double)
public static boolean isOneNovalue( double... values ) {
for( double value : values ) {
if (Double.isNaN(value))
return true;
return false;
* The default float novalue.
public static final float floatNovalue = Float.NaN;
* Checker for default float novalue.
* This was done since with NaN the != check doesn't work.
* This has to be strict in line with the {@link #floatNovalue}.
* @param value the value to check.
* @return true if the passed value is a novalue.
public static boolean isNovalue( float value ) {
return Float.isNaN(value);
* The default int novalue.
public static final int intNovalue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Checker for default int novalue.
* This was done since with NaN the != check doesn't work.
* This has to be strict in line with the {@link #intNovalue}.
* @param value the value to check.
* @return true if the passed value is a novalue.
public static boolean isNovalue( int value ) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE == value;
* Check if the width and height of a raster would lead to a numeric overflow.
* @param width width of the matrix or raster.
* @param height height of the matrix or raster.
* @return true if there is overfow.
public static boolean doesOverFlow( int width, int height ) {
if ((long) width * (long) height < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Global formatter for joda datetime (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss).
public static String dateTimeFormatterYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_string = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
public static DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatterYYYYMMDDHHMMSS = DateTimeFormat
* Global formatter for joda datetime (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm).
public static String dateTimeFormatterYYYYMMDDHHMM_string = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";
public static DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatterYYYYMMDDHHMM = DateTimeFormat
public static String utcDateFormatterYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_string = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
public static DateTimeFormatter utcDateFormatterYYYYMMDDHHMMSS = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(
public static String utcDateFormatterYYYYMMDDHHMM_string = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";
public static DateTimeFormatter utcDateFormatterYYYYMMDDHHMM = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(utcDateFormatterYYYYMMDDHHMM_string)
* Enumeration defining meteo types.
public static int TEMPERATURE = 0;
public static int PRESSURE = 1;
public static int HUMIDITY = 2;
public static int WIND = 3;
* Average daily range temperature.
public static int DTDAY = 4;
* Average monthly range temperature.
public static int DTMONTH = 5;
* Earth rotation [rad/h].
public final static double omega = 0.261799388; /* velocita' di rotazione terrestre [rad/h] */
* Zero celsius degrees in Kelvin.
public final static double tk = 273.15; /* =0 C in Kelvin */
* Von Karman constant.
public final static double ka = 0.41; /* costante di Von Karman */
* Freezing temperature [C]
public final static double Tf = 0.0; /* freezing temperature [C] */
* Solar constant [W/m2].
public final static double Isc = 1367.0; /* Costante solare [W/m2] */
* Water density [kg/m3].
public final static double rho_w = 1000.0; /* densita' dell'acqua [kg/m3] */
* Ice density [kg/m3].
public final static double rho_i = 917.0; /* densita' del ghiaccio [kg/m3] */
* Latent heat of melting [J/kg].
public final static double Lf = 333700.00; /* calore latente di fusione [J/kg] */
* Latent heat of sublimation [J/kg].
public final static double Lv = 2834000.00; /* calore latente di sublimazione [J/kg] */
* Heat capacity of water [J/(kg/K)].
public final static double C_liq = 4188.00; /* heat capacity of water [J/(kg/K)] */
* Heat capacity of ice [J/(kg/K)].
public final static double C_ice = 2117.27; /* heat capacity of ice [J/(kg/K)] */
* Adiabatic lapse rate [K/m].
public final static double GAMMA = 0.006509; /* adiabatic lapse rate [K/m]*/
* Costante di Stefan-Boltzmann [W/(m2 K4)].
public final static double sigma = 5.67E-8; /* costante di Stefan-Boltzmann [W/(m2 K4)]*/
public static final String AIG = "adf";
public static final String ESRIGRID = "asc";
public static final String GEOTIFF = "tiff";
public static final String GEOTIF = "tif";
public static final String GRASS = "grass";
public static final String SHP = "shp";
* modules categories
// IO
public static final String GENERICREADER = "Generic Reader";
public static final String GENERICWRITER = "Generic Writer";
public static final String HASHMAP_READER = "HashMap Data Reader";
public static final String HASHMAP_WRITER = "HashMap Data Writer";
public static final String LIST_READER = "List Data Reader";
public static final String LIST_WRITER = "List Data Writer";
public static final String RASTERREADER = "Raster Reader";
public static final String GRIDGEOMETRYREADER = "Grid Geometry Reader";
public static final String RASTERWRITER = "Raster Writer";
public static final String FEATUREREADER = "Vector Reader";
public static final String FEATUREWRITER = "Vector Writer";
// processing
public static final String RASTERPROCESSING = "Raster Processing";
public static final String VECTORPROCESSING = "Vector Processing";
// horton
public static final String BASIN = "HortonMachine/Basin";
public static final String DEMMANIPULATION = "HortonMachine/Dem Manipulation";
public static final String GEOMORPHOLOGY = "HortonMachine/Geomorphology";
public static final String HYDROGEOMORPHOLOGY = "HortonMachine/Hydro-Geomorphology";
public static final String HILLSLOPE = "HortonMachine/Hillslope";
public static final String NETWORK = "HortonMachine/Network";
public static final String STATISTICS = "HortonMachine/Statistics";
* vars ui hints
public static final String HIDE_UI_HINT = "hide";
public static final String FILEIN_UI_HINT = "infile";
public static final String FOLDERIN_UI_HINT = "infolder";
public static final String FILEOUT_UI_HINT = "outfile";
public static final String FOLDEROUT_UI_HINT = "outfolder";
public static final String FILESPATHLIST_UI_HINT = "filespathlist";
public static final String CRS_UI_HINT = "crs";
public static final String ITERATOR_UI_HINT = "iterator";
public static final String EASTINGNORTHING_UI_HINT = "eastnorth";
public static final String NORTHING_UI_HINT = "northing";
public static final String EASTING_UI_HINT = "easting";
public static final String MULTILINE_UI_HINT = "multiline";
public static final String MAPCALC_UI_HINT = "mapcalc";
public static final String PROCESS_NORTH_UI_HINT = "process_north";
public static final String PROCESS_SOUTH_UI_HINT = "process_south";
public static final String PROCESS_EAST_UI_HINT = "process_east";
public static final String PROCESS_WEST_UI_HINT = "process_west";
public static final String PROCESS_COLS_UI_HINT = "process_cols";
public static final String PROCESS_ROWS_UI_HINT = "process_rows";
public static final String PROCESS_XRES_UI_HINT = "process_xres";
public static final String PROCESS_YRES_UI_HINT = "process_yres";
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