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 * This file is part of JGrasstools (
 * (C) Michael Michaud
 * (C) HydroloGIS - 
 * JGrasstools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .

import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder;
import org.jgrasstools.gears.utils.features.FeatureMate;
import org.jgrasstools.gears.utils.features.FeatureUtilities;
import org.jgrasstools.gears.utils.geometry.GeometryType;
import org.jgrasstools.gears.utils.geometry.GeometryUtilities;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryCollection;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;

 * Utils for DXF format. 

Based on work of: Michael Michaud

* * @author Andrea Antonello ( */ public class DxfUtils { public static final String SUFFIX = "_"; public static final String ZERO = "0.0"; public static final String SEQEND = "SEQEND"; public static final String VERTEX = "VERTEX"; public static final String LINE = "LINE"; public static final String POLYLINE = "POLYLINE"; public static final String POINT = "POINT"; public static final String LAYER = "LAYER"; public static final String TEXT_STYLE = "TEXT_STYLE"; public static final String BYLAYER = "BYLAYER"; public static final String LTYPE = "LTYPE"; public static final String ELEVATION = "ELEVATION"; public static final String THICKNESS = "THICKNESS"; public static final String COLOR = "COLOR"; public static final String TEXT_HEIGHT = "TEXT_HEIGHT"; public static final String TEXT = "TEXT"; public static final int precision = 3; private DxfUtils() {} /** * Write a {@link SimpleFeature} to dxf string. * * @param featureMate the feature to convert. * @param layerName the layer name in case none is in the attributes. * @param elevationAttrName the attribute defining elevation or null. * @param suffix true if suffix is needed. * @param force2CoordsToLine if true, lines that are composed of just 2 coordinates * will be handled as LINE instead of the default which is POLYLINE. * @return the string representation. */ public static String feature2Dxf( FeatureMate featureMate, String layerName, String elevationAttrName, boolean suffix, boolean force2CoordsToLine ) { Geometry g = featureMate.getGeometry(); GeometryType geometryType = GeometryUtilities.getGeometryType(g); if (geometryType == GeometryType.POINT || geometryType == GeometryType.MULTIPOINT) { return point2Dxf(featureMate, layerName, elevationAttrName); } else if (geometryType == GeometryType.LINE || geometryType == GeometryType.MULTILINE) { return lineString2Dxf(featureMate, layerName, elevationAttrName, force2CoordsToLine); } else if (geometryType == GeometryType.POLYGON || geometryType == GeometryType.MULTIPOLYGON) { return polygon2Dxf(featureMate, layerName, elevationAttrName, suffix); } else if (g instanceof GeometryCollection) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for( int i = 0; i < g.getNumGeometries(); i++ ) { SimpleFeature ff = SimpleFeatureBuilder.copy(featureMate.getFeature()); ff.setDefaultGeometry(g.getGeometryN(i)); FeatureMate fm = new FeatureMate(ff); sb.append(feature2Dxf(fm, layerName, elevationAttrName, suffix, force2CoordsToLine)); } return sb.toString(); } else { return null; } } private static String point2Dxf( FeatureMate featureMate, String layerName, String elevationAttrName ) { StringBuilder sb; // TEXT SimpleFeature feature = featureMate.getFeature(); Object attribute = FeatureUtilities.getAttributeCaseChecked(feature, TEXT); boolean hasText = attribute != null && !attribute.equals(""); if (hasText) { sb = new StringBuilder(DxfGroup.toString(0, TEXT)); } else { sb = new StringBuilder(DxfGroup.toString(0, POINT)); } // LAYER handleLAYER(feature, layerName, sb); // LTYPE handleLTYPE(feature, sb); // ELEVATION handleELEVATION(feature, sb); // THICKNESS handleTHICKNESS(feature, sb); // COLOR handleColor(feature, sb); Coordinate coord = ((Point) featureMate.getGeometry()).getCoordinate(); if (elevationAttrName != null) { Double elev = featureMate.getAttribute(elevationAttrName, Double.class); if (elev != null) { coord.z = elev; } } sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(10, coord.x, precision)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(20, coord.y, precision)); if (!Double.isNaN(coord.z)) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(30, coord.z, precision)); handleTEXTHEIGHT(feature, sb, hasText); return sb.toString(); } private static String lineString2Dxf( FeatureMate featureMate, String layerName, String elevationAttrName, boolean force2CoordsToLine ) { Geometry geom = featureMate.getGeometry(); Coordinate[] coords = geom.getCoordinates(); // Correction added by L. Becker and R Littlefield on 2006-11-08 // It writes 2 points-only polylines in a line instead of a polyline // to make it possible to incorporate big dataset in View32 boolean is2CoordsLine = coords.length == 2; boolean doLine = is2CoordsLine && force2CoordsToLine; StringBuilder sb; if (doLine) { sb = new StringBuilder(DxfGroup.toString(0, LINE)); } else { sb = new StringBuilder(DxfGroup.toString(0, POLYLINE)); } double elev = Double.NaN; if (elevationAttrName != null) { Double tmp = featureMate.getAttribute(elevationAttrName, Double.class); if (tmp != null) { elev = tmp; } } SimpleFeature feature = featureMate.getFeature(); handleLAYER(feature, layerName, sb); handleLTYPE(feature, sb); handleELEVATION(feature, sb); handleTHICKNESS(feature, sb); handleColor(feature, sb); // modified by L. Becker and R. Littlefield (add the Line case) if (doLine) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(10, coords[0].x, precision)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(20, coords[0].y, precision)); coords[0].z = elev; if (!Double.isNaN(coords[0].z)) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(30, ZERO)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(11, coords[1].x, precision)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(21, coords[1].y, precision)); coords[1].z = elev; if (!Double.isNaN(coords[1].z)) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(31, ZERO)); } else { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(66, 1)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(10, ZERO)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(20, ZERO)); coords[0].z = elev; if (!Double.isNaN(coords[0].z)) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(30, ZERO)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(70, 8)); for( int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++ ) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(0, VERTEX)); handleLAYER(feature, layerName, sb); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(10, coords[i].x, precision)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(20, coords[i].y, precision)); coords[i].z = elev; if (!Double.isNaN(coords[i].z)) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(30, coords[i].z, precision)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(70, 32)); } sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(0, SEQEND)); } return sb.toString(); } private static String polygon2Dxf( FeatureMate featureMate, String layerName, String elevationAttrName, boolean suffix ) { Geometry geometry = featureMate.getGeometry(); int numGeometries = geometry.getNumGeometries(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for( int g = 0; g < numGeometries; g++ ) { Polygon geom = (Polygon) geometry.getGeometryN(g); Coordinate[] coords = geom.getExteriorRing().getCoordinates(); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(0, POLYLINE)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(8, layerName)); SimpleFeature feature = featureMate.getFeature(); handleLTYPE(feature, sb); handleELEVATION(feature, sb); handleTHICKNESS(feature, sb); handleColor(feature, sb); double elev = Double.NaN; if (elevationAttrName != null) { Double tmp = featureMate.getAttribute(elevationAttrName, Double.class); if (tmp != null) { elev = tmp; } } sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(66, 1)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(10, ZERO)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(20, ZERO)); coords[0].z = elev; if (!Double.isNaN(coords[0].z)) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(30, ZERO)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(70, 9)); for( int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++ ) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(0, VERTEX)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(8, layerName)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(10, coords[i].x, precision)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(20, coords[i].y, precision)); coords[i].z = elev; if (!Double.isNaN(coords[i].z)) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(30, coords[i].z, precision)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(70, 32)); } sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(0, SEQEND)); for( int h = 0; h < geom.getNumInteriorRing(); h++ ) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(0, POLYLINE)); if (suffix) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(8, layerName + SUFFIX)); else sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(8, layerName)); handleLTYPE(feature, sb); handleTHICKNESS(feature, sb); handleColor(feature, sb); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(66, 1)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(10, ZERO)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(20, ZERO)); coords[0].z = elev; if (!Double.isNaN(coords[0].z)) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(30, ZERO)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(70, 9)); coords = geom.getInteriorRingN(h).getCoordinates(); for( int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++ ) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(0, VERTEX)); if (suffix) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(8, layerName + SUFFIX)); else sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(8, layerName)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(10, coords[i].x, precision)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(20, coords[i].y, precision)); coords[i].z = elev; if (!Double.isNaN(coords[i].z)) sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(30, coords[i].z, precision)); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(70, 32)); } sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(0, SEQEND)); } } return sb.toString(); } private static void handleLAYER( SimpleFeature feature, String layerName, StringBuilder sb ) { Object attribute; attribute = FeatureUtilities.getAttributeCaseChecked(feature, LAYER); if (attribute != null && !attribute.equals("")) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(8, feature.getAttribute(LAYER))); } else { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(8, layerName)); } } private static void handleTEXTHEIGHT( SimpleFeature feature, StringBuilder sb, boolean hasText ) { Object attribute; attribute = FeatureUtilities.getAttributeCaseChecked(feature, TEXT_HEIGHT); boolean hasTextHeight = attribute != null && !attribute.equals(new Float(0f)); if (hasTextHeight) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(40, feature.getAttribute(TEXT_HEIGHT))); } if (hasText && hasTextHeight) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(1, feature.getAttribute(TEXT))); sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(7, feature.getAttribute(TEXT_STYLE))); } } private static void handleColor( SimpleFeature feature, StringBuilder sb ) { Object attribute = FeatureUtilities.getAttributeCaseChecked(feature, COLOR); if (attribute != null && ((Integer) attribute).intValue() != 256) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(62, feature.getAttribute(COLOR).toString())); } } private static void handleTHICKNESS( SimpleFeature feature, StringBuilder sb ) { Object attribute = FeatureUtilities.getAttributeCaseChecked(feature, THICKNESS); if (attribute != null && !attribute.equals(new Float(0f))) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(39, feature.getAttribute(THICKNESS))); }else{ sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(39, 100)); } } private static void handleELEVATION( SimpleFeature feature, StringBuilder sb ) { Object attribute = FeatureUtilities.getAttributeCaseChecked(feature, ELEVATION); if (attribute != null && !attribute.equals(new Float(0f))) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(38, feature.getAttribute(ELEVATION))); } } private static void handleLTYPE( SimpleFeature feature, StringBuilder sb ) { Object attribute = FeatureUtilities.getAttributeCaseChecked(feature, LTYPE); if (attribute != null && !attribute.equals(BYLAYER)) { sb.append(DxfGroup.toString(6, feature.getAttribute(LTYPE))); } } }

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