org.jgrasstools.gears.libs.modules.JGTProcessingRegion Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
* (C) 2006-2010, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
package org.jgrasstools.gears.libs.modules;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D;
import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridGeometry2D;
import org.geotools.geometry.Envelope2D;
import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTS;
import org.geotools.referencing.CRS;
import org.jgrasstools.gears.utils.coverage.CoverageUtilities;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
* Represents the processing region.
* Calculations always work against a particular geographic region, which
* contains the boundaries of the region as well as the information of the
* region's resolution and the number of rows and cols of the region.
* Warning: since the rows and cols have to be integers, the resolution
* is may be recalculated to fulfill this constraint. Users should not wonder if
* the asked resolution is not available in the supplied boundaries.
* @author Andrea Antonello -
* @since 1.2.1
public class JGTProcessingRegion {
* The northern boundary of the region.
private double north = Double.NaN;
* The southern boundary of the region.
private double south = Double.NaN;
* The western boundary of the region.
private double west = Double.NaN;
* The eastern boundary of the region.
private double east = Double.NaN;
* The north-south resolution of the region.
private double ns_res = Double.NaN;
* The east-west resolution of the region.
private double we_res = Double.NaN;
* The number of rows of the region.
private int rows = 0;
* The number of columns of the region.
private int cols = 0;
* Creates a new instance of {@link JGTProcessingRegion}.
* This constructor may be used when boundaries and number of rows and
* columns are available.
* @param west
* the western boundary.
* @param east
* the eastern boundary.
* @param south
* the southern boundary.
* @param north
* the nothern boundary.
* @param rows
* the number of rows.
* @param cols
* the number of cols.
public JGTProcessingRegion( double west, double east, double south, double north, int rows, int cols ) {
this.west = west;
this.east = east;
this.south = south;
this.north = north;
this.rows = rows;
this.cols = cols;
* Creates a new instance of {@link JGTProcessingRegion}.
* This constructor may be used when boundaries and the resolution is
* available.
* @param west
* the western boundary.
* @param east
* the eastern boundary.
* @param south
* the southern boundary.
* @param north
* the northern boundary.
* @param weres
* the east-west resolution.
* @param nsres
* the north -south resolution.
public JGTProcessingRegion( double west, double east, double south, double north, double weres, double nsres ) {
this.west = west;
this.east = east;
this.south = south;
this.north = north;
we_res = weres;
ns_res = nsres;
* Creates a new instance of {@link JGTProcessingRegion} by duplicating an existing
* region.
* @param region
* a region from which to take the setting from.
public JGTProcessingRegion( JGTProcessingRegion region ) {
west = region.getWest();
east = region.getEast();
south = region.getSouth();
north = region.getNorth();
rows = region.getRows();
cols = region.getCols();
* Creates a new instance of {@link JGTProcessingRegion} from an {@link Envelope2D}
* .
* @param envelope2D
* the envelope2D from which to take the setting from.
public JGTProcessingRegion( Envelope2D envelope2D ) {
west = envelope2D.getMinX();
east = envelope2D.getMaxX();
south = envelope2D.getMinY();
north = envelope2D.getMaxY();
we_res = envelope2D.getHeight();
ns_res = envelope2D.getWidth();
* Creates a new instance of {@link JGTProcessingRegion} from a {@link GridCoverage2D coverage}.
* @param gridCoverage the gridcoverage from which to take the region.
public JGTProcessingRegion( GridCoverage2D gridCoverage ) {
HashMap regionParams = CoverageUtilities.getRegionParamsFromGridCoverage(gridCoverage);
west = regionParams.get(CoverageUtilities.WEST);
east = regionParams.get(CoverageUtilities.EAST);
south = regionParams.get(CoverageUtilities.SOUTH);
north = regionParams.get(CoverageUtilities.NORTH);
we_res = regionParams.get(CoverageUtilities.XRES);
ns_res = regionParams.get(CoverageUtilities.YRES);
* Creates a new instance of {@link JGTProcessingRegion} from given strings.
* @param west
* the western boundary string.
* @param east
* the eastern boundary string.
* @param south
* the southern boundary string.
* @param north
* the nothern boundary string.
* @param ewres the x resolution string.
* @param nsres the y resolution string.
public JGTProcessingRegion( String west, String east, String south, String north, String ewres, String nsres ) {
double[] nsew = nsewStringsToNumbers(north, south, east, west);
double[] xyRes = xyResStringToNumbers(ewres, nsres);
double no = nsew[0];
double so = nsew[1];
double ea = nsew[2];
double we = nsew[3];
double xres = xyRes[0];
double yres = xyRes[1];
JGTProcessingRegion tmp = new JGTProcessingRegion(we, ea, so, no, xres, yres);
* Creates a new instance of {@link JGTProcessingRegion} from given strings.
* @param west
* the western boundary string.
* @param east
* the eastern boundary string.
* @param south
* the southern boundary string.
* @param north
* the nothern boundary string.
* @param rows
* the string of rows.
* @param cols
* the string of cols.
public JGTProcessingRegion( String west, String east, String south, String north, int rows, int cols ) {
double[] nsew = nsewStringsToNumbers(north, south, east, west);
double no = nsew[0];
double so = nsew[1];
double ea = nsew[2];
double we = nsew[3];
JGTProcessingRegion tmp = new JGTProcessingRegion(we, ea, so, no, rows, cols);
* Sets the extent of this window using another window.
* @param win another window object
public void setExtent( JGTProcessingRegion region ) {
west = region.getWest();
east = region.getEast();
south = region.getSouth();
north = region.getNorth();
rows = region.getRows();
cols = region.getCols();
* Creates JTS envelope from the current region.
* @return the JTS envelope wrapping the current region.
public Envelope getEnvelope() {
return new Envelope(new Coordinate(west, north), new Coordinate(east, south));
* Creates a {@linkplain Rectangle2D.Double rectangle} from the current
* region.
* Note that the rectangle width and height are world coordinates.
* @return the rectangle wrapping the current region.
public Rectangle2D.Double getRectangle() {
return new Rectangle2D.Double(west, south, east - west, north - south);
public String toString() {
return ("region:\nwest=" + west + "\neast=" + east + "\nsouth=" + south + "\nnorth=" + north + "\nwe_res=" + we_res
+ "\nns_res=" + ns_res + "\nrows=" + rows + "\ncols=" + cols);
* Reprojects a {@link JGTProcessingRegion region}.
* @param sourceCRS
* the original {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem crs} of the
* region.
* @param targetCRS
* the target {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem crs} of the
* region.
* @param lenient
* defines whether to apply a lenient transformation or not.
* @return a new {@link JGTProcessingRegion region}.
* @throws Exception
* exception that may be thrown when applying the
* transformation.
public JGTProcessingRegion reproject( CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS,
boolean lenient ) throws Exception {
MathTransform transform = CRS.findMathTransform(sourceCRS, targetCRS, lenient);
Envelope envelope = getEnvelope();
Envelope targetEnvelope = JTS.transform(envelope, transform);
return new JGTProcessingRegion(targetEnvelope.getMinX(), targetEnvelope.getMaxX(), targetEnvelope.getMinY(),
targetEnvelope.getMaxY(), getRows(), getCols());
* calculates the resolution from the boundaries of the region and the rows
* and cols.
private void fixResolution() {
we_res = (east - west) / cols;
ns_res = (north - south) / rows;
* calculates rows and cols from the region and its resolution.
* Rows and cols have to be integers, rounding is applied if required.
private void fixRowsAndCols() {
rows = (int) Math.round((north - south) / ns_res);
if (rows < 1)
rows = 1;
cols = (int) Math.round((east - west) / we_res);
if (cols < 1)
cols = 1;
* Snaps a geographic point to be on the region grid.
* Moves the point given by X and Y to be on the grid of the supplied
* region.
* @param x
* the easting of the arbitrary point.
* @param y
* the northing of the arbitrary point.
* @param region
* the active window from which to take the grid.
* @return the snapped coordinate.
public static Coordinate snapToNextHigherInRegionResolution( double x, double y, JGTProcessingRegion region ) {
double minx = region.getRectangle().getBounds2D().getMinX();
double ewres = region.getWEResolution();
double xsnap = minx + (Math.ceil((x - minx) / ewres) * ewres);
double miny = region.getRectangle().getBounds2D().getMinY();
double nsres = region.getNSResolution();
double ysnap = miny + (Math.ceil((y - miny) / nsres) * nsres);
return new Coordinate(xsnap, ysnap);
* Creates a region from envelope bounds snapped to a region grid.
* This takes an envelope and a JGrass region and creates a new region to
* match the bounds of the envelope, but the grid of the region. This is
* important if the region has to match some feature layer.
* The bounds of the new region contain completely the envelope.
* @param sourceEnvelope
* the envelope to adapt.
* @param sourceRegion
* the region from which to take the grid to be snapped.
* @return a new region, created from the envelope bounds snapped to the
* region grid.
public static JGTProcessingRegion adaptActiveRegionToEnvelope( Envelope sourceEnvelope, JGTProcessingRegion sourceRegion ) {
JGTProcessingRegion newRegion = new JGTProcessingRegion(sourceEnvelope.getMinX(), sourceEnvelope.getMaxX(),
sourceEnvelope.getMinY(), sourceEnvelope.getMaxY(), sourceRegion.getRows(), sourceRegion.getCols());
return newRegion;
* @param subregionsNum
* @return
public List toSubRegions( int subregionsNum ) {
int tmpR = getRows();
int tmpC = getCols();
double tmpWest = getWest();
double tmpSouth = getSouth();
double tmpWERes = getWEResolution();
double tmpNSRes = getNSResolution();
if (subregionsNum > tmpR || subregionsNum > tmpC) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of subregions has to be smaller than the number of rows and columns.");
int subregRows = (int) Math.floor(tmpR / (double) subregionsNum);
int subregCols = (int) Math.floor(tmpC / (double) subregionsNum);
List regions = new ArrayList();
double runningEasting = tmpWest;
double runningNorthing = tmpSouth;
for( int i = 0; i < subregionsNum; i++ ) {
double n = runningNorthing + subregRows * tmpNSRes;
double s = runningNorthing;
for( int j = 0; j < subregionsNum; j++ ) {
double w = runningEasting;
double e = runningEasting + subregCols * tmpWERes;
if (e > getEast()) {
e = getEast();
if (n > getNorth()) {
n = getNorth();
JGTProcessingRegion r = new JGTProcessingRegion(w, e, s, n, tmpWERes, tmpNSRes);
if (r.getWEResolution() == 0 || r.getNSResolution() == 0) {
runningEasting = e;
runningEasting = tmpWest;
runningNorthing = n;
return regions;
* Reads a region file and sets a given region to the supplied region file.
* @param filePath
* the path to the region file.
* @param region
* the region to be set to the region file informations.
* Transforms degree string into the decimal value.
* @param value the string in degrees.
* @return the translated value.
private double degreeToNumber( String value ) {
double number = -1;
String[] valueSplit = value.trim().split(":"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (valueSplit.length == 3) {
double deg = Double.parseDouble(valueSplit[0]);
double min = Double.parseDouble(valueSplit[1]);
double sec = Double.parseDouble(valueSplit[2]);
number = deg + min / 60.0 + sec / 60.0 / 60.0;
} else if (valueSplit.length == 2) {
// deg:min
double deg = Double.parseDouble(valueSplit[0]);
double min = Double.parseDouble(valueSplit[1]);
number = deg + min / 60.0;
} else if (valueSplit.length == 1) {
// deg
number = Double.parseDouble(valueSplit[0]);
return number;
* Transforms a GRASS resolution string in metric or degree to decimal.
* @param ewres the x resolution string.
* @param nsres the y resolution string.
* @return the array of x and y resolution doubles.
private double[] xyResStringToNumbers( String ewres, String nsres ) {
double xres = -1.0;
double yres = -1.0;
if (ewres.indexOf(':') != -1) {
xres = degreeToNumber(ewres);
} else {
xres = Double.parseDouble(ewres);
if (nsres.indexOf(':') != -1) {
yres = degreeToNumber(nsres);
} else {
yres = Double.parseDouble(nsres);
return new double[]{xres, yres};
* Transforms the GRASS bounds strings in metric or degree to decimal.
* @param north the north string.
* @param south the south string.
* @param east the east string.
* @param west the west string.
* @return the array of the bounds in doubles.
private double[] nsewStringsToNumbers( String north, String south, String east, String west ) {
double no = -1.0;
double so = -1.0;
double ea = -1.0;
double we = -1.0;
if (north.indexOf("N") != -1 || north.indexOf("n") != -1) {
north = north.substring(0, north.length() - 1);
no = degreeToNumber(north);
} else if (north.indexOf("S") != -1 || north.indexOf("s") != -1) {
north = north.substring(0, north.length() - 1);
no = -degreeToNumber(north);
} else {
no = Double.parseDouble(north);
if (south.indexOf("N") != -1 || south.indexOf("n") != -1) {
south = south.substring(0, south.length() - 1);
so = degreeToNumber(south);
} else if (south.indexOf("S") != -1 || south.indexOf("s") != -1) {
south = south.substring(0, south.length() - 1);
so = -degreeToNumber(south);
} else {
so = Double.parseDouble(south);
if (west.indexOf("E") != -1 || west.indexOf("e") != -1) {
west = west.substring(0, west.length() - 1);
we = degreeToNumber(west);
} else if (west.indexOf("W") != -1 || west.indexOf("w") != -1) {
west = west.substring(0, west.length() - 1);
we = -degreeToNumber(west);
} else {
we = Double.parseDouble(west);
if (east.indexOf("E") != -1 || east.indexOf("e") != -1) {
east = east.substring(0, east.length() - 1);
ea = degreeToNumber(east);
} else if (east.indexOf("W") != -1 || east.indexOf("w") != -1) {
east = east.substring(0, east.length() - 1);
ea = -degreeToNumber(east);
} else {
ea = Double.parseDouble(east);
return new double[]{no, so, ea, we};
* Getter for north
* @return the north
public double getNorth() {
return north;
* Setter for north
* @param north
* the north to set
public void setNorth( double north ) {
this.north = north;
* Getter for south
* @return the south
public double getSouth() {
return south;
* Setter for south
* @param south
* the south to set
public void setSouth( double south ) {
this.south = south;
* Getter for west
* @return the west
public double getWest() {
return west;
* Setter for west
* @param west
* the west to set
public void setWest( double west ) {
this.west = west;
* Getter for east
* @return the east
public double getEast() {
return east;
* Setter for east
* @param east
* the east to set
public void setEast( double east ) {
this.east = east;
* Getter for ns_res
* @return the ns_res
public double getNSResolution() {
return ns_res;
* Setter for ns_res
* @param ns_res
* the ns_res to set
public void setNSResolution( double ns_res ) {
this.ns_res = ns_res;
* Getter for we_res
* @return the we_res
public double getWEResolution() {
return we_res;
* Setter for we_res
* @param we_res
* the we_res to set
public void setWEResolution( double we_res ) {
this.we_res = we_res;
* Getter for rows
* @return the rows
public int getRows() {
return rows;
* Setter for rows
* @param rows
* the rows to set
public void setRows( int rows ) {
this.rows = rows;
* Getter for cols.
* @return the cols.
public int getCols() {
return cols;
* Setter for cols.
* @param cols
* the cols to set.
public void setCols( int cols ) {
this.cols = cols;
* Transform the current region into a {@link GridGeometry2D}.
* @param crs the {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem} to apply.
* @return the gridgeometry.
public GridGeometry2D getGridGeometry( CoordinateReferenceSystem crs ) {
GridGeometry2D gridGeometry = CoverageUtilities.gridGeometryFromRegionParams(getRegionParams(), crs);
return gridGeometry;
public HashMap getRegionParams() {
HashMap paramsMap = CoverageUtilities.makeRegionParamsMap(north, south, west, east, we_res, ns_res, cols,
return paramsMap;